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Course Marketing
Institution College of the North Atlantic
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Multiple Choice Questions - (88)


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Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation - (88)

Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence advertising rates. - (34)

Bloom's: Analyze - (18)

Learning Objective: 12-02 Evaluate the strengths and limitations of magazines as an advertising medium. - (27)

Bloom's: Apply - (3)

Learning Objective: 12-03 Identify the types of newspapers offered for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and how advertising rates are determined. - (16)

Bloom's: Remember - (50)

Learning Objective: 12-04 Evaluate the strengths and limitations of newspapers as an advertising medium. - (11)

Bloom's: Understand - (17)

1. Which of the following statements about newspapers and magazines as advertising media vehicles is TRUE? Newspapers are exclusively a local advertising medium. Newspapers are primarily a local advertising medium but are also used → by national advertisers. Magazines are primarily a local advertising medium. Because of the difference in media format, there is no competition between broadcast and print media. Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 2. New Balance's marketing research has shown that there are a large number of serious runners living in the western region of Canada. These individuals would be willing to pay over $100 for a pair of running shoes. To reach this market the best media option would probably be: regional editions of general interest magazines such as Time or Maclean's the sports section of national newspapers such as The Globe & Mail →

regional editions of general sports magazines such as Sports Illustrated regional editions of specialty magazines such as Runner's World

Multiple Choice Question

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Analyze Difficulty: Moderate

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Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence advertising rates. 3. Because they generally require some attention and effort on the part of the consumer to process the information they provide, _____ are often referred to as highinvolvement media. → newspapers and magazines newspapers and television magazines and radio radio and television Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Understand Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 4. Which of the following statements about the role of magazines is true? The advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of magazines as an advertising media vehicle are the same. Individual magazines reach a very selective audience and are very → valuable for reaching specific types of consumers or market segments. Magazines generate most of their total revenue from advertising. Business magazines generate most of their revenue from subscriptions and single copy sales and are not really dependent on advertising. Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 5. According to Canadian Advertising Rates and Data, magazines can be classified as _____ publications. → consumer, ethnic, farm, and business regional, ethnic, national, and international agrarian, ethnic, industrial, and specialized general, ethnic, specialized, and niche

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Multiple Choice Question

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence advertising rates. 6. _______ are the most specialized of all advertising media. → Magazines Radio TV Newspapers

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 7. A magazine can be categorized by each of the following EXCEPT: the fact that it is only available by subscription the fact that it is a monthly publication its geographic coverage → the advertisers who place ads in the publication Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Understand Difficulty: Moderate Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 8. Healthy Pet and PhotoLife are examples of: general interest consumer magazines → special interest consumer magazines trade publications special interest business magazines Multiple Choice Question

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Analyze Difficulty: Moderate

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Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence advertising rates. 9. A magazine such as Farm Journal is an example of a _____ while a publications such as National Hog Farmer is a: → general interest farm publication; specialized farm publication specialized farm publication; trade magazine general interest farm publication; special interest consumer magazine general interest business magazine; general interest farm publication Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Analyze Difficulty: Moderate Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 10. Why are farm publications not classified with business publications? → Historically farms have not been perceived as businesses. The number of farm magazines, if added to the number of business magazines, would make the category too large. Farm magazines are a hybrid of consumer and business magazines. Canadian laws require the breakout of farm magazines because subscriptions to these magazines help to determine farm allowances. Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 11. Which of the following is an example of a trade journal? Maxim Maclean's Chatelaine → Canadian Grocer Multiple Choice Question

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Analyze Difficulty: Moderate

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Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence advertising rates. 12. Floral Management is a publication aimed at providing information to retail florists so they manage their stores more efficiently and more profitably. It is an example of a(n) _____ publication. general business → trade professional industrial Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Analyze Difficulty: Moderate Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 13. Process Equipment and Control News is an example of a(n) _____ publication. general business trade professional → industrial Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Analyze Difficulty: Moderate Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 14. What is the most prevalent advertising product category in consumer magazines? Business & consumer services Retail stores → Toiletries & toilet goods Automotive Multiple Choice Question

