Period 4 Amsco Reading Guide - Apush PDF

Title Period 4 Amsco Reading Guide - Apush
Author Lynne Whipple
Course The United States since 1865
Institution University of Texas at Austin
Pages 23
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AMSCO Reading Guide: Period 4: 1800 - 1848 Complete the following reading guide in its entirety using the provided AMSCO text. Completed reading guides will be accessible during reading quizzes. Timeline: 1801


Jefferson elected Marbury v. Madison established Judicial Review



Louisiana Purchase Lewis and Clark



Jefferson Re-Elected British Impressment Embargo Act of 1807 and Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 hurt American Economy

1809 - 1817

James Madison Macon’s Bill #2 doesn’t work attacks from Britain and France declared war on Britain in 1812 short war; Treaty of Ghent Battle of New Orleans Jackson wins Hartford Convention - End of Federalist Party American system tariff, roads, re-chartered National Bank (protective) lobbied by Henry Clay


James Monroe


Era of Good Feelings - 1st political party in America McCulloch v. Maryland - States can’t tax National Bank Panic of 1819 - People couldn’t pay loans Adams-Onis Treaty 1819 - Florida acquired from Spain Monroe Doctrine Missouri Compromise by Henry Clay Missouri slave state Maine free state 36o30’; slavery is below that


Corrupt Bargain Henry Clay became Sec. of State & JQA President Dem. Party formed with Andrew Jackson supporters


John Quincy Adams Elected


Jackson Presidency Begins “Era of the Common Man” Universal Male Suffrage


Indian Removal Act and Trail of Tears Tariff of 1832 and Nullification issues vetoed 2nd Bank of US charter Panic of 1837 Nat Turners’ Rebellion Fails leads to Black Codes Whig party emerges Anti-Democratic party


Martin van Buren becomes President Panic of 1837


William henry Harrison Died One Month into Office


John Tyler becomes President - “President without a Party” 2nd Great Awakening 1790’s – 1840’s Reform movements including temperance, abolition, education

Timeline adapted from Henretta America’s History Eighth Edition

4.1 and 4.2 | Contextualizing Period 4 and The Rise of Political Parties in the Era of Jefferson Learning Objectives Explain the context in which the republic developed from 1800 to 1848.

Historical Developments 4.1 Contextualizing Period 4 Describe how the country expanded economically: Describe how the country expanded politically: Describe how the country expanded culturally: In 1800 the country extended from the Atlantic Ocean to the ___________________________________ and by 1848 it controlled territory all the way to the ________________________________________. Voting expanded to who? Which institutions were reformed? Describe the focus of each region of the US: As far as the economy, people became focused on what? What was the conflict over slavery?

4.2 The Rise of Political Parties and the Era of Jefferson Who did the first two political parties follow: ➢ Federalists: ➢ Democratic Republicans: Establishment of Political Parties: The election of ____________ was the first election with two distinct parties. Describe what each political party stood for and which country they leaned towards: ➢ Federalists: ➢ Democratic Republicans: Both parties supported __________________________ for revenue. Who wanted higher tariffs and why? Who did not want higher tariffs and why?

Describe the events of the Election of 1800, including the role Hamilton played:

Who now controlled the House, Senate, and White House? What is the Revolution of 1800 and why is it significant?

Jefferson’s Presidency How did Jefferson keep federalists happy?

How did Jefferson keep Democratic-Republicans happy?

The Louisiana Purchase Where was the Louisiana Purchase and what port was an important acquisition for Americans?

Why did Napoleon Bonnaparte abandon his plans to reassert French control in America after forcing Spain to give back the Louisiana Territory in North America? 1. 2. How did the revoking of the Right of Deposit from Pickney’s Treaty make American merchants upset?

Why was France open to selling the LP for only $15 million? What did the LP include?

Why was Jefferson, a strict constitutionalist, concerned about the Louisiana Purchase?

Immediate impacts of the LP: 1. 2. 3. What was Jefferson’s hope for the American future? How did it oppose Hamilton’s?

What did the LP show about the Federalists? What were the long term impacts of the Louisiana Purchase? 1. 2. 3. 4. Judicial Impeachments What action did Jefferson take against the Federalist Alien and Sedition laws?

