MG601 assessment 2 - analysis PDF

Title MG601 assessment 2 - analysis
Author Sabina RanaBhujel
Course Dynamic Leadership
Institution Torrens University Australia
Pages 14
File Size 234.1 KB
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LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PLAN Assessment 2: Dynamic Leadership MGT601

December 2, 2018

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Submitted by:

Robert Marshall

Sabina RanaBhujel 00264372T


Contents: Executive summary…………………………………………….3 Introduction……………………………………………………..4 Current role……………………………………………………..4-5 Selected time period…………………………………………….5-6 Leadership Development Plan………………………………….6 GROW model …………………………………………………..6-11 Goal setting……………………………………………….7-8 Reality……………………………………………………8-9 Options…………………………………………………..9-10 Will……………………………………………………….10-11 Conclusion………………………………………………………12 References……………………………………………………….1


Executive summary: This report is a summary of series of activities of my leadership development plan in accordance with the GROW model. This report will elaborate my current roles and responsibilities, the selection of a time period for the accomplishment of my goal, my plans according to the GROW model which has Goal setting, Reality, Options and Will. Likewise, it also consists of a framework of my plan like what am I setting as my goal and how will I shape myself with critical analysis of the present events in relation to the future.


Introduction: Being a 25 years old enthusiastic, generous and ambitious person, I am always enthralled and enchanted by the challenges in life. Right now, it’s a very challenging phase of my life as I am concerned about setting a goal for the career I dreamt of. I am currently studying my Masters of Public Health Advanced in Australia even though I did my undergraduate on Medical Laboratory Science back in my own country, Nepal. The main reason for this subject selection is the overwhelming condition of my country regarding the public health sector. So, I am willing to set up a 5 years period of time in order to prepare myself to tackle all the situations that I might face as a Public Health Officer. Also, I want to work as a media person who could influence thousands of people to spread the positive vibes and humanity with one another. This report will illustrate a short background of my current roles and responsibilities, selected time period and my preparations within this period and my leadership developmental plan in accordance with the Whitman GROW model.

Current role: Currently, I am studying Public Health where I am learning several lessons like;     

the roles of Public health officer in the community the role of Public health in shaping the health aspects the necessity of addressing the health needs of people the critical analysis of policies, advocacy strategies the economic, environmental and social determinants of health and many more.

Likewise, I am working in a cafe as a café all rounder where my roles and responsibilities are;  Maintaining the stock


   

Dealing with the suppliers Taking orders from the customers Preparing coffee and sandwiches Handling the cash using EFTPOS

This role has somehow enhanced my leadership quality as I have to deal with people from different countries and background, they indirectly teach me to be confident enough to deal with whatever comes in front. Similarly, I have to take the lead and manage my team time and again which includes; allocating the duties to all the team members, notifying them about the proper way of doing things that I learnt from my seniors and instructing them the rational use of the goods and most importantly time management.

Selected time period: My journey from the present context to the future designation requires lots of hard work, proper planning and preparations for better leadership. So, I have chosen a time period of 5 years which hopefully will be adequate to accomplish my goal. In this period, I will be approaching the formal and informal ways to increase my knowledge about leadership. The formal approach like the education that I am acquiring directly from the university and informal ways like things I learn from the everyday activities be it my work, reading books and novels or having discussions with the people around me. Additionally, I will participate in trainings and other programs that can strengthen my leadership journey. One of the vital aspects of leadership is time management. The leaders need to establish some strategies to achieve several personal and organizational goals in a certain time frame (Farrell, 2014). The reason for choosing 5 years is to complete all the necessary requirements for my future leadership journey. As, I have planned to work as a public health officer in my country, I need to first get knowledge about the recognition of public interests, their health needs, the ways that could be helpful to meet those needs, plans and policies and the stakeholders who could support this frame. In between this period, besides learning, I must also assess my


strengths and weaknesses like I did attempt the Gallup Strength Finder analysis. Recognition of the strong and weak points provides path to formulate a clear vision to further work on them. Similarly, getting feedbacks from family and friends is another major part during this time.

Leadership Development Plan: Leadership is a broad topic that cannot be covered or defined in a sentence and there are varying opinions of people about it. According to Warren Bennis, American pioneer of leadership studies, “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality through planning” (Psychology Today, 2018). And leadership development plan is an elaborated plan that enables a person to set career towards advanced leadership roles. Likewise, it is a tool that strategically guides a person throughout the phase of career growth and professional development (IMD Business School). There are different models and theories of leadership. The GROW model is one of the most popular and reliable one for the leadership development plan.