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of

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magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence advertising rates. 15. Based on the circulation figures of 2012-13, what is the major U.S. based magazine in Canada? → National Geographic Martha Stewart Living O, The Oprah Magazine Men's Health Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 16. Which of the following would Canadian Advertising Rates and Data (CARD) classify as a general business magazine? → Canadian Business Drug Store News Restaurant News Architectural Digest Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Analyze Difficulty: Moderate Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 17. Why do advertising rates in ethnic magazines tend to be lower than in general interest publications? The majority of them are written in English. There tend to be only four to seven publications in some of the nondominant languages. → They tend to have low or unauthenticated circulation figures. National advertisers do not tend to market to ethnic minorities. Multiple Choice Question

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Remember Difficulty: Moderate

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Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence advertising rates. 18. Which of the following about advertising in foreign publications is NOT true? Canadian businesses are not allowed to advertise in foreign magazines → sold in Canada. Foreign publications can accept up to 18% of their advertising space from Canadian advertisers for magazines sold in Canada. Foreign publications can accept a greater amount of Canadian advertising if the majority of editorial content is Canadian. About 90% of foreign publications sold in Canada are U.S. based. Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Remember Difficulty: Moderate Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 19. The _____ study not only asks questions about reading-related questions but also demographic, lifestyle, and product usage questions amongst others. → PMB CCAB AAM BPA Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 20. Only publications with ___ percent or more paid circulation are eligible for verification audits. 35 50 → 70 100 Multiple Choice Question

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Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence advertising rates. 21. A magazine's _______ is one of the primary considerations for an advertiser selecting a particular magazine for advertising. clutter → circulation price at the newsstand lead time Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 22. Many business magazines are sent free to individuals a publisher feels are appropriate members of a target audience and can influence purchases for products and services advertised in the publication. This is known as: primary circulation guaranteed circulation free circulation → controlled circulation Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Remember Difficulty: Moderate Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 23. Most major publications are audited by ______. → Alliance for Audited Media Business Publications Audit Standard Rate and Data Service Audit Bureau of Circulations

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Multiple Choice Question

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence advertising rates. 24. ______ provides media planners with reliable figures about the size and distribution of a magazine's circulation that helps the planners evaluate its worth as a media vehicle. The Canadian Circulations Audit Board Standard Rate and Data Service → A circulation verification service Mediamark Research, Inc.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Remember Difficulty: Moderate Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 25. Information on the characteristics of magazine audiences in Canada is primarily provided by: → Print Measurement Bureau (PMB) A. C. Neilson the magazines themselves SRDS's Business Publication Advertising Source Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 26. The primary research method of the PMB is: → in-home interviews on-line surveys telephone surveys focus-groups

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Multiple Choice Question

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence advertising rates. 27. _____ describes a situation where a primary subscriber or purchaser of a magazine gives it to another person to read or where a magazine is read in public places. Primary readership Guaranteed readership → Pass-along readership Total readership

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 28. Which of the following comparisons of primary in-home readers of a magazine and pass-along readers is true? → Advertisers generally attach greater value to primary in-home readers. Advertisers generally attach greater value to pass-along readers. Pass-along readers should be totally discounted in evaluating magazine readership. Pass-along readers generally spend more time with a magazine and pick it up more often than do primary readers. Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Remember Difficulty: Moderate Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 29. A magazine with a circulation of 2.5 million and 3 readers per copy would have a total audience or readership of _____ million. 2.5 4.5 5.5 7.5

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→ Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Apply Difficulty: Moderate Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 30. The cost of advertising space in magazines is primarily a function of: the size of the advertisement the ad's position in the magazine the frequency of ad insertions → the circulation of the publication Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom's: Understand Difficulty: Moderate Learning Objective: 12-01 Identify the different types of magazines available for advertising; how circulation and readership levels are determined; how audience size and its characteristics are measured; and the factors that influence Multiple Choice Question advertising rates. 31. Which ...

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