Organisational essay references PDF

Title Organisational essay references
Author Jamie Forster
Course Application of Sport and Exercise Science 1
Institution Canterbury Christ Church University
Pages 5
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Readings that you could reference in assessment one for organisational management in semester two of the first year...


Organisational essay references P 1

Reference Albrow, M., 1970. Bureaucracy. Macmillan International Higher Education.

Subject Define burreacrac y


Weber’s definition of bureaucracy (cited in Albrow, 1970) aimed to identify the most basic features, he reduce this down to four main features, these are; hierarchy, continuity, impersonality, expertise. “ together these features constitute Weber’s definitional model of bureaucracy” this therefore is a criteria that has to be met by an administration to be properly called bureaucratic. (Albrow, 1970) hl=en&lr=&id=WFNdDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA13&dq=definition +of+bureaucracy&ots=6cMeGAT4kF&sig=eidthCKj7Zgr1nTHqdrfLs67WU&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=definition %20of%20bureaucracy&f=false

1 2

McNamara, D.E., 2009. From Fayols Mechanistic To Todays Organic Functions Of Management. Ameri can Journal of Business Education (AJBE), 2(1), pp.6378.

fayols 5 functions

“was a French engineer and director of mines” “his theories deal with production- oriented organizations that have control of production costs as their key concern” “five elements deal with planning, organizing, commanding (leading), coordinating, and controlling” “still relevant to today ‟s discussions about management roles and actions” ‘number of management principles that might help improve an organization's operation was potentially limitless”

https://clutejournals. com/index.php/AJB E/article/view/4023

Critique “Today‟s environments are more turbulent and unpredictable” “Control-oriented approach creates an inflexible, mechanistic organization” Also quotes In the book (p 29 nd 46)


Ouchi, W.G. and Dowling, J.B., 1974. Defining the span of control. Administrati

Span of control

Span of control “is a useful concept for measuring the closeness of contact between a superior and his subordinates”

ve Science Quarterly, pp.357365.


3 /stable/2391977? seq=1 Sobiya (no date) Google's Organizational Structure: Pros and Cons . Available at:https://www.adver oogleorganizationalstructure-pros-andcons/(Accessed: 10/09/2021).

Croner. (2020) ' A Comprehensive List of Employment Legislation in the UK Available at: esources/employmen t-law/legislation-list/ (Accessed: 9/4/2021).

Googles organisati onal structure

Employee laws

The structure includes functional, divisional and flat structures. Functional suture allows individuals to have specialized roles to reach total efficiency. This “bureaucratic structure also makes it easier for them to focus on their tasks alone” Google also use divisional structures where the organisation is split into different teams which have different organisational functions. This is due to the wide range of roles within the large company, therefore this allows flexibility “and helps in increasing productivity and overall efficiency and effectiveness of the strategies” Lastly they also use flat structures, this allows “employees and managers have a direct contact”. The benefits this has for google is that it increases the “flexibility and comfort” and makes adapting to change easier. Therefore google is showing that more than one organisational structure can be used to run a company. Empl oy eel awcov er s: 

Agedi scr i mi nat i on

Bul l yi ngandhar assment

Di s abi l i t y

Di s cr i mi nat i onbasedonr ac e,r el i gi on,sexual i t y orgender esources/employmen t-law/legislation-list/


Karmelić, J. and Tijan, E., 2018. The Importance of Harmonizing Working Timetables in Seaport Clusters. Pomorstvo, 3

Importanc e of timetables


Hol i daypay

Mi ni mum wage

Wor ki nghour s

“Seaport clusters are complex commercial systems, consisting of a large number of heterogeneous stakeholders.” So need to work harmony for complete

2(1), pp.115-120.

effectiveness. Therefore, timetables have been a large part of achieving this harmonic working environment. ndex.php? show=clanak&id_cla nak_jezik=296882

“the authors suggest that it is necessary to ensure the harmonization of working hours of different stakeholders” “To equalize periods of regular and overtime work during the week and on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays” “To equalize periods of work breaks” “Avoidance of hidden costs for end users” “ Increased competitiveness” Allows work synchronisation of stakeholders who work around the clock.


Ritzer, G., 1975. Professionalization, bureaucratization and rationalization: The views of Max Weber. Social Forces, 53(4), pp.627634.

Max weber

“ Hea n a l yz e dav a r i e t yoff a c t o r st ha tl e dt ot h er i s eofr a t i on a l i t yi n t heWe s ta nde x a mi ne danumb e rofs t r uc t ur e st ha ts e e me dt o e mbod yt h a tr a t i ona l i t y . ” load? doi= &rep=rep1&type=pd f 4

Jenkins, R., 2000. Disenchantment, enchantment and reenchantment: Max Weber at the millennium. Max Weber Studies, pp.1132.

