MGT 162 Group assignments (company) PDF

Title MGT 162 Group assignments (company)
Course fundamental of management
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 29
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Business plays a vital role in our society. It is an innovative and competitive endeavor that consistently leads to the shaping of our culture. By addressing needs and wanting people not to be happy to serve themselves, businesses are enhancing people’s quality of life and providing a better way of life. Our business name is Fashion Simona Company that is owned by Nurnajwa Nabilah who is our Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Each organization must have its own vision and mission. Along the same way, for our company, if we want to attract customers to engage our shop, we should have a tagline that can attract customers and try making them want to return back and get something in our store. Fashion is our company type and our business tagline is “Your Comfort is Our Priority”. Making the name of our business in the country is our main target.

Fashion originates from the Latin word ‘Facere’ which appears to mean to make it happen. Fashion is just what we actually imagine. It is the internal feeling of any human being that someone introduces to their own mind. Fashion is a term widely used in reference to fashion transformations in footwear, clothing, textiles etc. After a certain period of time, dress and fashion trends around the world are evolving extremely fast and constantly diversifying curiosity. A desire to be exclusive, intimation and variation are also some of the reasons for a transformation in fashion. Fashion varies from season to season due to temperature differences due to rain, humidity, heat etc. Fashion varies from one nation to another and various countries and they have different styles. Fashion is a culture of time, mindset, behaviours and actions that is shared by society and transmitted from generation to generation within that society.

Colors are an essential component of the branding of the company. When making the logo, we start by considering what each color says about the business. Understanding the right color combination will help us better express the message. Our logo team includes pink, white and black. We decided to use these three colors as our logo team as these three show that we are the type of company that fits the meaning and interest in it. We use pink in business applications because we think pink color has to do with compassion, warmth and optimism and understanding. Numerous charities want to use it as a central component of their marketing campaign. Color messages sent to our customer base can have a huge effect on our business performance. Mentally pink is linked to kindness, nurturing, affection and romance. Pink is inspiring, warm and reassuring, indicating hope and optimism. This fits the

mission of our business that we want our wonderful customers to feel happy and satisfied when they wear our clothing. It is relaxing and unthreatening. Biologically, it calms down and tries to reassure our emotional energies,

relieving feelings of frustration, hatred,

disappointment, abandonment and neglect. We understand exactly that White is a widely used standard. The color White reveals its own dignity, its innocence, its fullness and completion. The color White is among the most full and pure colors of beauty. The psychic of white is purity, innocence, completeness and comprehensiveness. In color psychology, White is the color of fresh beginnings, of clearing the canvas, so to speak. It's a blank canvas waiting to be published. The white color means that while our company is still fresh in the industry, we are responsible for shaping on our own business towards success. Although White is not stimulating the senses, it clears the way for the development or something the mind can think of. When using white color through business applications, we need to consider the features, attributes and mood of color with the psychological sense.

Last but not least, is the black color. Psychologically black is authority, strength and control. It can be threatening, unattractive and unlikeable in many cases. Alternatively, they can be seen as elegant, respectable and serious. Psychologically, it is intimidating and commanding although its strength can inspire confidence in others. We think that black seems to be so sophisticated and serious that is why we decided to use this color to make it look more charismatic. Black is extraordinary, definite. It is not easily mistaken and it is impressive in nature. It helps to build a sense of confidence. That is what our company needs, which is to offer our customers an exclusive look and feel luxurious but at the same time they can get it at an affordable price.


The definition of planning is to set goals and define the actions necessary to achieve those goals. Planning is concerned with ends (what is to be done) as well as with means (how it is to be done).

The meaning of vision is to identify the organization's future direction. Vision

statement describes where the organization wants to be in future also an organization's declaration of its mid-term and long-term goals, stating what they want to become in the future. Our vision is to entertain, develop high quality fashion and inspire people around the world through the power of comfort clothes, creative minds and reflective iconic brands that make our company the leading clothing retailer in the world.

The meaning of mission is the means by which an organization can fulfill its purpose. A mission statement describes what the organization needs to do now to achieve the vision also defines what line of business a company is in, and why it exists or what purpose it serves.Our mission is to become a main leader in the clothing industry. On the other hand, we also want to build a Fashion Simona Company that is trusted by customers and delivers quality service and value. We see our role as helping our customers to provide better quality of clothes and follow the trends.

