Medical Terminology Memo PDF

Title Medical Terminology Memo
Author Anonymous User
Course Medical Terminology 180
Institution University of Pretoria
Pages 43
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MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY for students of the health profession (Second Edition) CHAPTER 2: BASIC GREEK-DERIVED MEDICAL TERM COMPONENTS PART 1 Exercise 1

1. anti-/LY-/-sis: prevention of lysis 2. a-/STHEN-/-ia : lack of strength 3. BI-/-o-/LOG-/-y: study of life and living things 4. BRADY-/AESTHES-/-ia: slowness of perception 5. BRADY-/PNOE-/-a: abnormally slow breathing 6. CEPHAL-/ALG-/-ia: headache 7. CHEIR-/-o-/-SPASM: spasm of the muscles of the hand 8. dys-/LOG-/-ia: difficulty in expressing ideas 9. hyper-/ALG-/-ia: excessive sensitivity to pain 10. HYPN-/-o-/an-/AESTHES-/-ia: the use of a hypnosis

(putting to sleep) as a medium of


11. HYPN-/-otic: (1) a medium used to put to sleep (2) an agent that causes insensitivity to pain 12. LIP-/-o-/PEN-/-ia: a condition of deficiency of lipids (fats) 13. LITH-/-iasis: formation of calculi and concretions 14. LITH-/-o-/LOG-/-y: the study of calculi 15. LOG-/-o-/PLEG-/-ia: paralysis of the speech organs 16. MACR-/-o-/CHEIR-/-ia: abnormal largeness of hands 17. MALAC-/-ia: softening of tissues 18. MICR-/-o-/CHEIR-/-ia: abnormal smallness of hands 19. POLY-/CHEIR-/-ia: condition of having many hands 20. POLY-/PNOE-/-a: rapid breathing 21. SCLER-/-osis: hardening/induration of an organ 22. TACHY-/RHYTHM-/-ia: abnormal rapidity of heart action Exercise 2

1. hyperalgesia: excessive sensitivity to pain 2. biology: science of life 3. lipolysis: decomposition of fat 4. rhinostenosis: obstruction of the nasal passage 5. arrhythmia: irregularity of heartbeat 6. bradyrrhythmia: slowness of heartbeat 7. asthenia: lack/loss of strength 8. cephalalgia: headache 9. paraspasm: muscle spasm of the lower extremities 10. paraplegic: paralysis of the lower part of the body 11. polyaesthesia: sensation of a single stimulus in two or more places

12. rhinolith: a nasal concretion 13. rhinologist: a specialist of the nose 14. rhinology: the science of the nose 15. sclerosis: hardening of an organ 16. tachypnoea: rapid breathing Exercise 3

1. analgesia: b absence of normal sense of pain 2. anencephaly: j absence of brain and cranial vault 3. bradyrrhythmia: n slow heartbeat 4. cephalodynia: a headache 5. cephaloplegia: e paralysis of the head muscles 6. cheiromegaly: m abnormally large hands 7. dyscephaly: o malformation of the head 8. dyslogia: d difficulty in expressing ideas 9. dyspnoea: p shortness of breath 10. dysrrhythmia: i disturbed rhythm 11. hypnosis: q subconscious condition 12. hypoaesthesia: f dulled sensitivity to touch 13. litholysis: g dissolving of calculi 14. microcheiria: j smallness of hands 15. paralgia: c abnormal pain 16. rhinaesthesia: h sense of smell 17. stenosis: k constriction/narrowing of a passage Exercise 4 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Exercise 5

a) each term has an ending consisting of a combining form and a suffix b) each bold part forms the second part of the term c) each bold part represents the main element of the term’s total meaning CHAPTER 3: BASIC GREEK-DERIVED MEDICAL TERM COMPONENTS PART 2 Exercise 1

