MKT304 - 10588 Syll - The first day of the course PDF

Title MKT304 - 10588 Syll - The first day of the course
Author Glenys Vila Via
Course MKT Elective
Institution University of Michigan
Pages 9
File Size 345.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 72
Total Views 142


The first day of the course...



MKT 304 - 10588 Introduction to Marketing Management - Remote Instruction Summer 2020 Saturdays 9:00 a.m. - 12:35 p.m. Instructor: Office: Office Hours: Email:

Sean Keyani BB 4144 Saturdays 07:45 - 08:45 a.m., after the class meeting or by appointment [email protected]

COURSE MATERIAL: ➢ Required Textbook. Marketing: The Core (Kerin , 8th ed.) With Connect Access Card - ISBN: 9781264073955 Using other versions (such as international, earlier editions, etc.) of the textbook is NOT recommended. Connect access is required for this class. ➢ PLEASE BE SURE TO PURCHASE AND REGISTER YOUR COURSE MATERIAL ON PUBLISHER’S WEBSITE BY 6:00 P.M. ON JULY 18, 2020.THE SYSTEM WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO PURCHASE THE MATERIAL AFTER THE DEADLINE ABOVE. ALSO, BE SURE TO USE YOUR CSUN EMAIL WHEN YOU REGISTER YOUR CONNECT ACCOUNT ONLINE. ➢ Optional: Wall Street Journal; Special Student Rate (Click here) For this course you will need to have access to Connect. You will have two purchasing options. You can purchase a bundle at the CSUN bookstore. The bundle will consist of the loose-leaf printed text with a Connect access card. The card will have a code that you will claim when you register for the course through Canvas. This code can only be used once.! Or you can also purchase access to Connect directly online through the publisher when you register for your course through canvas. Click here to see the video guide for registering for Connect through Canvas.

COURSE PREREQUISITES: Either 1) Econ 160 or 300 and a college-level statistics course or 2) ECON 160 or 300 and BUS 104. BUS 302 and 302L are co/prerequisites for Business majors. All marketing majors must attain a grade of “C” or higher in MKT 304. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Topics include marketing management strategy, implementation, and control; customer satisfaction and consumer behavior; product development; pricing strategy; marketing communications and promotion; distribution; international marketing; and marketing environment, laws, and ethics. To enhance critical thinking, communication skills, and leadership skills, the course work normally includes such elements as classroom discussion, case analyses, computer simulations and experiential exercises, and written and oral presentations. COURSE OBJECTIVES: "Marketing is the activity for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that benefit the organization, its stakeholders, and societies at large." (Kerin, et. al., 2011, p. 6). Marketing managers must identify, understand, and measure needs and wants; select the most appropriate customer targets, MKT 304 – SK – SU 2020 – Syllabus - Page 1 of 9 Last Revised: 7/9/20


