Part 1 Compact PDF

Title Part 1 Compact
Course Introductory Psychology
Institution The Pennsylvania State University
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PSYCH 100 – PART 1 EXAM 1 Introduction to Psychology:

Preface: Time management, Module 1, Appendix A [Subfields of Psychology]

> 6 main areas of psychology:  Cognitive and affective neuroscience (biopsychology) o Biological neurological  Clinical & counseling o Treat emotion/behavior problems  Cognitive o Thinking, learning, remembering  Developmental o Physical, social, emotional change (3 y-o vs 33 y-o)  Industrial/organizational o Work behavior, productivity, satisfaction  Social o Interactions with others > Others:  Educational psychology, engineering psychology, forensic psychology, personality psychology, school psychology, sensation & perception >Areas (of psychology) are complimentary  Performance example o Social setting o Memory o Personality >Psychology = the science of behavior and mental process >Contrasting relationships:  Physical relationships: o Input  physical environment  result  To predict a result we need to know input and physical environment  Ex: science experiments (behavior): o Inputphysical environment mental environment  result (behavior)  Mental environment (mind) : o The mental environment contains forces that affect our thinking and emotions and that can dominate our personal minds o Knowledge, personality, skills, attitudes, perception, abilities, perception, abilities, beliefs, motivation, goals o NOT directly observable

PSYCH 100 – PART 1 EXAM 1  

we INFER what’s in the mental environment by testing what inputs generate what behaviors under what conditions To predict a result (behavior) we also need to understand the mental environment  Ex: Seinfel case, off-color joke

2 foci: o 1) Input  physical environment (experience)  mental environment  ex: Do parents affect children’s personality? o 2) mental environment  behavior  ex: How does attitude affect behavior? o 2 foci are related:  ex: Do exam stress 

Why study psychology relationship? o 1) to improve knowledge about human behavior, promote theory and exploration  ex: How do we organize memories?  Called “Basic approach” o 2) to improve knowledge about human behavior to reach practical goals to reach practical goals, and better lives  ex: What’s the best therapy for OCD  Called “Applied Approach” (intuitive)

How to study effectively? o For an A, DO:  Actively process & elaborate on Info:  Rephrase information into your own words  Link info to things you already know  Reflect on the implication for your life  Ask questions!!  Distribute your study time  Over learn information


Nature vs. Nurture

BIG QUESTION:  Which drives behavior and development? o Nature = inborn, biological factors o Nurture= experiential, environmental factors - Answer = both - How about nature and nurture interact: o How much of each? o Interaction process?  Case study: Harlow Monkey o Test first week of life: personality (shy/bold)  genetic, inherited (because no experience yet) o Experiment: shy baby w/ foster (bold) mother  get along  After two months: shy baby monkey  bold (foster mother changed the baby’s behavior)  Separated from mother  re-become nervous and reactive  Genes won in the end  Assessing the role of Nature:  Family studies: o Children receive 50% of their genes from each parent o Similarities among family members (physical/psychological disorders)  if mom has asthma, > chance that you will have asthma  Twin studies: o Identical twins vs. fraternal twins - Idea = all twins share the same environment = share same DNA (>99.9%) / one egg o Cognitive abilities = identical twins more similar o Personality =identical twins more similar  Identical twins = identical environment?  Adoption studies:  Children more like biological or foster (environmental) sibling/ parents? - Cognitive abilities = more like biological sibling/parents - Psychological disorder = same  Prenatal environment?  Twin-adoption studies:

PSYCH 100 – PART 1 EXAM 1 

Personality = more like biological siblings/parents  Genes play a larger role in: o Personality o Cognitive abilities o Psychological disorders  Does parenting even matter?

Attachment (parenting):  = an emotional tie with another  = an emotional bond between child and caregiver (mom/dad)  Stranger anxiety test (Eva): distress when face something unfamiliar - Put baby in front of new toys = comfortable (mom sitting in a corner) - Meet stranger (okay at first but always look back at the mom to check) - Then stranger engage the baby in a small game = child refuse, look to mom (but mom walks away) - Does play a little bit but looks more like she was waiting for her mom to come back - Mom comes back = quality of her play improves (more comfortable) - Mom walks out (no one’s in the room) = cry - Stranger return to pick her up = baby turns away (“You’re not my mom” but still accept contact - Mom returns = super happy *Emotions are contagious: if adults panic, child will also.  Insecure attachment o Clingy or unresponsive o Uncommunicative  Determinant of Human attachment o Physical contact o Familiarity o Parental responsiveness o Previous attachment o (Temperament)

