Notes apush unit 12, after the fact book PDF

Title Notes apush unit 12, after the fact book
Author Kaiya Hodge
Course history
Institution Grand Valley High School (Colorado)
Pages 9
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Pages 258-276, 291-296 ● David A Wells-economist, publicist, American, spell though implications of new order observing in 1885 cost less than 7/10 of one cent transport turn 1 mile on the average American railroad ● 1865-1914 Witnessed one of the great industrial expansion‘s America emerged from. The arsenal of two world wars and prime industrial power on planet ● Lots of social change in US ● People affected people in factories labor unions industry ● Between 1860 and 19 415 population of US tripled number of workers increased 5 1/2 times value created by manufacturing rose 12 times capital invested in industry multiplied 22 times ● 18/91 time value of manufactured goods surpassed agricultural commodities farm see edge production was then at all time high rising every year ● Turn of century United States already industrial nation industry expanded railroad lines more ● First 30 years of railroad construction between 1830 and 1860 30,000 miles of track end of century United States railroad greater than Europe almost 200,000 miles of steel rails ● Fuel deficiencies scarcity of resources French lack good coal limitation on industrialization US add all major minerals needed for industrialization call iron or copper mine are metals like sink gold and silver huge quantities of newly discovered Blackgold of oil ● US equals lots of agricultural land extending across continent long growing seasons for fiber crops like him and cotton and food crops Forest equal ample lumber once US mastered transportation and integration of raw materials diversity and resources equal new markets and sources of supply industrialization not from raw materials only from history of people before war basics of economic growth ● Thomas Cochran pointed out rates of growth for railroad construction pig iron and cotton textile production among others actually decline during warriors and shot up postwar years from figures he concludes war may well have had a retarding effect on economic growth since evidence is entirely quantitative by design therefore he must leave out determinants of growth that cannot be measured or counted these conclusions are not entirely convincing figures however do you want that war was not as unalloyed a push toward industrialization of some historians here have assumed possible factors does not consider because consequences measured our government actions Federal Expenditures increased from 65 million annually before war to 1296.8 million in 1865 ● 1870 figure 300, million ● Other factors not taken into account include banking and currency stabilization the protective tariff and the homestead act method also ignores activities begun during war which would measure in statistics of production only years later such as railroads ● State and federal Gove contributions to railroad enormous cash loans totaling over 150,000,000 number of states and cities granted tax exemptions to railroad companies so they would build more railroads state and local girls purchased part almost 149000,000 worth of railroad securities which had been conservatively estimated return of railroads about 50 million more than they realize from sale of securities to private purchasers among age of golf where the 134,000,000 acres of public lands granted to 70 railroads by federal government in the 48,900,000 acres granted by nine states gifts of land if brought together would come from God comprise larger area than United Kingdom Spain in Belgium combined depending on how when estimates the value of these lands railroads receive between 130 million and 500 million as a gift ● Aid from community in building railroads a lot 8% of country tracked building of railroads after 1871 policy of land grants began as far back as 1850 was discontinued

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transcontinental railroad like great Northern constructed without any federal land grants and mini another the less ambitious railroad in later years of century could say as much land grants and other aids not fraudulent we acquired or socially undesirable quid pro quo railroads furnished go with transportation at reduced rates for the more loans which could’ve made we’re almost completely repaid with interest although must be added in until federal government went to court from social standpoint there was sound basis for the assistance Large part of lands granted to railroads got because railroads went through them Making lands accessible to Settlers railroads largely created value this point exaggerated carries weight in regard to those items almost totally dependent on Railroad Eight from government indispensable to construction of railroad inconceivable that private investors particular the first decades of railroad would’ve put money into rails running through dry and empty planes If investments guaranteed by state or local government or supported by federal land grants and loans Government role in 1860 cannot be measured in dollars or land or a legislative enactments something more subtle reassuring attitude of sympathy which government be business enterprise Degrees government been efficient displayed toward business measured by outright hostility and suspicion displayed towards labor example massive federal intervention in great railroad strike of 1877 and in labor troubles at where the Coeur d’ Alene and Pullman and Chicago later the century notorious used made by federal courts of Sherman antitrust act to hamstring labor organization John peter altgeld as to call government by injunction Economic historian Joseph schum Peter argued capitalistic enterprising delicate flower easily discouraged and impeded by governmental threats and interference if so late 19th century in America was veritable hot house for such flora Rapid and successful expansion of industrial machine encouraged by great influx of immigrants in postwar era before war annual immigration measured in thousands after in millions decade of 80s for example over 5 million newcomers entered United States becoming eager workers and avid customers of American business any balance sheet of nation industrial acid manpower of strangers to America must be included Second wave of industrial expansion in American history product of things as well as people hundreds of inventions of. In some cases of fundamental importance to expansion of industry Bessemer process in steel for instants made versatile metal usable on wide scale for the first time the Siemens Martin process which permitted even poor ores to be converted into steel refrigeration which laid foundation for nationwide meat packing industry telephone electric lamp internal combustion engine catalog of major inventions of. Would also be a list of the great industries with spring up in the new age and along with such a spectacular inventions numerous improvements adaptations minor gadgets and the typewriter Typewriter used every day life of Americans machine always welcome indeed it is a symbol of American industry European frequently poke fun at Americans preoccupation with gadgets contraptions and machines even imply reveals lack of human concern but historical reason behind Americans machine mindedness I was country Chronically short of labor America generally welcomed machines because it needed them labor costs are high employers readily turn to machines to save money willingness to use machines closely related to high standard of living machines spelled high productivity key to rising standard of living is machine greater possibility of rising wage for individual worker American addiction to machine a parent to foreign observer 80 years ago fall of 1902 Alfred Mosley and enterprising English businessman succeeded to bringing secretary of

