MHR Team Contract PDF

Title MHR Team Contract
Author Talha Hasan
Course Human Resources Management
Institution Ryerson University
Pages 8
File Size 261.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 74
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team contract...


Team Contract Micheline LaForme Ryerson University Group 4; Aj, Talha, Vinay, Austin, Paras, Sujan

Goals and Objectives The main goal of this project is to elucidate the HR case as a team of six individuals and await to achieve excellence in team-building and team management. Our background knowledge, research, set of skills, and determination will play an important role in staying motivated. For this term project, the group has distributed the work equally in which we all have the same amount of input, therefore an equal contribution will be subsidized. Our group will make use of willpower and time efficiency to make sure we have roughly browsed through the materials. We will make sure everyone is on track and abundantly understand the case and is able to relate back to the content from textbook. The group planned and decided on weekly virtual and in-person meetings via phone, skype or at a mutual spot. This way, we can derive together to gather our data, generate options, and evaluate our progress as well as set goals for our next discussion. We have created a group chat on WhatsApp where we all stay in contact and connected. This makes our collaboration easier, if one of us is unable to attend a lecture or weekly meetings they can easily be updated on the progress, also this app is very beneficial as we can also have discussions about any new ideas and share our opinions in the comfort of our own homes.

Staying in contact with your group members is very important this allows us to build trust within one another, and also allows us to share our opinions confidently. We value diversity and respect everyone’s point of view. Self-confidence is important in a group project and we highly respect that as it allows you to have freedom of speech and expressing each individual’s opinions. We will use read world problems and critical thinking in our project and relate the case study back to our textbook and lecture. Our group has a very good objective in this upcoming project and we will surpass going according to our goals and task. These goals and objective will help us in the long term in the completion of this project. My group members and I have discussed the objectives and have already created our group chat with all the members to begin discussing the case studies and how to reach our final goal.

Roles, Responsibilities and Expectations:







The responsibility of the tracker is to make sure everyone is on track with their work. Tracker must contact group members to check if they are keeping up with the required deadlines. Tracker is important because he/she can let the team know who is not finished their assigned targets and address the problem before it is too late. Trackers responsibility also includes to finish tasks assigned to him/her to complete report. Tracker also has responsibility of editor.

Expectations from the tracker is to find out who is behind in their work and contribute to helping them finish the required work due by the deadline. While everyone may be on track, trackers job is to also to contribute what requires of the group members. If members require tracker to do a certain task, he/she must complete it to ensure team success. Tracker is expected to help edit the project with the main editor.



Editor’s main role is to ensure team report meets the rubric’s expectations of being clear, concise and provides knowledgeable information.

Editor is expected to review material before being handed in at the expected due dates. Editor is also expected to make sure everything is cited properly in the report.


Textbook Researcher

Role of the textbook researcher is to find key concepts that relate to HR in our case.

Textbook researchers responsibility is to relate the case with relevant course concepts from the textbook. Must link the HR issues found in textbook with the case.


Academic sources Researcher

The role of the academic sources researcher is to find reputable academic sources that support our case.

Expectations for the academic sources researcher is to insure that the resources found are reputable and legitimate. Furthermore, he must insure that at least 3 different sources are found and that they are properly cited.


Project Leader

Project leader’s role is to assign everyone their targets and goals. Leader must plan how his/her team will accomplish their goals with successful planning to ensure team success. Leader’s role is also to make key decisions which impacts how the team case and report is being done.

Project leader’s expectations are to motivate the team to work at the best of their abilities. Leader is expected to keep close contact with everyone to help the team where required. Leader is required to manage the in person meetings and address what needs to be done. Leader should be an influence to group members.


Additional Researcher

The role of the additional researcher is to support the textbook researcher and academic sources researcher. Furthermore he must insure that the academic sources researcher finds 3 different reputable sources and that the textbook researcher extracts at least 5 different concepts from the textbook.

Additional researcher is expected to help other researchers. He/she also must research individually to contribute to textbook and academic researchers.

Norms and Interpersonal Behavior:

3 Point System: 1 = Minimal participation Behaviors Attendance

2 = Active participation Description

Paras Sujan

Attended group meetings on time and group members were actively participating


Group members are

and preparation organized with their work and prepared to contribute in team meetings


Members of the group are

and contribution consistently participating and contributing their part of work and ideas (outside of team meetings and in team meetings). Provided good input in project.


All group members are responding to emails, calls and text when required. Expressing all thoughts and ideas effectively

3 = Exceeded expectations AJ

Austin Talha


Quality of work

Group members have taken their time and effort in producing well researched and edited work

Leadership and Taking lead and helping those helpfulness

who are in need and making the necessary steps to ensure success of team project

Effective use of When in group meetings, group time

members are using time wisely and completing the necessary work required and meeting deadlines


Group members are responsible in achieving their given targets. Members can rely on each other to finish given tasks.


Performance of each group member depends on how well they do in their given targets and if they are done in a timely manner

Individual Role

Each group member did their part of role and worked well with the team. Individuals did fair share of work and also helped others where they could.

Detailed Plan:

Meetings: February 7th (In-person) Time: 4:30-6:30pm

Tasks: ● ● ●

February 14th (In-person) Time: 4:30-6:30pm

● ●

February 28th (In-person) Time: 4:30-6:30pm

● ●

March 2nd (Skype call) Time: 6:30-8:30pm

March 14th (In-person) Time: 4:30-6:30pm

Internal Deadlines: Rough copy of team contract Talha: must complete goals Aj: must complete roles, responsibilities, and expectations Austin: must complete detailed project

Rough copy of team contract must be completed by February 14th: 4:00pm

Final copy of team contract Editors Paras and Sujan must revise and ensure team contract meets the rubric’s expectations Make sure final copy is handed in on D2L and hard copy

Final copy of team contract must be completed by February 14th: 6:30pm

Work on problem Identification Researchers Aj, Talha and Austin must identify problems within the case

Problem identification must be completed by: March 2nd: 6:30pm

Project leader and Tracker Vinay and Paras must check up on group members to ensure everybody is on track Group must start thinking of recommendations

Recommendations must be completed by: March 14th: 6:30pm

Researchers Aj, Talha and Austin must bring in completed recommendations Editors Paras and

Peer evaluation 1 must be completed by March 14th: 6:30pm Rough copy of team report must be completed by: March

March 28th (In-person) Time: 4:30-6:30pm

March 30th (In-person) Time: 6:30-8:30pm

Final meeting: April 4th (Inperson) Time: 4:30-6:30pm


Sujan must ensure recommendations meet rubric’s criteria Researchers will start to work on rough copy of team report Researchers: Aj, Talha and Austin must bring in rough copy of team report Sujan and Paras will begin to edit rough copy

Good copy of team report must be complete by: March 30th: 6:30pm

Researchers: Aj, Talha, and Austin must bring in good copy of team report Editors: Paras and Sujan must ensure good copy of team report meets rubrics expectations

Peer evaluation 2 must be completed by April 4th: 6:30pm Good copy of team report must be completed by: April 4th: 4:30pm

All group members must meet prior to class to review final copy of team report Must ensure final copy is handed in to D2L and printed out in hard copy

Final copy of team report must be handed in by: April 4th: 6:30pm...

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