Personality Test assignment PDF

Title Personality Test assignment
Course Contemporary Organizational Behavior
Institution Centennial College
Pages 7
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Personality test and its result and evaluation....





College: Course:

Centennial College

Contemporary Organizational Behavior Course Code: HRPD 702


Test 1 Name of the test

Explanation of the personality dimension measured by this Personality Test

Score you received


Other comments/ Observations

Self Esteem Test This test is performed to find the true sense of self, the positive and negative feelings about self. Self-esteem is all about the personal happiness, maintaining relationships and achievements. This test is to evaluate the self-esteem of oneself and to determine whether he/she need to work more on his/her self-esteem. The personality dimensions that are measured by this test are selfconfidence, personal happiness, ability to maintain relationships. The score I got is 32 out of 60 According to my results that I got from this test I have high selfesteem i.e. self-confidence. That means I have personal happiness and I am accomplishing achievements in my life through my selfconfidence.

I think it is right to an extent. I have confidence in myself other than to do public speaking.

Test 2 Name of the test

Explanation of the personality dimension measured by this Personality Test

Locus of Control Test This test is to know the perception of an individual about the events that are occurring in his/her life. This check how much a person believes that the events that occur in the life are the results of their previous actions. The higher the points in locus of control test then the person have high internal locus of control. People with internal locus of control believes that the events occurring in their life is the results of their actions while those who are with external locus of control thinks that the events occurring in their life is beyond their control.

Score you received

I got 9 out of 10, i.e. high internal locus of control


According to the result of this test I have high internal locus of control. So, as per the result I always believe that only my virtuous deeds will give a good and better result throughout my life.


Other comments/ Observations

The result of this test is correct. I always believe that all the things that is occurring in my life are the results of my previous actions, mainly if something bad happens in my life.

Test 3 Name of the test

Mini-Myers-Briggs Test

Explanation of the personality dimension measured by this Personality Test

In total there are 4 pairs of stereotypes. I each pair one of them will be higher than the other one. It is used to describe ones’ character. # Extraverted vs. Introverted-Concerns with the direction of your energy #Sensing vs. Intuition-Concerns with the things/information that you process. #Thinking vs. Feeling-Reflects your style of decision making. # Judging vs. Perceiving-Describes the type of life style you choose.

Score you received


Other comments/ Observations

The result I got from this test is INTP-Introverted, Intuition, Thinking and Perceiving. Extraverted-22 and Introverted 23; Sensing- 20 and Intuition-25; Thinking-25 and Sensing-20; Judging-15 and Perceiving-25

As per this test result I am analytical and impersonal who is interested in underlying principles and reserved together with intellectually profound. The results show that I have deep insights and I am prolific in generating ideas and open to a range of alternatives. For an introvert the source is from internally and a person whose result is intuition he/she believes in the information from the imaginative world. A thinking person takes decision from the logics not by considering the feelings. And a perceiving person always explore alternative options for everything.

I partially agree to the result that I got from this test because I always believes that I am an extrovert person and a sensing person who tries to gather information from external world rather than from imaginative world.


Test 4 Name of the test

Big Five Personality Dimensions Test

Explanation of the personality dimension measured by this Personality Test

It consists of five broad domains which are known for the human personality and account for individual differences. They are as follows: ^Extroversion-The social ability of the person. ^Neuroticism- Tells about the emotional stability of the person. ^Openness- People dare to try new things. ^Conscientiousness-People with higher score are reliable and prompt. ^Agreeableness- This factor concerns how well the people get along with others.

Score you received


Other comments/ Observations

Extroversion Neuroticism Openness Conscientiousness Agreeableness

-21 -24 -19 -25 -19

Higher score represents greater extroversion, such people gets energy from interacting with others. Higher score in neuroticism represents less emotional stability. People who scores higher in openness are insightful and imaginative. People with higher score in conscientiousness are said to be reliable and prompt. Agreeable people are friendly, cooperative and companionate.

I agree to the result of this test other than about agreeableness. I think I am a very friendly and cooperative person. I love to make friends and I am very friendly with everyone around me irrespective of their age group. And I am a very cooperative person with everyone for any task. So, I think I am an agreeable person.


Test 5 Name of the test

Testing EI at Work

Explanation of the personality dimension measured by this Personality Test

EI helps one to identify the emotional status of their mind. It is made up of self-awareness (accurately perceive ones’ emotion) and self-management (stay flexible and positively).

Score you received

The score I received from this test is 74.


EI is intangible and it is there in everyone. It affects the way we manage our behavior, the decisions taken by us that gives a positive result. To make a better decision ones’ mood, feelings and emotion together with other sources of information play a great role. It also helps in the smooth movement of life.

Other comments/ Observations

I think the result of this test is right. As per my score I am above average i.e. I am sensitive to the emotional climate of the people around me when me and them are under pressure, which is true.

Test 6 Name of the test


Explanation of the personality dimension measured by this Personality Test

A person with such a trait shows acquiring and maintaining power in socially competitive situation. Such a person will be always guilt-free expediency.[ CITATION Adr16 \l 4105 ]

Score you received

The score I received from this test is 35

Test 7 Name of the test


Explanation of the personality dimension measured by this Personality Test Score you received

A self-monitoring is a trait that helps to control the behavior of oneself to fit into a situation. A person who is concerned about himself will be looking for the appreciation from the audience. The score I received from this test is 41. Since my score is below 53 I am not a self-monitor.


Test 8 Name of the test


Explanation of the personality dimension measured by this Personality Test Score you received

This shows how much does a person involves in taking risk in their life.

The score I got from this test is 2.

Test 9 Name of the test

Type A Behavior Pattern

Explanation of the personality dimension measured by this Personality Test

This test is to know how a person respond to stress. There are three types of people, Type A, Type B and Type C. Type A individuals are very competitive and self-critical whereas Type B individuals are more tolerant of others and more relaxed than Type A. However, Type C individuals always suppress their emotions. [ CITATION Sau08 \l 4105 ] Points I received in this test is 132, which is above 120 and so the personality type is A1

Score you received

Test 10 Name of the test

Identifying Interpersonal Skills

Explanation of the personality dimension measured by this Personality Test

Communicating with others is an important skill in today’s environment. Sharing out thoughts and understanding other feelings are necessary to be successful in this competing world.

Score you received

From this test I understood that I need to develop a broader range of skills.

References Ackerman, C. (2017, June 23). The Big Five Personality Theory: The 5 Factor Model Explained. Retrieved from Positive Psychology Program:


Furnham, A. (2016, November 18). The Machiavellian Boss. Retrieved from Psychology Today: amp McLeod, S. (2008). Type A Personality. Retrieved from Simple Psychology: Neil, J. (2006, December 06). What is Locus of Control. Retrieved from Ph.D., H. W. (2012, June 19). Emotional Intelligence at Work: Your Performance Appraisal. Retrieved from Psycology Today :

Rosenberg, M. (1965). Society and The Adolescent Self-Image. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Jung, C.G. (1921), Psychological Types, (London: Routledge, 1971)...

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