Medical Terminology Complete Vocabulary PDF

Title Medical Terminology Complete Vocabulary
Course Medical and Technical Terminology
Institution University of Iowa
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All course terminology for Units 1-12...


-able ------tending to, inclined to, able to be -aceous ------having to do with, belonging to, characterized by, resembling -acious ------tending to, inclined to, able to be -al -ial ------related to, belonging to -al, -eal, -ial, -ual ------having to do with, belonging to, characterized by, resembling -algia ------condition of having pain in -an -ian ------related to, similar to -an, -ane, -ian ------having to do with, belonging to, characterized by, resembling -ance ------quality of being, state of being, act of, or result of being -ant -iant ------"person or thing doing": -ar ------having to do with, belonging to, characterized by, resembling -arium ------"place of": -ary ------"place of": -ary ------having to do with, belonging to, characterized by, resembling -ate ------having to do with, belonging to, characterized by, resembling -ate ------to make, to do something with -ate ------to make, to perform the act of -ble -bule ------"place of": -bula -bulum ------"place of": -cede ------To go, to come (s) -cide ------killing, murder -cle -cule ------"little". -cle, - cul- ------"act of," "result of," or "means of": -crum, -cr- ------"act of," "result of," or "means of": -culum ------"act of," "result of," or "means of": -ectomy ------cutting out, removal -ellus -ella, -ellum ------"little". -emia ------condition of the blood -ent -ient ------"person thing doing": -esce ------to begin, to become/grow -ete -t ------a person or thing doing -ette -et ------"little". -form ------form, shape -fuge ------flight, escape -fy ------to make, to cause to be -genesis ------birth, origin -grade ------step, degree -graphy ------writing, imaging -ia ------quality of being, state of being, act of, or result of being -ia -y ------state of, condition of, quality of -iasis ------diseased condition of -ic -tic, -ac ------related to, similar to -ic, -tic ------having to do with, belonging to, characterized by, resembling -ician ------specialist in, practitioner of

-ics -tics ------art, science, or study of -id ------tending to, inclined to, able to be -idium, -idion ------oncidium (a species of orchid with a "little swelling" on its lip), ophidion (eellike fish, a "little snake") -ile ------tending to, inclined to, able to be -ile, -il ------having to do with, belonging to, characterized by, resembling -ine ------having to do with, belonging to, characterized by, resembling -ion ------quality of being, state of being, act of, or result of being -isk, -iscus ------asterisk ("little star"), meniscus ("little moon") -ism -ismus ------condition of -ist ------one who practices or partakes in -istic ------related to, related to the process of -ite ------belonging to, similar to, derived from -itious ------tending to, inclined to, able to be -itis ------inflammation of, inflammatory disease of -itude ------quality of being, state of being, act of, or result of being -ity (-ety, -ty) ------quality of being, state of being, act of, or result of being -ium ------part, lining or enveloping tissue, region -ium, -ion ------bacterium ("little rod"), opium (dim. of "juice"), pterion ("little wing") -ive ------tending to, inclined to, able to be -ize ------to make, to cause to be -ize ------to make, to do something with -kinesis ------movement -lent ------full of -logy ------study or science of -lysis ------dissolution, breaking apart -ma -m, -me ------result of the act of -mania ------madness, obsession -men, -min- ------"act of," "result of," or "means of": -ment ------"act of," "result of," or "means of": -mentum ------"act of," "result of," "means of": -nomy ------study or science of -oid -ode ------similar to, having the shape of -oma ------tumor of, swelling of, diseased condition of, result of -opia ------condition of the vision -or ------"person or thing doing": -or ------quality of being, state of being, act of, or result of being -orium ------"place of": -ory ------"place of": -ory ------tending to, inclined to, able to be -ose ------full of -osis ------diseased condition of, act of, process of -ous ------full of -ous ------full of, related to, similar to