GROW model: The GROW model was designed by Sir John Whitmore, the G stands for Goals, R for Reality, O for Options and W for Will. This model provides a robust tool to maximize the inner potential and is famous globally for generating ability in problem solving as well as goal setting which further helps to gain personal productivity. Thus, is recognized as such a powerful tool of leadership due to its flexibility and its efficacy that overshadows the boundaries of personality, discipline and culture. The GROW model provides a platform for an individual to understand their aspirations, their current status, the opportunities and resources in front of them and the actions they will to take in order to achieve their goals (Performance Consultants international, 2015).


The main purpose for selection of the GROW model is because it will provide me a platform to spend my time to focus on my goal, I will get to explore my goal, it will also help me upraise my self-awareness, find solutions and actions to accomplish the target and I will be able to make commitment for my personal and professional development. Furthermore, it will help me to make effective changes to my current reality and move towards the desired objectives and goal with higher certainty, clarity, knowledge, thought and confidence within myself and my abilities. Likewise, the GROW model has wide range of applications that will give assistance to defeat the fear, procrastination, uncertainty and hesitancy by coordinating the goals with the current life reality and concluding a distinct plan that will help to overcome the major obstacles that one may confront on the journey of life (Sicinski, 2009). (G) Goal Setting: In the coming 5 years from now, I want to be in my country Nepal working as a Public Health Officer and also a media personality. A public health worker is someone who works as a leader taking all voices of the public to the related agency or organization or the government and try to bring them in favor of the people. Being the Public Health Officer, I want to work under the government of Nepal as a public servant and a democratic leader. I wish to recognize the health needs of people, the existing plans and policies to address the needs and necessary amendments required in order to meet their cravings. After recognition, I could take some necessary steps in collaboration with the organization where I work for the betterment of health and health facilities of my people. I will have to participate in several meetings, field works, data collection and analysis and surveys in order to get the idea about major health problems prevailing in the society. And afterwards, have to dissolve myself in search of the solution to those matters which should be transparent and rational to both the people and the stakeholders. People might find me as their representative to take their problems to the responsible department. If it was now, I could not do much for my people but by then, I will have gained authority in correspondence to my qualification as well as my knowledge and wisdom.


A media person has enormous power to deliver or convey right amount of information from correct sources to the people. A public health worker and a media person could go side by side as both involve working for the people. Being a media personality, I could deliver the information to the people. For example, if there is the problem of some communicable diseases or epidemics than after collaborating with the respective authorities, I could deliver the correct information to the people and side by side aware the people for applying the safety and preventive measures. Media has got power to boost the news.

(R)Reality: In the present, I am studying my master degree in Australia, trying to gain as much knowledge as possible. I work in a café as a café all rounder where I have got the opportunity to lead as a supervisor for my team. I have learnt to be a team player as well as got an ability to understand people’s nature. Working in a busy environment with people from many backgrounds and origins is a quite challenging task but I believe these challenges are the pillars for my success. I am studying Masters of Public Health Advanced where I am learning about different aspects of health like; social, environmental, economical and much more. I am learning about recognition of better health policies, policy analysis, advocacy strategies, leadership and development, global health issues and many more. All these knowledge are the building blocks for my future leadership. Knowing how to analyze a policy today can help me find out the drawbacks and shadowed portion of certain policies and advocate for a better policy that could overshadow the limitations and address the necessity of the public. Sometimes, while studying all these things, it strikes my mind that I am not good enough for studying Public Health as I don’t have a good base for this. Because I did my undergraduate in Medical Laboratory Technology, I have no much knowledge about the terminologies used in Public health. I find it very hard and question myself is it fair enough to do this, am I going the right way or not! And another major issue for me currently is the pressure to collect my college fees, my rent, travel and grocery expenses and as such. Remaining in a foreign land and all those challenges are frightening. But , when I see the news about my country,


when I hear it from other delegates and when I talk to my parents, I feel motivated and more currents of energy flow throughout my body, I get even more determined towards my goal. I feel the need of making myself a skilled manpower who can work for her nation and he people.