1. an-/AEM-/-ia: reduction in the number of circulating red blood cells 2. ana-/STOM-/-osis: (1) natural communication between two vessels (2) a surgical of pathological condition of two tubular structures

3. ANGI-/-itis: inflammation of a blood or lymph vessel 4. ANGI-/-o-/-GRAM: a radiographic record of the size, shape and location of the heart’s blood vessels 5. ARTHR-/-o-/CLAS-/-ia: an artificial breaking of adhesions of an ankylosed joint 6. CEPHAL-/-o-/MENING-/-itis: inflammation of the cerebral meninges

7. CHOL-/ANGI-/-itis: inflammation of the bile duct 8. CYST-/-o-/LITH-/-iasis: formation of calculi in the bladder 9. CYT-/-o-/GEN-/-esis: the origin and development of a cell 10. DACTYL-/-o-/MEGAL-/-y: abnormal size of fingers and toes 11. dys-/AESTHES-/-ia: abnormal sensations on the skin e.g. numbness, prickling, tingling, etc. 12. ENCEPHAL-/-itis: inflammation of the brain 13. ENCEPHAL-/-o-/MENING-/-itis: inflammation of the brain and its membranes 14. endo-/SCOP-/-e: a device for observing the inside of a hollow organ or cavity 15. ENTER-/-o-/ana-/STOM-/-osis: an intestinal anastomosis 16. ENTER/-o-/CHOLE-/CYST-/-o-/TOM-/-y: an incision into both the gall bladder and the intestine 17. ERG-/-o-/GEN-/-ic: having the ability to increase work (potential of work) output 18. HAEMAT-/-oma: a benign tumour containing blood 19. HAEM-/-o-/PHOB-/-ia: an aversion to see blood or bleeding 20. HAEM-/-o-/POIE-/-sis: the production and development of blood cells 21. HAEM-/-o-/RRHAG-/-ia: severe internal or external discharge of blood (also haemorrhage) 22. HEPAT-/-o-/CYT-/-e: a parenchymal liver cell 23. HEPAT-/-o-/GRAPH-/-y: radiography of the liver 24. HEPAT-/-o-/LITH: a calculus in the liver 25. HEPAT-/-o-/LITH-/ec-/TOM-/-y: surgical removal of a calculus from the liver 26. HEPAT-/-o-/LOG-/-ist: a specialist in the diseases of the liver 27. HEPAT-/-o-/MEGAL-/-y: enlargement of the liver 28. HEPAT-/-o-/RRHEX-/-is: rupture of the liver 29. HYDR-/-o-/-STAT: a device that maintains water level in a container at a predetermined level 30. hyper-/AESTHES-/-ia: an increased sensitivity to sensory stimulus 31. hyper-/PLAS-/-ia: excessive growth 32. IDI-/-o-/PATH-/-ic: pertaining to conditions without recognizable cause 33. LEUK-/AEM-/-ia: a malignancy of the blood forming cells of the bone marrow 34. LEUK-/-o-/POIE-/-sis: white blood cell production 35. MACR-/-o-/DACTYL-/-ia: excessive size of one or more digits 36. MACR-/-o-/DACTYL-/-y: having very large fingers or toes 37. MENING-/-itis: inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cords and brain 38. MENING-/-o-/ENCEPHAL-/-itis: inflammation of the brain and its meninges 39. MICR-/-o-/CEPHAL-/-ia: abnormal smallness of head 40. MORPH-/-o-/GEN-/-esis: the establishment of the form of the body and its organs during development

41. MORPH-/-o-/GRAPH-/-y: classification of organisms by form and structure 42. par-/ENCEPHAL-/-ia: congenital defect of the brain 43. PATH-/-o-/LOG-/-ist: a specialist in diagnosing the abnormal changes in the tissues removed at operations and post

44. PHOB-/-o-/PHOB-/-ia: the fear of acquiring fears

45. RHIN-/-o-/PLAST-/-y: plastic surgery of the nose 46. SCLER-/-otic: pertaining to or affected with sclerosis 47. SCOP-/-o-/PHOB-/-ia: abnormal fear of being seen Exercise 2

