ONU Exercise Mangement of Disease ASSIGMENT 3 PDF

Title ONU Exercise Mangement of Disease ASSIGMENT 3
Author Graham
Course Exercise Management Of Chronic Disease
Institution Ohio Northern University
Pages 20
File Size 421.1 KB
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Assignment number 3 from Ohio Northern Universities EXSC MANGE134...




1. The myeloid tissue in cancellous bone is semi-liquid and produces most RBCs, WBCs, and Platelets is usually referred to as: osteoclastic tissue fatty yellow marrow osteoblastic tissue bone marrow or red marrow

2. The upper jawbone is called the: maxilla masseter mandible manubrium 3. The first seven bones of the vertebral column (forming the neck) are the: sacrum cervical lumbar thoracic 4. The third set of 5 large vertebrae, which form the inward curve of the lower spine and are the spinal column's major weight bearers, are called: lumbar vertebrae thoracic vertebrae coccyx sacrum





5. The "wrist bones" which are composed of 8 small bones in two rows are formally called the: tarsals metatarsals carpus or carpals metacarpals

6. The ankle bones are called the ________ bones: tarsal carpal metacarpal metatarsal 7. The combining forms or terms that literally mean "rib" are: cervic/o- and trachel/oili/o- and ile/ocost/o and pleurocarp/o- and tars/o8. The combining word form that refers to the "spine, vertebral column, and/or vertebra" is: radi/oskelet/orachi/o- and spondyl/orect/o-





9. The term that means cartilage swelling or cartilage tumor is: chondroma tendoma atheroma customa

10. The diagnostic term that literally means inflamed joint is: aponeur/itis tendin/itis burs/itis arthr/itis 11. The medical term Burs/itis literally means: cartilage inflamed meniscus inflamed sac inflamed tendon inflamed 12. The term Ankylosis literally means: developing cell/state of crooked, stiff, bent/condition movement, motion/illness bone marrow/disease





13. The combining form of a term that means "hump or hunchback" is ________, and the medical condition of __________ is the backward bending of the thoracic (chest vertebrae) spine. kypho- - kyph/o/sis scolio- - scoliosis kinesio- - kinesiology lordo- - lordosis 14. The diagnostic term Genu Varum ( knees are in the varus position) means: Knees are bent inward (knock-knee) hammer toe claw foot Knees are bent outward (bow-legged) 15. The combining form __________ means bone marrow or spinal cord. meio- "meiosis" myco- "mycosis" myelo- "osteomyelitis or myelogram" myo- "myositis"

16. The combining forms that mean "movement or motion" are: kinesio- and -praxia kypho- and lordouro- and stenoscolio- and cervico-





17. The combining forms that mean "stone" are: pyelo- and petropetro- and litholitho- and cystolaparo- and abdomino-

18. The combining form scolio- means: crooked and bent hooked and twisted sway-back hunch-back 19. An ankle sprain is often characterized by ________: hemorrhaging weakness hematoma formation, with ligaments that are stretched, or partially or fully torn numbness 20. The diagnostic term Ankylos/ing Spondyl/itis refers to the auto-immune condition of Rheumatoid Arthritis and actually means: an addition to the body of a vertebrae a fissure of the skull a stone in the bursa the abnormal condition of stiffness and fusion of vertebrae





21. The diagnostic terms My/asthenia and Neur/asthenia mean: Compact bone muscle weakness and nerve weakness bone marrow periosteum

22. The diagnostic term that means pain in the tendon is: tenalgia or tenodynia tendinodynia tendinoalgia tendenostenosis 23. The diagnostic term that means abnormal build up of calcium on the kneecap (patella) surface is: dys/chrondro/plasia ankyl/osis calcin/osis omoburs/itis 24. The diagnostic term Avulsion means: cancerous tumor of the organs tearing lose of a body part inflammation of the bone congenital fissure of the vertebral column





25. The diagnostic term for a disease that causes excessive amounts of uric acid crystals in the blood to be deposited in joint (elbow or toe) is: gout bunion myasthenia gravis exostosis

