Movie Analysis Based ON Communication Theory PDF

Title Movie Analysis Based ON Communication Theory
Course Sociology
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 13
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Based on Movie Space Between US...





2020953985 2020991897 2020949487 2020988279 2020962983

Table of Contents The Synopsis .................................................................................................................. 1 SOCIAL PENETRATION THEORY (SPT) ............................................................................. 2 SOCIAL EXCHANGE THEORY (SET) .................................................................................. 4 UNCERTAINTY REDUCTION THEORY (URT) ...................................................................... 6 SOCIAL INFORMATION PROCESSING THEORY (SIPT) ......................................................... 9 The Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 11

The Synopsis 'The Space Between Us' is a 2017 American romantic science fiction film of a sixteen-year-old boy, Gardner (Asa Butterfield), who was born as the first living human on Mars. Gardner's mother, the head astronaut of NASA, was pregnant during her space venture to Mars. Sadly, she died during childbirth and left the team to raise Gardner on the foreign planet. Gardner lives with 14 scientists and an intelligent robot named Centaur. Since he never left Mars, Gardner felt uninhabited, isolated, and remote because he was as treated as a classified human being by NASA. Blessed with the existence of the internet, Gardner found and communicated with an online friend named Tulsa, a teenaged girl from Oklahoma.

Desperate to travel to Earth, Gardner pleads and convinces the space team on Earth for an opportunity to feel ‘human' again. A female astronaut, Kendra, was sent to Mars after Gardner’s birth and to be his caretaker. She knows that Gardner’s body could not sustain the gravity on Earth and will react negatively due to the high gravitational force. Gardner undergoes surgery before going back to Earth to reinforce his body for Earth’s gravity.

Before the long-awaited journey commences, under certain circumstances, Gardner ghosted Tulsa for six months. Eventually, he met Tulsa in her school after sneaking out from NASA's facility. The two fled together and travelled along with Summerland, California, to find Gardner’s father. For once, he is enjoying his life as a human being. Kendra and Nathaniel Shepherd, CEO of Genesis, followed Gardner to bring him back to Mars. They are worried as the test result came out and showed that Earth’s gravity will exterminate Gardner within 72 hours.

After finding out the man who lives in his parent's house was not his biological father, Gardner aches, to die on Earth at the place where he only knows his mother, he then drowned himself in the sea, but minutes later a solid arm hauls him out of the water. Kendra and Nathaniel saved him. Gardner, half-awake, asked Nathaniel if he was his biological father. Nathaniel's appearance affirms his uncertainty, and he hurried into a bus propelled into space to end his low gravity complications. After Gardner went back to Mars, back on Earth, Kendra adopted Tulsa. In the last scene, Tulsa was preparing herself in specialized training to be an astronaut.


Social Penetration Theory (SPT) Gardner Elliot, born and raised in Mars while Tulsa, a smart townie girl from earth whose life revolves around jumping from one foster home to another. The different factors affect and influence the amount of self-disclosure between partners. In this case, such barriers can slow the rate of self-disclosure and even prevent relationships from forming. However, Social Penetration Theory stresses that the more dissimilar two people are, the more difficult or unlikely selfdisclosure becomes. The Social Penetration Theory is a process of bonding that moves a relationship from a superficial connection to a more intimate relationship. The most famous analogies used to describe the social penetration theory is the onion model. The onion model is a metaphor to explain how the social penetration theory works. The public image is the outer layer of a person that is visible and prominent to many others. In contrast, the private self is the innermost layers of a person that are exposed to significant others over time through a disclosure.

First is the orientation stage. In this stage, people are more likely to reveal their superficial outer shell, and most of the conversations




related to hobbies, schools, likes and dislikes and so on. During Tulsa's calculus class, she would use the computer lab to communicate with Gardner whom she met online. The two Picture 1 Stage one scene 58:18

stay in touch in the virtual world, talking about

schools and how their day goes by. In this stage, people reveal bits of themselves at the public level and act in a socially desirable behavior.

The second is the exploratory affective exchange stage, usually casual friendships are born. In which people share details beyond the most superficial information and less caution when selfdisclosing occurs from the movie, where Gardner told Tulsa about his mum, who died during childbirth and showed her a picture of his parents. Gardner also said that she would help him to


find his biological father. In this stage, the personality begins to emerge. People share information in this stage that they might tell casual acquaintances or friends.

Picture 2 Stage two scene 1:02:22

The third is the affective exchange stage. As the relationship continues to progress and develop, more and more layers of personality are being revealed. The people in the relationship then cultivate an understanding between one another and move into in-depth communication involving intimate topics and behaviour. Example from the movie, where Tulsa started to blush when Gardner complimented her and shows affection by putting his hand on her lap while he is driving the car. People share information and romantic gestures at this stage with their close friends or partners. The final stage is the stable exchange








intimate self


continuously disclosed at this stage. Example from the movie, Tulsa and Gardner kissed, confessed, and made love. The people who reached this final stage are generally romantic relationships, close family members, and close friends.

