The Truman Show, Movie Analysis, SOC 1A PDF

Title The Truman Show, Movie Analysis, SOC 1A
Author Gamaliel Santizo
Course Introductory Sociology
Institution San Antonio College
Pages 8
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Download The Truman Show, Movie Analysis, SOC 1A PDF


“The Truman Show”, Truman who is the main actor of the film, has lived all his presence without knowing that since he was born, he has been the protagonist of a television program, broadcast 24 hours a day, with thousands of hidden cameras, and everything around him It is forced.

The first thing that the film reflects is a very complex social space where Bourdieu’s theory applies, explains the field as a place where there are struggles, relationships, coexistence, conflicts within society, in this case everything correlates in the movie, the spectators being aware of the show, the producers of the show and even Truman himself postponed his life, family and daily obligations, all this happens in the social space developed in the society of Seaheaven, year 1998, Hollywood that was when the premiere was released movie “The Truman Show”.

A city that somehow reflects a world of spectators, thus reproducing the values of that society, such as infrastructure, individuals, characters, environments. And as a result of all that, Truman turns out to be living in his home with his wife, working in a bank, having his friends and family.

And not only a simple reproduction of a real society, but that composes its own abstraction for example in the world of Truman no robberies or homicides, there is no garbage and pollution in the streets; People seem to be satisfied and happy with themselves and their surroundings.

Tired individuals living in a society insecure and full of adversity, create the show as a model for a more decreed and tangible society, thus transferring from an unstable and unhappy society to a more complex and satisfying society.

The producers of the show play an important role since they are the ones in charge of “creating” Truman himself while struggling to always have him under his domain, thus achieving prestige and some legitimacy, that is how they participate in the social space.

The mode of action or thinking that the producer of the show has towards Truman is always of superiority, dominance, wants to control the life of another person and thus manages to continue doing so for many years, this is where the “habitus”, the main actor Truman accepts his life without hesitation, fulfilling his obligations and laws governed by a false society, since he was born he leads his normal life without knowing that it is not really his own life that he represents, but the life of another person reflected at.

Possibly Cristof, the producer of the Show acts in that dominant and superior way for his culture and personality, for the way he was raised since childhood, for education and thus formed his own identity, this is where cultural capital can be reflected.

Everything in this city “Seaheaven” has been a farce, it is not a real society, the struggles and conflicts are acted to achieve an alien benefit, in this case for Cristof, and

the most affected Truman who without realizing does not live his own life , is deprived of his freedom and consent, dominated under rules other than another society product of a falsehood.

This leads to Truman’s need to find himself, he feels confused, full of questions, not knowing who he really is and the answer to why he is there does not know, this leads him to feel frustrated, deceived and disappointed; Until he knows the truth, he feels safe and determined about what he is going to do with his life. Because a person the more he knows and is sure of himself, the better his life is going to be and the less internal problems he is going to have, this is “the inner look” in Alain Touraine’s reading.

Perhaps this wants to convey to us the producer of this show, to know who we really are, to be confident with our identity and personality in order to achieve a more satisfying life and not fall into problematic situations. Without this inner look we would simply lose ourselves as people in any society, until we accept and know how to carry our reality is when we understand true happiness and wisdom, as Truman demonstrates in the film.

From here it follows “the double being” is related to the above mentioned, until he comes to understand himself, his origin, culture or religion is when he clearly defines himself as a person in society.

Taking an example of today; certain societies do not have their religion in mind or it is weak and they do not have enough control over beliefs is when people must have a clear and defined personality. Truman thought he was free and that was his real life, so he acted like everyone else around him without wondering if his actions were right, everything seemed normal.

The plot in which Truman is sunk establishes a double mirage. From one point of view it is an illusion for him, since according to him he lives in a world as if it were real; and on the other hand, it is an illusion for the audience of the show, which provides an ideal society, a real and current society, a true fantasy.

A small dilemma that stands out is that the main actor senses that something is wrong in the city, in different spaces there are things that make him suspect that he is being deceived, the moment when Truman’s ship hits the wall, not only does a Change in your profile of the world, but also your ideology and beliefs as a complicated being is overthrown. Just as your actions, pride, desires, ambitions and values are disputed and need some vigor.

