Outline-professions speech PDF

Title Outline-professions speech
Course Public Speaking
Institution University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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required outline on being emergency room nurse for public speaking that includes sources and in-text citations...


Outline Template Name: Topic/Title of Your Speech: Emergency room nursing: Insight and Importance Organizational Pattern: Categorical General Purpose: The general purpose is to inform the audience Specific Purpose: The specific purpose is to provide the audience with more information on Nurses in the Emergency room so respect and appreciation are gained. Thesis: During this presentation, you will learn the qualities required to be a nurse in the emergency room, their importance in both societies and one’s own life. Introduction: Attention Grabber: I want to introduce you to Sally; she is an 85-year-old female, she is from the suburbs of Chicago. She is fortunate enough to have private insurance, She has a mild cut from accidentally cutting her hand when making dinner. She spends a couple of hours with me and then returns to her family. Sally is what most of my patients will look like as an ER nurse” Females are typically seen in an ER over males and those 85 and older are the highest age group to go to the ER. Individuals who are privately insured and live in the suburbs are also the highest demographics to use an Emergency room This is all according to a study conducted by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Importance of your topic: Almost everyone has to go to the emergency room for some of their happiest moments as well as some of their saddest; emergency room nurses are vital to a hospital and a society and therefore should be respected. Credibility: The reason I wanted to become a nurse may seem a little irrelevant and silly. In elementary school, I knocked my tooth out on a pool. Since I am a clumsy person I have fallen multiple times and knocked out my fake tooth multiple times. This is an insanely embarrassing experience, as it is extremely unpleasant to be tooth-less. After accidentally getting knocked in my mouth in high school, my fake tooth fell out and I had to get it replaced yet again. When I was in the dentist’s chair I was greeted by a hygienist who made me feel silly and stupid for the situation I put myself in. It only caused my embarrassment to rise. Although this is a very minor incident compared to some of the cases I will see in an Emergency room, I wanted a job that allowed me to care for those in vulnerable situations, but to treat patients with the dignity that I was not allowed in that dentist’s chair. Preview of your main points:

An emergency room nurse requires a specific set of skills; both educationally and emotionally. Today we will talk about how to become an Emergency room nurse, what characteristics it takes to be an emergency room nurse, and my personal goals in my career. Body of Speech (You should have one oral citation to support each main point): I. Main Idea- Being a nurse requires a large educational commitment, however, there are many ways to go about this including obtaining a Bachelor’s degree of nursing in four years, and a Bachelor’s degree of nursing in five years A. Subpoint 1- Most nursing students decide to become a nursing a Bachelor of Science in nursing. 1. Sub-sub point-The first step in obtaining a bachelor of science in nursing is to complete and excel in preqreistues. It is vital that these students excel in these courses. Although the average minimum GPA for nursing school acceptance is 3.0, annually there are 75,209 qualified applicants that get turned away from nursing school according to Nurse.org 2. Sub-sub point- After completing prerequisites, nursing students apply to nursing school and upon acceptance, and go to nursing school for two years where they learn the skills to become a nurse. B. Subpoint 2-Another way to earn a bachelor’s degree in nursing is to earn a bachelor’s degree in a non-related field and then go back to school for another year to earn a BSN. 1. Sub-sub point- Many students who pursue this path did not get into nursing school as an incoming junior or decided after graduation to change their career path. Common degrees for the path are sociology, psychology, or Huaman Development. 2. Sub-sub point- After getting a bachelor’s degree these students go through an 18 month accelerated program similar to a traditional program just accelerated.

Transitional Statement- After going to nursing school and obtaining licensing through the NCLEX, which you have already heard about from other nursing students in this class, new nurses must develop skills and characteristics to be successful in the Emergency room. II. Main Idea-There is both intellectual and emotional skills required to be an emergency room nurse successfully.

A. Subpoint 1- Emergency room nurses work 12-hour shifts and see a variety of patients that requires tactical skills. 1. According to an article titled “Are You Cut Out to be an ER Nurse?” on any given day emergency room nurses can see 200 patients, all with varying conditions and concerns. 2. Looking at Emergency room skills checkoff from The Nurse Agency, emergency room nurses must be able to perform skills relating to a variety of body systems including Assessing heart sounds, triage procedures for trauma patients, and psych protocol for different stages of life. B. Subpoint 2- Along with the tactical skills Emergency room nursing presents, it also requires emotional skills and intelligence. 1. Nurses must work well with co-workers and in a team environment; they must be good communicators and detailed oriented so that they can give the team the most accurate information possible. 2. Along with providing the best physical care to patients emergency room nurses care for patients at some of the scariest and uncertain times in their lives. This requires a nurse to be caring and comforting to a patient and their family.

Transitional Statement- Although the job of Emergency nursing is clearly very taxing and brutal, this is a career I am excited to enter into and grow into. III. My goal is to make my career in Emergency room nursing, both as an RN and BSN. A. After passing the NCLEX, I hope to work as an RN in an emergency room to gain experience and exposure to the environment. 1. My goal is to work for approximately two years in a major city, level one trauma center Emergency room. 2. This will prepare me with the necessary skills to go back to school to obtain my Master’s in Nursing. B. My next goal would be to become an Emergency Room Nurse Practitioner 1. Nurse Practitioner Programs can take anywhere from 2-4 years with an Emergency room nursing tract.

2. After becoming completing nurse practitioner school and becoming accredited, I can now practice in emergency rooms, ambulances, and trauma centers.

Transition to Conclusion… Signpost and Summary: Emergency Room nursing is a career vital to any community and requires an educational, mental, and emotional commitment by those who enter the field. However, it is a very fruitful career that allows for growth. Challenge the Audience or Make a Final Appeal: I chose to become an Emergency room nurse because of my desire to protect my patient’s human dignity. Although to my knowledge no one else has the desire to be an Emergency room nurse, you can share the same passion I do for human dignity in your own professions. Many of the professions you all described involved human interaction and some sort of exchange. During these exchanges, I challenge you to treat customers and coworkers with the same level of dignity that I wish I was treated with when I had my tooth chipped. Memorable Ending: Now what I described was heavy and a lot, here is a Tikok to show how enjoyable emergency room nursing can be.

References th

APA 7 Edition Coster, J. E., Turner, J. K., Bradbury, D., & Cantrell, A. (2017). Why Do People Choose Emergency and Urgent Care Services? A Rapid Review Utilizing a Systematic Literature Search and Narrative Synthesis. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine , 24( 9), 1137–1149. https://doi.org/10.1111/acem.13220 Darienzo, E. (n.d.). Are you cut out to be an er nurse? Retrieved March 11, 2021, from https://www.monster.com/career-advice/article/emergency-room-nurse-jobs-1216#:~:text =As%20an%20ER%20nurse%2C%20you'll%20probably%20work%20three%2012,patie nts%20during%20any%20given%20shift.

The Nurse Agency Emergency Room Skills Checklist  [PDF]. (2011). The Nurse Agency. Weiss, A. J., Ph.D, Wier, L. M., M.P.H, Stocks, C., Ph.D., R.N., & Blanchard, J., M.D, Ph.D. (n.d.). Overview of Emergency Department Visits in the United States, 2011. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality,  (174), 2014th ser. Retrieved March 9, 2021, from https://www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports/statbriefs/sb174-Emergency-Department-Visits-Ov erview.pdf. What to know about applying to nursing schools. (2019, October 10). Retrieved March 10, 2021, from https://nurse.org/articles/Need-to-knows-when-applying-to-nursing-schools/...

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