Movie Analysis -Boyz N the Hood PDF

Title Movie Analysis -Boyz N the Hood
Course Families in Change
Institution Seneca College
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Movie Analysis- Boyz N the Hood Jennifer Lane

SWL 227 Jennifer Rose April 13th, 2018

Movie Analysis

2 Movie Analysis- Boyz N the Hood

The movie “Boyz N the Hood” is an amazing film that I would recommend to anyone that is older than 16, because it deals with harsh content. One of the ways it’s so different compared to other movies, is because it brings up interesting discussions about racism, violence and drugs within the families during the 1990’s. As I was watching this film, I begin to have more understanding on the concepts because of what we have been learning in class. It has impacted the way I see the movie, from the way people viewed and valued important situations. Another thing that interested me was how it was realized in the time I was born, which helped me understand how the world was back than compared to now. Even though it was released in the 1990s, it still remains true to what we have to deal with today. Sadly enough, these world issues have not been resolved today. It shows us, that the world is not always what we desire for it to be. Everyone has a story and experience that is different than are own. While watching the film, there are three external factors that I believed contributed to the functioning in the family/ families; the most important one is the effects of poverty. Some of the ways you can see poverty in the film are, which environment they live in which was known as the “ghetto”. Many of the houses the families live in are run down, without much room or well cared homes that were used to. The parents work really hard to maintain equality within their home. Many of the parents either don’t work or try really hard to maintain their job, in order to keep their house and wellbeing cared for. I noticed throughout the film, that many of the families did not have cars, so most of the children walked to school and back home. If so, the vehicle was cheap or damaged. Due to the poverty, many of the children grew up with unhealthy

Movie Analysis


parenting because of the availability of drugs and alcohol. Throughout the whole film, they grew up with stores that had guns on almost every corner, which was easily to accessible. More so, the children weren’t provided with money, which caused them to steel food or other values that were important to them. Also, many children during that time were in prison from steeling or gun violence, due to the actions children were making. As Seccombe says, “Approximately 13% of individuals, 11% of families, and 19% of children lived below the poverty line in 1998, a decline of only 1% or less for each of these categories since 1990.” Seeing these percentages on the rise, has influenced the way we view our society and how we value each other within these circumstances of each other. Although this issue still remains true today, there are many support groups and outreach community that help with these situations and with children specifically. Another factor that still remains as an issue is the systematic issue of classism and racism within the film. Throughout this whole movie, it is shown as the African American black race, due to the racism to create an understanding of the world. As Tre grew up living with his father (Furious), he was taught to keep of the streets and focus on his school, not keeping the traditional black male image most other children see. This helps Tre later on in the movie, with the actions he makes with his friends to help him be safe and aware of his environment. In the movie, Doughboy is later released from prison. As Ricky is a father at seventeen years, he deals with teen pregnancy being heavily influenced due to his romance. As all these children are involved in a gang community, gang members start to harass Doughboy because of how he looks. Later on, in the movie, Ricky and Tre decide that the best way to avoid the gang member’s is

Movie Analysis


by walking separate ways, ending up with Ricky getting shot. The purpose of the film was to show how gun violence was used back then, with young black males being targeted, as it was easily accessible. This than shows with the how society deals with a black community oppressed and what certain issues this brings to the white suburbia people. Throughout the film, Tre was often reminded of what was right from wrong, unlike his other friends Doughboy and Ricky whose parents have learned to deal with it. Black incomes are still only 60% of white ones; black unemployment is more than twice as high, over 11% against less than 5% for whites (The Economist,1995). This film has shown the effectiveness of how close the African American culture is being close with one another in the community and within the family. Lastly, the experience of each family structure within the film. Tre friends are halfbrothers, Doughboy who into to drugs and alcohol and Ricky an athlete. They both live at home, although it is known that the mother prefers Ricky. Tre grew up with his parents divorced, after his mother decided to give him to his father. Tre’s father influenced how Tre worked towards school and wanted him to succeed in his academics. Although Ricky and Doughboy grew up with a single mother, they both grew up with different fathers. Even though Tre’s parents are still divorced, his father still remains a healthy parent towards him more so than his friends. Tre’s mother who is pursuing her education in college, had influenced Tre to be more independent and have a positive future. One of the reason Tre’s mother left him with his father is because he needed a strong male figure in his life to show him how to be a man. His father develops a deep understanding of Tre because he understands what is was liked to grow up in the environment in which they are in now and asks him real life questions. As

