Nationalism Week 2 - Lecture notes 1 PDF

Title Nationalism Week 2 - Lecture notes 1
Author Yselle Mikee Siaga
Institution National University Philippines
Pages 28
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Warning: TT: undefined function: 32 Warning: TT: undefined function: 32 This module has been FLEX Course Material designed to help you:Develop your social and political consciousness as a citizen and a member of the community To strengthen your love for the country Enhance your understanding about y...


#II This module has been designed to help you: Develop your social and political consciousness as a citizen and a member of the community To strengthen your love for the country Enhance your understanding about your rights and duties as a citizen of the Philippines



Develop your sense of Filipino Nationalism and Patriotism

Develop your ethics of service Reflect on how are you as a citizen according to your rights and obligation Reflect and realize your contribute for the betterment of our community To understand how do the government works Develop your sense of volunteerism

JEFFREY B. VALIENTE Faculty, National Service Training Program


Foc Focus us Questio Questions ns

What is Nat Nationalism ionalism and wha whatt is Patriotism Patriotism?? Who ar aree the citiz citizens ens of the Philip Philippines? pines? What is it to be a ggo ood citizen citizen?? What are the Fil Filipi ipi ipino no Val alues ues and Tra Traits? its? As a FFilip ilip ilipino ino ino,, wha whatt are my ri rights ghts and obli obligations gations to my cou countr ntr ntry? y? How can I cont contribut ribut ributee to the bett betterm erm erment ent of my commu community? nity? How to become a Good Citi Citizenship? zenship? What is Go Good od ggovernance overnance an and d ccha ha haracteristics racteristics What is the sens sensee of volu volunteerism? nteerism?


PART 1 Good Citizenship Values Development Good governance PART II. Volunteerism

Table of Contents • Introduction to Nationalism

• Ways to show Nationalism and Patriotism • Citizenship and its Kind • Rights and Obligation of a Citizen • Good Citizenship • Preamble

• The Good Citizenship Values • Importance of Values • Why, Where, Who, What, and How Values should be taught • Importance of Values • The Values of Being

• The Values of Giving • Where do our Values come from? • 10 Classic Filipino Values ………… • Good Governance • Branches of Government page 19

• Characteristics of Good Governance • Volunteerism • Benefits of Volunteerism • Features of Voluntary Services • What are the expected Values in Volunteerism?

• References …


It is assumed that you have learned and understood the importance of NSTP and its goals. Just few questions before we go to the next lesson. Limit your answer to 2-3 sentences. 1. What are the three (3) components of NSTP?

2. What qualities/characteristics you have that makes you a good citizen of the Philippines? 3. How can you contribute to make your community better? 4. What do you think is your role as a Filipino?


INT INTR ROD ODUCT UCT UCTIO IO ION N It was discussed in module 1 that NSTP aims to develop the sense of social consciousness of the students, to be a good citizen and contribute to nation building. NSTP will serve as a training process for the students to develop their sense of patriotism to know their roles and engage themselves in volunteerism for the welfare of the Filipinos.

NATIONALISM In order to decide how can you be part of the solution, you must be aware first of the issues, problems concerns, and needs of the community and the whole nation. We got to talk about Nationalism.

“I am Pinoy” “ Proud to be Pinoy” as we always say but

How do you consider yourself a nationalist?

Nat Nationalism ionalism is an identification with one's own nation and means to give more importance to unity by way if cultural background, language and heritage and you will defend it no matter what.

• It is when the people of this nation become united and work together for common aims

Do you know the symbol of your country and explain every part that makes it?

Do you know the lyrics of the National Anthem? Can you name the presidents of the Philippines from Aguinaldo to Duterte?

• Nationalism is inseparable to Patriotism, to be Patriotic is to be nationalistic 5

Do you know the Philippine National Heroes?

The Philippine Nationalism was born during the 19th century when our heroes expressed their love, devotion to our nation by fighting for our Freedom and Independence from the other countries. The most popular revolutionary is our National hero, Dr. Jose Rizal who fearlessly showed his Nationalism through fighting for our freedom in a silent but powerful way, though his novels, essay and articles until his last breath.

Figure 1: Philippine Heroes (From right to left: Andres Bonifacio, Jose Rizal, Emilio Guinaldo, Apolinario Mbini Juan Luna, Marcelo H Del Pilar, Emilio Jacinto and Melchora Aquino)

Ways to show Nationalism Filipino Nationalism is a love and respect for your Nationality as a Filipino. Here are some ways to show your Nationalism: • Be Proud with your Filipino identity. • Learn more about the history and remember our heroes and their contributions. • Be willing to learn more about our culture, and practice our values and traits. • Respect our national anthem and sing with pride. • Patronize and promote our very own, the locally made products, movies, singers, artists. • Speak our own language. • Bring your Nationality wherever you are.

• Be aware of the issues in your country • Love your family



Wha hatt is PPaatrio triotism tism tism?? Patriotism is a national pride. The feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment.

