Outline Negative Impacts of Social Media on Youth PDF

Title Outline Negative Impacts of Social Media on Youth
Author Hana Ameera Mohd Akmal
Course English For Oral Presentations
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 3
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PREPARATION OUTLINE (INFORMATIVE SPEECH) Name : Nur Hana Ameera ID : Group : Title : Negative Impacts of Social Media on Young People General Purpose : To Inform Central Idea : There are many platforms of social media, however, they give more harm than good for instance mental health problems (stress, depression, low self esteem), cyberbullying and addiction.


I. - What if I told you Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are bad for your well-being. Many of you won’t believe me or many of you will deny it, because you know it’s true. - There are many negative effects from these apps that have found its way into your life whether you have noticed it or not. - These apps appear to be fun, convenient, and interactive ways to talk with friends or catch up on the latest trends, but they are not as harmless as they may seem. -Attention getter I  I. Three billion people, around 40% of the world’s population, use online social media – and we’re spending an average of two hours every day sharing, liking, tweeting and updating on these platforms, according to some reports. III. That breaks down to around half a million tweets and Snapchat photos shared every minute IV. This social media statistic uncovers that an average of 3 hours are spent per day per person on social networks and messaging (Globalwebindex, 2019). V. Millennials continue to be the generation with the highest use of social media, and also the broadest access to smartphones which is 90.4% of overall youth. - Stating established facts VI. There  are many platforms of social media, however, they give more harm than good - C  entral  idea (thesis)

(Transition: So, does social media lead to cyberbullying, addiction and mental health problems on youth ?.)

BODY I. Chart 1 shows the percentage of teens having a negative effect on social media. ( description)

A. Research conducted by the Pew Research Center found 24% of U.S. teens said that social media has a mostly negative effect on people their age, with 27% ofthat groupsaying one of the main reasons for that was online bullying. ( description) B. The findings were based on interviews with 743 kids aged 13 to 17. (description) C.  27% of the main reasons for social media having mostly negative effects are because of bullying/rumor spreading. (analysis) (Transition: Moving on to what cause the addiction towards social media)

II. Chart 2 shows how often U.S adults and teenagers say they go online. ( description) A. B  ased on a survey of 743 U.S teens (ages 13-17) conducted in March and April 2018 and one of 2,002 U.S adults (18+) conducted in January 2018. ( description) B. According to a recent Pew Research survey, 1 in 4 American adults say they’re online almost constantly. ( analysis) 1. “People can’t survive without their phone and social media” is like an online drug demonstrated the severity of the perceived ‘addiction 2. The suggestion presented was that social media was as addictive as substances and can be problematic for some people, as it takes away time from their familieswhichcan have bad side effects 3. They self-referenced their own social media use in terms of compulsive or excessive usage, limited sleep was the primary problematic consequence

CONCLUSION I. Social media is, and will continue to be, harmful, unless something is done about it. II. The power it has over people is dangerous and often goes unnoticed. - Summary A.  Our life became more convenient because social media is a very useful tool for us in the 21st century, it could help us to improve our life. -Recommendation 1. Youngsters should practise using social media smartly by remote usage using recommended apps, so social media will become a good change for us. -Recommendation 2. Parents should pay more attention on controlling children devices and social media according to their ages -Recommendation III. With so many platforms of social media giving more harm than  good for  instance  cyberbullying, addiction and mental health problems (stress, depression, low self esteem.-Reinforcecentral idea IV. We as youngsters can make a difference by controlling the usage of screen time on our phones for a better self. - Concluding statement


1. Siddiqui, S. (2016). Social Media its Impact with Positive and Negative Aspects. Academia.Edu. https://www.academia.edu/33331105/Social_Media_its_Impact_with_Positive_and _Negative_Aspects  2. Richter, F. (2018, June 01). Infographic: U.S. Teens Have Mixed Feelings About Social Media. Retrieved from https://www.statista.com/chart/14085/teenagers-views-on-social-media/ 3. Ranch, I. (2018, September 14). Social Media Dangers and the Effects of Cyberbullying. Retrieved from https://www.youthranch.org/blog/social-media-dangers-and-the-effects-of-cyberb ullying 4. Hawi, N. S., & Samaha, M. (2016). The Relations Among Social Media Addiction, Self-Esteem, and Life Satisfaction in University Students. Social Science Computer Review, 35(5), 576–586. doi:10.1177/0894439316660340 5. Hiliard, J. (2020, September 17). Social Media Addiction. Retrieved from https://www.addictioncenter.com/drugs/social-media-addiction/...

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