NRSG198 - Prep and Plan 1 PDF

Title NRSG198 - Prep and Plan 1
Course PN Clinical
Institution Fleming College
Pages 2
File Size 69.3 KB
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Prep and Plan For Clinical...


Practical Nursing Diploma Program Pre-Clinical Nursing Care Research Assignment “Prep and Plan” The Pre-Clinical “Prep and Plan” must be completed and submitted to your clinical faculty at the beginning of each clinical shift. This information will ensure that you are adequately prepared for your patient assignment. Medical-Surgical Diagnoses:  Type 1 diabetes mellitus Anticipated assessment data for this patient: 1. Inadequate blood glucose monitoring 2. Lack of adherence to diabetes management 3. Decreased bone strength equals falls risk 4. Need exogenous insulin 5. Possible blurred vision, polyuria, polyphagia 6. Weight loss and sensitive to physical activity List 2 priority “NANDA” Nursing Diagnoses based on the above assessment data: 1. Risk for Unstable Blood Glucose Level 2. Risk for imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements Identify specific nursing interventions to support these priority nursing diagnoses: (action plan) 1. Monitor for signs of hypoglycemia: sweating, light-headedness, weakness, nausea. 2. Assess feet for temperature, pulses, color, and sensation 3. Monitor for signs of hyperglycemia: fatigue, blurred vision, dry mouth 4. Note real, exact weight; do not estimate 5. Note the patient’s perspective and feeling toward eating and food 6. Assess patient’s ability to obtain and use essential nutrients Based on your prep & plan what will you pay special attention to: (What do you see as the patient’s priority issue?)  I see risk for unstable blood glucose level and risk for imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements as my patient’s priority issues. I will pay close attention to

my patient’s polyuria and polyphagia to ensure that my patient is getting the required nutrients. Along with teaching my patient to call for stay when ambulating to the washroom due to risk of unstable blood glucose.

What teaching do you think your patient will require?  I think my patient will require teaching with taking the insulin as prescribed. Along with eating a balanced diet and checking their blood sugar levels. Also, I believe the patient will require teaching on regulating their physical activity while maintaining safety precautions. Due to being type 1 diabetic this patient is at risk for falls and fractures. Therefore, should receive some teaching on what to do to prevent a fall and in the event a fall does occur how to handle it.

References:;_ylt=AwrDQq %+diabetes+mellitus&fr2=12642...

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