1. aeitiopathology a study of 2. angiography a radiography/description 3. arachnoidactyly a (finger) condition 4. arthrodysplasia a abnormal development 5. arthroscopy a examination/visualization 6. arthrostenosis a narrowing 7. chiroplasty a plastic surgery/reconstructing 8. cholelithiasis a formation of calculi 9. cystoscope a instrument to view/investigate 10. cystoscopy a examinaion 11. cystotomy a incision in 12. cytopenia a deficiency 13. dactylospasm b spasm of 14. encephalograph b radiograph of the brain 15. encephalography a recording 16. encephalolith b a calculus of the brain 17. encephalomyelitis a inflammation of the spinal cord 18. encephalomyelopathy a disease of the spinal cord 19. enteralgia a pain (of) 20. enterodynia a pain (of) 21. enterostasis a cessation (of) 22. enterostenosis a narrowing/stricture (of) 23. ergogenic a productive 24. graphaesthesia a feeling of/ability to feel 25. graphophobia a fear (of) 26. graphorrhoea a flow (of) 27. haemolysin a agent that destroys 28. haemolysis a destruction/breaking down 29. haemorrhagia a severe discharge (of) 30. hepatectomy a excision/cutting (out) 31. hepatocholangiostomy a connection/communication 32. hepatogenic a originating 33. hepatomalacia a softening (of) 34. hepatorrhexis a rupture 35. hydrocyst b a cyst

36. hydromicrocephaly a condition of the head 37. lipogenic a producing 38. lithoclast b instrument used to break 39. pathogen b capable of producing disease 40. pathogenesis a origin of 41. spasmolytic a (1)breakingdown/counteracting (2)that which breaks down 42. splenomegaly a enlargement (of)


1. ACR-/-o-/CYAN-/-osis: bluish colour of extremeties 2. ADEN-/-oid/ec-/TOM-/-y: excision of the adenoids 3. ANKYL-/-o-/DACTYL-/-y: adhesion of two or more fingers/toes 4. ARACHN-/-oid-/-itis: inflammation of the arachnoid membrane 5. ARACHN-/-o-/PHOB-/-ia :morbid fear of spiders 6. ARTER-/-o-/SCLER-/-osis: hardening of the arterial walls 7. BLENN-/-o-/STA-/-sis: suppression of secretion from the mucus membrane 8. BRADY-/LEX-/-ia: abnormal slowness in reading 9. CELI-/-o-/ENTER-/-o-/TOM-/-y: incision in the abdominal wall to gain access to the intestines 10. CELI-/-o-/RRAPH-/-y: suture of a wound in the abdominal wall 11. CHROM-/IDR-/-osis: excretion of coloured sweat 12. COL-/-o-/COL-/-o-/STOM-/-y: the surgical formation of a passage between portions of the colon 13. COL-/-o-/CYST-/-o-/PLAST-/-y: enlargement of the bladder by attaching a segment of the colon to it

14. CRANI-/-o-/-CLAST: an instrument for crushing the foetal skull to facilitate delivery 15. CRANI-/-o-/STEN-/-osis: contracted skull due to premature closure of cranial sutures 16. CYAN-/-o-/DERM-/-a: bluish discolouration of the skin 17. DERMAT-/-o-/heter-/-o-/PLAST-/-y: a skin grafting from the member of a different species 18. DERMAT-/-o-/SCLER-/-osis: infiltration of the skin with fibrous material 19. dia-/GNO-/-sis: (1) denoting the disease a person has (2) using scientific and skilful methods to establish the cause and nature of a disease

