Module 2 Discussion PDF

Title Module 2 Discussion
Author Alyssa Pepper
Course Introduction to International Business
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 3
File Size 115.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Hofstede’s Dimension of Culture: Switzerland (Hofstede, 2015) Power Distance: Score of 34

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Individualism: Score of 68

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Masculinity: Score of 70

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Uncertainty Avoidance: Score of 58

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Long Term Orientation: Score of 74

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German Swiss believe inequalities should be minimized. Independence is important. Superiors are easily accessible. Management empowers employees and depends on their knowledge/experience. Management is informal and managers are meant to facilitate employee success. French Swiss expect a hierarchy, more centralized power, and for management to provide direction. Individualists-expected to take care of themselves and immediate family only. Employer/employee relationship based on mutual advantage Less team oriented and hiring or promotions are based on merit, not connections Society is driven by competition, ambition, achievement, and success Managers are expected to be decisive; conflict resolution is often a fight Emphasis on “living to work” and not “working to live” French speaking Switzerland has a strong preference for avoiding uncertainty while German speaking Switzerland scores lower. Little to no unorthodox behaviors or ideas Time is money, being busy is important to success, precision and punctuality are expected. Decisions are made with a lot of thought and analysis beforehand. Innovation may be resisted due to a need for security. Pragmatic; truth depends on time, situation, and context. Traditions are easily adapted when needed Propernsity for saving and investing; thriftiness is encouraged to achieve results.

Comparison of Switzerland (blue) versus United States (purple) dimensions. (Hofstede, 2015) Communication (Switzerland - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette, 2020) 

Language: German, French, Italian, Romansch (Generally speaking, they speak German in the north, east, and central parts of the country with French in the west and Italian in the south. Romansch is only spoken in southeast Switzerland and is in decline.)

Nonverbal: Handshakes with eye contact and a smile are sufficient with strangers. Once you know someone well, air kisses are common. Men also add a pat on the back to their greetings.

Business Etiquette (Switzerland - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette, 2020) 

Use professional titles until invited to do otherwise. It is seen as a courtesy, even though Swiss do not place high importance on their titles. Show deference to those who are more senior to you.

Utilize direct communication. The Swiss do not play guessing games and read between lines. Be clear in your expectations.

Punctuality is important-a lack indicates poor time management skills and inefficiency.

Facts and figures are important. Analysis of these will lead to a careful decision.

Business Observations 

Like the US, communication is direct and clear. Interpreting body language and nonverbal cues is not something the Swiss do. Countries and cultures that expect you to read body language and read between the lines might present a challenge when communicating about business matters.

Expect communication with both management and employees, as employee contribution is highly valued.

Do not become overly familiar without establishing a business relationship first.

Punctuality should be an important consideration when choosing candidates to liaise with the Swiss.

To make a good impression, present factual research in a clear and direct manner and allow sufficient time for analysis before a decision is made.

The Swiss take work seriously-the emphasis is on living to work. This means that employees and managers will make sacrifices to make their work a priority. Do the same for them to take you seriously as a potential business partner.

References Hofstede, G. (2015). Country Comparison. Retrieved November 01, 2020, from,the-usa/ Commisceo Global Consulting Ltd. (2020, January 1) Switzerland - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette. Retrieved from

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