NRSG 100 syllabus Sp2020-1 PDF

Title NRSG 100 syllabus Sp2020-1
Author Sonya Sizemore
Course Fundamentals of Nursing
Institution Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana
Pages 28
File Size 721.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 69
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Fundamentals Syllabus...


IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF INDIANA SCHOOL OF NURSING NRSG 100, Fundamentals of Nursing Spring 2020, Course Syllabus

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Course Objectives Tentative Weekly Assignments Method of Evaluation Class and/or Clinical Attendance Policy Testing Procedures Class Instructions

I have read the course/clinical syllabus and understand that as part of the teaching/learning process and self-directed learning, it is my responsibility to meet all of the course requirements.

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IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF INDIANA –VALPARAISO SCHOOL OF NURSING Spring 2020 COURSE TITLE: Fundamentals of Nursing COURSE NUMBER: NRSG 100 PREREQUISITES: Admission to a Nursing Program PRE/COREQUISITES: APHY 102 Anatomy and Physiology II COREQUISITES: NRSG 115 Nursing Lab SCHOOL: Nursing PROGRAM: Nursing CREDIT HOURS: 3 CONTACT HOURS: Lecture: 3 DATE OF LAST REVISION: Fall, 2018 EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS REVISION: Fall, 2019 CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Examines the roles of the licensed practical nurse and the registered nurse as members of the inter/intraprofessional team in today’s health care systems. Provides an overview of essential components of the nursing process. Explores the nurse’s role in providing for basic physiological, psychosocial, cultural, intellectual, and spiritual needs of patients. Introduces fundamental principles of therapeutic communication and teaching/learning. MAJOR COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course the student will be expected to: 1. Describe the scope of practice, roles, and level of individual accountability and responsibility of the nurse as member of the inter/intraprofessional health care team. (SLO 1, 7) 2. Identify historical and current milestones that influence today’s health care systems. 3. Describe professional, legal and ethical guidelines, to provide collaborative, safe, and culturally competent, and holistic patient-centered care. (SLO 1) 4. Explain essential components of the nursing process within the context of the wellnessillness continuum across the lifespan. 5. Describe nursing interventions and utilization of evidence-based practice to promote safe, effective, culturally, competent, and holistic patient care. (SLO 4) 6. Identify therapeutic communication practices that foster effective collaboration with patients, families and inter/intraprofessional health care teams for planning and delivery of quality patient care. (SLO 5) 7. Describe fundamental principles of nursing documentation and use of technology including the electronic health record. (SLO 3) 8. Demonstrate fundamental principles of drug dosage calculation. 9. Identify basic nutritional concepts. 10. Describe concepts utilized to promote a culture of caring and advocacy, demonstrate respect for individual patient preferences, respect for individual values and needs. (SLO 6) Ivy Tech Community College 2 NRSG 100 Academic Affairs 11. Identify and describe basic physiological, psychosocial, cultural, intellectual, and spiritual components of patient needs to improve quality and safety of patient care in a variety of health care settings. (SLO 2) COURSE CONTENT: Topical areas of study include –

History of nursing Therapeutic communication Cultural diversity Scope of practice, roles, and level of accountability of the nurse Advocacy Professionalism Ethical and legal principles Inflammation and Infection Control Standard precautions Hand washing Asepsis Mobility Safety QSEN Tissue Integrity Hygiene Oxygenation Vital signs Nursing process Nutrition and Fluid Balance Comfort/pain Sensory Perception Psychosocial Death and dying Elimination Documentation/Electronic health record Dosage calculations Inter/intraprofessional health care teams HOW TO ACCESS THE IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE LIBRARY: The Ivy Tech Library is available to students’ on- and off-campus, offering full-text journals and books and other resources essential for course assignments. Go to and choose the link for Valparaiso campus. ACADEMIC HONESTY STATEMENT: The College is committed to academic integrity in all its practices. The faculty value intellectual integrity and a high standard of academic conduct. Activities that violate academic integrity undermine the quality and diminish the value of educational achievement. Cheating on papers, tests, or other academic works is a violation of College rules. No student shall engage in behavior that, in the judgment of the instructor of the class, maybe construed as cheating. This may include, but is not limited to, plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty such as the acquisition without permission of tests or other academic materials and/or

