Apush PDF

Title Apush
Author ali Hodge
Course AP US History II
Institution High School - USA
Pages 6
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APUSH at Sequoyah HS- Mr. Peacock ...


Leopold and Loeb ● “Unbelievable crime” ● Leopold on the way to Harvard, Loeb graduated from University of Michigan ● Wanted to see if they were intelligent enough to get away with murder ○ Leopold left his glasses near where they left 14-year old Bobby Franks glasses ● Spared death ● Plan to do a complete renovation Behind Mansion Walls ● 1920-Chicago ● Poured HCl over his body to try to conceal it ● They are said to have a sexual relationship with each other ○ Loeb promised sex for Leopold’s help in crime adventures ● Leopold- IQ of 200 ● Loeb- detective/crime stories ● Committed arson, car theft Leopold and Loeb ● Aristocrats ● Leopold was a linguists and was leaving for three months in Europe the next week ○ Introvert ● Loeb was outgoing and popular ● May 21,1924 Bobby Franks a freshman at the Harvard School- he vanished ● Found his feet sticking out of a drainpipe ● Told the parents to round up $10000 if they wanted to see their son again ● Kenwood- German/Jewish families ● Loeb hung around the crime scene and the detectives and would try to give “advice” ● Glasses with special hinge in a culvert ○ 3 people in Chicago with that hinge- Nathan Leopold ● Leopold said he was out on the town with Loeb ○ Said his glasses were there because he was always there bird watching ● “The perfect crime” ● Randomly selected who to kidnap and kill ● Others thought the two should be hung ● Clarence Darrow- greatest criminal lawyer in semi-retirement but he wanted an international platform to speak out against criminal punishment ● Judge John Cauvery appealed to by emotion ● It is not merely mercy, but shut them in a prison for life as every one will be happy ○ Life +99 years ● Loeb died violently in prison by Day ● Paroled Leopold to Puerto Rico in 1958 ○ Said 33 years ago he thought he knew everything Kevin Spacey ● Death sentence discussed as a holiday ● Words to shame a savage ● Would hanging them make mankind better?

● State should be more intelligent than the acts of them ● Not asking for mercy, it is not mercy to lock up to boys for life ● Hanging will not bring Bobby back to life ● Cruel and thoughtless will applaud their hanging ● Pleading for the infinite numbers of those to follow ● All life is worth saving and that mercy is the highest attribute of man Opposing viewpoints Scopes monkey trial Scopes trial ● Butler Act in Tennessee 1924- no teaching of anything that defies the bible ● John Scopes- Dayton, Tn taught evolution ● Arrested immediately ○ Between fundamentalists and darwinists ● First trial nationally broadcasted on radio ● ACU hired Clarence Darrow (socialist) vs. William Jennings Bryan (fundamentalist) ● Scopes found guilty with $100 fine, but Darrow made Bryan look ridiculous ● Bryan affirmed that eve was made from adam's rib, and jonah was swallowed by a whale ● Bryan died 5 days after the trial Age of a Rock ● Must abandon faith to genesis ● Denies the principle of reason ● 10 million year old rock with fossil remains ○ Bryan says it cannot be more than 6,000 years old bc creation was in 4004 BC ● Claims exact date and time of creation but Darrow questions how they knew how long the day was ● Bryan says he wants to destroy every one’s belief in God Inherit the Wind ● 6 noted scientists in court ● Language of the law does not need experts to explain the law ● Community is an insult to the world- Darrow ● Darrow tries to give up and says that they can only punish as a wicked law ● Will make it a crime to read about it and will lead to restrictions and turning religions against each other ● We will be marching backwards to the 16th century The Sweet Trials Dr. Ossian Sweet Home ● Corner of Garland and Charlevoix ● KKK targeted Catholic and Jewish immigrants along with blacks ● Sep. 8, 1925- had others spend the night with two rifles, a shotgun, and 2000 rounds ● The 9th, Leon Breiner was killed and Eric Hougberg was wounded- police arrested all without bail ● Sweet testified that there was a crowd of 2000 and that they would have been killed ○ Police said it was peaceful and small ● Could not figure out who fired the shot

● Darrow raised a civil rights defense and Henry Sweet was acquitted all charges were dropped ● Dr. Sweet took his own life in the first of the civil rights decade, march 19, 1960 An Account Great Michigan Read ● Thousands came to the south and whites insisted on residential segregation ● KKK went around Michigan and Detroit ● Dr. Sweet moved into an all white neighborhood and a large crowd filled the streets, but the police did little ● Rocks thrown at the house, a man was shot and all those inside the house were arrested ● NAACP hired Darrow and he selected a jury of white men Religious Revival and Change Aimee Semple McPherson ● Broadways of American, drifting away from the faith of you father ● Ruin lays in the direction of backsliding ● Singing to the Lord ○ Give me a burden for souls Angelus Temple ● 1923 New Years it opened to the public ● Raised $300,000 for the building ● Put the cost in Pentecost ● Line for 2 blocks and 5000 people would fill every seat- 1st megachurch ● Used humor and storytelling to deliver the message of salvation ● Built up to the altar call to be born again ● Monthly magazines and own Christian radio station, healing services and serial dramas- reached to Australia ● Applied for a license for a television station 1929 With Her Son ● Showing and advertising the building ● 16,000 members to the church ● LA, California- anniversary of a preacher ● Joel Gibson story- frogs in the milk pail ○ One went to the bottom and died, the other kicked and lived and sat on butter singing ● Keep on praying through despair Billie Sunday and God and Religion Alcohol ● $2 tax on Whiskey- 150 million gallons a year ● Less money for education and clothes and shoes ● American needs righteousness and Jesus ● His house had pictures of the men of his time ● Moody Church held his funeral Warns America ● Morals rest on religion ● Bible does not condemn wealth ● Needs a tidal wave of old time religion