 Assessing the role of Nurture  Physical contact o Attachment & nourishment idea o Breastfeeding


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o Harlow monkey studies o Mom’s touch & smell vs. see Familiarity: o “Imprinting” o Critical period for attachment (1yr.) o Mom’s voice & heartbeat o Bonding rooms Parental unresponsiveness: o Ex: to get your baby to stop crying Parental responsiveness: o Sensitive, responsive caretakers = securely attached children o Insensitive, unresponsive caretakers = insecurely attached children: - Cold & rejecting parents = avoidant attachment (no real bond) - Ambivalent and inconsistent parents = anxiousambivalent attachment Previous attachment:  How you were raised affects how you raise your children?  Effects of attachment: o Securely attached children:  World is predictable & reliable  Basic comfort o Cognitive competence:  Problem solving  Curiosity/ explorative behavior  Eva example: - Gave problem = have to take the candy (very tenacious) - Can’t do, go ask mom for help - Mom suggests, Eva solve it  feels like she was able to do it (succeed) o Social competence = basic trust [therefore…]  Cooperation  Obedience  Peer relationship  Antisocial behavior (only interested in yourself  if overly attached) o Attachment affects relationship  Secure == trusting  Avoidant == Untrusting, intimacy issues  Anxious-Ambivalent == preoccupied with love, expect rejections, jealous o Emotional stability

PSYCH 100 – PART 1 EXAM 1 o Behavioral problems  Neglected, abandoned, abused babies: o Can impair cognitive & social development o When adopted into loving home:  Improve cognitive development  Can have residual effects (new kitten) o Multiple foster homes (move from home to home) = problematic  Is day care bad for children? o No major negative impact of maternal employment on child development o Parental attachment doesn’t suffer  Good day cares:  Low child to caregiver ratio  Promote social & cognitive development  Cheerful  Verbally stimulating  Safe!!  Familiar adult care giver  Bottom line: children need warm, consistent relationships with people they can learn to trust  Are the "insecurely attached” doomed? o No, but genes, other environmental factors play a role (nature & nurture interact)  Nature + Nurture:  People’s nature can affect their nurture - Ex: people seek certain environments (warm/cold climate, uncanny separated twin stories/ athletes and height) - Ex: infant’s temperament affects attach (difficult child = more difficult to be sensitive to, how sensitive child is to care giving (?) )  People’s nurture can affect their nature: - Ex: abuse (prolonged extreme stress) changes brain physiology (chems, hormone, brain development) - Ex: evolution & natural selection


o Exp: baby / shape color game: - children just stick with the 1st rule ( 1st rule: same shape put in box / 2nd rule same color) - child thinks that other people think like he does:  ex: juice (ropes) and Katie/john footprint steal cookies  young children can’t think about others’ thoughts

Cognitive Development 

Jean Piagiet: - Biologist - Observant father - Goal was description - Greatly influenced cognitive development research - Misunderstood o His ideas:  Children grow up in a complex word  Goal of learning = effective interaction with the environment  Cognitive abilities grow as child makes sense of the environment  Quantity and quality of thought change with development  Concepts defined by activity schemas (by what can and can’t be done with an object), grow from inborn reflexes: - Rooting  mouth - Palmar  grasping - Stepping  feet  “we are born ready for action”  Activity schemas develop as we gain body control and coordination: - Ex: baby’s foot connected to a strap, when he kicks, the objects move  already learning about cause and effect (body control, movement)  2 types of learning:  Assimilation o Incorporate new experience into the existing set of schemas o Notice things share the same properties (“… is like a …”) o Promotes overgeneralizations - Ex: dog = 4-legged animal / sees co and calls it “dog”/ cow assimilated into existing schema for 4 legged  Accommodation