The outcome creates a necessary fulfillment to the force of the changes that caused in the main actor; the decision to know his truth was very important to finish knowing his own life, it is here that he lets out his courage and ego, decides to fight to find the answer of who he really is and what he does in that society, but On the other hand, he is

more resistant because he does not agree or is sure with the steps to achieve it, since he has a life to fulfill and responsibilities, which he cannot leave so easy.

At another time, the advertising in the Show stands out, the only form of income that exists, they take advantage of putting subliminal and hidden messages, in one way or another it is dominated and from another point of view it highlights media, production, work and in the The expectation of an American society for breaking the limit between the public and the private of its inhabitants is that a dilemma is reached, even betting on the life of a human being.

Relating the superstructure according to Marx in the context of the film you can witness the ideological instances of the main actors, Truman with his moral and ethical principles both in his work and in the neighborhood so feelings are also noticed by his father, according to the Cristof’s way of acting highlights the rules he has about society to handle everything and mainly Truman. These two terms harmonize with each other, a superstructure goes hand in hand with the infrastructure and vice versa in order to achieve a maintenance of society and the mode of production, where the infrastructure determines the superstructure.

You can mention some cultural patterns reflected in the film, a process of socialization of Truman, molded to the audience society in order to achieve the attention and ranking of the expected show, bone, used the same processes of socialization, tasks and daily obligations same or similar to the real spectators of the show, this shows that Truman

did not live his own life, he was not free of his rights. That the main actor becomes a social being is willing to incorporate suspicions, limitations, fears and prohibitions, which change him into an easy being controlled by the show’s director.

Socialization processes, his life was something normal having his family, groups of friends, his own identity and religion, attended school as another ordinary child in a real society, arrives at the university where his personal and professional training ends, until arriving to relate to the love of his life who is his wife, everything takes place in a process of socialization from his first day of birth, followed by his customs and traditions that in this case it was not his family who generated them, but a whole production to a show mounted although somehow it comes to be considered as part of his family since those people have always been controlling his life and living very close although Truman did not know it.

Mentioning Alain Touraine again, you can see behaviors of the main character, where social and cultural rights that every person has in society are recognized, in this case Truman is deprived of those rights since he is dominated by other systems that should not exist in a society, because it would be useful to know that there must be equality between everyone in a country or society and this is not the case in the film.

What the show’s director intends to transfer to the general audience is a reflection about our lives, do we know who we really are? What is our purpose in society? Are we clear that we want with our lives? How far can we go if we don’t try to meet our goals? Are we

happy just as we really are? All this comes to flash in each spectator of the show, not only in the movie but in the audience outside it and each person is recognized as a human being of a complex society, they realize that not only they have traumas and fears, that their presence is accompanied by other same individuals in their society.

Truman reflects a character who wants to make his own life, looks disturbing, questioned, not knowing what is happening, feels that his privacy has been violated although he is not sure of himself since he notices strange and unusual actions in his neighborhood, He realizes that some things are not happening normally.

This is where you can notice the emotional instability that penetrates your life and how it affects it, when you lose the internal “I” in a society and you get to present a touching trance of the film where it is stated precisely around the rupture of that fantastic reality and exploits a demanding feeling to implore to prove his own reality, although he himself finds it by his means.

Possibly the most impressive thing about the show, and the high social criticism it produces, is that it constitutes a strict motto of what we can become as people; completely lost within society without knowing who we really are, but at the same time covered up with falsehoods and fantasies, organized by our own limited appreciation. What comes to cause your identity and values to be a farce too.


To point out a personal argument and conclude with this analysis, it seems to me that although the film reflects many environments, it is developed in different matters and with a diversity of characters and personalities, it is worth mentioning that Truman’s life stands out, it reflects a strong and intense feeling of knowing who he is, why he is there, where his life is going; and thus it shows us the need to look for ourselves, to know ourselves as people in a society, to face problems and conflicts that possibly destabilize us at some time, that is the need that must be satisfied as an individual to be complete with our identity and not Fall into moral problems.

Throughout our lives we try to know each other better, but we never reach total knowledge. Human beings can get to know themselves, almost completely, but as with their own lives, new aspects, still unknown, also arise within them. “I checked the word count and it indicated (1996) words.”...

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