-pathy ------disease, disorder, feeling -ped(e) ------foot -philia ------intense attraction to or love for -phobia ------intense fear of or aversion to -phoria ------carrying or transporting -physis ------growth -plasty ------shaping, reconstruction -pose ------To put, to place -scope ------instrument for viewing -sis -sia, -sy, -se ------act of, process of, result of the act of -some ------body, structure -stasis ------condition, standing -sthenia ------condition of strength -stomy ------cutting of an opening or mouth -ter ------means of, place for -therapy ------treatment -tic -etic, -stic ------related to the act or process of -tomy ------cutting -trophy ------nourishment -tropia ------turning or inclination -trum, -tr- ------"act of," "result of," or "means of": -type ------form, model, example -ule -ole, -le ------"little". -ulous ------tending to, inclined to, able to be -ulus -ula, -ulum, -olus, -ola, -olum ------"little". -uous ------tending to, inclined to, able to be -ure ------"act of," "result of," or "means of": -us ------"act of," "result of," or "means of": -y ------quality of being, state of being, act of, or result of being 1 ------Mon1,000 ------Kil1/2 ------Hemi 2 ------Di3 ------Tri4 ------Tetr5 ------Pent6 ------Hex7 ------Hept8 ------Oct9 ------Enne10 ------Dec100 ------Hecta- an- ------not, without ab-, a-, abs- ------away from, from

abdomen, abdomin- ------abdomen acanth- ------thorn Achilles tendon ------a powerful tendon that attaches the lower muscles of the legs to the heel; Thetis, the mother of the famous Homeric warrior Achilles, said to have dipped her son into the River Styx while holding him by the heel so that he could become immortal, but as his heel was never fully immersed in the water, he died when struck by an arrow in this unprotected area (also called by the more descriptive title "calcaneal tendon," i.e., "tendon of the heel") acou-, acu- ------to hear acr- ------extremity, summit Act-, ag- ------to do, act ad-, ac-, af-, ag-, ------to, toward, near aden- ------gland Adip- ------fatty tissue aer- ------air, gas aev- (-ev-) ------age, period of time agon- ------to compete, to strive al- ------wing alg- ------pain all- allel- ------other, different other, each other Alpha ------Α, α, a Alzheimer's disease ------disturbance and personality a progressive central neurodegenerative disorder marked by memory changes, progressing to severe neuropathologist and psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer (carly dementia, first described by German 20th century) ambi-, ambo- ------both, around ambul- ------to walk ammonia ------a colorless, water-soluble alkaline gas that can be toxic in high concentrations; so called because it was emitted by sal ammoniacus ("salt of Ammon"), a salt obtained by the Romans near the temple of Jupiter Ammon in Egypt (the Egyptian deity Amun was king of the gods and was therefore associated with the Greek Zeus and the Roman Jupiter) Amnesia ------αμνησία Amphi- ------both, around ana- an- ------up, back, again andr- ------man, male angi- ------vessel anim- ------soul, spirit ann- (-enn-) ------year Ante- ------Before, in front of Anthrax ------ανθραξ anthrop- ------human being Anti- Ant- ------against, opposite antr- ------cavity aper-, apert- ------to open aphrodisiac ------a drug that increases sexual libido; from a Greek word meaning "having to do with Aphrodite," the goddess of love and sex

Apo- ------from, off, away Aqa(a)- ------Water arachn- ------spider arch-, arche- ------ancient, beginning argyr- ------silver arter-, arteri- ------artery arthr- ------joint Articul- ------Joint aster-, astr- ------star asthm-, asthmat- ------short breath, panting Atlas (vertebra) ------the first or uppermost cervical vertebra, which articulates with the occipital bone above and supports the skull; so named from Atlas, a mythic giant born from the Titan lapetus, responsible for holding up the vault of the heavens (in some accounts, a punishment for his involvement in the rebellion of the Titans against the Olympian gods) atri- ------chamber atropine ------a poisonous alkaloid occurring naturally in deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna); called by the name of Atropos ("Inflexible"), one of the Greek Fates, the goddesses responsible for apportioning to humans their respective lifespans Aud-, audit- ------to hear aur- ------ear auscult-, auscultat- (Lat.) ------to listen aut- ------self av- ------bird ax- ------axis bacter- ------rod Bacteria ------βακτήρια bal-, ball-, bol-, ble- ------to throw, to put bar- bary- ------weight, pressure heavy Ben(e)- ------Well Beta ------B β, b bi- ------life blast- ------embryonic cell blephar- ------eyelid botan- ------herb, plant brachi- ------arm brady- ------slow Brev- ------Short bronch-, bronchi- ------air tube Bucc- ------Cheek, Mouth bulli(t)- ------to boil cac- ------bad Cad-, cid- ------to fall Caesarean section ------delivery of a child by incision through the walls of the abdomen when natural birth cannot take place; so called because it was thought that an ancestor of Julius