Here are some ways to express your patriotism: • Be a productive citizen. • Love your countrymen. • Be compassionate and do good things to others. • Take care of the environment • Keep your surroundings clean


• Respect the constitution and obey the laws


• Contribute for the betterment of our

country and countrymen • Serve your country, join volunteerism • Fight for your country • Utilize your rights and duties as a Filipino • Promote peace and safe community 7

Wha hatt is Citiz Citizens ens enship? hip? Citizenship is the position or status of being a citizen of a particular country being vested with the rights, privileges, and duties of a citizen.

Filipino Citizenship We always say, “I am Pinoy” “I am proud to be Pinoy” “Pinoy ako sa dugo at diwa” and even Filipinos who have already been living in another country say that, because we are proud to be Filipino and will remain Filipino by blood. In the Philippines, F ilip ilipinos inos are the people who are the ci citizens tizens of the country. Citizenship is a legal status and a relationship to the nation with specific legal rights and obligation. As a Filipino citizen, we enjoy the our constitutional rights protected by the 1987 Philippine Constitution. As a citizen, we also assumes the duties as a member of the Philippine nation. If you enjoy your right to freedom of expression, therefor, it is your duty to protect, fulfill and respect the right to freedom of expression of others. We can be a good citizen by practicing your rights and performing your duties as a Filipino


KIN KINDS DS OF CITI CITIZZEN ENSH SH SHIP IP (bas (based ed on th the e 11987 987 Philip Philippin pin pine e Con Consstitu titution tion tion))

The following are citizens of the Philippines: 1. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of this Constitution; 2. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines; 3. Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority; and 4. Those who are naturalized in accordance with law

Therefore, our Filipino Citizenship is based on: 1. Filipino ilipino by bir birth th • Jus soli (right of soil) which means a person’s nationality at birth is determined by the place of birth. • Jus sanguinis (right of blood) which is the legal principle that, at birth, an individual acquires the nationality of his/her natural parent/s.

2. 2.Filipino Filipino by natura naturalization lization • Foreigners who do not have Filipino blood, nevertheless, can obtain Philippine citizenship under number 4, through Nturalization.

3. State tatelessnes lessnes • -person is someone who is "not” considered as a national by any state under the operation of its law.


• A natural born Filipino (with Filipino Parents) who have become naturalized citizens of another country are allowed to retain or re-acquire their Filipino citizenship. It applies to Dual Citizenship

RIG RIGHT HT HTSS AN AND D OBL OBLIG IG IGA ATIO TION N AS A C CITIZE ITIZE ITIZEN N OF THE PHI PHILIP LIP LIPPI PI PIN NES We have mentioned that as a citizen, we have our rights and duties. Rights and Duties are inseparable from each other, yet it goes side by side. Your rights are the privileges you can enjoy as a citizen while duties are your job to do something about or think about which affects your life and other people’s lives. Below, you will find more rights and responsibilities that all citizens should be exercised and respected. ROL ROLE/RESPONSIBILI E/RESPONSIBILI E/RESPONSIBILITIES TIES


• Support and defend the constitution

• Freedom of Speech, of the Press & Assembly . (Pertains to freedom of expression to ensure

• Obey the traffic laws

that voices of people are heard & their views

• Stay informed of the issues affecting your

are considered)


• Right to Form Unions, Associations, or

• Respect the rights and beliefs

Societies. (Only for purpose not contrary to

• Pay taxes honestly


• Defend and fight for the country if the need

• Right to Privacy. (Comes with the right to

should arise

access to all government documents) • Right to express yourself

• To be loyal to the Republic

• Right to a prompt, fair trial

• Contribute to the development and welfare

of the country and countrymen.

• Right to vote and to be voted • Right to a free education

• Honor the Philippine Flag

• Freedom from discrimination

• Campaigning against Graft and Corruption

• Right to receive a minimum wage

• Maintaining Sanitation and Cleanliness of surroundings


Good Citizenship How is it to be a Good Citizen? Obeying the laws? Paying taxes? Let’s talk about it.

A Good citizen is a person who properly fulfills his or her role as a citizen. Everyone of us has a duty, unfortunately not everyone of us is

fulfilling that duty. Our heroes taught us to love and take care our country, inspired us to fight to protect our country and wants us to be devoted to the country. Yet, in our present time, why it seems nothing have changed? The problem is, we only blame our corrupt government and our elected leaders for their mess. We demand good governance, but we have not demanded from ourselves to change in ourselves.

Figure 2 Images shows the good citizenship acts and not


• The 1987 Philippine Constitution gives us a very clear vision of the kind of people we should be and how we can live the values as a good citizen.

• Let us translate the good citizenship values derived from the Preamble of the Constitution into concrete action in order to build our nation-

• Faith in God, Unity, Patriotism, Work, Respect for Life, Respect for law

and Government, Truth, Justice, Freedom, Love, Equality, Peace, Promotion of the Common Good, Concern for the Family and Future Generations, Concern for the Environment and Order.


