Persuasive Essay Outline PDF

Title Persuasive Essay Outline
Course 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Name: Breendina A. Pleshe

Topic 4: Persuasive Essay: Outline Worksheet Review “How Do I Organize My Brainstorm into an Outline?” in “The Writing Process” Media piece. Link: References and Citation help:

Assignment Directions: Use the Persuasive Essay Outline on the next page to outline your persuasive essay by completing the following: 1) Use the feedback you received from your instructor to revise your thesis statement. a) Write your thesis as a complete sentence (as you would in your essay) in the “Thesis Sentence” section under the Introductory Paragraph heading in the outline below. 2) Create a topic sentence for each of the three paragraphs that comprise the body of your essay. a) Record the topic sentences in each of the “Topic Sentence” sections under the “Support for Thesis” headings in the outline below. b) Your topic sentences should be persuasive in nature and support your thesis. 3) Write at least three details for each topic sentence. a) These details should provide support for the topic sentence. b) Remember to include at least one in-text citation for each supporting paragraph. c) Paraphrasing is preferred, use direct quotes minimally. 4) Write a concluding sentence under the “Conclusion” heading in the outline below. a) Your concluding sentence should be your thesis restated in different words. 5) Make sure to complete reference portion of the outline.

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Persuasive Essay Outline Introductory Paragraph: Hook: In the United States, per capita health care spending is higher than in any other country, more than 37 million Americans do not have health insurance, and 41 million more do not have sufficient access to care (Galvani, et al., 2020). Background and contextual information: A Universal healthcare plan, on the other hand, has the potential to improve the availability and effectiveness of American health services. It is typically structured around offering either health care or the means to access them to all residents or those who cannot afford their own with the overall aim of enhancing health outcomes. Some systems are governmentfunded, while others like America’s are based on a requirement that all citizens purchase private health insurance.

Thesis Sentence: Universal Healthcare funded by the government should be implemented in the United States of America because it would give health insurance to the many Americans that are currently uninsured, increase their preventive care, and eliminate the administrative and overall costs.


Supporting paragraph 1 (Subtopic 1) Persuasive Topic Sentence (include position and align with the first subtopic): Universal Healthcare would give insurance to the many Americans that are currently uninsured.

Detail A: 78 million Americans do not have adequate healthcare insurance, 24% of that include fully uninsured individuals and those for whom out-of-pocket expenses and deductibles are unreasonably high compared to their wages (Galvani, et al., 2020).

Detail B: The United Kingdom runs with an excellent government-funded universal health care system they call the National Health System, in which their citizens are entitled to healthcare, however, can buy private insurance as well. It is known to be one of the most efficient in the world.

Detail C: Adversely, the United States has built a fragmented for-profit system that is considerably more costly than its European counterparts and provides worse outcomes than other high-income countries’ health care systems, thus leaving a large portion of Americans without health coverage. 3|Page

Transitional sentence: Many countries already have government-funded universal healthcare systems that work to provide millions in the world insurance and care, if America were to use a similar government-funded universal healthcare system it would provide healthcare that would be free at the point of the need and would be paid for by general taxation.

Supporting paragraph 2 (Subtopic 2)

Persuasive Topic Sentence (include position and align with the second subtopic): Universal Healthcare would increase America’s preventive care.

Detail A: Accessible, affordable healthcare can allow for earlier intervention to avoid or reduce the risk of non-communicable chronic diseases, enhance the overall U.S. public health and reduce the economic burden associated with an unhealthy low socioeconomic status (G. Zieff, et al., 2020).

Detail B: Chronic illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity are common in America. All of which are leading risk factors for death, if given an universal health plan likely more people would seek out preventative care for these alone. Lowering the death toll and prices. 4|Page

Detail C: Given that a universal health plan will require the government to pay for costly care and treatment due to complications arising from preventable, non-communicable chronic diseases, the government would be more encouraged to provide primary chronic disease risk reduction prior to the disease and spread preventive measures (G.Zieff, et al. 2020).

Transitional sentence: Chronic diseases already run berserk in America, with a healthcare system that focused on preventive care, they would avoid the expense from easily preventable diseases.

Supporting paragraph 3 (Subtopic 3)

Persuasive Topic Sentence (include position and align with third subtopic): Universal Healthcare helps eliminate administrative and overall costs.

Detail A: The US health-care system is the most expensive in the world (valued at US$3·4 trillion in 2016; 18% of national GDP vs 5–12% in Europe and Canada) (Jones & Kantajarian, 2019). Which is why America needs to think about revising the current system, because it clearly costs too much.


Detail B: Universal healthcare includes $59 billion in hospital care savings, $23 billion in medical and clinical facilities, $217 billion in overhead, and $177 billion in prescription medicines, consequently per capita annual spending will go down (Galvani, et al., 2020). Implementing a universal care plan would save America vast amounts of money, as seen in other models around the world. Detail C: Savings from reduced administrative and pharmaceutical costs ($570 million to $616 billion) would offset the costs of covering an additional 27 million Americans ($326 billion). (Jones & Kantarjian, 2019) All citizens would be covered, and it would save money.

Transitional Sentence: With America’s high expenditure in the current system, universal healthcare could solve and reduce the problem, and that is not something to just look over.

Conclusion Paraphrase thesis statement (restated in different words): In the United States of America, government-funded Universal Healthcare must be introduced because it will provide medical coverage for all the Americans who are currently uninsured, maximize their preventive care and reduce administrative and total expenses.

Summarize main points: With the current extreme of expenditure on healthcare in America, and 6|Page

most of the civilized world already operating with universal healthcare plans, there is great need to revise the current plan in place. Americans die every day from easily preventable diseases, which wastes more money. Their safety could be guaranteed, and administrative pockets left fuller. Final remarks: Greed and emotional reasoning appears to be the only thing holding the United States of America back from moving forward. There are many options for different healthcare plans out there that would work better than the current system, and even multiple kinds of Universal healthcare besides the one spoken in this paper.

References (This will need to be at the top of a new page within essay draft) Organize all references below into a reference list. Be sure the references are in alphabetical order based on the author’s last name, double-spaced. List should be formatted to have hanging indents by ½ an inch, with the first line left justified and all others indented using the paragraph formatting tool. See the APA Style Guide for help with formatting references and citations. Within the essay, this reference page will be on its own page at end of your essay. Please review the grading rubric prior to completing the outline assignment to ensure successful completion.

Gal v ani ,A.P. ,Par pi a,A.S. ,Fost er ,E.M. ,Si nger ,B.H. ,&Fi t z pat r i c k,M.C.( 2020) .I mpr ovi ngt he t ps: / / doi pr ognos i sofheal t hcar ei nt heUSA.TheLancet ,395( 10223) ,524– or g. l opes . i dm. ocl c . or g/ 10. 1016/ S01406736( 19) 330193


J ones ,G. ,&Kant ar j i an,H.( 2019) .Themanyr oadst ouni v er sal heal t hc ar ei nt heUSA.TheLancet Oncol ogy,20( 10) ,e601– t ps: / / doi or g. l opes. i dm. oc l c. or g/ 10. 1016/ S14702045( 19) 305170 Gabr i el Zi eff,Zachar yY.Ker r ,J ust i nB.Moor e,&LeeSt oner .( 2020) .Uni v er s al Heal t hc ar ei nt heUni t ed St at esofAmer i ca:AHeal t hyDebat e.Medi ci na,56( 580) , t ps : / / doi or g. l opes . i dm. ocl c . or g/ 10. 3390/ medi ci na56110580


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