PE 32 Syllabus Revised lsdjfl asjfl a PDF

Title PE 32 Syllabus Revised lsdjfl asjfl a
Author Anonymous User
Course General Psychology
Institution University of California, Berkeley
Pages 6
File Size 279.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 97
Total Views 147


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PHYS ED 32 Dini Wong


PHYSICAL EDUCATION 32 – Fitness for Life (3 units) Fall 2021 Instructor: Class Times: Contact: Office Hours: Required Reading:

Dini Wong Tues/Thurs 11:00-12:30 pm, synchronous/asynchronous instruction Email: [email protected] Fridays, 10:00-11:30 am (Zoom), by appt (Zoom) Fahey, TD, PM Insel, WR Roth and CEA Insel, Fit & Well – Alternate, 13th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2019. Available in ebook, loose-leaf version

Course Website: (please check site regularly)

Note: This syllabus is subject to change.

I. Course Description: This course explores the relationship between physical activity, health and fitness. The body’s physiological responses and adaptations to exercise are examined. Principles of training are applied to design safe and appropriate exercise programs for each health-related component of physical fitness at any life stage. Lifestyle factors that affect diet, body composition and stress are discussed in how they relate to the quality of life. Students will have the opportunity to assess their own fitness and health practices. II. Statement of Course Goal and Learning Objectives: By the conclusion of this course, students shall be able to: • • • • • • • • •

Recognize healthy habits that prevent chronic disease and promote wellness Explain the body’s acute responses and chronic adaptations to exercise Identify and assess personal health-related physical fitness Apply the principles of training involved in designing safe and successful exercise programs Analyze a personal eating plan that include essential elements of a healthy diet Understand the health risks of obesity and lifestyle factors, including the role of exercise, that contribute to successful weight management Understand how to care for and prevent common exercise injuries* Identify common sources of stress and techniques for stress reduction Modify exercise programs to accommodate different environmental conditions*, life stages and health concerns*

PHYS ED 32 Dini Wong


III. Method of Assessment and Evaluation: Final grades are determined based on the percentage of overall points accumulated using the straight percentage scale:

Letter Grade

Percentage Grade


93.00 - 100.0 %


90.00 - 92.99 %


87.00 - 89.99 %


83.00 - 86.99 %


80.00 - 82.99 %


77.00 - 79.99 %


73.00 - 76.99 %

C- (Pass)

70.00 - 72.99 %

D+ (No Pass)

67.00 - 69.99 %


63.00 - 66.99 %


60.00 - 62.99 %


< 59.99 %


COMPONENT Workout Log/Biweekly Article Review

POINTS 30 points

Homework Assignments Module Quizzes - 6 Cumulative Exam #1 – Modules 1-3 Cumulative Exam #2 – Modules 4-6 COURSE GRADE

10 points each 25 pts each 100 points 100 points 500

TOTAL POINTS (%) 30 pts (6%) 120 pts (24%) 150 pts (36%) 100 pts (20%) 100 pts (20%) 500 (100%)

REQUIREMENTS: The class is organized into 6 two-week Modules. Time estimates for two weeks of coursework follow. •

Live Online Lectures, 3 hours: Every two weeks, two lecture topics will be covered in two live Zoom sessions held during class hours. Recordings will be posted by time (6p) on bCourses.

PHYS ED 32 Dini Wong


Readings, Video Content, 3 hours: Each lecture topic covers a chapter from our Fit&Well textbook. There are additional articles, videos, and documentaries posted.

Homework Assignments, 3 hours: Assignments are due online no later than 10:00 am every other Thurs. Assignments address fitness behaviors, skills for change, designing exercise programs or self-assessments to measure your current level of physical fitness. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Module Quiz, 50 min: Every other Thurs, students will take a 50-minute Module quiz on the two lecture topics. Quizzes are open book, open note exams with questions drawn from all material assigned on the topic – lecture presentations, textbook chapters, videos and articles, homework assignments and discussion. Questions will be objective - true/false, multiple choice, matching. There are 6 Module Quizzes in total. Missed quizzes cannot be made up.

Cumulative Exams (2), 90 minutes each: •


Material from the first and second half of the semester will be integrated into two 85-point exams. Each of these cumulative exams will be 90 minutes long, and are open book, open notes. The format will be the same as module quizzes. Course Policies

Communication with Students: All course updates, breaking news, or contact with individual students will be through email. I check my email most weekday mornings and will respond back within 24-48 hours. Students are welcome to attend Zoom office hours for feedback, review quizzes or any other assistance. If these times are inconvenient, individual Zoom or inperson campus meetings can be arranged.