What actions did Jefferson try to take against Federalist appointed judges, who should serve for life? How many judges were removed? What was the impact of the impeachment movement? Jefferson’s Reelection

What were some struggles of Jefferson’s second presidency?

Aaron Burr Why was Burr upset? What pact did Burr make with some New England Federalists? How successful was it?

What major blow did Burr make against the Federalist party? Why was Burr tried for Treason? Who oversaw the trial? What was the result? John Marshall’s Supreme Court and Federal Power Who was John Marshall and what were his beliefs? Describe the following influential court cases: ❏ Marbury v. Madison (1803) ❏ Basic Conflict: ❏ Decision: ❏ Judicial Review: ❏ Significance: ❏ Fletcher v. Peck (1810) ❏ Basic conflict: ❏ Decision: ❏ Significance: ❏ Martin v. Hunter’s Lease (1816) ❏ Decision: ❏ Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819) ❏ Basic Conflict: ❏ Decision: ❏ McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) ❏ Basic Conflict: ❏ Decision: ❏ Significance included implied powers: ❏ Cohens c. Virginia (1821) ❏ Basic Conflict: ❏ Significance: ❏ Gibbons v. Ogden (1821) ❏ Basic Conflict: ❏ Decision: ❏ Significance:

Election of 1808 James Madison was elected in 1808 despite what shortcomings?

4.3 | Politics and Regional Interests Learning Objectives Explain how different regional interests affected debates about the role of the federal government in the early republic.

Historical Developments What is the Era of Good Feelings? What issues show that this may not be an accurate description of the time period? How did Monroe reflect growing American Nationalism? Under Monroe’s presidency, the US 1. 2. 3. Economic Nationalism How did the country support American development after the War of 1812? 1. 2. Why did industry grow in American during the War of 1812? Why was the Protective Tariff of 1816 passed? Who supported it and who opposed it? Describe why Henry Clay proposed the different pieces of his American Plan. Include which section of the US they would benefit: 1. Protective Tariffs 2.

National Bank -


Internal Improvements -

Why were individual states left to make internal improvements on their own?

The Panic of 1819 What causes the Panic of 1819? Which region was most heavily impacted? How did this panic change some people’s political beliefs?

Political Changes Why did the federalist party fail by 1820? Changes in the DR Party Some members, like John Randolph, held on to what beliefs?

Most, however, adopted what beliefs? Describe the shifting opinions of the following people: ➢ Daniel Webster: ➢ John C. Calhoun:

What split the DR party? Western Settlement and the Missouri Compromise What happened to the population of settlers west after the war of 1812? Where were most people going? What held the future of the US? Reasons for Westward Movement: Describe how the following factors pushed people Westward: ➢ Acquisition of Land: ➢ Economic Pressure: ➢ Improved Transportation: ➢ Immigrants: New Questions and Issues Why did Western representatives bargain with people from other regions? What were the concerns of Western states: 1. 2. 3. What was the major conflict in the West?

The Missouri Compromise As states were added, Congress had tried to maintain a ________________________ between slave and free states. Why was maintaining a balance difficult? Where was there a balance? What was the controversy about Missouri coming in as a slave state? What was the long term goal of the Tallmadge Amendment? Why was this amendment defeated in the Senate? Henry Clay proposed the Missouri Compromise which said: 1. 2. 3.

What was the 30 year long impact of the Missouri Compromise? Americans were torn between feelings of _________________________ and ________________________. 4.4 | America on the World Stage Learning Objectives Explain how and why American foreign policy developed and expanded over time.

Historical Developments Jefferson tried to maintain US ____________________ and reject _____________________ despite issues with Britain and France. Why did Washington and Adams agree to pay tribute to the Barbary government? Why did Jefferson send the American navy to Tripoli? What was the result of the 4 year conflict? What was the impact of the Napoleonic Wars on America? Define impressment: What was the Chesapeake - Leopard Affair and what was the result?

Embargo Act 1807: ❏ Cause: ❏ What was it: ❏ Goal: ❏ Result: ❏ Effect on economy: President Madison’s Foreign Policy What was the Nonintercourse Act of 1809? What was Macon’s Bill No.2 and why was it approved?

