NRSG199 - Alendronate Drug Card PDF

Title NRSG199 - Alendronate Drug Card
Course PN Clinical
Institution Fleming College
Pages 2
File Size 68.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 24
Total Views 130


Drug Card for Clinical...


Alendronate Classification: Bisphosphonates Action

Alendronate is used to prevent and treat certain types of bone loss (osteoporosis) in adults

Nursing Interventions    

Uses Expected Outcomes

Side Effects

Health Teaching

To treat soft and brittle bones, along with Paget’s disease Alendronate increases the thickness of bone by slowing down osteoclasts which allows the osteoblasts to work more efficiently. Alendronate helps to reduce the incidence of osteoporosis related fractures.  Abdominal or stomach pain  Difficulty with swallowing  heartburn  irritation or pain of the esophagus  muscle pain  Take alendronate at least 30 minutes before eating or drinking any food or beverages (other than water), or taking any other medication, including calcium, antacids or vitamins for the day.  You may need to take supplementary calcium or vitamin D if your dietary intake is inadequate.  Take alendronate with a full glass of water and remain upright for at least 30 minutes

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Thorough health history including allergies, medication use, alcohol and substance use Baseline vitals, intake and output Assess for potential contraindications and drug interactions Thorough pain assessment, including PRQRST components Check dosages carefully

Promoting understanding of osteoporosis and the treatment regimen. Patient teaching focuses on factors influencing the development of osteoporosis, interventions to stop or slow the process, and measures to relieve symptoms .

Example Names

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