distribution of these materials and other academic work. This includes students who aid and abet as well as those who attempt such behavior. COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: Students shall adhere to the laws governing the use of copyrighted materials. They must ensure that their activities comply with fair use and in no way infringe on the copyright or other proprietary rights of others and that the materials used and developed at Ivy Tech Community College contain nothing unlawful, unethical, or libelous and do not constitute any violation of any right of privacy. ADA STATEMENT: Ivy Tech Community College seeks to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with documented disabilities. If you need an accommodation because of a documented disability, please contact the Office of Disability Support Services. If you will require assistance during an emergency evacuation, notify your instructor immediately. Look for evacuation procedures posted in your classroom. DISABILITIES SUPPORT CONTACT INFORMATION: Valparaiso and Michigan City Campuses Rhonda Craig Assistant Director Student Services [email protected] Valparaiso 219-464-8514 ext 3121 Michigan City 219-879-9137 ext 6262 or Sandra Senatore-Roberts Director of Disability Support Services [email protected] TITLE IX STATEMENT: Ivy Tech Community College is committed to providing all members of the College community with a learning and work environment free from sexual harassment and assault. Ivy Tech students have options for getting help if they have experienced sexual assault, relationship violence, sexual harassment, or stalking. This information can be found at If students write or speak about having survived sexual violence, including rape, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking, federal law and Ivy Tech policies require that instructors share this information with the Campus Title IX Coordinator. The Campus Title IX Coordinator will contact students to let them know about accommodations and support services at the College and in the community as well as options for holding accountable the person who

harmed them. When contacted, students are not required to speak with the Campus Title IX Coordinator. If students do not want the Title IX Coordinator notified, instead of disclosing this information to their instructor, students can speak confidentially with certain individuals at the College or in the community. A list of these individuals can be found at under Confidential Employees and/or Community Resources. COURSE DAY(S)/TIME(S): Spring 2020 NRSG 100 30a Tuesday/Thursday 1st eight weeks 0800-1045 NRSG 100 40a Tuesday/Thursday 1st eight weeks 1200-1345 INSTRUCTOR: Instructor: Cindy Berg Office: D163 Phone: 219-464-8514 ext. 3093 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: 1st 8wks: Office hours: Monday 1400-1600, Tuesday 1400-1600, Thursday 1100-1200 & 1500-1600, Friday 1400-1600. 2nd 8wks Office hours: Tuesday 0800-1100, Thursday 0800-1200, Tutoring/Open Lab: all 16 wks: Tuesday 1100-1200 For all instructors, other meeting times can be arranged if needed. Please call, email, or see the instructor in person to set up a meeting time. The best way to contact Professor Berg is via email. INSTRUCTOR’S SUPERVISOR: Dean: Randee Marinaro, MSN, RN Office: Valpo D-161 Phone: 219-476-4733 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Email for appointment Other meeting times can be arranged if needed. Please call, email, or see the dean in person to set up a meeting time. Department Chair: Cindy Berg MSN, RN, BC Office: D163 Phone: 219-464-8514 ext. 3093 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Tutoring/Open Lab 2nd 8 wks.: Tutoring/Open Lab Other meeting times can be arranged if needed. Please call, email or see the chair in person to set up a meeting time.

Ivy Tech Educational Technology Support-Valparaiso Name: Steven Mitchell Phone Number: 219-476-4739 Email (Ivy Tech Email): [email protected]

Office/Campus Location: Valparaiso Campus, D106 Office Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays

Ivy Tech Educational Technology Support-Michigan City Name: Steven Mitchell Phone Number: 219-476-4739 Email (Ivy Tech Email): [email protected] Office/Campus Location: Michigan City Campus, Room 221 Office Hours: Wednesday and Thursday COMMUNICATION WITH STUDENTS: The School of Nursing faculty is committed to working with our nursing students in providing ongoing communication in person, by phone, and via email. Messages will be responded to within 48 hours excluding weekends and holidays. If student has not received a response from the instructor based on this guideline, please contact the nursing advisor or the regional secretary for additional contact information. Please be aware that only emails through the college MyIvy email system will receive a response. Faculty will not be able to read or respond to emails sent from other sites. Students are responsible for checking their MyIvy email for messages at least 2-3 times per week for communication from the professor. When corresponding on course issues do not request email communication from a personal email address. ATTENDANCE: Students are expected to attend and participate regularly in class meetings, online learning activities, and other activities assigned as a part of a course of instruction. Faculty are required to report student participation in compliance with institutional policies and federal financial aid guidelines. Faculty and staff shall be sensitive to students’ religious beliefs and observances, including an expectation that instructors make reasonable arrangements when a student must miss an exam or an academic exercise due to their religious observance. When notified in advance, and when possible, faculty will make allowances for students to make up missed work. ATTENDANCE POLICY AND PUNCTUALITY:     

100% attendance is expected in all nursing courses. The nursing courses consist of inclass and on-site activities that facilitate learning and understanding of course content. Attendance will be kept for the purposes of financial aid qualification. Tardiness is disruptive and distracting for both the instructor and other students. Please be respectful and mindful of others and arrive at class at the designated time. Students will be expected to wear the College approved name badge and lanyard. It is the student’s responsibility to acquire information from missed classes.

Course cancellations or delays will be communicated through IvyLearn announcements and/or the college emergency alert warning system. Students are to wait for 30 minutes, in the absence of an IvyLearn announcement. Inclement weather and campus closures are communicated through the college emergency alert warning system and local media. Students are strongly encouraged to register for the emergency alert warning system.

PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT: (The student must comply will all of the guidelines for professional conduct as included in the Nursing Programs Student Handbook. Students must also comply with all policies of the clinical affiliate.)  

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The student must comply with Indiana State law both on campus and at off-campus locations. The student must refrain from consuming, being under the influence of, or possessing intoxicating beverages or unauthorized prescription or non-prescription drugs on College property or at the clinical sites. If suspected of being under the influence in the clinical area, the student must submit to a serum and/or urine test at the student’s expense. Results of the tests must be released to the College. Refusal to comply would result in removal from the clinical area and possible recommendation for dismissal pending a conference with faculty regarding professional conduct expectations. The student will adhere to state and federal confidentiality laws, including but not limited to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and clinical affiliate confidentiality policies and procedures. The student will maintain confidentiality about all aspects of the clinical experience: this includes confidentiality for all patients, fellow students, clinical affiliate employees, physicians, and operations of the clinical affiliating agency. If a situation arises requiring disclosure of information by law, the student must seek out guidance from the clinical faculty member. o The student will only discuss confidential information in secure and appropriate locations and with those individuals who have a need/right to know. o The student will not remove or photocopy any part of the patient/client or clinical records. o The student will not use any patient identifiers, as defined by HIPAA, in written assignments. o The student will destroy any notes that were taken to provide care for the patient according to the clinical affiliate policy and will not carry those notes outside of the clinical. The student will follow the College policy regarding disruptive behavior, sexual harassment and discrimination activities and will exhibit appropriate physical, verbal, and nonverbal behavior towards patients, families, personnel in cooperating agencies, peers, and faculty. The student will not falsify any component of the written or oral patient/client record. The student will exhibit behaviors that respect the dignity and rights of the patient/client regardless of socioeconomic status, personal attributes, or nature of health problem. The student must provide for patient safety at all times, including, but not limited to adherence to Standard Precautions Guidelines, safety rules and regulations, use of safety equipment and following written protocol for all diagnostic procedures and policies in the clinical setting.

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The student will not abandon or neglect patients/clients requiring health care. The student will not leave the assigned clinical unit during assigned clinical hours without permission and without providing for safe patient hand-off. The student will not perform any technique or procedure, including administration of medication, for which you are unprepared by education or experience and/or without faculty approval. The student will guard against theft, abuse, misuse, or destruction of personal property, College property or property located on the College property or clinical site. The student will not possess firearms and other weapons, dangerous chemicals, or any explosives or explosive device on College property or at any College-sponsored activity held elsewhere, including clinical sites. The student will not cheat on papers, tests, or other academic works, including clinical assignments.