Constructing a global, self-sustaining customer journey. Our goal is to preserve customer loyalty and facilitate brand recall while new customers are at the door. As FashionSimona expands into new markets, this is particularly important. As a company, we really value the customer journey.It’s about the entire experience, and when they have a memorable experience, then they’re more likely to come back and shop with us. FashionSimona agreed to complement their approach with advanced technology solutions to further improve their awareness of our customers. So, the objective is to be a company online fashion store, aimed to penetrate the West Asian market as it sees high market and consumer demand coming from the region.

Meanwhile, an operational plan is designed to implement specific action steps to support strategic and tactical plans. Our company uses a type of planning which is tactical planning. It governs the day to day operations of an organization. There are two types of operational planning which is standing plan and single use plan. We stick to a single use plan. Single-use plans a plan that is used to meet the needs of a particular or unique situation. Developed to carry out a course of action not likely to be repeated in the future. 3 types of single-use plans like programs, projects and budgets.

Programs: At Fashion Simona they work hard and play hard.They celebrate milestones and organise fun activities and events to keep their employees engaged throughout

the year like walk in ‘recruitment customer operations event’.

Project: All employees work together in a shared open-concept space which encourages cross-department discussions and collaboration. They bring employees together with a fresh, fun and vibrant environment where employees can be comfortable and feel at home. Budgets: Fashion Simona's target for this year is to double sales from a year ago and be profitable for the first time at the net level. It is led by a three-year strategy that is reforecast periodically, and we assume that the business still has far more space for growth in its current markets.


The Fashion Simona Company have the program decision and non-program decision which includes the nature of the problem, recurrence of problems, the method of solving, probability of outcome, level of management who is responsible for the problem and types of solution.

Firstly, when we talk about program decisions, the problems are routine and structure. For example, the problem that we have to face usually comes from customers or in the simple words customer complaints such as complaints about the services of the customer services. In this situation, the recurrence of a problem is repetitive which always gets the same feedback from the customer so the method to solve this problem is by using some policies or rules. Organizing structures needs to give employees more control. The primary way to increase control is to reduce rules and regulations. Employees are better able to satisfy customers when they have some control over the service encounter. So management needs to allow employees to adjust their behaviour to the changing needs and requests of customers. What customers do not want to hear are responses such as ‘I cannot handle this’, ‘you need to talk to someone else’ or ‘I’m sorry but that’s against our company policy’. The rules display that every complaint we must take a very fast action because when we do not react or give a good response we are likely to take a risk of losing our customer. The steps that we take is by having a meeting between the manager of fashion company operators and their team. The meeting functions to fix the problem that customers face by researching the weakness of the operators and finding the best solution for the problems. Actually, this problem will be provided by the middle or lower level of management which is the manager guide back to their team to be more understanding about customer problems and that is why the types of departmentalization is focused on the customer, without the customer our company will never raise to compete with the other company. The probability of outcome is some degree of certainty is involved where the manager knows exactly what will happen and able to predict the outcome precisely. Every company must have a rules and policies to protect and handle the behaviour of all their subordinates which is our company is good in discipline of every employee also the rules really help the company growing up quickly because when you have a good quality in management it will becomes interesting and it can attract the customer to stay with our fashion company.. For example, the rules or policies are when the customer has to report something about the service we as customer service must take initiatives from time to time as fast as we can to give the response on customer problems before the problem becomes worse and will lead to something negative that will ruin the image of the company. That is how our company handles the situation for the program decision. Next, it is about non-program decisions which are unique and unstructured. For

example, the problem about product out stock so the solution in this case is will handle by the top level manager which is the information will arrived towards to the manager who handle the stock of product and the manager will inform about the problem to the top level manager, so the top level manager will give full of responsibility on the problem like give suggestion another product that alike the product that out of stock to the customer. The recurrence of problems is non-repetitive which does not always happen to the customer so the method to solve the problem is by using managerial initiative which is to make the organization culture more customer responsive. These actions are designed to create employees with the competence, ability and willingness to solve customer problems as they arise. Our company focused in the hiring process on weeding out job candidates whose personalities aren’t people friendly. The reason why we really focused on hiring employees is because we have to hire the right one and for this it was assessed to have three attitudes in employees which is in service attitude, a people attitude and a helpful attitude that is because they can handle this situation well. Besides, probability of outcome is highly uncertain like the situation in which a manager or the company has neither certainty nor reasonable probability about the outcomes, also a condition under which there is not full knowledge of the problem and reasonable probabilities for alternative outcomes cannot be determined. Other than that, the types of how to handle the problem are by using good strategy and also having the ability in problem solving and crisis intuitive.