Remember the famous remarks of Dr. Joze Rizal,

“Ang kabataan ang pag asa

THE GO GOOD OD CITIZENSHIP V VA ALUES (b (based ased on the 1987 Philipp hilippine ine Const Constitution) itution)

ng bayan”. Our national hero believes that youths are the present and the future of the nation’ the key to a progressive and and strong nation. That they can make it a better world, if we live by the values.



Faith in the Almighty Respect for Life Concern for the Family and Future Generations

We should base our actions through these values. Be Maka Diyos, Maka tao, Makakalisanan at maka-bansa. No

matter how small, will give us

PAGKA MAK TAO Love Freedom

that sense of nationhood. We


just have to take a look at the


mess we are in and we will


realize that it is in the absence of these values that has brought the sinfulness,

discord, greed and selfishness,

MAK KALIKASAN Concern for the Environment

violence and murder, anarchy, intrigue, oppression, exploitation, hatred, war,


broken homes, environmental


degradation, violation of


human rights.

Respect for Law and Government Patriotism Promotion of Common Good 13

• According to Cor Cornelius nelius J. Van der Poel, a “value refers to the understanding of a certain good for an individual or society which is considered worthy of realization.” Meaning, we all believe that it is good for us and make us a better human being.m • Values is defined as the bases of judging what attitudes and behavior are correct and desirable and what are not. It is important and lasting beliefs shared by members of a culture about what is good or bad, desirable, or undesirable. • To develop a value is to acquire it gradually, and by successive changes to move from the original position to one providing more opportunity for effective use. • Values development is the act, the process or result of developing values for human dignity.

Val alues ues shoul should d be taught :

Imp Impor or ortance tance of V Val al alue ue uess


Values are extremely

Values should be taught to all people of all ages with differing agenda and changing emphasis depending on their maturity. It should be taught now and always.

powerful. They guide


what behavior is

Values are best taught at home, in either positive or negative sense. They can be far more influential than what is taught in school.

acceptable and what

people and determine

behavior is not.

WHO WHO:: Parents are the crucial examples and instructors of values. They are considered as subcontractors serving as supplement, support and backup of parents.

Values can make our society safe and workable

WHAT: Decide which values to teach. A teaching system should be carefully selected

Values is the most


significant and effective

There are methods especially designed in teaching values to pre- schoolers, elementary pupils, adolescents and people in the community

thing to attain



Values have to do with being and with giving. It is who we are and what we give rather than what we have that make up our truest inner selves.

Values of Being is who are we. These are given as they are gained and practice on the “outer” self as they are developed in the “inner” self. • Honesty – one must be practiced with other individuals, with institutions, with society and within oneself. The inner strength and confidence are bred by exacting truthfulness, trustworthiness and integrity. • Courage- means daring to attempt difficult things that are good. It is the strength not to follow the crowd, to say no and mean it and influence others by it. • Peaceableness- this means calmness, peacefulness and serenity. It is the tendency to accommodate rather than argue. It is the ability to understand how others feel rather than simply reacting to them. • Self-reliance and Potential – these refer to a person’s individuality, awareness and development of his/her gifts and uniqueness. One must take responsibility for one’s own actions. The tendency to blame others for difficulties must be overcome. One must have a commitment to personal excellence. • Self Discipline and Moderation – these refer to physical, mental and financial self-discipline. These involved moderation in speaking, in eating and in exercising . These also include the controlling and bridling of one’s own appetites and understanding the limits of boy and mind. • Fidelity and Chastity – these refer to the value and security within marriage and of restraints and limits before marriage. These involve the commitment that go with marriage and responsibility that go with sex.


The values of giving is what we give. These are gained and developed as they are practiced. • Loyalty and Dependability –refer to loyalty to family, employers, country, church, schools and other organizations and institutions. • Respect – respect for life, property, parents, elders, nature and the beliefs and rights of others. It means self-respect and the avoidance for self- criticism. • Love- means individual and personal caring that goes beneath and beyond loyalty and respect. • Unselfishness and Sensitivity – pertain to becoming personal caring that goes beneath and centered. Refer to empathy, tolerance, brotherhood and sensitivity to the needs of people and situations. • Kindness and Friendships – refer to awareness that being kind and considered is more admirable than being tough or strong. The tendency to understand rather than confront and be gentle particularly towards those who are young, old and weak.

• Justice and Mercy – refer to obedience to law and fairness in work and play.


• If we want to build a better nation, each of us, young and old, rich or poor, Muslim, Christian, we all have to demand of

10 Classic Filipino Values • Hospitality

ourselves, we should live these values at all times no matter what. Ask ourselves if what

• Respect and Care for Elderly

the world we want to live in and decide if

• Strong Family Ties

we are going to be part of the solution, or

• Generosity and Helpfulness

part of the problem.

• Utang na loob • There is still hope for our country, if we will

• Compassion

all be a good citizen day by day all the days

• Damayan System

of our lives if we want to build a strong,

• Religious

peaceful and progressive nation. Good

• Loving and Caring

citizenship is the duty of every Filipino.

• Conservatism

Good citizenship is values-based and valuesdriven.




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