Notes my first ball - Grade: A PDF

Title Notes my first ball - Grade: A
Author bs english
Course shorter fiction around the world
Institution Fatima Jinnah Women University
Pages 4
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‘Themes of the story’ Katherine Mansfield's short story "Her First Ball" explores a number of themes, including the heightened sensitivity of youth and its inexperience’s, gender roles, and the fleeting, temporary nature of time.

Heightened sensitivity of youth and its inexperience’s: A key thematic line demonstrating the heightened sensitivity of youth is, Leila was sure if her partner didn't come and she had to listen to that marvellous music and to watch the others sliding, gliding over the golden floor, she would die at least, or faint. This quotation alludes to the exaggerated sensitivity and self-consciousness of youth. Leila, the protagonist of the story, is desperately anxious that she will be left alone and, worse, be seen to be alone, which of course would be horribly embarrassing. Further Mansfield is trying to showcase how one is so inexperience in the youth experiencing the new things and situation of her life. Mansfield appears to be exploring the theme of experience (or rather the lack of it). While Leila is sitting in the cab the reader discovers that she has never been to a ball before. How inexperienced Leila is (when it comes to the ball) is also noticeable when Leila arrives at the ball and Laura tells her ‘hold on to me, Leila; you’ll get lost.’ Mansfield also appears to be further exploring the theme of experience (or again the lack of it) while Leila is in the ladies’ room. She is unsure of whether she is to take a programme or not. Mansfield telling the reader that she (Leila) wanted to ask someone ‘Am I meant to have one too?’ By highlighting Leila’s inexperience Mansfield may be suggesting that Leila is reliant on others, particularly her older cousins.

Gender roles: Mansfield also appears to be exploring gender roles in the story. Through the introduction of the older man and what he tells Leila, Mansfield may be suggesting that (at the time of writing) there were perceptions about what the role of the female may have been. It appears that the older man is suggesting to Leila that as she gets older, no longer will she be dancing at balls rather she will become a chaperone. It may also be significant that the older man’s opinion is based on what

Leila may look like when she is older. He tells Leila that her ‘pretty arms will have turned into little short fat ones.’ It is possible that Mansfield is suggesting that the older man (representing the male) is driven by image, particularly the image of a female and that as Leila grows older no longer will, she has the beauty that is usually associated with youth and as such no one will wish to dance with her. It is also interesting that the older man, despite his age, continues to dance. If anything, this appears to be somewhat hypocritical which may be the point that Mansfield is trying to make. Again, at the time of writing Mansfield may have been suggesting the lack of equality that existed between men and women. It is also possible that Mansfield is highlighting the heavy reliance (and lack of independence) that existed for women at the time the story was written. Throughout the story Leila is reliant on being asked to dance as motioned, “Why didn't the men begin? What were they waiting for?” There appears to be a set rule at the ball in whereby it is up to the male to ask the female to dance, which would place an emphasis on the roles that each gender played (again at the time of writing).

Fleeting, temporary nature of life/time: Another important theme of the story is the temporariness of things as life never remains the same and the happiness and even sadness never remains forever. Leila in Her first Ball realizes that all things in life come to an end. The fat old man says that everything is not everlasting or perpetual. There is transience and a fleeting quality in everything as he said, “you can’t hope to last anything, like as long as that. No-o.” Writer is trying to convey the message that there is always an ending to the beginning and there is always a question raised in our minds that as Leila said “why didn’t happiness last forever?”. We question the fact in our minds that why beginning of something is also the beginning of journey towards its end as Leila first ball is also a journey towards her last ball. “was the first ball, only the beginning of her last ball?” This is of course a rather meanspirited thing to tell to a young woman enjoying her first ball, but, nonetheless, it also has some truth to it, and it's all the more depressing for that. Leila's beauty will, as the fat man suggests, fade over time, as will her innocence, and as might her enthusiasm for life.

Symbols in the story: There is also some symbolism in the story which is worth noting. Mansfield appears to be using bright colours to symbolise youth. There is Jose’s long loop of amber hair, Laura’s white fur and pink velvet coat, Laurie’s tissue paper (white), the marble-white gloves worn by the girls at the ball and Leila’s pink satin feet, highlighted when she is sitting down. By using bright colours, particularly pink, which is a warm colour, Mansfield may also be placing an emphasis on the excitement that Leila and the other girls at the ball feel. Mansfield also appears to be using darker colours to symbolise or highlight the idea of experience. The chaperones, who would be older than the girls at the ball, are described as being darkly dressed. The older man also tells Leila that in time (as she gets older and more experienced) she will be, like the chaperones, standing on stage dressed in black velvet and holding a black bony fan. The title “her first Ball” symbolizes “the beginning of everything” eventually begening the journey towards the ending of everything. Showcasing the deceive change in every person life from youth to old age. “slippery dance floor” symbolize the risk and danger associated with the change in life. “fat old man” not dressed in so clean suit symbolize the ugliness of old age and the cruel reality of old age where the resilience and sophistication of youth will be turned into dryness of an old age. This shows the pretty young women fear of growing old when “no one wants to kiss you”.

Analysis of story (I thought it might be helpful for u people that’s why I added it) Short story writers frequently focus on a single character in a single episode, and rather than tracing his development, reveals him at a particular moment, often in a particular place. This moment is frequently one in which the character undergoes some important change in attitude or understanding, Leila in Her first Ball realizes that all things in life come to an end. An important literary term that can be associated with the story is that of 'Anagnorisis' which means a critical moment of recognition or discovery. A relative term in this case if that of Epiphany which means a sudden moment of realization of truth. Leila was exited before the ball but her encounter with the old man showed her an ugly picture of life, a contrasting view. But she learns a very valuable lesson and realizes a truth about life. This was her moment of epiphany. She became a different person after this, she never forgot to enjoy life, but she had a greater understanding of life that happiness does not last forever and one has to live life in every second while it lasts. Leila gained a bit of maturity when she understood the words of the old man and her immature ideas that existed previously left her. With regard to this, there is a sense of fantasy vs. reality in the story. Fantasy turns into reality after a moment of epiphany. Leila's initial and final moods are crucial, yet they are understandable and human in their own way. There is nothing wrong with a young woman weaving fantasy in her lively mood, and there is certainly nothing wrong with a sensible maturity added to a happy mood....

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