Negative Effects of Bullying on Children - Essay PDF

Title Negative Effects of Bullying on Children - Essay
Author Sadie Hall
Course 21st Century Skills Communication and Information Literacy
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 4
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The Negative Effects of Bullying on Children

Sadie Hall Grand Canyon University UNV-104-O502 – 21st Century Skills” Communication and information Literacy John Steele November 14, 2021

2 The Negative Effects of Bullying on Children Bullying does more harm than you would think. When bullying someone, the thought of how far the damage could go, is not a thought. Some may not have thought the effects would cause very real trauma to the victim. When being bullied as a child, more effects that are negative are caused compared to when you are an adult. Three ways bullying can negatively impact children are mental illness, paranoia, and suicide. Mental Illness is one of the most common effects of bullying that is not talked about often enough. Mental health and mental illness are one in the same but they have different facts about them. Mental illness and mental health includes loneliness, depression, and hopelessness. Both can be treated together, or separately. (Vleioras et al., 2021) Depression and anxiety are consequences of being bullied. This can also lead to negative body image, fear of being lonely or not having anyone because they have been through so much abuse from the bullies. Most victims tend to be less likely to speak out about anything they go through. (Manrique, et al., 2020) Although paranoia is not something that is ever talked about, it is one of the main effects caused by bullying. Paranoia is an increased risk of psychotic experiences in the victims of bullying. Children with paranoia see themselves as weak and not worthy. They begin to think things are there when they are not because they are traumatized by the abuse. (McDonnell et al., 2017) When people are bullied, the mindset of the victim changes to where they become paranoid, suspicious, and oversensitive. This causes negative thoughts about themselves. In addition, it leads them to be vulnerable because of the experiences. (Mastillo et al., 2017) this causes the victim to be very skeptical of going anywhere because they have no idea what will or could happen to them next.

3 Suicide is the top proven effect of bullying. It causes the victim to become hopeless and depressed. They will begin to question your self-worth, and whether you should continue living. Kids who are bullied are more likely to either attempt suicide or actually do it. (Philip et al., 2018) When bullied, men have a higher suicide rate than women do. Cyberbullying is one of the main types of bullying that increases the risk of suicide. Kids who are bullied have a higher rate of suicide than adolescents. (Kim et al., 2020) Bullying alters the though process of the victim which can cause mental illnesses, paranoia and suicide. The three top studies on the effects of bullying are mental illness, paranoia, and suicide. Many studies show they are high when it comes to bullying. Although, they are not said in this way, they have the same meaning as my subtopics. Mental illness is an affect because you start getting anxious and depressed. Paranoia is big because it causes you to become scared of what will happen or when it will happen. Suicide is a big one because you feel worthless and like your life isn’t worth living so you take it to an extreme that you feel is the only way out.

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