20. DIPS-/-o-/-GEN: thirst provoking agent 21. ENTER-/-o-/RRAPH-/-y: stitching of an intestinal wound 22. ERYTHR-/-o-/CYT-/HAEM-/-ia: an enormous increase in the amount of circulatory red blood cells 23. GASTR-/-o-/ENTER-/-o-/ana-/STOM-/-osis: the formation of a passage between the stomach and

the small intestine

24. GASTR-/-o-/HEPAT-/-ic: pertaining to the stomach and the liver 25. GASTR-/-o-/PLAST-/-y: plastic surgery of the stomach 26. HIDR-/-o-/CYST-/-oma: small cysts that originate in the sweat glands (also hydrocystoma) 27. HIST-/-o-/HAEMAT-/-o-/GEN-/-ous: arising from the tissues and blood 28. HIST-/-o-/KINE-/-sis: movement of the tissues of the body 29. HIST-/-o-/PATH-/-o-/LOG-/-y: the microscopic study of diseased tissues 30. homo-/MORPH-/-ic: denoting two or more structures of similar size or shape 31. IATR-/-o-/GEN-/-ic: denoting response to medical or surgical treatment induced by the treatment itself

32. KIN(E)-/an-/AESTHES-/-ia: inability to perceive extent of movement 33. KINES-/IATR-/-ics: treatment by movement or exercises (syn. Kinesiotherapy) 34. LAPAR-/-o-/GASTR-/-o-/STOM-/-y: the surgical formation of a permanent gastric fistula through the abdominal wall

35. LAPAR-/-o-/SPLEN-/ec-/TOM-/-y: abdominal excision of the spleen 36. LEUK-/-o-/CYT-/-o-/PEN-/-ia: abnormal decrease of white blood corpuscles in the blood (syn. Leukopenia)

37. MELAN-/-o-/LEUK-/-o-/DERM-/-a: marbled/mottled/marmorated skin 38. MYEL-/-o-/CYT-/HAEM-/-ia: presence of an excess number of myelocytes

in the blood (syn.


39. MYEL-/-o-/dys-/PLAS-/-ia: defective formation of the spinal cord 40. MYEL-/-o-/PATH-/-y: any pathological condition of the spinal cord 41. MYEL-/-o-/SARC-/-omat/-osis: disseminated myelosarcomas (sarcoma:

cancer of connective


42. NOS-/-o-/POIE-/-tic: casing a disease (syn. pathogenic/pathogenetic) 43. OLIG-/-o-/DIPS-/-ia: abnormal lack of thirst 44. PAED-/IATR-/-ics: relating to the care of children and treatment of their disease 45. peri-/SPLEN-/-itis: inflammation of the peritoneal coat of the spleen 46. POLI-/-o-/ENCEPHAL-/-o-/MENING-/-o-/MYEL-/-itis: inflammation of the grey matter of the brain and spinal cord and their meninges

47. POLI-/-o-/ENCEPHAL-/-o-/PATH-/-y: disease of the grey matter of the brain 48. POLY-/CYST-/-ic: composed of many cysts 49. PY-/-oid: resembling pus 50. SARC-/-o-/ADEN-/-oma: a fleshy tumour of a gland 51. syn-/CEPHAL-/-y: the condition exhibited by syncephalus (=conjoined twins having a single head and two bodies) Exercise 2

1. acrodynia pain in extremeties 2. adenomatoid resembling a tumor of the gland 3. arachnodactyly spider fingers 4. celiogastrostomy surgical formation of a gastric fistula 5. coloenteritis inflammation of the mucus membrane of the small and large intestines