26. The diagnostic term Herniated Disc means: broken bone and abnormal benign growth on the surface of a bone ruptured or protruding inter/vertebral disk cartilage broken bone abnormal benign growth on the surface of a bone 27. The diagnostic term that means abnormal loss of bone density or increased bone poros/ity is: osteo/petr/o/sis fracture osteo/por/o/sis gout

28. The surgical terms Lamin/ectomy and Rachi/o/tomy actually mean: surgical fixation of a joint incision of the tendon suture of a muscle excision of posterior vertebral arch and cutting the vertebral column





29. The surgical term Arthr/o/desis means: surgical breaking of joint excision of a carpal joint incision of a bone surgical fixation or binding of a joint

30. An instrument used to cut bone is called a(n): osteo/tom/e arthro/tom/e arthro/clast/y osteo/arthro/tom/e 31. The surgical term for the repair of cartilage is called: oste/o/tomy burs/o/tomy anthr/o/clasia chondr/o/plasty 32. The term Chiro/pract/or literally means: one who cuts one who sutures one who works by hand one who practices by hand





33. The surgical term that means fusing together of the spine (vertebrae) is: tenomy/o/plasty lamin/ectomy aponeur/o/rrhaphy spondyl/o/syn/desis

34. The surgical term Phalang/ectomy means: excision of a finger or toe bone excision of the patella surgical repair of the tendon and muscle excision of the meniscus 35. The surgical term that means "incision into the skull to drain fluid" is: crani/o/tomy cranio/centesis cephal/o/sis crani/ostomy 36. The surgical term that actually means "surgically breaking joint apart" is: osteoclasia arthroclasia synovectomy arthrotomy





37. CTS is an abbreviation for ___________ Syn/drome (sign and symptom complex). Marfan's Charcot's Carpal Tunnel Lupus Erythematosus

38. The term Dys/chrondro/plas/ia literally refers to: difficult joint formation faulty cartilage formation unusual bone shaping without cartilage development 39. The term for X-ray film (recording) of a joint is: electroarthro/graph arthro/gram arthro/scopy arthro/graphy 40. The procedural term that means visual examination inside a joint is: arthro/gram arthroscop/y arthograph/y arthro/centesis





41. The medical term "Gangli/ec/tom/y" means: process of cutting into a flap process of cutting into a valve process of cutting into a ball procedure of cutting out a knot

42. A physician who uses techniques and treatments common to Medical Doctors and Chiropractic Physicians is a(n): Physical Therap/ist Pod/iatr/ist Oste/o/path Ortho/paed/ist or Ortho/ped/ist 43. The medical term for a specialist who treats and diagnoses foot disease and disorders such as corns, bunions, claw foot, ingrown toenails, and par/onych/itis is a(n): Ortho/ped/ist Chiro/pract/or Pod/iatr/ist Chiro/pod/ist

44. The healing specialty that emphasizes a system of therapy based on the manipulation of the vertebral column and other bones of the body by hand is: Spondylist Chiropractic Chiropodist Orthopedist





45. The medical term that means an artificial substitute or addition replacing a missing body part (teeth, feet, hearing aid, eye lens) is: ortho/paed/ics ortho/tics chiro/pedon/ics prosth/esis

46. The diagnostic term Spondylo/listh/esis literally and actually means: vertebrae/slippage/condition vertebrae/swelling/state bone/fracture/disease joint/swelling/disease 47. The diagnostic term Ankylosing Spondylitis means: fusing/process vertebrae/inflamed bones/that rupture/inflamed bones/elongated/condition bone/destruction/disease 48. The diagnostic term Rheumat/oid Arthr/itis means: pain flowing through joint condition of joint swelling auto-immune disease often with cartilaginous hypertrophy state of joint inflammation





49. The diagnostic term Osteoarthritis means: bilateral joint inflammation inflammation of bone with ligament swelling inflamed bone and cartilage causing swelling inflammation of a bone joint causing bone hypertrophy