How did Napoleon act after the bill passed? War of 1812 What were the two major causes of the War of 1812? 1. 2. Why were the Americans more upset with Great Britain? What were the actions of Tecumesh and his brother the Prophet? What ended Techmseh’s efforts? Why did the actions of Tecumseh further tension with GB? What were War Hawks and where were they from?

Who were some prominent War Hawks? What did War Hawks want? What was ironic about the declaration of war against Great Britain? A Divided Nation Describe the events of the Election of 1812: Describe why the following groups were against the War: ➢ New England Merchants ➢ Federalists ➢ Quids (old Democratic-Republicans) Military Defeats and Naval Victories Madison based America’s victories on what strategies: 1. 2. Was the American campaign in Canada successful? Describe the following events and their effects: ➢ Constitution (Old Ironsides) ➢ Actions of American privateers ➢ British Blockade ➢ Olkiver Hazard Perry ➢ Battle of the Thames ➢ Lake Champlain Why was GB able to increase forces in America? What happened to the White House? What event was immortalized in Francis Scott Key’s “The Star Spangled Banner”? Describe the impact of the actions taken by General Andrew Jackson.

What was significant about the Battle of New Orleans? The Treaty of Ghent Why did GB want to end the war? Why did the Americans?

The Treaty: 1. 2. 3. Was there a gain on either side after the war?

The Hartford Convention Why did Federalists in New England threaten to secede from the Union? Secession failed, but what measure was passed? How did the Hartford Convention reflect on Federalists after the War? The War’s Legacy 1. The US gained ____________________________. 2. The US accepted ________________________ as part of British lands 3. The ______________________ party came to an end. 4. Talk of _________________________ and ____________________ in New England set a precedent later used by the _____________________. 5. ____________________________ were forced to surrender to White settlers 6. Because of the blockade, US ______________________________- grew. 7. __________________________________________ and ___________________________________ became the next generation of American political leaders. 8. _______________________________ grew. Monroe and Foreign Affairs What was America's foreign approach after the War of 1812 under Monroe? What event exemplified this new approach? Canada Describe the events and significance of the following: ➢ Rush - Bagot Agreement (1817) ➢ Treaty of 1818 between GB and US ○ ○ ○ Florida Why did Spain struggle to govern territory in Florida? What gave Monroe and general Andrew Jackson cause to take military action against Spanish Florida?

Describe the actions of Jackson in Florida in 1817.

What was the outcome of the Florida Purchase Treaty (1819) (the Adams-Onis Treaty).

The Monroe Doctrine The fall of Napoleon in Europe led to what? What issue unified British and American leaders? What was the joint Anglo-American warning to European powers? Why did John Quincy Adams oppose the joint warning?

What did JQA advise? 1. 2. What did the US ultimately decide to do?

The Doctrine What did the Doctrine say in regards to the US?

In regards to any republic in the Western Hemisphere? How did GB feel about the Monroe Doctrine?

In later years, the Monroe Doctrine was used to justify actions in what part of the world?

4.5 | Market Revolution: Industrialization Learning Objectives Explain the causes and effects of the innovation in technology, agriculture, and commerce over time.

Historical Developments Development of the Northwest What states made up the Old Northwest? What events brought this frontier land more closely tied to the Northwest?

What were the main crops of this region? What two inventions (name the inventor too) made agriculture more efficient? 1. 2. What were the harvests used for? Transportation What was the impact of the Lancaster Turnpike? Why was construction of roads across state lines unusual?

What were the exceptions to this rule? What were the effects of the construction of the Erie Canal? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. What was the impact of the steam engine? What was the impact of Robert Fulton’s Clermont and other steam boats?

How did the railroad impact small western towns? Did the South rely on railroads? What was the impact of the telegraph?

Growth of Industry What was the impact of interchangeable parts?

What change was made to state corporation laws? What was the result of those changes? What stimulated US manufacturing Why did New England dominate American manufacturing What industries grew as a result of the growth of the factory system? Who was recruited to work in factories in the Lowell System? Why did artisans have to seek employment in factories? What led to unhappiness amongst factory laborers? List some goals of many trade unions: 1. 2. 3. Commercial Agriculture In the 1800s farming became more of a ________________________________ enterprise and less of a means to provide _____________________________ for the family due to: 1. 2. 3.