● Pledge to fight until world is bound to the cross by chains of love Prohibition Story of Us ● Creates a nation of criminals ● Willie Carter Sharpe-”rum-running queen” ○ Franklin county Virginia largest moonshine producers ○ She is a decoy to distract the feds ● 100 million gallons a year of moonshine ● Outrunning is a new sport ● Illegal liquor trade is worth tens of thousands ● Al Capone in Chicago ○ Over 100 dollars a min- 1500 today ○ George “Bugs” Moran his enemy- v day 1929, “cops” arrive with machine guns and kill everyone ● Major Goddard - ballistic forensics ○ Bullet casings can be analyzed ○ First forensics lab ○ Neither was a police gun ○ Capone says he was in Florida at the time ○ Wilson- accountant going after Capone on tax evasion (25% tax) ■ Hawthorne smoke shop ■ Handwriting comparison ○ Oct. 18, 1931- 11 years in prison for tax evasion ● Stock market crash of 1929 ○ Dec. 5, 1933 prohibition is appealed Prohibition in the U.S. ● Clinton Howard- prohibitionist ● Wets and drys ● Anti-saloon league ● 18th amendment proposed by U.S. Senate- Volstead Act Jan. 16,1920 ○ Bureau of prohibition ○ Act did not say no consumption of alcohol, and medicinal was not outlawed ● Wine and Cider was permitted ● Government poisoned illegal alcohol ● Blaine Act and Cullen Harrison Act (prohibited certain types) 3 Ways ● 1920- dry country due to moral threat ● Thought crime would go down and health would improve ● Prohibition was EXPENSIVE ○ $5/day but with 300 million to enforce ○ Tax revenue- lost $11 billion ○ Thousands of jobs lost ○ Thought sales of other products would shoot XX ○ Entertainment industry suffered

○ Income tax was created Prohibition and public health ○ People died from alcohol consumption and many were paralyzed or went blind ○ More alcoholics than at the beginning ● Rise of organized crime ○ Congress and political officials were involved ○ Organized corruption ○ Changed economic face of the U.S. ○ Conspiracy theories ● Prohibition continues today : marijuana Prohibition and the Mafia ● Many immigrants hostile to the law ● Getting around law was honored ● WASP mafia thought they could use prohibition to control the immigrants ● Chicago white sox were bribed to throw it to the Reds ● Rothstein takes over the mafia ● Mabel Willebrandt- first lady of law ● Italian mafia ruled with cohesiveness- Frankie Yale ○ Took from rich and gave to the poor The Consumer Craze 1920s Consumerism ● Coolidge- job openings rose and so did profits and jobs for women ● Sinclair Lewis said women were unimportant to larger office business ● > 1.5 million owned stock accounts ● Electricity was growing and advancements which made products cheaper ● Model T car- $850 ● Could put money down and pay monthly payments ● Advertising dominated newspapers ● 1,000 gas stations and Retailers > 160000 chain stores in America ● Hoover 1928 1920s Consumer Culture ● Radio developed and entertainment methods ● Nov. 2 1920- KDKA cox presidential election returns ● 2 years- 500 stations ● 60 million a year business ● RCA dominant company and broadcast were mass culture ● Linked rural Americans ● Chrysler 6 ● LA had more cars than Asia ● Alfred Sloan attacked Ford with new GM models every year ● Fordlandia in Amazon rainforest and sold abroad George Gershwin ● Refines jungle rythms of jazz ● Dancing with shorter dresses ●

KKK in the 1920s ● Christians and wrapped in the American flag ● “Defender of virtue” ● Burning of the cross ● Battling to maintain social order ● Thanksgiving eve 1915, men gathered at stone mountain and a cross was burned ● Leader was William Simmons, failed methodist clergyman ● Patriotic association for only white male protestants- 100000 new members ● Used protestant church and persuaded ministers with free admission and leadership positions ● 3 million by 1922 ● Women were demanding rights and entrance as the women of the KKK- 500000 women ● 5 senators who were elected senators- Hugo Black Rise of Nativism ● Whites believed they had the rights to the land- xenophobia ● Catholics should not honor the pope more than their country ● Sep. 1923 Oklahoma under martial law ● 1925- 40,000 down Pennsylvania avenue ● 1921/24/29 new immigration laws favored northern and western Europe ○ Limiting jews asians and catholics The Rise and Fall ● Immigrants in Anglo Saxon communities ● 1921-1924 anti immigration legislation ● Strongest in Indiana ○ DC Stevenson was a great KKK leader as a political machine ○ Insert politicians loyal to the KKK ○ Klan often given status as protectors ○ Klan members as sources due to boycotts threatening those w negative stories ● Spring 1925, Stevenson accused of murder of Madge Oberholtzer ○ Kidnapped and rape Black Pride Garveyism ● Marcus Garvey ● Garveyism is an aspect of Black Nationalism ● UNIA-ACL founder ● unification and empowerment of African American men, women and children under the banner of their collective African descent, and the repatriation of African slave descendants and profits to the African continent Langston Hughes ● I have known rivers ● Built his hut and heard Abe Lincoln ● Soul has grown deep like the rivers ● Poet, social activist, novelist, playwright, and columnist...

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