and develop marketing programs that deliver the desired benefits and organizational objectives. The objectives of this course are to: ➢ Introduce the elements of situation analysis. This involves analyzing a company, the customer, and the industry so that you can determine major strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. ➢ Provide you with a framework and a set of tools for developing a marketing strategy that uses the marketing mix to address the opportunities and threats identified in the situation analysis. ➢ Enhance your ability to segment a market, identify optimal targets, and position the product. ➢ Familiarize you with the elements of the marketing mix (product, price, channels of distribution, and integrated marketing communications), and enhance your problem solving and decisionmaking abilities in these operational areas. Present examples of firms organizing their marketing efforts and integrating the elements of their marketing programs. ➢ Improve your ability to: • conduct and interpret research • write professional reports • work effectively in a team Keep in mind that to be an effective marketing manager, you cannot simply internalize marketing facts and definitions, but must use systematic critical thinking, the reasoned application of general underlying principles and strong quantitative and conceptual analysis. COURSE POLICIES: ➢ You are responsible for all deliverables described in this syllabus. Be sure to read the syllabus carefully. Any changes to the syllabus will be announced on Canvas and with sufficient notice; if you decide to keep a copy of the syllabus, please ensure its revision date (shown in the footer of all pages) matches the version posted on Canvas. All assignment and paper due dates are fixed and extensions will only be grated under extremely exceptional circumstances. ➢ ANY AND ALL FORMS OF ACADEMIC DISHONESTY (example: cheating on exams, online posts, fabrication, plagiarism, etc.) will result in an automatic “F” for the exam/assignment and is grounds for an “F” in the course. Cheating includes the submitting of substantial portions of the same academic work for credit in more than one course without authorization. Fabrication includes inventing information such as research and/or research data. Plagiarism is defined as “intentionally or knowingly representing the words, ideas or work of another as one’s own in any academic exercise.” Please read the CSUN Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog for specific information about academic dishonesty. Written assignments/communication must demonstrate professionalism, proper grammar, spelling and clarity of communication. Assignments handwritten or single-spaced will not be accepted. Poorly written assignments will receive a lowered grade. Do not let the power of your ideas be affected by poor grammar, spelling or clarity. Here are the formatting requirements for the files: Must have a cover page showing the title of the paper, due date, authors of the paper and class# ➢ In .pdf format only (Submissions in other file formats will receive no credit) ➢ Margins 1”, top, bottom, right and left ➢ Acceptable fonts: Arial or Times New Roman ➢ Font color: black - Using other colors on the cover page is allowed ➢ Font height: 12 pts. ➢ Line spacing: Double MKT 304 – SK – SU 2020 – Syllabus - Page 2 of 9 Last Revised: 7/9/20


Graduate Assistant(s): Your instructor will notify you if Graduate Assistant(s) or ISAs are available in the marketing lab to answer your questions. Your instructor will also notify the class if your class gets an assigned GA or ISA; marketing lab is at BB2103-BB2107. Grade Rebuttals: Students are responsible to check their grades on Canvas to ensure they are posted and accurate. Generally, Canvas notifies you via email once your activities get graded, please be sure to set your notifications for this course correctly. Your instructor will consider all grades on Canvas as final 48 hours after the deadline of online activities or 48 hours after the other grades (exams, in-class quizzes, WSJ assignments etc.) are posted into Canvas. You are expected to bring any perceived errors in grading within 48 hours from deadlines and grade posting times. After you initially notify me about your perceived error in your grade, you must write a formal letter and email the letter to me as an attachment. If I decide to review your rebuttal further with you in person, I will work with you to setup a time to meet virtually during my office hours. Your letter must include the nature of the error (as you perceive it) and must provide any evidence you have that it is an error. You should logically explain why this should be reevaluated. I will fully review your request and provide a response within 5 business days after I receive your letter; please be sure to send me a follow up email if you do not hear back from me within 5 business days.

GRADING SYSTEM: The breakdown of the overall grade for this class is as follows: GRADE COMPONENT



Exam 1



Exam 2



Marketing Plan Paper



LearnSmart activities



Assignments, participation, quizzes and peer evaluation



Note: instructor may decide to give pop quizzes at any time during the class meetings. GRADING SCALE: Plus/minus will be used in grading, including the final course grade. Course grades will be assigned strictly based on the grading scale below. Grades will be calculated up to 2 decimal places. Please see me early in the semester if you are not sure what calculation up to to 2 decimal places means. NO “round up” will be used when numerical grades will be converted letter grades based on the grading scale. Please refrain from emailing the instructor after the last exam requesting round up or favoritism. Such requests/inquiries will not be honored and will only demonstrate that some students failed to pay attention to the material presented/posted for this class. Please be sure to use “what if” in Canvas and add zero for the activities you have missed in order to see your accurate grade.

