Mental Health Quick Quiz PDF

Title Mental Health Quick Quiz
Author Jazmine Eross
Course Mental Health and Illness
Institution Edith Cowan University
Pages 13
File Size 180 KB
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weekly quiz's questions plus answers ...


Mental Health Quick Quiz

Week 1 Good mental health is? Is a sense of wellbeing, confidence and self-esteem. It enables us to fully enjoy and appreciate other people, day to day life and our environment. Appreciate activities of daily living and life. To promote & maintain positive mental health a person should? - Exercise daily - Be able to talk about or express your feelings - Eat healthy meals - Get adequate sleep - Spend time with family and friends - Devlope new skills - Enjoy hobbies - Set realistic goals - Talk to a GP or health professional A person has a mental illness if the person has a condition that: - Disturbs thought, mood, perception, orientation and memory - Impairs (temp or permanently) the persons judgement or behaviours - Impairs the persons ability to engage in normal activities, affects their behaviour and how they interact with other people - Exaggerated feelings, thoughts and behaviours - Inability to function in everyday activities of life

Holistic and humanistic values underpin the development of mental health practice for many health professionals. They would include; -

A person-centred approach Compassionate care Work to achieve recovery Respect Safe environment

What is Mental Health

 A state of wellbeing in which every individual realizes his/her own potential ,can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make contribution to his/her own community The stigma of/around mental illness is; More than just a negative connotation, it invokes rejection, stereotyping and discrimination The general working principles for nurses and midwives to achieve positive outcomes for consumers living with mental illness would NOT include; -

Judgement Stigma Avoidance Mistrust Negligence of care

The nursing process - a framework for nursing practice in mental health should include;

A full mental health assessment, interventions that are person centered, a biophsycosocial approach to assessment, ongoing evaluation of recovery and treatement The co-morbidity of physical health & mental health is long standing. Causes of physical ill health are related to; -

Physiological Psychological Sociological determinents Lifestyle choices

The population with severe mental illness is vulnerable for a number of reasons due to the nature of the illness and co-morbidity. Physical complications may include; -

Diabetes Respiratory problems Cancer Cardiovascular disease Stroke Sexual health

Week 2 The therapeutic alliance; -

Enhances treatment outcomes Facilitates shared understanding Identifies patient strengths and potential barriers to treatment

Simple rules (skills) for nurse-patient engagement should include; - Treat with respect - Be genuine in your approach - Show empathy and understanding - Validation - Remember your role

Barriers to engagement from a client (patient) perspective may include? - Distrust - Stigma - Fear - The illness itself - Poor access to services

Resilience is ..... ? Used to explain the ability to cope with life events and to grow from the experience Vulnerability factors might include; - Genetic predisposition - Biological characteristics - Previous learning/history - Psychological traits The Stress-Vulnerability model is useful for identifying and treating mental illness. - Biological Factors - Psychological Factors - Social Factors - Risk Factors - Protective Factors Nurses would consider the following; - Biological Factors - Psychological Factors - Social Factors - Risk Factors - Protective Factors If a patient is displaying challenging behaviours the nurse should ; - Follow procedure - Assess risk - Try to calm and reassure - Seek help if needed De-escalation skills may include the following; - Remain calm - Remain unhurried - Allow adequate personal space - Avoid defensiveness - Maintain safety of patient and others Some helpful behaviours the nurse could engage to manage and respond to challenging behaviours are ? - Clear management plan - Set realistic goals - Set limits and boundaries - Be open and honest Week 3 A Mental Health Assessment is; A method of gathering information in a structured and comprehensive manner The components of a comprehensive mental health assessment include?


The MSE Physical assessment Risk assessment Background information Strengths Resources Challenges

The main diagnostic tool (used in Australia) to assist with the determination of mental disorders is the; The diagnostic and Statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM 5) The Mental State Examination is ? A semi structured interview to assess another persons current neurological and psychological functioning across several dimensions at “that point in time”

One (1) purpose of the MSE is to; Clarify the presence and extent of the persons MH problems and to evaluate the persons present mental state How many domains are assessed in the MSE? 10 Risk in the mental health context can be defined as; Whether a person has the potential for self harm, either actively or passively, or is considered to pose a risk for hurting someone else Some factors that may determine increased risk due to a person’s mental illness may be; - Psychosis - Paranoia - Loss of insight/judgement To maintain safety in the work environment and develop safe working practices (when interviewing or undertaking an assessment) would be to; - Let another staff member know where you are - Consider personal space - Interview in pairs (when possible) The continuum of suicidal behaviour; 1. Suicide ideation 2. Suicide threat 3. Suicide attempt 4. Suicide

