PE ABM 11 ST James - Assignment PDF

Title PE ABM 11 ST James - Assignment
Course Triple Majors in History, Economics and Political Science
Institution Mount Carmel College, Autonomous
Pages 3
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Kristel Fernandez ABM 11 ST JAMES (Module-2)

III. REVIEW TENSION FORCES 1. It is acting away from the center of structure, causing a pull stretch. STRAIN 2. It is also an acute, non-contact injury that results from overstretching or over contraction. FRACTURE 3.This in the most common injury located at the upper limbs such as the hand and forearm. DISLOCATION 4. It commonly occurs in joints which allows greater range of motion. SPORTMANSHIP 5. It is important to practice sportsmanship and to resolve conflict without resulting to violence. STRESS FRACTURE 6. It commonly occurs among runners who train for long periods without adequate rest periods. TENDINITIS 7. It is usually due to muscle imbalance between muscle pairs. RUBBERY MATERIAL 8. The friction deteriorates the cartilage that protects the bones from rubbing against each other. SPORTS INJURY PREVENTION 9. These rules should be strictly enforced to prevent excessive physical contact that might lead to injuries. ACUTE INJURIES TO THE KNEE POINT 10. It is also more common in females than males.

V. ACTIVITY Activity No: 1

D 1. Each cycle is comprised of _________ compressions and two rescue breaths. A 2. It is the best treatment of cryotherapy that can be used at home. B 3. Jessica accidentally falls to the stare. What kind of immediate care should be given to an injured person before the arrival of a physician? A 4. When a first aider does not alarm a victim, what characteristic does s/he show?

A 5. It is used to stop bleeding and provide support for immobilization of a fracture D 6. The first thing to do at the scene of and accident is_____________. C 7. You are babysitting an eight month old child who is crawling on the floor. Suddenly, the baby starts coughing and gagging. What should you do? C 8. You are a school counsellor and enter an empty classroom to find two eleven years old, one of whom is unconscious, appears blue, and has labored gasping breathing. The victim's friend tells you she collapsed after playing the "choking game". What do you need to do? A 9. While in a store you see someone suddenly collapse. The victim is a middle-aged woman who is not responding, unconscious, and gasping occasionally. What is the most likely cause and appropriate treatment? C 10. While performing CPR your chest compressions should be_____________________. B 11. Heat-related illnesses includes the following: B 12. Care for a person with heat exhaustion includes the following: D 13. A woman burned her hand in the lunchroom. You should_________________. B 14. What is the first step in caring for a wound with significant bleeding? B 15. A young woman is having trouble breathing and, based on your check of the person, you suspect that she is having a severe allergic reaction to a bee sting. What should you do?

Activity No. 2 FALSE 1. If you cut yourself with a kitchen knife, apply gentle pressure using gauze. If blood soaks through, remove the soaked gauze and apply new gauze. TRUE 2. The first part of the evaluation process is called the secondary survey. TRUE 3. Injury evaluation is not the same as diagnosis. TRUE 4. If you are an athletic or a coach you should have a background on injury evaluation and management. TRUE 5. Other conditions that can lead to life-threatening condition are cardiac arrest and shock. FALSE 6. The person performing the CPR should compress the chest at a rate of 100 times a minute. TRUE 7. The goal of the primary survey is to determine the primary injury, severity, muscle function, and joint stability, as well as location and mechanism of injury or the movement or force that caused the injury. TRUE 8.The elbow is usually bent at 80 degrees and palm is facing the chest.

TRUE 9. Inflammation is the first step of the healing process. TRUE 10. Rest is recommended to give the body part enough time to heal. FALSE 11. Keep to the toes and fingers visible in order to check if blood flow is restricted TRUE 12. A person who loses less than 20% of his/her blood volume would be weak and has a high risk of infection. TRUE 13. Wound cleaning is important to prevent infection. TRUE 14. The best way to clean the wound is with running water, because the pushes the dirt and the other materials out of the wound. TRUE 15. A person who lose more than 30% of the total blood volume is at risk of developing shock.


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