Cotton and the South What impact did the cotton industry have on the South?

4.6 | Market Revolution: Society and Culture Learning Objectives Explain how

Historical Developments The impact of the Market Revolution resulted in the development of:

and why innovation in technology, agriculture, and commerce affected various segments of American society over time.

1. 2. 3. What meant the end of self-sufficient households? 1. 2. 3. 4. Standard of living in most areas did what? Women How did working life for women change in this time? Where did most women work? What happened to women when they married? What was the cult of domesticity? In what other ways did life change for women?

Economic and Social Mobility ____________________________ increased. Social mobility from ___________________________ to generation was ___________________________ There was more economic opportunity in the US than in ________________________. Population Growth and Change Describe what happened in the US to the following populations: ❏ Americans ❏ Immigrants ❏ African Americans ❏ Natives Why did the number of immigrants from Europe increase so dramatically between 1830 and 1860? 1. 2. 3. Why did few immigrants move to the South? How did immigration impact the American economy? As urban populations increased, so did slums. Describe life in the slums: Why did people continue to move to urban areas? Why did cities like Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit and Chicago grow?

Organized Labor What happened as manufacturing increased? Why did workers organize unions? What was the decision made in Commonwealth v. Hunt? What victory did unions win in the 1840s? Why did union progress remain slow even after this victory?

4.7 | Expanding Democracy Learning Objectives Explain the causes and effects of the expansion of participatory democracy from 1800 to 1848.

Historical Developments Greater Equality What was unique about the US to European visitors? What was becoming a governing principle of American society? The Rise of a Democratic Society Who actually benefited from the American idea of democracy? Who was the hero of the age? Who took up the fight for equal rights by the 1840s? Politics of the Common Man What factors contributed to the spread of democracy? Who were the first states to adopt universal male suffrage? Why did voting for president increase so much by 1840? Changes to Parties and Campaigns What was the King Caucus? What was a nominating convention and who was the first group to hold one? What was the result of the two party system?

Describe the beliefs of the following third-party groups: ➔ Workingmen’s Party ➔ Anti-Masons What change gave voters more voice in their government?

Describe some positive and negative effects of political campaigning:

Who did Jackson give federal jobs to? What is the spoils system? What was Jackson’s rotation in the office system? What did both the spoils system and the rotation system affirm?

4.8 | Jackson and Federal Power Learning Objectives Explain the causes and effects of continuing policy debates about the role of the federal government from 1800 to 1848.

Historical Developments The 1820s and the presidency of Andrew Jackson are often referred to as the age of the ____________________________ man. Jackson VS Adams Why was the Election of 1824 controversial? Who ran in 1824? What was the initial result of that election?

Why did Jackson’s supporters say there was a “corrupt bargain”? What actions did Adams take as president that further upset Jackson supporters? What was the Tariff of Abominations? The Revolution of 1828 What was unique about the campaign leading up to this election?

Who won and why? The Presidency of Andrew Jackson What made Jackson unique? Why did Jackson veto 12 congressional laws? What was his “kitchen cabinet”? Why did John C. Calhoun resign? Who replaced him as VP and why?

What was the Indian Removal Act? What was the Bureau of Indian Affairs? What was the federal Supreme Court's decision in Cherokee Nation v. Georgia?

What was the state court decision in Worcester v. Georgia?

Who did Jackson side with? What was the Trail of Tears? How many died? Nullification Crisis What is the nullification theory and to which tariff was it applied to? Between Calhoun and Jackson, who supported the federal government and who supported the states? What happened in South Carolina in 1832? What is the Force Bill? What was the Proclamation of the People of South Carolina?

What resolved this crisis? How did Jackson feel about slavery? How did Jackson feel about the National bank? What did he eventually do to it?

The Two-Party System What were supporters of Jackson called? What did they support? What were supporters of Henry Clay called? What did they support? Jackson’s Second Term How did Jackson kill the national bank? How did Jackson cause the Panic of 1837?

Election of 1836 Who won?

Democrats and Whigs in the Age of Jackson Democrats Issues

Base of Voter Support

Opposed National ____________ Opposed protective _____________________ Opposed fe...

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