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59.99% or less


CLASS COMMUNICATION POLICY: In this course, Canvas is used extensively for posting course materials, announcements, and related links. It is students’ responsibility to check email and the course website frequently, at least once a day; no additional reminders will be sent regarding assignments; please be sure to setup your notifications on Canvas: How do I set my notification preferences? The best way to contact me is email; you will usually hear back within 24 hours. Please be sure to use your CSUN email account ONLY when communicating with the instructor, include “MKT 304 – 10588” in the subject line of your email and include your FULL name and CSUN ID number in the body of the email. All emails should be written in a professional manner. Also, realize that in a class, email is one way to get to know you. As such, if you are unprofessional, if you are unclear, or do not identify yourself, this may influence your participation grade. Please be sure to complete all the assignments through Canvas; you may not see all the activities for this class through Connect. In addition to the “Home” page, at minimum you are responsible for checking “Syllabus” and “Assignments” pages on Canvas daily to see deliverables due in the upcoming days. Given the online setup of this course, I cannot guarantee that he will personally provide reminders for all deliverables in this class. Students are expected to set their notifications in Canvas, check Canvas regularly and submit their deliverables on time. You may want to consider reviewing Canvas guide pages below:

➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

How do I set my Canvas notification preferences as a student? How do I use the Course Home Page as a student? How do I upload a file as an assignment submission in Canvas? What are What-If Grades?

EXAMS: There will be two closed book, closed note, multiple-choice exams. I may decide to substitute the case analyses with exam(s) as deemed necessary; please refer to the “Grading system” section of this syllabus for details. Examinations will be based on text readings, lectures, assigned cases, videos, and discussion. Although the exams will be non-cumulative, material from one exam also may be included on the other one, since concepts build upon one another in this course. Please review the class schedule and ensure you will be available to take your exams according to the schedule. No early examinations will be given. Make ups will be given only in case of emergencies or extraordinary circumstances (such as car accident, hospitalization, severe sickness, death of spouse/ MKT 304 – SK – SU 2020 – Syllabus - Page 4 of 9 Last Revised: 7/9/20


domestic partner, child, parent or siblings and university-excused absences) your instructor will consider make up after reviewing your evidence such as doctor’s note, police report, formal letter from the university, etc. For medical emergencies, please DO NOT share your personal-medical information with me to prove your case; you will need to ask your doctor or hospital to provide a note, clearly excusing you from school on the date and time you were scheduled to take your exam. If you have a disability and need accommodations, please register with the Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) office or the National Center on Deafness (NCOD) most preferably within the first 3 weeks after the start of the semester. The DRES office is located in Bayramian Hall, room 110 and can be reached at 818.677.2684. NCOD is located on Bertrand Street in Jeanne Chisholm Hall and can be reached at 818.677.2611. If you would like to discuss your need for accommodations with me, please contact me to set up an appointment. Also, be sure to schedule your exams with DRES at least two weeks before the exam day and ensure your exams with DRES start at the same time and on the date the class takes each exam. QUIZZES, ONLINE QUIZZES AND ONLINE EXAMS: The quizzes will include material from the textbook, videos and discussions. Although the quizzes will be noncomprehensive, material from one quiz also may be included on the other one, since concepts build upon one another in this course. In-class quizzes may be given at anytime during the class meetings. For online quizzes/exams, you need to make sure to use a reliable computer and reliable Internet connection for the quizzes and other online activities. The computers and the wireless connection on-campus are more reliable; you may want to use them to take your quizzes. However, please make sure to check the computer lab schedules before going to campus. It is your responsibility to make sure that you have reliable access to the Internet, a reliable computer, a comfortable environment before you start your quizzes and online assignments. Each online quiz will be open for at least several days/hours to ensure you will have enough time to take it. There will be no make-up quizzes; please review the online closing dates and times on Canvas and make sure you will be able to take the quizzes before the deadlines. Failure to take the online quizzes/ exams before the deadline will result in 0% for that activity and will negatively impact your overall grade for this class. BE SURE TO START TAKING YOUR QUIZZES AT LEAST 120 MINUTES BEFORE ITS ANNOUNCED CLOSING TIME. Online exams will be open within only a certain period of time and you need to start them on time.