Picture 3 Stage three and four scenes 1:21:53


Social Exchange Theory (SET) Tulsa and Gardner are a thousand miles away. Gardner from Mars and Tulsa from the earth. The movie does not tell us how the two loves birds met, but based on facts, both are intended to see each other. As the scientist raises Gardner at Mars, he is thoughtful in technology, a tech-savvy. The long-distance relationship enlightened us. Undoubtedly, the worth of the relationship could be examined using the reward-cost ratio.

Firstly, Gardner is craving for love, i.e., he travels for months to get to earth, to meet Tulsa. This action can be considered to drive reduction, an act to fulfil needs, and expecting a reward. Is the sacrifice worth it? As soon as Gardner landed, he escaped from NASA custody in California and ran miles away to meet Tulsa in Colorado. As he meets Tulsa, the Picture 4 Scene 1:02:00

love between them develops throughout the scenes as they are together running from the

authorities. They travel from town to town. Despite the cost, they were together until, at the end of the movie – it shows that the relationship is worth despite the hardship cost, as the return (reward) is excellent. This can be concluded that the state of the relationship is stable and satisfying as the relative value of the outcome is greater than the comparison level (CL) and higher than the comparison level for alternative (CLatl).

To prove that humans are rational in this theory and movie, we could see from the illustration on how Tulsa had to let go Gardner back to Mars because incapability for him to live on earth. This is an act of rational, even though love drives people crazy, but Tulsa can stay mature in this situation. To strengthen the theory of SET in the idea of relational life is a process; Picture 5 Scene 1:47:20

see how the movie develops. Tulsa agreed to


NASA academy to Mars without a blink – to be with Gardner. This shows that the cost is not something that Tulsa cares because the reward for being with Gardner is important.

The SET can also be seen in the relationship between Sarah Elliot, the astronaut, and Nathaniel Shepherd, the CEO of Genesis. Sarah was willing to sacrifice to be on Nathaniel’s missions for 16-years. The journey does not take forever as Sarah died after delivering their child due to complications after giving birth. This sacrifice, as for Sarah, is the Picture 6 Scene 1:30:10

cost to gain reward for their relationship. In conclusion, the relationship is worth it.


Uncertainty Reduction Theory (URT) The Space Between US in Uncertainty Reduction Theory showed a 'theoretical viewpoint for coping with the initial stage of interpersonal interaction, where uncertainty happens. The Uncertainty Reduction Theory as a set of axioms or universal truths that usually require no evidence to be acknowledged, to "describe the relationship between uncertainty and miscellaneous factors of communication" in dyadic exchanges, thus significantly expanded the explanatory power of Uncertainty Reduction Theory in areas such as verbal and nonverbal communication, intimacy, reciprocity, and behavior was attaining information.

The first phase is the verbal communication that concerns the number of words that are being exchanged between the interactants during the initial conversation. When Nathaniel Shepherd introduces himself personally to Gardner Elliot. Nathaniel showed concern to Gardner by asking his state after his journey from Mars to Earth as Gardner adjusted Picture 7 Phase one scene - 0:44:44

himself to a new environment. Gardner then

responded to Nathaniel, stating he was just fine, and from there, both of them started to exchange information about each curiosity. Participants in the interaction are supposed to feel a sense of uncertainty when they first meet. Still, as more words are exchanged, the uncertainty diminishes, and the interactants communicate more comfortably.

The second phase is called non-verbal expressions that refer to positive signs that indicate a willingness to communicate or form a relationship from a person's gestures and body languages such as hand gestures, eye contact, and the physical distance between two people. Tulsa approaches Gardner and looks at him with a warm smile while making Picture 8 Phase two scene - 1:19:08

eye contact with each other. It is validated that


if a person manifests more positive non-verbal expressions such as smiling and eye contact, the level of uncertainty towards another will gradually be diminished.

The third phase is information seeking. As the level of uncertainty decreases, the interactants ask





questions may be linked to demographics issues as they are easy to answer. A scene was shown where Tulsa was curious about a question that was said about how Gardner killed his mother. Throughout that scene, the Picture 9 Phase three scene - 1:08:15

period was about Tulsa asking questions to

Gardner, who was curious about Gardner’s life. Both interactants search for details through observation of the other person. The number of questions asked would also be lesser if the level of uncertainty subsequently decreases.

The fourth phase is self-disclosure. Individuals exchange more personal information aimed to obtain the trust of the other interactant. A scene takes place where Tulsa argued with Gardner because she does not believe what he was saying to her about him growing up on Mars. As they are already comfortable with each other, she admitted and disclosed how she hates liars, and in her whole life, people keep

Picture 10 Phase four and five scene - 1:08:56

deceiving her. Due to trust with one another, Tulsa disclosed personal information about herself to Gardner.