PSYCH 100 – PART 1 EXAM 1 o = modify or add schemas to make sense of new info o  captures distinctions - Ex1: Mom says animal is a “cow” not a “dog”/ child modifies “dog” schema/ child adds “cow” schema - Ex2: Bambi clip – baby Bambi learned about bird see butterfly, - notice something similar says bird/ learn new information, accommodate o Piaget’s stages of Development:  4 stages:  Each stage characterized by cognitive gains and limitations  Rough age guideline  Sensorimotor (0-2) o Thought dominated by sensations and motor responses o “Little Experimenters” o Thought limited to here and now (memory is still developing, doesn’t know any better) o Object permanence issues:  Out of sight out of mind  Peek a boo  Watch a hat story o Age 1-2 begin to use language:  = first steps in learning and using symbol systems (images and words)  Preoperational (2-6) - logical o Child has learned object permanence o Child learns language (symbol use) o Gains in memory o Child in memory o Child begins to use mental representations (pretend play) o Child does NOT understand mental operations/ logic o Child considers only one of many dimensions/ poins of view (ex. Picture game) o Egocentrism issues (children don’t know that our thoughts are separate from theirs)  = Unable to take another point of view  3 mountains task  pile of blocks task  board game task  juice box task o Conservation issues (reversible operations)  Experiment with becher  struggle with mass and quantity – can’t go back (reverse) and see what happened before


o Seriation issue (can’t put objects in order / perform actions in series) – Seriation = ability to put things in order by on quantity or magnitude Concrete operational (7 to 11) –concrete logic o Can think logically about real objects they can view or move o Can solve conservation problems o Can adopt other’s point of view (sharing becomes easier) o Can consider multiple dimensions at the same time o Can order objects on a feature o Child can NOT apply logic to abstract or hypothetical situations (can’t solve if can’t see things in action or move them around) Formal operational (12-adult) –logic and more abstract stuff o Can apply logic to abstract or hypothetical situations o Can make abstract logical predictions

PSYCH 100 – PART 1 EXAM 1 Adolescence & Adulthood Do men and women have different moral values? Moral reasoning:  Ability to make judgments about right and wrong  Investigated by Jean Piajet - Tied moral reasoning to cognitive development - Tested with stories  Piaget noticed preschoolers consider amount of damage  Preschoolers do NOT consider intentions (can’t separate “bad things” from “I am bad”)  Older children consider intentions  Laurence Kohlberg: - Extended Piaget’s work to include teenagers and adults - Also used stories (ex. Jim’s wife story – steal the drug for dying mom) - Interested in the reason, not yes/no - 3 levels of moral reasoning: o preconventional (put yourself before society – presociety)  Young children learn by consequences  Focus on self-interests: - Avoid punishment & seek reward o conventional (think about people’s thought)  seek to avoid social disapproval  do one’s duty (follow social rules) o postconventional (beyond society, what it didn’t get quite right)  Focus on universal moral principles - Focus on rights, freedoms, respect - Focus on self-chosen principles  Requires formal operational thought  Few people reach highest level - Criticism of Kohlberg’s Ideas: o Moral reasoning ≠ moral action (because what we think is only what we think not what we will do) o No role of social influence o Difficulty categorizing rationales o Kohlberg used only male subjects:  Women typically score lower than man  Theory not as applicable to women  Gilligan’s moral reasoning: - Men & women socialized to view moral behaviors differently o Men = in terms of broad abstractions (e.g. justice, fairness)

PSYCH 100 – PART 1 EXAM 1 o Women = focus on individual well-being and social relationships (which explains why women’s moral reasoning appears to be a bit different)  same stage of ethic care!  (vid) how adults treat baby based on it’s gender  we treat baby girls and boys differently (talk more to girls for ex.) o Stage 1: individual Survival Orientation (same as Kohlberg)  Focus on self-interests and survival o Stage 2: Goodness as Self Sacrifice  Sacrifice own interests to help others o Stage 3: Morality of nonviolence  Hurting anyone (including self) is immoral o (this scale) Designed for women only o Do men and women really differ morally? o Stereotypes genders rather than account for both sexes Mora foundations theory:  Care  Fairness  Loyalty  Authority  Sanctity Life timeline & important issues: Erikson’s psychosocial Development:  8 stages  each requires a conflict to be resolved  Stage 1: Trust vs. Mistrust (0 – 1.5) o Question = Can I count on others?  Infants develop feelings of trust if attachment needs are met  Otherwise develop feelings of mistrust  Stage 2: Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt (1.5 – 3) o Question = Can I act independently?  Toddlers develop independence if exploration is supported  Caregivers must provide appropriate amount of control o Too much parental control:  Child does NOT develop own sense of control over environment  Becomes overly dependent (doubt in self) o Too little parental control:  Child becomes overly controlling and demanding (doubt in others)  Stage 3: Initiative vs. Guilt (3 – 6)