23 major British trade unions Of US to study secret of American productivity admiration of advantages for machines afforded American as appliances in use for almost everything is perfectly astounding search GD Kelly of the lithographers American employers believe that machines rather than men or women are to be driven concluded TA Flynn of the Taylor’s and the clever workman who by invention or suggestion enables is employer to carry out this ideal is encouraged in a manner delightfully real sincere Close connection between interest in machinery and improving status for worker clearly seen by WC Stedman do American workers do not work any harder than their English brother in tendency to being to use improve machinery of latest type and should a new machine be put in today and a better one come out tomorrow that will turn out more work it will can you put on one side for the latest end up that’s no matter what the cost this is in contrast with the situation in England he noted where we use machinery to decrease wages America it means more wages and shorter hours and workmen are encouraged by their employers to make suggestions and improvements another delegate contrasting American employers readiness to adopt a new machinery with the English employers continued use of obsolete machines went on to say I don’t pretend to think that the American employer loves his workmen more than he does the British employer but he recognizes that up to date machinery peas while the other does not Do Americans interested in using machines did not always have to invent them many basic inventions like Bessemer and Simmonds Martin steel process and the internal combustion engine where are European Sixers to reminders that American industrialization coming late in the century enjoyed signal advantage of being able to tap accumulated industrial and technological experience of European nations particularly England European assistance to American industrialization of wanted more than tech and underdeveloped country at that time the US had access to accumulated capital of the whole western world movement of European Capital into US substantial conclusion 19th century 3.4 billion of European capital Tucktaway in American enterprises first world war broke out American industry had absorbed $7 billion of old world capital thanks to international tranquility of 19th century and marvelous interchangeability afforded by gold standard American industry experience a minimum of difficulty borrowing savings of hard-working Victorian bourgeoisie any other time in history for golden age of peace and Free exchange relatively brief process of American industrialization would have been more like strenuous capital accumulation of Russians the Indians in 20th century advantages which accrued from ability to tap other people settings are graphically demonstrated in comparison of national savings has been estimated that Americans saved 11 and 14% of national income against probably over 20% saved by British during rise in Eminence believe that Soviet Russia has been compelled to set aside more than 20% of national income in order to finance industrialization Americans had considerably easier than other countries when one has sat down all possible factors that might account for surge of industrialization still seem to be some missing ingredients importance is very spirit of people made them work what may strive for wealth status improvement certainly qualities are necessary to industrialization was it Puritan incentive the annex example of opportunities for industrious does speculative streak with ran through all Americans ever since Columbus took a chance it would be hard to say but certainly they all aided in sparking drive for work and activity which then ask now trade of American also people were entrepreneurs not merely capitalist who supplied money but those people who possess a genius for industrial production and who throwing together resources of nation labor of millions and capital of Western World built American industry Who are entrepreneurs what made them tick how was it that they dominated American economy during the years neither place nor time to answer such important question since historians just began to explore those questions crucial role of entrepreneur and