PARTICIPATION: Course material will be posted in advance for your reading; you are expected to attend virtual class meetings prepared and have read the material as shown in the schedule on the last page of this syllabus. Also, please note that participation is a crucial element in this class, 15% of your overall grade is for your participation (Both online and in-virtual class), assignments, quizzes and peer evaluations. Attendance is expected. It will impact your group, and your group members will reduce your peer evaluation score if you do not attend class. Also, online activities assigned by the instructor are a part of your participation. I will keep track of your online and in-class participation throughout the semester (skipping the class = running the risk of losing 2-5 percent on the overall grade of this class for each class meeting missed). Short in-class quizzes may be used as a tool to gauge your understanding of the material as well as your attendance. Unfortunately, I generally do not offer make-up for inMKT 304 – SK – SU 2020 – Syllabus - Page 5 of 9 Last Revised: 7/9/20


class quizzes missed unless you have university-excused absence. Please be sure to review the class schedule and ensure you can attend all class meetings and note that DWPE or any other activity that you chose to schedule/attend during class time will not excuse you from attending the class. When participating in our virtual classroom meetings, please follow these guidelines; be sure to read carefully: ▪ Be sure to attend the class meeting on time. In order to protect the security of our meetings and prevent "Zoombombing," all students must go through a "waiting room" before entering the virtual class. When you join the class late, you will have to wait to be admitted to the class meeting by our instructor, which disrupts the flow of the lectures and discussions. This is unfair to the vast majority of the students who attend the class on time.! ▪ You MUST use your full name as it appears on Canvas when you attend Zoom meetings; or you will lose participation points and may be removed from the class meeting. ▪ In preparation for the session, please arrange to be in a quiet area without loud background noise or interruptions so that you can provide your complete, focused attention during the session. The class meeting is rather short compared to traditional class meetings; you want to stay focused and pay attention throughout the lecture.! ▪ Keep your microphone mute while listening, and be sure to mute it again after you are done sharing comments/questions. ▪ Please attempt to join the session before the start time and participate in the entire session. ▪ Keep your video on if you do not feel uncomfortable doing so; it will improve your focus and engagement throughout the class meeting and consequently improve your learning. You want to avoid moving your camera/device around with your device when your video is on. ▪ Use the chatbox for course-related topics only as sharing unrelated topics will distract all the students in the class meeting. ▪ Respectful behavior and professional courtesy is a requirement at all times. Avoid inappropriate gestures/behavior/comments. Please note that I have the option to remove students who disrupt the class from the virtual class meetings. ▪ As a reminder, I do collect attendance data in our Zoom meetings. Zoom has the capability to track your attendance so, be sure to use your full name as it appears on Canvas when you join the virtual class meetings otherwise, you may not receive credit for your virtual class attendance. GROUPS: All students will be working in groups on Situation Analysis and Marketing Plan papers. You are expected to form groups within the class within the first three weeks of the class or the instructor will assign you to a group. You can use online the discussion board on Canvas to communicate with your classmates and form a team. If the instructor decides to allow students to join groups online, you can use “People” in Canvas to join a pre-set group. Please refrain from creating new group names on Canvas, they will be deleted. Groups will be finalized on the day announced by the instructor, and no changes will be allowed thereafter. Splitting groups will negatively affect the performance of the group and is generally not allowed so, you want to choose your group members carefully. All the group members will receive the same grade for group projects and assignments. Group members who fail to contribute to the group activity will receive a lower grade compared to other team members; peer evaluation will be used to gauge the contribution of each group member.

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Groups usually go through stages of group formation: forming, storming, norming, performing, mourning. I expect you to treat your teammates with professionalism and respect and resolve any issues that may arise with patience and effective communication. Taking your disagreements to your instructor will not e...

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