Apush apreview progressive era PDF

Title Apush apreview progressive era
Course Approaches to History
Institution University of Southern California
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CHAPTER 21: PROGRESSIVE ERA (1901-1917) o Main Goals: limit power of big businesses, improve demo. and quality of life, strengthen social justice, more active fed gov o Ended in 1917 when US entered WWI; diverted public attention from domestic issues to foreign affairs WHO WERE THE PROGRESSIVES (EVERYONE; mainly urban middle class men and women) *IMP PEOPLE Repub: Theodore Roosevelt ad Robert La Follette; Demo: William Jennings Bryan and Woodrow Wilson -PROTESTANTS -preached vs vices and taught code of social responsibility Social Gospel; most were native-born from old elite families -felt like they were being replaced by industrialists and political machines -PROFESSIONAL CLASS -business middle class social sciences to make things more efficient  scientific management (Frederick W Taylor) PRAGMATISM -William James and John Dewey  people should take a practical approach to morals, ideals, and knowledge. Instead of deeming it as unchangeable, they should experiment until they find something beneficial to the democratic society. -rejected precedents of laissez-faire, individualism, Social Darwinism, and Gospel of Wealth MUCKRAKERS (term coined by Theodore Roosevelt) -people who addressed social probs, political scandals, and business corruptions thru mass media o HENRY DEMAREST LLOYD Atlantic Monthly & Wealth v Commonwealth: attacked Standard Oil Company (SOC) o MCCLURE’S MAGAZINE  Lincoln Steffans: Tweed Days in St. Louis (1902)  exposed business scandal  Ida Tarbell: The History of Standard Oil Company (1902) o BOOKS  Jacob Riis (photojournalist) How the Other Half Lives (1890)  Lincoln Steffans The Shame of the Cities (1904)  Upton Sinclair  The Jungle  exposed meat industry  Theodore Dreiser The Financier and The Titan o Muckrakers declined after 1910 POLITICAL REFORMS (VOTERS) o SECRET BALLOTS (Australian Ballot)  goal: to prevent pol. parties from intimidating voters into voting for a cand.  1888: MA first to adopt secret ballot required voters to mark choices secretly in a private booth  1910: all states adopted the secret ballot o DIRECT PRIMARIES (**Robert LaFollette**)  Voters were in charge of the nominating process instead of party bosses o DIRECT ELECTION  1899: Nevada first state to allow voters to elect US Senators directly  17th AMENDMENT** all US Senators were to be elected by popular vote o INITIATIVE, REFERENDUM, AND RECALL  Initiative: voters can compel legislature to consider a bill  Referendum: citizens can vote on a proposed bill printed on their ballots  Recall: citizens can remove corrupt or ineffective politicians by majority vote before their term is up CITY REFORMS or MUNICIPAL REFORMS o Samuel M. “Golden Rule” Jones: free kindergarten, night schools, and public playgrounds o Tom L Johnson: fairer trolley rates o Cities control public utilities no more city bosses or corrupt private companies o Commission plan  voters elect the head of departments and mayor o Expert managers  regulate and direct work of city departments STATE REFORMS o Charles Evans Hughes, Hiram Johnson, “Wisconsin Idea” (LaFollette) o Temperance: 18th Amendment prohibition of alcohol o Social welfare: Jane Addams & Florence Kelley National Consumer’s League: promoted laws to protect women from long hours Lochner v NY (1905) did not approve of 10 hr workday BUT Muller v Oregon (1908) justified the need to adjust work hours o Triangle Shirtwaist Fire  inc advocates to protect women in the workplace legis. Kept women out of physically demanding jobs but some of those jobs were high paying, too, so that was a con POLITICAL REFORMS IN THE NATION o ROOSEVELT’S SQUARE DEAL (3 C’S corporations, consumers, conservations) -goal: work together with corps and workers to make a fair and square deal to improve wages, hours, and cond.; if corps refuse to cooperate, the gov will shut down the business 1. CORPORATIONS -trust busting  Roosevelt was 1st pres to enforce Sherman Antitrust Act

-closed bad trusts (harmed public & stifled comp.) and regulated good trusts(success thru efficiency and low prices) -Roosevelt strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission  Elkins Act (1903; stop railroad rebates) and Hepburn Act (1906; fair railroad rates) 2. CONSUMERS -The Jungle Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act 3. CONSERVATION (protect nation’s natural resources) -Forest Reserve Act (reserved land); Newlands Reclamation Act (set money for irrigation proj in the W); White House Conference of Gov  National Conservation Commission (Gifford Pinchot) TAFT’S PRESIDENCY -more trustbusting, conservation (Bureau of Mines) -Mann-Elkins Act(1910): suspended railroad rates and oversee companies -1913: **16th AMENDMENT US gov can collect income tax; only applied to the rich at first -DISSATISFACTION W TAFT 1. Payne-Aldrich Tariff: raised tariffs for all imports 2. Pinchot-Ballinger Controversy: Taft fired Pinchot in favor of the Conservatives 3. Failed to reduce dictatorial powers of Joseph Cannon 4. Openly supported conservative cand. For Congress SPLIT IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY ELECTION OF 1912 -Progressive Repub Theo Roosevelt BULL MOOSE PARTY; NEW NATIONALISM: more gov regulation of businesses and unions, women’s suffrage, and more social welfare programs -Conservative Repub William Taft -Demo Woodrow Wilson: NEW FREEDOM: limit big gov&businesses, end corruption, support small businesses -Socialist Eugene V. Debs radical reforms: public ownership of major utilities and industries RESULTS: Wilson won

WILSON’S ADMINISTRATION (smart but very racist) -attacked triple wall privilege: tariffs, banking, and trusts o Underwood Tariff(1913): lowered tariffs and grad. Income tax rates of 1-6% o Federal Reserve Board(a regulated national banking sys)Fed. Reserve Act dollar bills o Clayton Antitrust Act: break up monopolies and protect union o Fed. Trade Commission: take action vs unfair trade practices, excluding banks and transportation o Fed. Farm Loan Act: loans to farmers at low interest rate o Child Labor Act: prohib. shipment of products made by children under 14 deemed unconstitutional by Hammer v Dagenhart AFRICAN AMERICANS -segregation inc. bc of “separate but equal” and lynching inc (*Ida B Wells) o Booker T. Washington: Tuskegee Institute educated blacks so they can become successful members of society; MONEY=EQUALITY o WEB Du Bois: African Amer need SOCIAL and POLITICAL EQUALITY before economic stability -GREAT MIGRATION race conditions, poor crop yields pushed blacks to the North bc more jobs -CIVIL RIGHTS o WEB Du Bois: Niagara Movement equal rights thru protest and action NAACP abolish segregation, inc education for African Amer children o National Urban League help blacks with migration to the North

WOMEN o o o o

Carrie Chapman Catt: NAWSA argued that women’s suffrage will expand democracy Alice Paul: “Iron Jawed Angels”/ National Woman’s Party radical approaches; hunger strikes, etc **19th AMENDMENT (1920)  women have the right to vote Catt: League of Women Voters: inform women of news


Margaret Sanger: birth control and Planned Parenthood


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