6. craniosclerosis abnormal thickening of the skull 7. craniomalacia softening of the bones of the skull 8. cyanhidrosis exuding bluish sweat 9. dermatology the study of skin diseases 10. dermatocyst a skin cyst 11. enterohepatitis inflammation of the intestine and liver 12. erythroderma abnormal redness of the skin 13. erythrocyanosis red or bluish discolouration of the skin 14. erythrocytosis an abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells 15. gastrosplenic pertaining to the stomach and spleen 16. gastrolithiasis the formation of calculi in the stomach 17. gastroplegia paralysis of the stomach 18. gastroenterocolitis inflammation of the stomach, small intestine and colon 19. hidradenoma tumor of the sweat glands 20. hidrocystoma small cysts originating in small sweat glands 21. histioacytosis abnormal amounts of histiocytes in the blood 22. histodiagnosis a diagnosis made from examination of the tissues 23. kineplasty a form of amputation enabling the muscle of the stump to impart motion to an artificial limb

24. myelopathy a pathological condition of the spinal cord 25. myelopoiesis development of bone marrow 26. nosophobia an abnormal aversion to illness 27. poliomyelitis inflammation of the grey matter of the spinal cord 28. pyodermatitis pus-forming infection of the skin 29. sarcomatoid resembling cancer of the connective tissue Exercise 3

1. arteriosclerosis narrowing of the lumen of the artery 2. blennogenic secreting mucus 3. celiotomy surgical incision into the abdominal wall 4. colonoscope instrument for examining the colon 5. colonorrhagia haemorrhage from the colon 6. dermatologist a physician specializing in skin disease 7. dermatology the science of the skin and its diseases 8. gastrectomy surgical removal of part or all of the stomach 9. gastrorrhexis rupture of the stomach 10. gastroscopy examination of the stomach and abdominal cavity 11. gastrocolostomy establishment of a permanent passage between the stomach and colon 12. haemolysin anything that causes the breaking down of red blood cells 13. histiolysis disintegration of tissue

14. histiogenesis the origin and development of tissues 15. laparorrhaphy suture of a wound in the abdominal wall 16. lipogenetic producing fat 17. myelotome instrument to dissect spinal cord 18. myelomalacia softening of the spinal cord 19. myelography radiography of the spinal cord 20. myelosclerosis hardening of the spinal cord


1. a-/CEPHAL-/-o-/CARDI-/-a a congenital absence of the head and heart 2. ACOUS-/-tic/-o-/PHOB-/-ia abnormal fear of loud sounds 3. an-/ACUS-/-ia total deafness 4. an-/AESTHES-/-ia partial or complete loss of sensation 5. ANDR-/-o-/GYN-/-oid a male possessing female features 6. ANDR-/-oid resembling a male; male like 7. an-/ERYTHR-/-o-/PLAS-/-ia absence of red blood cell production 8. auto-/EROT-/-ism self-gratification of the sexual instinct 9. CARCIN-/-o-/GEN-/-esis origin and development of cancer 10. CARDI-/-o-/CENTE-/-sis puncture of the heart 11. CARDI-/-o-/MY-/-o-/LIP-/-osis fatty degeneration of the heart muscle 12. CHEIL-/-o-/STOMAT-/-o-/PLAST-/-y plastic surgery and restoration of a lip and mouth 13. CHLOR-/AEM-/-ia increase of chloride in the blood 14. CYST-/-o-/PT-/-osis prolapsed into the urethra of the vesicle mucous membrane 15. dia-/RRHOE-/-a frequent passage of loose fluid and unformed stools 16. dys-/ENTER-/-ic pertaining to an intestinal disorder 17. end(o)-/ANGI-/-itis inflammation of the inner coat of a blood vessel (=endangium) 18. ENTER-/-o-/CEL-/-e hernia of the intestine through the vagina 19. epi-/DEM-/-ic a disease affecting many people at the same time in the same place 20. epi-/DERM-/-o-/LYS-/-is loosening of the outermost layer of the skin (epidermis) 21. EROT-/-ic/-ism a condition of sexual excitement 22. GYN-/ANDR-/-oid one having sufficient hermaphroditic sexual characteristics to be mistaken as a person of the opposite sex

23. hemi-/HIDR-/-osis sweating on one side of the body 24. hyper-/GNOS-/-ia a distorted/exaggerated perception 25. hyper-/TON-/-ia an excess of muscular or arterial tone