● Students should be prepared for each lecture by having read and watched the appropriate materials in accordance with the course schedule. ● All homework assignments and discussion entries must be submitted through bCourses no later than 10:00 am every other Thurs. Late work will not be accepted. All submitted work will be graded within 7-14 days of submission. ● All module quizzes and cumulative exams will be open book/open notes and accessible online between 8:00a and 2:00p every other Thurs. The second cumulative exam will be held during our assigned final exam group. All tests must be completed by the posted due dates. Scores on quizzes and exams will be available immediately upon submission. ● Each student must abide by the university’s honor code: “As a member of the UC Berkeley

PHYS ED 32 Dini Wong


community, I act with honesty, integrity, and respect for others.” Violation of the Honor code shall result in a grade of “F” for the course. CLASS SCHEDULE: (subject to change) Date


First mtg


Weeks 1,2 8/31, 9/2 9/7,9

Wellness, Fitness, Lifestyle Management (Chapter 1) Assignments Principles of Physical Fitness (Chapter 2) Assignments; Module Quiz #1

10 pts/25 pts

Energy Systems/Cardiorespiratory Endurance (Chapter 3 ) Assignments Muscular Strength and Endurance Chapter 4 Assignments; Module Quiz #2

10 pts/25 pts

Weeks 3,4 9/14,16 9/21,23


Weeks 5,6 9/28,30 10/5,7

Putting Together a Complete Fitness Program Chapter 7 Assignments Flexibility and Low-Back Health/Program Design (Chapter 5) Assignments; Module Quiz #3 10 pts/25 pts

Week 7 10/12,14

Review - Cumulative Exam #1 (Modules 1-3) Cumulative Exam #1 – Modules 1-3 (11/14)

85 pts

Weeks 8,9 10/19,21 10/26,28

Nutrition (Chapter 8) Assignments Body Composition (Chap 6), Weight Management (Chap 9) Assignments; Module Quiz #4

10 pts/25 pts

Weeks 10,11 Exercise Injuries and Prevention (Chapter 3 p83-86) 11/2,4 Assignments 11/9,11 Environmental Concerns in Exercise (Chapter 3 p80-83) Assignments; Module Quiz #5

10 pts/25 pts

Weeks 12, 13 Stress Management and Sleep (Chapter 10) 11/16,18 Assignments 11/23 Cardiovascular Health (Chap 11), Life Stages/Health Concerns (Chap 7 p213-216) Assignments; Module Quiz #6 10 pts/25 pts Week 14 11/30, 12/2

Review – Cumulative Exam #2 (Modules 4-6)

PHYS ED 32 Dini Wong Week 15


RRR week

Extra Office Hours


Ex Group #5 Cumulative Exam #2 (Modules 4-6) 12/15 8:00

85 pts

V. Official Policies of the University of California at Berkeley All students must abide by the Berkeley Campus Code of Student Conduct Statement of Accommodation. The University of California at Berkeley provides reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities through the Disabled Students’ Program ( For more information regarding these services, please contact the DSP staff via telephone at 510.642.0518, email, or visit in person at 260 Cesar Chavez Student Center. Accommodation of Religious Creed. The University of California at Berkeley is compliant with Education code, Section 92640(a) and permits any student to undergo a test or examination, without penalty, at a time when that activity would not violate the student’s religious creed, unless administering the examination at an alternative time would impose an undue hardship which could not reasonably have been avoided (see for detailed information). Academic Integrity. One of the most important values of an academic community is the balance between the free flow of ideas and the respect for the intellectual property of others. Researchers don’t use one another’s research without permission; scholars and students always use proper citations in papers; professors may not circulate or publish student papers without the writer’s permission; and students may not circulate or post materials (handouts, exams, syllabi – any class materials) from their classes without the written permission of the instructor. Scheduling Conflicts. Please notify the instructor in writing by the second week of the term about any known or potential extracurricular conflicts (such as religious observances, graduate or medical school interviews, or team activities). The instructor shall try his or her best to help you with making accommodations, but cannot promise them in all cases. In the event there is no mutually workable solution, you may be dropped from the course. (See Guidelines Concerning Scheduling Conflicts with Academic Requirements VI. Safety and Emergency Preparedness. In the event of an emergency, the following information may be helpful. See ● Emergency Contacts

PHYS ED 32 Dini Wong ● WarnMe/Nixle emergency alerts ● Campus Emergency Management Areas ● Campus Map ● Safe and Well by the American Red Cross https://safeandwell/


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