o Question = Am I a good or bad person?  Child wants to initiate activities independently  Child feels guilt over unwanted or unexpected consequences  Adults should support child’s attempts at independence Stage 4: Industry vs. Inferiority (6-12) o Question: Am I worthy/successful?  Depends on  competency (social interactions, school, etc.)  No  feelings of inadequacy Stage 5: Identity vs. Role Confusion (Adolescence)  Question: Who am I?  (video) : teens use more of the “creative” part of the brain than the “critical thinking” part  teens are rebellious (some) and don’t see what adults see (ex. facial expression)  teens still need parents’ guidance (they say that) o Pressures to decide what want to do with life o People try to determine what makes them special/unique o Physical Changes:  Puberty  Heart efficiency (Pump & oxygenation)  Males = 18 – 19 yrs. (gymnasts)  Females = 13-15 yrs. (gymnasts) o Want to define identity (masks) o Want self and social acceptance o Personality switches?!? o Emotional Changes  Passion & energy  Thrill seeking (sex, crime) o Lack of common sense?  Teens = use brain’s emotion areas  Adults = use rational thinking areas o Emotions and MRI research  Not interpret same way  Can lead to bad social decisions  Overemotional reaction to rejection o Want to be accepted   reliance on peers for social info.   reliance on adults for social info. o Role of parents  Teens DO listen  Re-earn trust & respect  Teen talks 1st  Ask questions & listen  Set few important rules:

PSYCH 100 – PART 1 EXAM 1  To set limits  Expression of values  Praise/acceptance important  Stage 6: Intimacy vs. Isolation (18-30)  Do I want a life partner? o Focus on developing close relationships with others o Failure = fear, loneliness, intimacy problems  Stage 7: Generativity (contribute to society) vs. stagnation (Middle adulthood)  Contribution to future generations? o Focus on family, work, society roles o Failure = feeling of life triviality o Success = feelings of continuity  Stage 8: Ego integrity vs. Despair (Late Adulthood)  Do I have any regrets? o Failure = regrets over what might have been Success = sense of accomplishment


Love & Friendship Proximity:  Geographical nearness Most powerful predictor of friendship: o “the girl next door” o College dorms o Academy of Maryland State Police o Retirement communities  Why does proximity affect friendship?  “The Mere Exposure Effect” = more exposure, more attraction  Good idea? Man in small town sends 700 telegrams to woman asking for her hand in marriage? She said yes. 

Prefer familiar, fear the unknown  Role of evolution? Proximity & intensity of initial reactions (Like vs. dislike)  if first impression = dislike then more exposure = dislike more

Physical Attraction:  Extremely powerful for both men and women  The “players” experience  dance floor, hook up  Candid camera examples -

Role of the media: artificial beauty o People watch TV, news for fashion style

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Pheromones (attracting sent) Healthy look Almost perfect symmetry (red dress, more bucks spent on you) Prototype (cultural influence) Cultural preferences More attractive people perceived as (stereotype): o Happier o More compassionate o More successful o More socially skilled More attractive people: o Actually aren’t happier o Don’t show higher-self esteem ratings  Why those perceptions?


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o Self-fulfilling prophecy (phone call interview study) – (so concern about how things are going to be like, act unintentionally  things happen) If we’re attracted to a person, we become happier, more compassionate Common idea: o Women attracted to strength, power, wealth o Men attracted to women who show signs of youthful fertility Question: Why gender differences? o Answer: Evolution:  Men = protects/provides  Women = raises child Is physical attraction more important to men than women? Perhaps… o Attribute importance study o FSU “Sleep with me?” study Perhaps not… o “TIME” (News) – scan while gaze at lovers  men = sexual arousal and visual areas  women = attention, memory, emotion areas o Blind date dance study  Attraction (same for men and women)  but processed differently With time… o Role of appearance becomes less important o Role of similarity becomes more important

Similarity : = friends/couples tend to have similar (same “level” of … ): o Attitude / beliefs / interests / AGE / religion / race / education / S.E.S / intelligence / smoking bench / ATTRACTIVENESS o # of common interest & duration of relationship = direct relationship (proport.) Reciprocity:  We like those who like us  Especially when self-esteem is low  Self-fulfilling prophecy: o We disclose more o We are more ...

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