Caesar was born in this way, though this may simply be a hypothesis based on the similarity between the name Caesar and the Latin verb caedere ("to cut") calci- ------limestone, calcium cand- ------to glow white capill- ------hair (on the head) capit-, -cipit, -ceps ------head Caps- ------Box, Container Caput Medusae ------dilated cutaneous veins around the umbilicus; so called because of a perceived resemblance between the veins and the head of the snake-haired Medusa (note the genitive singular Medusae; see p. 129) carcin- ------cancer card-, cardi- ------heart carp- ------wrist cata- cat- ------down, against, according to cau-, caus-, cauter- ------to burn caud- ------tail cav- ------hollow Ced- ------To go, to come (p) Celer- ------Quick cell- ------room cent- ------one hundred (100) centr- ------center cephal- encephal- ------head brain cer- ------wax Cerebr- ------Brain Cern-, Cret- ------to separate, to distinguish cervix. cervic- ------neck Cess- ------To go, to come (p) cheil- ------lip Chi ------Χ χ, ch chimerism ------monster depicted as an amalgam of a lion, goat, and serpent mutation, transplant, or some other process; named from the chimera, a hybrid in genetics, the presence of cells of different origin in an individual, whether by chir-, cheir- ------hand chol-, chole- ------bile, gall chondr- ------cartilage, granule chrom-, chromat- ------color chron- ------time chyl-, chym- ------juice Cid-, cis- ------cut, kill cili- ------eyelid, eyelash circ- ------circle, ring circum-, circu- ------around clav- ------key

cleid- ------clavicle clos-, clud-, clus- ------to shut, to close cly-, clys- ------to wash Colon ------κολον colp- ------vagina con-, co-, com- ------with, very, together Contra- ------Against, opposite copr- ------excrement cord- ------heart cori- ------skin corn(u)- ------horn coron- (Lat.) ------crown corpus, corpor- ------body cortex, cortic- ------bark, outer layer Cosmos ------κόσμος cost- ------rib crani- ------cranium crem-, cremat- ------to burn cri- crin- ------to separate to secrete cry- ------cold crypt- ------hidden cub-, cumb-, cubit- ------to lie down, to recline cuspid- ------point Cuss- ------To shake, to strike cut- ------skin Cut- ------To shake, to strike cycl- ------circle, wheel cyst- ------bladder, sac cyt- ------cell dacry- ------tear dactyl- ------finger, toe De- ------Down, away, off decem-, dec- ------ten (10) Delta ------Δ δ, d dent- ------tooth derm-, dermat- ------skin dia- di- ------through, across, between diet-, diete- ------to regulate digit- ------finger, toe dilat- ------spread out dis-, di-, dif- ------apart don-, donat- ------to give dorm-, dormit- ------to sleep dors- ------back

