P.E. Health lesson plan PDF

Title P.E. Health lesson plan
Course Elementary Physical Eucation and Health Methods
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 8
File Size 189 KB
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A. Provide an elementary physical education or health education lesson plan from an outside source (e.g. website, practicing teacher) that includes at least one written standard.

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Included in attachment

Evaluate each of the following aspects of the lesson plan (suggested length of 1 paragraph for each aspect): a.

Effectiveness of the instructional plan (e.g. sequencing, scaffolding)


Differentiation for multiple abilities or interests


This lesson plan has very few moderations for students with disabilities. Students with special ability levels can play halfcourt or half field during activities. The lesson did show multiple interests in the activities. Students were able to hit targets at different heights or different target pictures. Other activities that interest students are using loco-motor skills when transitioning from targets.

Alignment to standard(s)


The lesson plan is well developed for a physical education classroom lesson. Students of lower grades will have a hard time to follow the instructions of throwing underhand. Older students could follow along very well and able to hit the adjusted target.

The lesson did align with the standard. However, the grade level did not align with the standard. Students will be able to learn how to throw underhanded and hit targets with this lesson. Students in lower grades such as kindergarten and some first graders will have a hard time completing this lesson. This lesson has students to position their body certain ways to throw the ball; these requirements will be difficult for smaller students.

Promotion of healthy lifestyles or attitudes (i.e., Does the lesson effectively promote healthy lifestyles or positive attitudes toward health? How?)

This lesson plan promotes a healthy lifestyle for young elementary students by having students using body movements during the lesson. Students can use and build their gross motor skills and hand-eye coordination skills. This lesson shows students that exercising can be in many different forms. Exercise does not have to be hard work or strenuous it can be fun.

2. Identify three instructional changes you would make to the lesson plan to strengthen any of the four aspects from part A1.


In this lesson, I would change would be the alignment for the standard, the activity for the grade level. Students in kindergarten through second are still learning how to control their gross motor skills. Next, I change the differentiation in this lesson plan. Students with disabilities should be accommodated more in a physical exercise lesson plan. For example, there should be accommodation for students with mobile disabilities such as using a balloon to throw underhand. Lastly, I would include more effectiveness in the activity. Students work great in paired group throwing activities.

Justify each of these instructional changes using evidence from relevant academic research in physical or health education (suggested length of 1 paragraph for each justification).

The standard alignment helps “placing activities into developmental levels makes it easier to present activities appropriate to students’ maturity and abilities. Developmental Level I activities (used most often with kindergarten through grade 2) are the least difficult and form the foundation of more complex skills. Most of these skills are performed individually or with a partner to increase the success of primary-grade children. Examples are tossing and catching, striking a stationary object, and playing games that simply incorporate fundamental loco-motor movements (Anspaugh, D., & Ezell, G. (2013) Pangrazi, R. P., & Beighle, A. (2020)”. Differentiation for abilities must use “guidelines for successfully integrating students with disabilities into physical education such as Help students with disabilities meet target goals specified in the IEP and participate in the regular program of activities. This task may call for resources beyond the physical education class, including special work and homework (Anspaugh, D., & Ezell, G. (2013) Pangrazi, R. P., & Beighle, A. (2020)”. Effectiveness and sequencing help students “through games, children experience success and accomplishment. Social objectives that can be achieved through games include developing interpersonal skills, conflict resolution, accepting rule parameters, and increasing self-knowledge in a competitive and cooperative situation (Anspaugh, D., & Ezell, G. (2013) Pangrazi, R. P., & Beighle, A. (2020)”. B. Using the “WGU Lesson Plan Template,” create a standards-based elementary physical education or health education lesson plan by doing the following:

LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE GENERAL INFORMATION Lesson Title & Subject(s): The Perfect Smile

Topic or Unit of Study: Health Grade/Level: 1st grade Instructional Setting: A first grade health education classroom contains twenty two students. The classroom has twenty two students, two ELL students, and six gifted learners. The students will participate in a group discussion at their desk while the teacher shows a video on the interactive whiteboard regarding the healthy way to take care of your teeth. Students will transition into small groups to discuss why it is important to and proper care of taking care of our teeth and complete a healthy teeth sorting activity. Students will take assessment. Closing activity students will paint a yellow tooth healthy and a white tooth unhealthy. STANDARDS AND OBJECTIVES Your State Core Curriculum/Student Achievement Standard(s): 1.2.1 Identify that healthy behaviors impact personal health. Lesson Objective(s): Given a formative assessment, where students will be able to correctly identify healthy and unhealthy teeth at 80% accuracy. MATERIALS AND RESOURCES Instructional Materials: Interactive whiteboard Yellow construction paper Paint Paper Pencils

Resources: 


INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN Sequence of Instructional Procedures/Activities/Events (provide description and indicate approximate time for each): 1. Student Prerequisite Skills/Connections to Previous Learning: 

Students will get into think pair share groups and discuss proper tooth brushing care.