The fifth phase is reciprocity, which concerns the degree to which interactants expect another






something has been shared. The information may be descriptive or evaluative and may

Picture 11 Phase five scene - 1:20:27


include emotions or feelings as well as likes, dislikes, and favorites. Tulsa expressed how Gardner needed to tone down his honesty and not to blurt out all of his thoughts to people. She then explains her reasons to Gardner after he questioned what was so bad about expressing his views.

The sixth phase is similarity. It enables the interactants to develop a relationship and eliminates communication barriers after they share the same interest. From the movie, Tulsa initiated wanting to kiss Gardner, and he showed similar interest in that situation. Hence, the diminished uncertainty level here is significant, and the level of trust has

Picture 12 Phase six scene - 1:24:06

developed immensely compared to other previous phases.

The last phase is liking as it handles the emotional






convinced that if the interactive conversation involves positive feelings of one another, the level of uncertainty will plummet and soaring the number of conversations. From the movie, the scene displays how Gardner expressed his feelings towards Tulsa. As a recipient, Tulsa Picture 13 Phase seven scene - 1:47:59

expressed hers, eventually agreeing with

Gardner, resulting in both sharing the same likeness towards one another.


Social Information Processing Theory (SIPT) Social information processing theory (SIPT) emphasizes how interpersonal relationships developed through computer-mediated communication (CMC). Nonverbal cues are less relevant, and impressions are created in this formation of the relationship only through verbal cues. People shape perceptions spontaneously and develop relationships, as this was believed to be the essence of this theory. Not to ignore the time exchange involved, Computer-mediated communication (CMC) takes more extended periods for relationships to attain intimacy. SIPT states that given enough time, the same level of intimacy can be reached in CMC as it is in FTF interactions. Furthermore, individuals can establish online relationships equal to or greater than the intimacy achieved in Face to Face (FTF) relationships. SIPT also explains that computermediated communication is a process that consists of three phases of CMC, which are impersonal, interpersonal, and hyper-personal.

As Kendra communicates with Nathaniel virtually to report on the unusual or unique capabilities shown by Gardner. This is known as the impersonal phase. During this phase, both parties will less likely show signs of interest in getting to know each other but instead only respond to their roles. When the material is not affected by social and emotions, it

Picture 14 Scene 35:32





communication, encourage collective work productivity, and eventually establish a more open environment within organizations. The information transmits from this communication is only displaying a purpose for duties or formal obligation. People in this phase will only provide the necessary information needed in responding to the roles of the person.


The next phase is the interpersonal phase, where Gardner and Tulsa communicate with each other by giving updates on how their days went nonverbally via computer. Those affections are lean, and as contact time rises, social information exchange improves accordingly. Potential contact anxiety will help communicators search for more details regarding the other. Slowly but surely, the

Picture 15 Scene 26:35

conversation will be moved to question both individual’s personal information. As the relationship grows, the level of trust rises. Hence, sharing information regarding everyone’s life will less likely become an issue. The hyper personal phase shows Gardner’s good impression when they cuddle as a signal to show affection towards each other and talk about things they like for quite a while. This process involves selective self-presentation. Individuals that meet through CMC will get a better opportunity to show a good impression as communicators can determine which details Picture 16 Scene 1:29:19

to disclose about themselves, giving them the

power to present only their good traits. The movie did not depict an example of the hyper personal phase through computer-mediated communication


The Conclusion The film “The Space Between Us” reveals truth and soul that disperse into many metaphoric perspectives toward the thoughts of “space” and how people can begin with the vast space between people and places but at the same time feeling connected emotionally and physically. Gardner has lived on Mars extensively for 16 years, with only 14 people. With these 14 people of astronauts, he is as intelligent as a dolphin. He feels alone since, but thanks to the internet, Gardner met Tulsa online and created a connection with her. Being alone doesn’t mean you are lonely; they are ways to feel a company by talking with people we know or find people to talk with.

Besides, the characters seem to have a dilemma within themselves whether to take the baby back home on Earth or proceed with the mission. What should be the best to keep the company or to save the boy? The film contains a few awkward scenes of the two teenagers honestly communicating their expressing for one another, extending from kissing, Gardner running his hand up Tulsa's inward thigh. At the same time, he drives and of the two lying barely underneath two camping cots before apparently resting together. The film's distraction with their sentiment is both excessive and abnormal, cringeworthy at its best and inadvertently entertaining best-case scenario. Likely added to speak to the more youthful fanatics of high schooler sentiment, the inordinate accentuation on the sentiment subplot brings down the alleged earnestness of Gardner's fail wellbeing. The film is also showcasing human fragility where a boy wants to understand the world and its meanings to a girl who is desperate to avoid humanity for the hardship and terrible experience that consume her life. A man obsessed with science and his vision for the future good that obscure his point of view toward the humanity of life. A female astronaut who was taking the risk as she is going on space exploration with pregnancy and her excitement consume her life.


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