Disenchan tment

Ass oc i e t yc ha ng e dt obe c omel e s sr e l i g i ou se v e r y da ya n s we r s Jenkins, R., 2000) according to b e c a mei nc r e a s i ng l yr a t i ona l( e t susdownapa t ho f Jenkins (2000) explained that t hi s“s " di s e nc ha nt me nt " ” . Thi sr a t i ona l i s a t i oni st hes hi f tf r omr e l i gi ous e xpl a na t i ont os c i e nc ee vi d e nc e .Ac c or di ngt oJenkins (2000) nsa r r i v ea tbi r t h disenchantment” me a nsl os sofbe l i e ft ha thuma a r tofas y s t e m of i nama t e r i a la nds oc i a lwor l dwhe r ee ve nt sa r ep e t hi c a lme a n i n g” . 1 057 Re l a t i ngt hi st or a t i ona lo r ga ni s a t i ons , wor ke r sb e gi nt of e e ll os ti n t hepa pe r wor k,pr oc e dur e sa ndp ol i c i e swhi c ht a kee n e r gya wa y f r o mt he i ri ni t i a lj ob .Th edi s e nc ha nt me nte x pe r i e nc e di sduet o wor ke r sha vi ngt oc ompe t ee xt r at a s kt opl e a s et her a t i on a l o r g a ni s a t i ona lde s i gnf orc ompa ni e swhi c hb r i n gsnobe ne fit st o t hewor ke r sbu tonl ya d dt ot he i rwor kl o a di nane ga t i v ewa y . h t t ps : / / r e pos i t or y . uc ha s t i n gs . e du/ c gi / v i e wc ont e nt . c gi ? a r t i c l e =3 560&=&c ont e xt =ha s t i n gs _l a w_j our na l &=&s e i -

r e di r =1&r e f e r e r =ht t p s %253A%252F%252Fs c hol a r . g oogl e . c om %252 Fs c hol a r %253Fhl %253 De n%2526a s _s dt %253 D0%2525 2C5%2 526q%253Dwe be r %252Bdi s e n c ha nt me nt %252 Bor g a n i z a t i o n%2526oq%253Dwe be r %252 Bdi s e n c h a nt me n t %252 Bor g a n i c # s e a r c h =%22we be r %20d i s e n c h a nt me nt %20o r g a n i z a t i o n%22


King, D. and Lawley, S. (2013) Organizational Behaviour. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Greenwood, R. and Lawrence, T.B., 2005. The iron cage in the information age: The legacy and relevance of Max Weber for organization studies. Editorial.

Iron cage “ We be rq ua l i fie da sauni v e r s i t yt e a c h e rwi t has e c ondd oc t o r a l t he s i s , s ub mi t t e di n1 891 ”493 Theme t a phori r onc a g ewa sfir s ti n t r o duc e db yWe be rwh e nh e s t a r t e dt opubl i s he s s a y si n1 904s p e c i fic a l l yt h ee s s a yna me d “ ThePr ot e s t a nte t hi candt h es pi r i tofc a pi t a l i s m”.Th i se s s ay “ as s oc i a t e dt heor i gi nsofc a p i t a l i s m wi t ht h er e l i g i ousv a l u e so f Ca l v i ni s m”

https://journals.sagep 177/0170840605051 465 4

Klagge, J., 1997. Approaches to the iron cage: Reconstructing the bars of Weber's metaphor. Administrati on & Society, 29(1), pp.63-77.

Iron cage

Goodsell, 1985 (quoted in ...) believed that in today’s society most people use the term bureaucracy to refer to “ inefficiencies, incompetence, redtape, or government” 64

https://www.research 40689817_Approach es_to_the_Iron_Cag eReconstructing_the _Bars_of_Weber %27s_Metaphor/link s/5511feea0cf270fd7 e31b789/Approaches -to-the-IronCageReconstructingthe-Bars-of-WebersMetaphor.pdf 5

Bozeman, B. and Rainey, H.G., 1998. Organizational rules

“Academics often use the word bureaucracy when referring to the organizational manipulation of power and people.” 64

Weber felt the rigid structure of bureaucracy made it easy for humans feelings and values to be lost. “Weber’s original use of the metaphor of the iron cage was intended as a judgement of the institutional constraints” therefore displaying a negative view of bureaucracy.

Beucratiri c

(Bozeman and Rainey ,1998) The theory of the bureaucratic personality was introduced by Victor Thompson and

and the" bureaucratic personality". American Journal of Political Science, pp.163-189. /stable/pdf/2991751. pdf? refreqid=excelsior %3Acbe4acf53ccf20 77b9fdb993dbfdb3d 9

personaliti es

Robert Merton which explained “that personal characteristics of certain bureaucrats make them prefer elaborate rules and regulations”. Bozeman and Rainey (1998) explain that the level of bureaucracy is dependent on the role needing to be performed which therefore will alter the amount of rules needed. They used the example of “Public sector managers should show more of the bureaucratic personality responses than private managers, and prefer more rules.”

Blackman, R. (2020) How To Monitor Your Employees - While Respecting Their Privacy. Available at: 22/04/21).

Financial Times (2021) ‘US companies plan price rises as inflation pressure builds’ Available at: (Accessed: 27...

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