2. Presentation Procedures for New Information and/or Modeling: Presentation Procedures for New Information:

I will begin the lesson with the whole group asking the students did they brush their teeth this morning. Students are engaged and participating, I began to ask the students open-ended questions about the importance of tooth brushing, followed by a tooth brushing video on the interactive whiteboard. Students will transition into small groups to work on healthy teeth sorting activity. 3. Guided Practice: Students will gather in think pair share groups and talk about the proper food that helps teeth stay healthy. Students will scaffold for 10 minutes brainstorming. Students will transition back into whole group. The teacher and the students will begin think alouds for completing the healthy teeth sorting activity where students sort good/bad foods for the teeth.

4. Independent Student Practice: During independent practice, the students will be given a formative assessment a template of ten teeth where students will identify healthy and unhealthy teeth by coloring four teeth unhealthy and six teeth healthy.

5. Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity/Event: Students will use two pieces of construction paper that have an outline shape of a tooth: white and yellow. Students will use the white construction paper to create a visual of an unhealthy tooth using color pencils and a visual of a healthy tooth using yellow construction paper.

Instructional Strategy (or Strategies): Direct Instruction: interactive whiteboard Interactive instruction: whole group, think pair and share Differentiated Instruction Accommodations:  

ELL accommodations I would use translated words for the healthy teeth sorting activity. Gifted accommodations I would have students to write and explain what caused the unhealthy or healthy tooth once students are finished painting their pictures.

Use of Technology:  Interactive whiteboard

Student Assessment/Rubrics: Students will have mastered lesson if they have scored an accuracy of 80% or higher a formative assessment. The formative assessment consists of two questions that students will identify healthy and unhealthy teeth.

The Perfect Smile 1. Color 2 teeth unhealthy green.

2. Color 6 teeth healthy white.


Justify the following aspects in the lesson plan you created in part B (suggested length of 1 paragraph for each aspect), including one citation from a relevant academic source for each. • presentation or modeling of new information • differentiated instruction • assessment

A lesson plan must be sufficient with evidence for students to learn and build new knowledge to prior knowledge of information. When presenting a presentation or modeling of new information in a lesson. It is important to include whole group into the lesson. "Group discussions are an integral part of the health and life skills classroom. They are essential for building background on specific issues, creating motivation and interest, and giving students a forum for expressing and exploring new ideas and information (Instructional Strategies. (n.d.)”. Every activity or lesson plan that is being implemented differentiated instruction is very important for students. "Discussion is especially important

in a differentiated reading classroom because it provides a powerful way to build on every student's understandings and knowledge of facts. It also provides them with opportunities to clarify meaning and to build comprehension. By asking students to move beyond memorizing the facts to applying those facts to issues and problems through discussion, students deepen their understanding and recall. In-depth discussions among small groups, and with the entire class, can show students how their peers think and reason, can build background knowledge, and can make the facts relevant to their own lives (What Is Differentiated Instruction? (n.d.)”. The most valuable section of a lesson plan is the assessment as a teacher we want to make sure that every student understands and learn from every lesson a formative assessment is like a viewpoint of where each student is mentally at in the lesson. "Formative assessment, we work with students, we don’t do something to students. We seek to use the data from formative assessments to help the student master the curriculum and help the student identify his/her strengths and weaknesses Benefits of Formative Assessment in the Classroom. (n.d.)”.

D.  

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Anspaugh, D., & Ezell, G. (2013). Teaching today's health (10th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings. ISBN-13: 9780321793911 Pangrazi, R. P., & Beighle, A. (2020). Dynamic physical education for elementary school children (19th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. ISBN13: 9781492590286 Instructional Strategies . (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2020, from https://education.alberta.ca/media/482311/is.pdf What Is Differentiated Instruction? (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2020, from https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/articles/teaching-content/whatdifferentiated-instruction/ Benefits of Formative Assessment in the Classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2020, from https://k12teacherstaffdevelopment.com/tlb/benefits-offormative-assessment-in-the-classroom/...

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