PE summary PDF

Title PE summary
Course Principles Of Management
Institution New York Institute of Technology
Pages 2
File Size 56.4 KB
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PE events at nyit. summary. john la perla nyit....


1. PE Conference- Managing Conflict in a Culturally Diverse legal Profession Sponsored by the Law Society (Club) and the Adjunct Faculty Council Hosted by the Prof. Joshua Benstock Thu, April 9, 12:30pm – 2:00pm During the conference, Prof. Joshua Benstock explained and emphasized how to manage a conflict in a culturally diverse legal profession. He started his speech by stating that we all live in a world of interests and by explaining everything related to a conflict. A conflict is a dispute between people which has different causes and consequences. People can argue due to different reasons: competition for limited resources, behaviour, boundaries, power relationship, fear/insecurities, policies, differences of all types, etc. The consequences could be positive or negative, but in order to avoid the negatives one should adopt a strategic position and to have a professional attitude. Later, the professor explained that if we want to manage a conflict properly we need to be good negotiators. He offered a scheme on how successfully to manage a negotiation. The steps were as follows: 1. Separate people from the problem, 2 focus on interests not positions, 3 invent options for mutual gain, 4 apply objective criteria and 5 reach an agreement. He added that if we want to convince our interlocutor, we should know his wants, to learn to listen and to analyze objectively. Professor mentioned that we should know our BATNA(best alternative to a negotiated agreement). After receiving the offer, we can compare our BATNA to the proposed agreement and to select the best options for us. Moreover, the professor explored the culture. He stated that all people are universally the same and share the same values. In a culturally diverse environment we should be ready to understand and cooperate with different people's beliefs and wants. In such an environment verbal and body language can be real barriers to conflict resolution. Disputants can have different primary languages and there could appear miscommunications when employing a translator. Body language may be misconstructed. (kinetics, intonations or personal space) Some advice to manage a conflict successfully are as follows: have a positive view, attitude toward the conflict and to try to create a friendly environment. We should distinguish between wants and needs. We need to clarify perceptions and identify interests vs. positions. We need to learn from the past but look to the future. We need to keep out patience, one should never be angry or out of control.

2. PE Conference - Coronavirus in the Workplace: What Every Employee Needs to Know Hosted By: Joshua Bienstock Date: Tue, April 28, 12:30pm – 2:00pm During this conference, Prof. Joshua Bienstock debated the current problem faced by the employers worldwide- COVID-19. The event provided valuable information about employee’s rights, the Care Act, new Coronavirus sick leave federal (FFCRA) and state laws, health and safety issues, the unemployment insurance and other Coronaviru-specific workplace-related issues. The discussion started with defining Coronavirus as a Disability. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), ‘‘disability’’ means a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Keeping that in mind, employees should treat COVID 19 as ‘’disability’’. Then, the professor explained how an employee should behave in this crisis situation. Most employees are encouraged to stay home and to avoid meeting other people, but if they are required to work they should follow a set of rules and regulations. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention offers 24/7 assistance and provides valuable answers to any questions related to the COVID 19. Moreover, it connects employees to employee assistance program (EAP) resources and community resources as needed. Due to the pandemic a huge number of people lost their job and unemployment reached an increased rate. Not having enough funds, people face severe situations which require severe actions. As a help to pay the bills, american citizens can apply for Unemployment Insurance. T  he new CARES Act has expanded unemployment

insurance eligibility freelance workers and part-time workers who have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. In addition to receiving a percentage of their salary, unemployed workers who can't work because of COVID-19 are eligible to have $600 a week added to their checks through July 31. Most states recommend applying for UI online and following website updates for news....

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