Risk factors for suicide may include; (but are not limited to the following) - Pervious suicide attempt - Male and older than 85 - Indigenious heritage - Rural areas - Substance misuse - Recent losses - Situational crisis What are the aims of conducting a risk assessment? - Measures seriousness of intent - Establish means - Identify underlying issues causing distress - Identify supports - Determine possible future risk of harm Week 4 The 6 ethical principles are? - Autonomy - Beneficence - Non-malificence - Justice - Veracity - Fidelity Ethical 'concepts' in application to nursing include; - Privacy - Informed consent - Confidentiality - Paternalism For consent to be valid it must be? - Informed - Voluntary - Specific - Person must be competent to understand and communicate their decision Mental Health Legislation refers to laws.... ? Regarding the treatment, care and rehabilitation of consumers with mental illness An involuntary patient is someone ... Who has been admitted not necessarily against their will, but meets the criteria of admission/detention

A voluntary patient is someone who ? Came into the care facility of their own volition, choosing to go there because they were feeling they were not coping well or needed help The overall aim of the Mental Health Act (2014) W.A. is to ? Protect the public and provide care for people with mental illness in the least restrictive manner The Charter of Mental Healthcare Principles is ? A set of 15 expectations for patients who receive care and treatment at mental health services Identify three (3) main legislative framework's related to mental health ? 1. The mental health act (2014) W.A 2. Prisons act 1981 3. Mentally impaired accused act 1996 Forensic mental health refers to? The mental health services provided to people who are have been or are at risk of being involved in the criminal legal system (in some way) and exhibit symptoms of mental-ill health Treatment by forensic mental health services may be in; - The community - Prison - Inpatient services (hospitalization) Aims of forensic mental health services are to? - Treat mental illness - Minimise factors impacting on a person - Reduce likelihood of recidivism Week 5 Affective disorders are mental health problems that are characterised by? A consistent alteration in a persons mood that impacts on their thoughts, emotions and behaviours Mood disorders are distinguished by; - Severity - Persistence - Duration - Impaired functioning

Diagnosis of major depressive disorder (depression) would need at least 5 of the criteria (below) in the preceding 2 weeks ... (with significant reduction of functioning) may include... - Depressed mood - Sleep disturbances - Loss of energy or fatigue - Loss of pleasure in activities previously enjoyed - Impaired concentration Physiological responses to anxiety might include? - Increased heart rate - Increased BP - Hyperventilation - Dizziness - Nausea - Tremor/shaking Therapeutic interventions for anxiety disorders may include; - Anti-anxiety (anxiolytic ) medications - Cognitive behaviour therapy - Person strategies (mindfulness) Nursing & midwifery care for people experiencing anxiety might include? - Provide a safe supportive environment - Reassure - Manage medications - Reduce symptoms - Encourage relaxation techniques - Advocate - Refer to team Psychosis means ? Abnormal condition of the mind or “loss of contact with reality” Symptoms of schizophrenia are divided into negative & positive symptoms. Positive symptoms may include; - Hallucinations - Delusions - Disorganised thinking - Disorganised behaviour

The role of the nurse & midwife managing psychosis may include? - Engagement - Assess risk and safety - Medications


Manage environment Ongoing physical care Treat co-morbidities

Week 6 Contributors to the development of personality disorders can be; - Maladaptive family functioning - Poor attachment - Childhood mistreatment - Trauma experiences Examples of personality disorders are; - Paranoid - Borderline - Narcissistic - Antisocial - Avoidant Nursing & midwifery assessment of a person with personality disorders would include; - Risk management - MSE - Person centred care - Co-existing conditions (physical review) - Co-morbidity - Principles of care In this unit, I understand the term co-morbidity or co-occurring disorders to refer to the co-existence of ; Metal illness and alcohol/and or drug issues/problems Challenges associated with co-occurring disorders may include? - Physical health complications - Risk of suicide - Risk of relapse - Isolation - Stigmatization - Social impacts Harm caused by substance use can be? - Physical - Psychological - Social - Financial - Legal - All of the above