du-, second- ------two (2) Duc- duct- ------lead, draw dynam-, dyn- ------power Dys- ------bad, disordered, difficult Dyslexia ------δυσλεξία Ec- Ex- ------out, out of Ecto- Exo- ------outside, external ede- (oede-) ------to swell eme-, emet- ------to vomit en- el-, em- ------in, into, inward endo- ento- ------within, inner enter- ------intestine Epsilon ------Ε ε, e epі- ep- ------upon, on, to, in addition to equ- ------equal, even erg- ------work err- ------to wander Eso- ------inside, internal esthe- (aesthe-) ------to feel, to perceive Eta ------Η η, e Ether ------αίθηρ Eu- ------Well, good, normal eury-, eurys-, euryn- ------wide Eustachian tube ------a channel that establishes the connection between the nasopharynx and the tympanic cavity and serves to adjust the pressure in the cavity to external pressure; named after the Italian anatomist Eustachius (16th century) ex-, e-, ec-, ef- ------out, from Extra- ------Outside, beyond fac- (-fic-), fact-(-fect-) ------to make, to do faci- ------face facies Hippocratica ------a shrunken, pale aspect of the countenance immediately before death; so named because the description of this condition is found in the Hippocratic writings (Prognostic 2) Fallopian tube ------a long, slender tube that extends from the upper lateral cornu of the uterus to the region of the ovary of the same side; named after the Italian anatomist Fallopius (16th century) farc-, farct- (Lat.) ------to stuff, to cram fasci- ------band, bundle febr- ------fever femur, femor ------femur, thigh fer-, lat- ------to bear, to produce ferr- ------iron fibr- ------fiber fid-, fiss- ------to split

fil- ------thread firm- ------strong, able flect-, flex- ------to bend flor- ------flower flu-, -flux ------to flow foli- ------leaf foll- ------bag for- ------to bore, to pierce fract-, frag-, frang- (-fring-) ------to break, to bend front- ------forehead fund-, fus- ------to pour, to melt fur- ------to be angry furc- ------fork Galen vein ------either of the internal cerebral veins or the great cerebral vein; named after Galen, the great Greek physician of the 2nd century AD gam- ------marriage Gamma ------Γ γ, g gangli- ------knot, mass of tissue gaster-, gastr- ------stomach ge- ------earth gen-, gene-, gon- gon- ------to be produced seed Genesis ------γένεσις ger-, geront- ------old person, old age ger-, gest- ------to carry, to bear germ-, germin- ------sprout, bud, germ geu- ------to taste gigantism ------abnormal overgrowth or excess in stature, named from the Giants (Lat, and Gk Brsut gigantes), blood a race of monstrous creatures that were born from Gaia ("Earth") and falling from the castrated genitals of Ouranos ("Sky"); also Spelled "giantism" gingiv- ------gums glabr- ------smooth glob- ------sphere, lump gluc-, glyc- ------sugar glutin- ------to glue gno- ------to know gon-, goni- ------angle grad-, gress- ------to go, to step gran- ------grain, seed graph- -gram ------to write thing written grav- ------heavy greg- ------flock, herd gyn-, gyne-, gynec- ------woman, female gyr- ------ring, circle habit-, habitat- ------to dwell

hal-, halit- ------to breathe hap-, hapt- ------to grasp, to fasten hedr- ------seat, plane Heimlich maneuver ------a method of dislodging food or other material from the throat of a choking victim, effected by the sudden application of upward thrust into the abdomen between the navel and the sternum; developed by American thoracic surgeon Henry J. Heimlich and described by him in a 1974 publication heli- ------sun Helix ------ηλιξ hem-, hemat- ------blood Hemophilia ------αίμοφιλία hepar-, hepat- ------liver her-, hes- ------to stick herb- ------grass hermaphrodite ------female sex organs, so called because of the conjoined with the nymph mythical figure a person or animal with both male and Hermaphroditus, the son of Hermes and Aphrodite who became Salmacis, after which he possessed a dual sexuality heter- ------other, different hi-, hiat- ------to stand open, to gape hidro- ------sweat hol- ------whole, entire hom-, home- ------same, similar hydr- ------water, fluid Hydrophobia ------υδροφοβια hymen ------a membranous fold that partially or wholly occludes the external orifice of the vagina; the Greek word hymen, "membrane," may be of the same origin as the name Hymen, the Greek and Roman god of marriage, although this etymology is disputed Hyper- ------over, excessive, more than normal hypn- ------sleep hypo- hyp- ------below, deficient, less than normal hyster- ------uterus i-, it- ------to go iatr- ------doctor, treatment Ict- ------Stroke, blow ide- ------idea, mental image idi- ------one's own, distinct ili- ------flank, hip in-, il-, im-, ir- (negative) ------not in-, il-, im-, ir- (positive) ------into, on Infra- ------Below inguin- (Lat.) ------groin Inter- ------Between, among Intra- ------Within iod- ------violet colored