economic growth we can do a little more than set forth some of the last controversial or obvious features of entrepreneurs who donated late 19th century America sometime ago investigation of major industrial leaders like Rockefeller Vanderbilt Guggenheim are more Carnegie and others Charles a beard attempted to generalize about the social origins of entrepreneurs is a classy felt it coming from lower Strada of society so the farmers really rather for Lee educated often foreign born as in case of Carnegie as a group he thought the Giants were representative of a new class of income to economic power in America Morrison investigations however using brother sampling have arrived in much different picture where they were and looks at 51 railroad presidents Cochran did or at the successful businessman who appeared in the dictionary of American biography is C Wright mills did conclusion is inescapable Industrial leaders not man who came from bottom level of education attained was far above most people of day over 50% of those born between 1820 and nine 1879 attended college in an age when high school was still the exception for most Americans another study William Miller found that 70% of those born between 1850 and 1879 came from upper/upper middle class families moreover beards findings almost 48% came from farm family sound like 90% of men were nativeborn conclusions of study 300 executives of important firms in 1870 service summation of all these investigations authors found that typical entrepreneur was American by birth of New England father English and national origin congregational Presbyterian or a Piscopo Polian in religion urban in early environment in born and bred in the atmosphere which business in a relatively high school standing were intimately associated with family life only at 18 did he take his first regular job repair to rise from it more over not by rigorous is apprenticeship begun when he was virtually child but why an academic education well above average for the times in short men who were getting to the top even in the 1870s that alleged Araav self-made man henna then pour femme boys are uneducated immigrants lads starting at the bottom but instead man who had given rather exceptional opportunities to make the race. However we turn to social origins of these men to their personality traits generalization is much less easy even if one and find some stuff to best known liters Vanderbilt may have been ruthless in graph uneducated and uncultured but Carnegie was subtle and articulate Rockefeller was Taciturn but commanding quiet but implacable common factor eludes us characteristic which does stand out as almost universal is there a passion for work study of 43 careers of well-known captains of business Chester Dessler discovered only two of them actually retired in order to arrest others never retired or had to be compelled to for one reason or another numerous stories of their application to job came to mind almost Novo many close to being sorted all demonstrate that the one point he and technically required of a subordinate where a few hundred missing bongs from oil barrels were this is Rockefeller by the way and his attention to detail in order to save expenditure of a single extra drop more human perhaps is the picture of JJ hill the railroad magnate of the great Northern getting down from his train one bitter Minnesota winters night to help his men shovel snow from the tracks strike of the main chances common among the life history of the giants often appears early in careers William H Clark for example later of the copper trust funds into wilds of Montana with load of tobacco confident he gets all the weed at monopoly prices to minors there Cosby Huntington subsequently of Central Pacific fame built up in San Francisco grocery business by beating competitors out into bed to meet the supply ships from the east from the east Though want for money most likely mean spring of all great entrepreneurs that would be not true because there was more to them than that hard and unfailingly did they work for additional million or after that million Mark had long been past is not explicable in terms of simple greed instead Rockefellers urge to bring out chaos in oil industry Herriman

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stream to encircle world with is real and steamship lines or four‘s ambition to produce a cheaper and better automobile than anyone else suggest that mechanism more human than prophet was driving them men were looking for adventure for challenge they were men playing great game as Ellen Evans cold is perhaps for ladder portion of 19th-century equivalent of war four witched William James for seeking though hardly moral as James hoped it would be it was still peaceful invigorating and undeniably productive diverse as men maybe in personality there can be a little question as to me and switch the employed of 43 noted liters of business from Chester Dessler studied 36 used monopoly or near monopoly to gain ends 13 years political corruption 16 of them mulcted One companies for a personal advantage 23 charged exorbitant rates if traffic would be rude no way of knowing to what extent example followed by lesser known entrepreneurs seems no reason to believe more significantly scrupulous about methods One thing to note entrepreneurs build empires another to make ethical judgment on practices recently so-called robber barons have come for more spirited defense than any other since days of William Graham summer to defend methods of leaders on ground that job was done some historians have used to be guilty of justify the means by the ends go even further Allen Nevins has to justify them and their methods on the ground of industrial power they built enabled US to win two world wars is to commit the more gray this crime of the using men in the name of consequences they never intended search procedure drains whole matter of any more contacts to plead extenuation of the climate of business ethics of the time and still others have done is to Lucite a fact that there were after all mini man who adjusting to the ruthless call and find tactics of the Titans quick to point out undesirable aspects we’re not the workers who objected to the wages in antiunion tactics of Greek combines a part of climate of opinion all of which suggests that perhaps question cannot be answered purely moral terms Most we can say is industrial machine built the social and human cost was hot must also ask whether any nation has transformed its way of life at any time in history without exacting frightful human tall compared with social class in England in 19 century and Russia of 1920s and 1930s American industrial revolution cheap Industrial leviathan Many Americans who lived through era of trusts seemed as if industrialization means Louis Brandeis stigmatized as business at the same time industrial is push for a free highly competitive economy in conformity with most theoretical postulates of capitalist economics in their daily work busily engaged in building a larger dustrial empires consolidation of small units of production into larger ones concentration of control and business manifested itself in factory that has taken route nearly emergent Japan with the zaibatsu in imperial Germany with the cartels rising America with the trusts other industrial nations like France and Britain forms of constitution have very widely actual mergers to mirror loose agreements to divide the market pools in cartels but purpose behind has always been same control of market and elimination of competition for only with compare Titian was industrial capitalism able to function as it was expected to as both a producer of maximum amount of goods in the system of their distribution when industrial capitalism forsook competition soon failed to fulfill promise system of production and distribution when that happened political attacks upon the system were not far away when great consolidation movements of American industry took place 1890s early years of 20th century era of sugar trust the beef trust the steel trust the oil trust and the money trust symbolic of era is US steel corporation organized 1901 first billion dollar...

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