(O) Options: Reading of helpful materia ls like books, journals and articles could enhance the amount of information that I will obtain. Similarly, I can take some short courses to further polish my knowledge. Attending conferences would be equally beneficial as many highly qualified delegates put forward their theories and experiences in the conferences and it would be great to captivate the knowledge imparted from such people. Additionally, working here in Australia in the public health sector before I return to my country would be highly beneficial for achieving my goal because working here can make me more aware about the risks and obstacles that may or will appear while working as a public health officer. Moreover, working in different scenario would be a source of accumulating multiple ideas and experiences. For example, if I work here with some reputed organizations, it will have a positive impact on my career as well as my level of knowledge. The Public health Association of Australia (PHAA) would be one of the best choices as it is recognized as a core non-governmental organization for public health in Australia that promotes the health of every Australian and searches for better health outcomes in terms of prevention, equity and social determinants of health (Public Health Association Australia, 2018). Another possible option could be following some ideal person related to the field. No way could be found without any obstacles, I also might encounter many hindrances on my leadership path like;  Loss of faith on myself  Ignorance of the mistakes


 Refusing the help offered  Not letting the team to participate in the team work  Inability to face the power dynamics of leadership In order to overcome such difficulties, I need to be emotionally, mentally strong and should have faith on myself. Furthermore, like a good leader I have to respect the effort of my team mates and let them take part equally in the team work.

(W) Will: Accomplishment of goal will require abundant effort. I need to focus on my goal and dedicate myself in the preparation to achieve what I want to. For this purpose, besides the education, skill and knowledge, another major factor required would be support. Support of family, friends and colleagues will be necessary. The following things I have to do in order to secure my goal;  Hard work and dedication: In order to accomplish my goal, the first component required is hard work and dedication as there is no substitute of hard work. I have to be sincere towards my study and should very carefully manage the time to grab as much knowledge as possible. The capability to get things done and push them harder as compared to anyone else is significant if one is willing to succeed at anything (Nirumvala, 2015).  Personal Values: The major component of a competitive strategy is the personal values and aspirations of the superior management (Porter, 1980). According to Hambrick and Mason (1984) and Finkelstein & Hambrick (1996), the personal values act as a filter for how leaders understand and perceive the external environment and make strategic choice, behaviors and finally organizational performance. Likewise, I have to be careful enough to utilize my personal values as a perceptual filter.


 e-leadership: The term e-leadership may be called as the use of technology (Liu et al, 2018). For example, the use of internet to participate in e-conferences so that one can get and share ideas from one part of the world to another. Similarly, the use of emails to communicate for developing better skills related to leadership development and others. I can use all these measures to widen my capability to ensure my leadership plan goes accordingly.

 Revision and follow up: Revising what is done in the past, how that affected at that point, what is learnt from then and how it could be implied in the present is vital for a better outcome in the future. It is beneficial to conduct a short reflection and revision which helps find the original plan, goals and the activities that was planned and then track whether the things are going as planned or not. During this phase, it is must to be honest with own to know what is done, is it according to the plan or different but effective. This not only revises but enables to identify the further steps to be taken (Skills You Need, 2011-2018).


Conclusion: To conclude, my leadership development plan is a series of activities that consists of several steps like preparing myself from the everyday events, study and experiences I am gaining from learning in a different land with people having different background, working in a café and working as a leader in the group to identifying my personal values and using them in my favor, utilizing the technology as e-leadership and revising or reviewing of my plan. Investing my time to create a leadership vision has enabled me to value the plan that I have made and a hope to be an established leader in the future. Additionally, I have gained a sort of boosted confidence after working for the leadership development plan.


References: 1. Psychology Today, (2018). Retrieved from 2. Farrell, M. (2014). Leadership reflections: Leadership development through service. Journal of Library Administration, 54(4), 308-317. 3. IMD Business School. Retrieved from 4. Performance Consultants International, (2015). Retrieved from 5. IQ Matrix, (2009). How to use the grow model to set actionable goals Retrieved from 6. Public Health Association of Australia, (2018). Retrieved from 7. Porter, M. E. (1980). Competitive strategy: techniques for analyzing industries and competitors. 8. Finkelstein, S. and Hambrick, D. (1996). Strategic Leadership: Top Executives and Their Effects on Organizations, St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Company 9. Hambrick, D.C. & Mason, P.A. (1984). “Upper Echelons: The Organization as a Reflection of its Top Managers”. Academy of Management Review, 9, 193-206 10. Nirumvala, N. [NargesNirumvala]. (2015, June 21). Hard Work: The Most Underestimated Leadership Quality [Linkedin]. Retrieved from 11. Liu, C., Ready, D., Roman, A., Van Wart, M., Wang, X., McCarthy, A., & Kim, S. (2018). E-leadership: an empirical study of organizational leaders’ virtual communication adoption. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 39(7), 826-843. 12. Skills You Need, (2011-2018). Reviewing and Revising Personal Development Plans. Retrieved from


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