Some adverse effects of substance use on the physical wellbeing of the body may include? - Cardiovascular - Respiratory - Liver disease - Obsesity - Cancer - Peripheral nerve damage Harm minimisation is? An overall aim to minimise/limit the damage arising from the use of alcohol and other drugs to both individuals and the community Principles of nursing & midwifery treatment for individuals with co-occurring disorders should include? - Enagagement - Therapeutic alliance - Harm reduction framework - Negotiate treatment goals, plans and options - Involve family members and other care givers Week 7 Normal development may be affected by biological, psychological & environmental factors that may impact on a young persons wellbeing. These may include? - Biological vulnerability - Attachement - Nurturance - Protection - Support - Prenatal issues - Trauma - Family stressors The HEADSS framework is a psychosocial assessment that ..... ? Helps the nurse develop rapport, while systematically gathering information about the younger persons world including family, peers, school and intimate matters Principles of nursing & midwifery for younger people in the mental health setting should include? - Person centered care - Include family - MSE and risk assessment - Protective factors - Development considerations - Collateral information


A team approach

Anorexia nervosa is ? A serious, potentially life-threatening mental illness, characterised by an intense fear of gaining weight, body image disturbances, weight loss – due to persistent restriction of energy intake. Bulimia nervosa is ? Frequent episodes of binge eating followed by inappropriate compensatory behaviours such as self-induced vomiting to avoid weight gain Signs & or symptoms the nurse & midwife may identify for early recognition of eating disorders may include ? - Electrolyte disturbances - Amenorrhea - Rapid weight loss - Lowered modd - Obsessive behaviours - Negative body image - Isolation - Changes in food patterns/preferences Older people are particularly at risk of depression & anxiety especially where there are .... ? - Co-occuring physical health issues - Dementia - Diability - Experiencing bereavement - Loss of independence - Social isolation Delirium can be defined as? An acute organic disturbance of higher cerebral function associated with a decreased consciousness or awareness of ones environment – with an acute decline in attention and cognition

Dementia is .... ? An umbrella term covering a cast variety of neurocognitive impairments that interfere with memory and function

Week 8

Psychotropic drugs alter .... ? Chemical levels/ neurotransmitters in the brain which impact mood and behaviour The three (3) main neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) related to mental health disorders are; 1. Dopamine 2. Serotonin 3. Noradrenalin The primary aim of antidepressant medication is to ? Stabilise mood and feelings (including suicidal thoughts) The nurses role with regards to medication administration is an ongoing and holistic one. The role in medication administration would include? - Patient psychoeducation - Adherence - Side effects and symptom management - Safety and risk - Professional knowledge - Promote recovery Metabolic syndrome ( side effects of antipsychotic medications) may be seen in a number of physiological health issues. They may include: - Weight gain - Increased body mass - Hypertension - Hyperglycaemia - Non-fatty liver disease The following 'special populations' need to be considered when commencing a person on psychotropic medications; - Younger people: growth and development - Older people: physiological changes (kidney/liver function), polypharmacy - Pregnant/ breastfeeding women: placental barrier, breat milk Self -care is reliant on? - Self awareness - Reflection - Insight - Self-regulation - Planning - Commitment - Action - Evaluation

Reflective practice involves ..... ? Critical, rational and intellectual thinking, is about the action itself, deliberation on best practice choices and n exploration of the experience Staying healthy holistically for the nurse & midwife and hence 'self-care' may include ? - Physical health (diet, sleep, exercise) - Asking for help - Set limits - Practice mindfulness - Take time to stop and reflect - Identify personal values and beliefs - Mentorship and debriefing Week 9 Factors related to a person's cultural heritage and history that may increase their risk for mental illness could include; - Trauma or fight - Racism and discrimination - Cultural bereavement - Dislocation from community - Lack of established networks - Socially isolated - Change of traditional roles A culturally inclusive environment is one in which ...... ? The organisation has structures in place to ensure difference is respected, discrimination is not tolerated and the special needs of the culturally diverse people are accommodated. (this would also include respect, shared meaning, knowledge and experience, learning together with dignity and truly listening) When assessing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers, there are some important factors that need to be considered when undertaking an MSE . These might be ? - Appearance – assess in relation to community - Perceptions/hallucinations -may be spiritual health - Shyness (maybe considered flat affect or confused with sadness) - Consider language and responses - Insight maybe different as not “western model” of health and healing....

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