Fashion Simona Company organizational structure based on divisional departmentalization and network based departmentalization. Divisional departmentalization in this company divides the products into departments which are men's department, women’s department and kid’s department. In this organization, it is easier for a company to organize specific products under the authority of one manager. Each department has their own

structure to make production, sales and marketing on their own to more focus on specific customers. From this structure, the organization easily concentrates their expertise based on customers' high demands and handling the customers. This is Fashion Simona company organization chart :

From the organizational chart, everyone has their own position. All positions have different tasks and responsibility. The first one in the organization chart is CEO. A CEO is the person who is most important because the CEO makes decisions and arranges the company to be better in future. A CEO is the person who establishes strategy, policy and makes long term decisions. CEO also need to be expert in conceptual skills to analyse the hardest situation and respond quickly to the challenge faced by the organization.

Next, the second position in this organizational chart is Finance Manager. Finance Manager is the important role in the Fashion Simona Company. This is because, Financial Manager is the person who is responsible for managing finance in an organization. The business without finance can’t run smoothly because business acquires money to provide the clothes. Financial Managers must be experts in the budgeting process and healthcare finance. Next, the third position is Human Resources Managers. Human Resources Managers is

one of the important positions in the organization. Human Resources Managers is the person overseeing department in a whole Fashion Simona Company and overseeing the daily workflow of the department. Other than that, the Human Resources Manager is also the person who is responsible for recruiting, interviewing, hires and trains new staff in the department. The Manager provides support and guidance to other staff. Next, the fourth position is Production Manager. Production Managers are responsible for technical management and control of industrial production processes. The manager ensures the manufacturing process runs efficiently and the quality of the clothes meet customer requirements. For example, the manager will ensure health and safety regulations apply to all workers and the manager also monitors the production process to resolve problems. Next, the fifth position is Marketing Manager. Marketing Manager responsible for managing the promotion of the brand clothes that the company sells. The manager develops marketing and pricing strategies to generate more customers. The manager also manages market budgets and analyses current trends. The manager needs extensive knowledge of marketing strategies and the ability of communication to ensure the customers will be attracted to buy the clothes. Lastly, the last position in the organizational chart is Sales Manager. Sales Manager responsible to meet company revenues targets through activities of their sales representatives. Other than that, the manager also manages organization by implementing strategies and business plans that can expand the company customer base. The manager should know how to advise, coach and motivate until they create a high performance in the sales force. The great manager can achieve a hit sales target by successfully managing the sales team.

Next, the second structure in the company is network departmentalization. Fashion Simona Company collaborated with other logistic companies such as Ninja Van and JNT for item pickup and delivery. In this current situation, almost the customers are not able to go outside for shopping clothes because covid-19 cases increase rapidly. The Company uses this opportunity to sell the clothes at an online platform. At the same time, the company needs to alliances with company transportation to make the products easier to deliver to customers. Other than that, the company also collaborated with a local tailor to design the clothes. This is

because, local tailor is an expert about the trend of Malaysian people. For example, what fashion is most likely for young people. Next, Fashion Simona Company also collaborates with manufacturing in China. From this collaboration, the company can minimize the cost and maximize the profit. This is because, cost manufactured in China is more affordable compared to the cost manufactured in Malaysia. Next, the company also collaborates with online platforms to make advertisements with Instagram and Facebook. This collaboration gives benefits to companies to expand the market in Malaysia. This shows a network approach in Fashion Simona Company :

Fashion Simona Company's span of control is wide span. Wide span of control suitable with this company because this type of span easier for managers to guide and control the employees. Both employees and managers will have better communication to manage the organizing. This type of span of control also can lessen the cost of supervision. The employees can easily direct the manager, if they have any regarding problems with customers and problems with the clothes such as clothes defected and faded colours. Next, authority in this company is line authority. This authority suits this company because the company is directly involved in the day to day operations. At the same time, individuals are directly

involved through generating and selling the products. Most businesses must make decisions about general patterns of authority in an organization. For the sake of our company, we decided to use decentralized decision-making. The process of systematically delegating power and authority throughout the organization to middle and lower level managers. The advantage of using decentralization is less burden to the top management, staff get chances to decide, and develop skills and capabilities. It also allowed the divisional level to make the decisions, thus faster and speedier in execution. The decentralized relationships can also create problems in coordination and cause abuse of power. FashionSimona company also makes delegation in the organizing process. Delegation is important in organization to both managers and subordinates. Delegation helps subordinates to accomplish the task effectively. Delegation is th...

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