Movie Analysis


Tre father explains to him, “Remember this: any fool with a dick can make a baby but it takes a real man to raise his children.” Over time we see in the film that Doughboy misses his father in his home, not being present after he gets out of prison. Ricky has become a father during the time his brother was away, managing be there for his girlfriend well looking out for the child and succeeding at school and football. Overall, they both have separated parents, and still are managing with whatever is coming their way. In addition, while seeking this film there are many internal factors consider. One of the important ones in communication skills within the families and the community. As we see Tre and his father have a close relationship with each other because they have deep meaningful conversations about life. Although, Rick and Doughboy haven’t had a male role model in their life a much, they still have a good connection with their mother. Throughout their life’s, they remain so close because they live in a small community living close next to each other. During this film, the language helps us understand the characters better and for us to see how they view each other. Throughout the whole film, they remained very open with each other in the community. By doing this they openly swear because that’s what was normal back than to call each other names and call each other, as they were also living in a gangster area. Although when Ricky gets a scholarship for football, he changes his whole character because he realizes it’s his only shot to get something towards his future. Another thing that is really prevalent in the film the parental styles within the children. We see this with Tre as how his father treats him with respect and wants to help him succeeded in the future and focus on school. His father really sees a future in

Movie Analysis


Tre and develops an understanding of what it means to be a man. As he gets older, he learns the importance of school and a future as he has a girlfriend. His father tries to make sure that Tre follows his actions as he does towards the end of the film. Although, Rick and Doughboy live in the same house, his mother prefers Rick and favors him. She tries to provide them a suitable life and wishes them to succeed. Ricky is a father that child lives with him at home, although he is looking for a better future gaining some independence within his family himself. On the other hand, Doughboy is smarter but tends to act more foolishly because he gets into bad natures. His mother doesn’t appreciate it, so she prefers Ricky well managing her own health. As the trend is, black men are supposed to live up to a standard of supporting their child through their life as a parental figure. Although the film tries to connect that it’s not only the dads that are supportive but the mothers help along wise too. Finally, the way the family self-esteem is functioning with the children. As we see Tre in the movie, he reaches his development milestone stages in which creates him to have independence and gain self-confidence. Throughout the whole film, the children keep wondering about their safety as a human because they are living in an environment in which they need to watch out for what is coming next. They live in a community where they are gangs in which they don’t always know what’s going to happen. They ask themselves if they’re going to live till the next day because of how dangerous it is with people living in those cities. Although, Tre’s Father showed him throughout his life how to take responsibility and own up to his actions. Without this teaching from his dad, Tre would have never been as independent and successful as he is now. Unlike Tre’s friend’s he was careful toward the actions he made, and for that his

Movie Analysis


father attached to him easier. Rick is now a father, having a child at seventeen and now has to own up to expectations of what is expected to be as a father finding it challenging, living with a mom his whole life. Overall living in a community like this, has shaped how much safety they need cared for and who will be there to support them when needed. When watching this film, I noticed how open they are with their language in order to get along and connect, which I found unhealthy to be grown up in. In Canada were not used to be calling be swear words, although in the film where Rick, Tre and Doughboy its normal. Another thing that shocked me was how openly they are to be accessible with alcohol and drugs, following their parent’s footsteps. I found it healthy how well Tre and his father were getting along and how well they could connect with each other, as his father was understanding and supportive of his comments. I found it really beneficial that Tre’s father could see a positional with his future and help him to gain knowledge for upcoming events and stay on his path of success. I didn’t love how much Rick was favoured by his mother because he was known as the good kid. Rather than have Doughboy who has had experience with drug and alcohol, and hasn’t supported him as much as he needs it. I wish their mother was more supported of them equally, even though it’s still tough to be a single mother. Overall, I thought both parents did a good job looking after their children while still be separated and single. This movie was truly amazing. It deals with the harsh reality of what happened during this time and how it is still relevant to today and what we deal with in our society as people. It helped me to understand what certain issues were back than and still are, compared to what I went through as a child.

Movie Analysis

8 Resources

The other America; Blacks and whites may proclaim their differences, but the interests are the same - and need solving together. (Editorial). (1995). The Economist (US), 337(7937), 19. Seccombe, Karen. (2000). Families in Poverty in the1990s.Trends, Causes, Consequences, and Lessons Learned. Journal of Marriage and Family, 62(4),1094-1113. Singleton, John. (1991). Boyz N the Hood (Columbia Pictures). Untied States: LA, California content_id=_7694058_1&displayName=Linked+File&navItem=content&attachment=true &course_id=_563780_1&tab_group=courses&href=https%3A%2F %2Ffzhv8s62aalbh33%2FAAA2aGnV75diFJGKQaO3qYmHa%3Fdl%3D0...

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