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Good personal hygiene and a neat appearance are to be maintained at all times by daily bathing, frequent shampooing, and use of deodorants. Hair must always be worn in a style that is off the collar, away from the face. Student uniform is required unless otherwise stated. Full undergarments are to be worn. Only white leather or leather-like shoes are allowed with the student uniform. No opentoed or open heeled shoes or moccasins allowed. Students will be expected to wear identification at ALL times. If the name badge is lost or broken, it must be replaced promptly. Students will not be permitted to attend without a proper ID badge. An Ivy Tech student nurse patch must be sewn on the left sleeve of both the uniform top and the lab jacket. A watch with a second hand is required. The only other jewelry allowed with the uniform is a wedding and/or engagement ring or one plain ring. If the student has pierced ears, only small studs may be worn. Only one earring per ear lobe is permitted. No other jewelry is to be visible. Tongue or nose jewelry is unacceptable. All visible tattoos must be covered while wearing the school uniform. Make-up must be worn in moderation. Perfume, after-shave and heavily scented lotions are NOT permitted. Fingernails are to be kept short and manicured. NO artificial nails are permitted. NO fingernail polish is permitted, including clear polish. Candy, gum, and tobacco may not be chewed in the clinical setting.


Cell phones are not allowed in the laboratory. Bring supplies as designated by the instructor. No food, drink, or gum allowed in the lab. Keep noise to a minimum so that others may learn. Keep off beds and out of wheelchairs. Neatly make beds after completion of lab assignments. Handle equipment with care and clean after use.

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Return all equipment and supplies to the designated location after use. Each student is responsible for their assigned station. Respect the manikin as a patient! Safety first! Close cabinets and medication carts after each use. Dispose of sharps in the proper biohazard containers. Hair should be off the face and secured so as not to contaminate a sterile field. Nails should be smooth and short enough to prevent patient injury. Artificial nails or anything applied to the natural nail, other than clear polish, is prohibited. Clinical attire is required in the simulation lab.

WITHDRAWAL/REFUND: Withdrawal (W) is a terminal status referring to voluntary student withdrawal of the course up to the end of the week marking the completion of 75% of the course. To be considered officially withdrawn from a course, the student must file a Change of Enrollment form with the Registrar’s office. After 75% of the term has elapsed, a student may withdraw (with the same result as indicated above) only if documented extenuating circumstances are submitted to and approved by the Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs. The FW grade is assigned to a student who fails to reach course objectives due to the fact that he or she stopped attending the class. A grade of FW counts as a class attempt (counts toward the number of times a student may attempt a course), is treated in the same manner as an F for the purposes of GPA calculation, and may impact financial aid. LAST DAY TO WITHDRAW FROM A COURSE WITHOUT ACADEMIC APPROVAL: February 22, 2020 REQUIRED TEXT, INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: Required Texts: (You will receive ATI books during class) Assessment Technologies Institute. (2016). Fundamentals for nursing review module 9.0 (9th ed.). Leawood, KS: Author. ISBN: 9781565335677 (Get appropriate Saunder’s review book for your program) Silvestri, L. (2019). Saunder’s comprehensive review for the NCLEX-PN examination (6th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier. ISBN: 9780323484886 OR

Silvestri, L. (2017). Saunder’s comprehensive review for the NCLEX-RN examination (7th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier. ISBN: 9780323358514 Treas, L.S., Wilkinson, J.M., Barnett, K.L., & Smith, M.H. (2018). DavisAdvantage for Basic Nursing: Thinking, doing and caring (2nd ed.). Philidelphia: F,A, Davis. ISBN: 139780803659421. Required Instructional Materials and Supplies: Non-Programmable calculator METHOD(S) OF INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY: This course will utilize a variety of teaching methods including, but not limited to: assigned readings, lectures/...

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