Iota ------Ι ι, i irid- ------iris, rainbow is- ------same equal, isch- (Gk.) ------to suppress islets of Langerhans ------microscopic structures scattered endocrine part (the beta cells word insula, "island"); named after Langerhans, who was the first to describe them throughout of this group produce insulin, 19th-century German the pancreas and comprising its from the Latin anatomist Paul Ject- ------To throw Juxta- ------By the side of, close to Kappa ------Κ κ, c/k kary- (cary-) ------nucleus ker-, kerat- ------horn, cornea kine- ------to move lab-, laps- ------to slip, to fall lact- ------milk Lambda ------Λ λ, l lamin- ------thin plate lapar- ------abdomen laryng- ------larynx Later- ------Side, flank Leishmaniasis ------an infection caused by Leishmania, a parasitic protozoon of worldwide distribution; named after Scottish pathologist William Boog Leishman (1865-1927) lep- ------to seize lept- ------thin, delicate Leukemia ------λευκαιμία lig-, ligat- ------to bind lign- ------wood ling- ------tongue lip- ------fat, fatty tissue liqu- ------liquid Listeriosis ------an infection caused by Listeria monocytogenes, a widespread pathogen in for his work in antisepsis (he is also the namesake of Listerine mouthwash) humans and animals; named after Joseph Lister (1827-1912), who was known lith- ------stone loc-, locat- ------place, to place log- ------word, speech, study Lou Gehrig's disease ------progressive degeneration of the motor lateral sclerosis (i.e, a hardening in the lateral neurons in the brain and spinal cord; formally known as amyotrophic baseball player who was diagnoscd of muscle nourishment); named after Lou Gehrig (19031941), a professional spinal column associated with a lack with this discase lu-, lut- (Lat.) ------to wash lubric-, lubricat- ------to make smooth luc- ------light, to shine

ly-, lys- ------to loosen, to dissolve lymph- ------water, lymph macr- ------large, long macul- ------spot magn- ------great Mal(e)- ------Badly, poorly mamm- ------breast man-, mani- ------madness man(u)- ------hand mast- ------breast matr-, matern- ------mother Matur- ------Ripe, fully grown me-, meat- ------to go, to pass through medi- ------middle mega(1)- ------great, large men- ------moon, menstruation mening- ------membrane Ment- ------Mind mer- ------part mercury ------a metallic element that is a silvery white liquid at room temperature; named from Mercury, the Roman messenger god presiding over commerce, travel, and boundaries (identified with the Greek Hermes); some elements known in antiquity were associated with the planets (e.g., the Sun and gold, Mars and iron), and likewise mercury was associated with the god/planet of the same name, perhaps because of its mobility (cf. the alternative name "quicksilver"); the Greek name hydrargyros ("liquid silver") gives the element its symbol, Hg mes- ------middle meta- met- ------after, change, transfer metr- ------uterus metr-, -meter ------meter, measure micr- ------small mill-, ------Thousand (1000) Mis(s)- ------To send Mit(t)- ------To send mitr- (Gk.) ------bandage, waistband mne- ------to remember mol- ------mass, bulk moll- ------soft mons Veneris ------the mons pubis ("pubic mound") of a woman, i.e., a rounded, fleshy prominence over the pubic bone; lit. "mound of Venus," named after the Roman goddess of love and sex, corresponding generally to the Greek Aphrodite (Veneris is the genitive singular of the third-declension noun Venus) morb- ------disease morph- ------form, shape

morphine ------the principal alkaloid of opium, Morpheus, the mythological used mainly as a nar...

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