26. hyper-/TON-/-ous increased tension (as in muscular tension in a spasm) 27. hypo-/HEPAT-/-ia deficient liver function 28. ICTER-/-o-/GEN-/-ic causing jaundice 29. MYEL-/-o-/dys-/PLAS-/-ia defective formation of the spinal cord 30. MYEL-/-o-/RRHAG-/-ia haemorrahge into the spinal cord 31. MY-/-om/ec-/TOM-/-y removal of a portion of a muscle or muscular tissue (-m-: epenthetic sound – facilitates pronunciation)

32. NARC-/-o-/an-/AESTHES-/-ia anaesthesia produced by a narcotic 33. NECR-/-osis death of areas of tissue or bone surrounded by healthy parts 34. NEUR-/-o-/MY-/-o-/-s-/-itis neuritis complicated by inflammation of muscles affected by the nerves (-s-: epenthentic sound)

35. ODONT-/-o-/SCOP-/-y examination of the teeth and oral cavity using an odontoscope 36. ONYCH-/-o-/RRHEX-/-is abnormal brittleness and splitting of nails 37. ORTH-/-o-/PAED-/-ics medical specialty concerned with the form and function

of the musculoskeletal system. Prevention and correction of disorders of locomotors structures of body (eg. Muscles, joints etc)

38. OT-/-o-/RHIN-/-o-/LOG-/-y branch of medicine dealing with the ear and nose and their diseases 39. PACHY-/ONYCH-/-ia abnormal thickening of fingernails and toenails 40. PHARMAC-/-o-/dia-/GNOS-/-is the use of drugs in making a diagnosis 41. STEAT-/ADEN-/-oma sarcoma of the sebaceous gland 42. syn-/AESTHES-/-i-/ALG-/-ia a painful sensation giving rise to a subjective one of different character

43. TENON-/TOM-/-y/MY-/-o-/PLAST-/-y plastic surgery of a defective or injured tendon Exercise 2

1. anti-arthritic an agent preventing arthritis 2. antibiotic an agent defending against microorganisms 3. antihaemolysin agent/substance preventing destruction of blood 4. antihypnotic agent/substance preventing sleep 5. antilipidaemic agent/substance preventing the accumulation of fatty substance in the blood 6. antilysin agent/substance that opposes the action of lysis (destruction) 7. antinarcotic agent/substance that opposes action of a narcotic 8. antinerualgic agent/substance preventing neuralgia 9. antiuretic agent/substance preventing/relieving inflammation of a nerve 10. aphrodisiac agent/substance causing/promoting sexual drive Exercise 3

1. apyogenous not producing pus 2. cardiocentesis heart puncture 3. hepaticoenterostomy surgically creating an opening between the liver and intestine 4. gynaecopathy disease specific to women 5. myoendocarditis inflammation of the cardiac muscle wall and membraneous lining

6. haemonephrosis accumulation of blood in the renal pelvis 7. cystocele hernia of the bladder 8. gyniatrics treatment of disease specific to women 9. anerythroplasia absence of red blood cell from the bone marrow 10. hemihyperaesthesia abnormal sense of sensitivity to one half of the body 11. hypertonia an excess of muscle tone 12. hydrocele accumulation of fluid in a sac-like cavity Exercise 4

1. orthopnoea breathing without difficulty only in an upright position 2. neurocytolysis destruction of nerve cells 3. otonecrectomy excision of necrotic areas from the ear 4. adenomyoma a tumor containing glandular and smooth muscle tissue 5. arterioplasty repair of an artery 6. colopexotomy incision and fixation of the colon 7. dysodontiasis painful or difficult dentition 8. haemopathology the science of blood disorders 9. lithonephrotomy an incision of the kidney to remove a renal calculus 10. myokinesis muscle activity Exercise 5

1. antihyperlipida...

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