50. The diagnostic term Bunion (turnip sac) actually means: inflamed heel bursa bursa hypotrophy inflamed foot wart inflamed bursa of the big toe’s metatarsophalangeal joint 51. The diagnostic term Rotator Cuff Avulsion actually means: bone chip in the upper arm rupture of the scapula tearing of shoulder joint’s soft tissues, ligaments, and deep tendons (rotator cuff muscles) shoulder ligament compression 52. The diagnostic term Bunion (turnip sac) actually means: inflamed heel bursa bursa hypotrophy inflamed foot wart inflamed bursa of the big toe’s metatarsophalangeal joint





53. The diagnostic term Pre/patellar Burs/itis means: inflamed knee tendon inflamed knee ligament inflamed quadriceps tendon inflamed bursa below the knee

54. The diagnostic term Osteosarcoma means: swelling of bone and bone marrow swelling of bone marrow bone inflammation bone tumors that causes hard tissue to become soft and fleshy 55. The diagnostic term Hip Disarticulation (HD) also means: A surgical amputation through the joint capsule of the hip joint coxa rupture ruptured hip joint pelvic joint fusion 56. The diagnostic term Sub/luxation actually means: partial joint dislocation vertebral rupture joint compression joint fusion





57. An Osteopathic Physician is represented by the Medical Abbreviation ____ and a Chiropractic Physician is represented by the Medical Abbreviation _______. OD and CP OD and CD DO and DC OD and DCP

58. The diagnostic term Hammer Toe means: the toes are bent over or down the toes are crossed the toes are bent up the toes are spread apart 59. The term Examination means: the procedure of running tests the process or procedure of inspection the procedure of asking questions the process of touching 60. A Optometric Physician uses the Medical Abbreviation: OD DOP OP DO





61. The term Anthropo/metr/ic means: pertains to the length of digits refers to the measurement of humans refers to the size of body parts pertains to the measurement of joints

62. A bone process or eye membrane disease term that means resembling a wing is ________: pteryg/oid trapez/oid scapula/oid sphen/oid 63. Muscle terms for belly or abdomen are: abdominus or laparal minimus or microid iliacus or pterygoid teres or sphenoid 64. A muscle directional term for middle or toward the middle is: maximo- and longomegalo- or macromedi- or mesomega- or gusto-





65. A procedure of making a record of muscle activity is called: electro/myo/lith/o/tom/y electro/myo/graph/y electro/myo/gram electro/myo/graph

66. The condition resulting in spasms of the nerves and muscles due to an abnormally low concentration of calcium in the blood is: goiter tetany acidosis myxedema 67. The diagnostic term Anterior Polio/myel/itis means an: inflammation of the brain inflammation of the meninges inflammation of the spinal cord frontal gray horn inflammation of the spinal cord front white horn 68. The diagnostic term My/asthenia Gravis actually means: muscle heavy and weak muscle strong and full muscle tone hard muscle feeling great





69. The diagnostic term Syn/dactylia means: fingers connected together heavy fingers crossed fingers large hands, fingers, and toes

70. The diagnostic term Muscular Dys/trophy means: muscle cramping faulty muscle development muscle enlargement muscle strength 71. The muscle or body term trauma means: wound therapy bleeding collapse 72. The muscle term ad/duct/or literally means: one who/draws/toward one who/flexes/up one who/bends/down one who/turns/out





73. The diagnostic term Pes Planus means: bent toes high arch flat foot clubbed foot

74. The muscle term supinator means: turns to the middle - one who turns upward - one who turns down or downward - one who turns to the side - one who 75. The muscle term sphincter means: that which bind together that which lengthens that which shortens that which tightens 76. The machine that records muscle activity is called the: electromyo/grapher electromyo/graph electromyo/graphy electromyo/gram





77. The literal meaning of the diagnostic term Cardio/myo/path/y is: a condition that causes poor blood circulation to the heart muscle heart/muscle/disease/condition poor blood flow/trauma circulation/problems



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