N283 Stress VS - First two lectures in the course. Miriam Walter was professor. Used course objectives PDF

Title N283 Stress VS - First two lectures in the course. Miriam Walter was professor. Used course objectives
Author Amy Peet
Course Nursing Foundations
Institution California State University Chico
Pages 3
File Size 135.4 KB
File Type PDF
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First two lectures in the course. Miriam Walter was professor. Used course objectives outlined for each section as well as study guides given prior to major exam....


Nursing 283 Stress and vital signs ch notes St r e s sc h3 2 Ne u r o l o gi c a lc a u s e so fs t r e s sr e s p o n s e :Amy g d a l at u r n son“ fig hto rfli g ht ”r e s po n s e . Ph y s i o l o g i cr e s p on s e st os t r e s s :a c t i v a t i o no fANS,“ figh to rfli g ht ” . Wa y st oman a g es t r e s s :me d i t a t i o n,e x e r c i s e ,e t c . VSc h a n g e s :i nc r e a s eh e a r tr a t e ,i n c r e a s ec a r di a co ut p u t ,i nc r e a s eBP ,&i nc r e a s e d r e s pi r a t i o ns Ch e mi c a lr e s po n s e s :Hy p o t h a l a mu s( CRHr e l e a s e d )t opi t u i t a r y( ACTHr e l e a s e d )c a us e s VSc h a n g e s c o r t i s o l ,c a t e c h ol a mi ne ss t i mu l a t e db yANS  h y po t h a l a mi ca c t i v a t i o nl e a d st oSNSs t i mul a t i on t r i g g e r sn or / e p ir e l e a s e   VS  Po s t u r al / or t h o s t a t i ch y po t e n s i onTa k eBP1 3mi na p a r ta t3po s i t i o n s( l a y i n g d o wn ,s i t t i n g ,s t a nd i n g )  Hy po t e n s i on :s y s t o l i cBPF ‘til fat, dec ability to detect adolescence pulse102 Heat-byproduct of metabolism Thermoreg heat loss=sweat/vasodilation conservation=shivering/va soconstriction

BP reg by ANS, RAAS, ADH (vasopressin)


Lifestyle changesmaintain norm weight, diet, dec Na+/alc, exercise HTN pharm: diuretics rid excess fluid, A/B blockers block adrenaline effects, ACE inhibitors prevent vasoconstriction, ARBs angiotensin receptor blockers, Ca+ channel blockers prevent constriction from Ca influx, direct vasodilators

Hypothermia-low body temp Hyperthermia-high body temp Fever, febrile-describes one w/ fever  inc meatab inc O2 demand-HR/resp inc to meet demand Set point FUO-fever of unknown origin Nurs measures for hyperthermia Freq temp readings, ID cause, VS, I&O, cultures before antibiotics if infection, WBCs Tx-nonsteroidal antipyretics (acetaminophen-Tylenol, NSAIDS-ibuprofen-advil) cool sponge bath/blankets, inc fluids, oral hygiene

when O2 low, cardiac output inc to compensate Stress-SNS stim inc HR Pathology Electrolytes Take for 1 min if irreg. Palpcarotid, AP, brachial, radial, etc. Hear AP 4th-5th IC space Assess rate, rhythm (reg/irreg/reg irreg), amp/quality/stren gth/vol (0-3), equality Tachycardia>100 d/t dec BP, O2, inc temp… Bradycardia20/4 Bradypnea...

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