Persuasive Full Sentence Hybrid Cars Speech Outline Example PDF

Title Persuasive Full Sentence Hybrid Cars Speech Outline Example
Course Fundamentals of Oral Communication
Institution De Anza College
Pages 4
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Persuasive Speech

Hybrid Cars


Topical Organization


Introduction A. Attention-getter: According to the average person spends 1,300 to 1,600 dollars on gas each year. Wouldn’t you like to cut that in almost half? Well I’m going to tell everyone how they can do that today. B. Introduce topic: This way is going to be with the hybrid car. C. Ethos: By doing research, mostly on the web, I was able to learn a lot about hybrid cars and the actual advantages it has over regular gas powered cars. D. Link to Audience: People usually think that hybrid cars are way too expensive for them to even consider looking at one to purchase. E. Thesis: Today I’m going to tell you about the advantages of hybrid cars and tell you why it would be the right car for you. F. Preview of Speech: 1. I’ll begin by telling you how hybrid cars actually work. 2. Costs 3. Energy Efficiency 4. Maintenance 5. Environmental Benefits

Transition: By the end, hopefully everyone will at least consider purchasing a hybrid as their future car.


Body A. How it works: 1. Basically, a hybrid vehicle combines an internal combustion engine and an electric motor powered by batteries. 2. It merges the best features of today’s gas powered vehicles and electric vehicles. Making the engine operate more efficiently, cutting down on fuel use (

Transition: Hearing that you may think wow! Sounds expensive and you may not be able to afford it. B. Costs 1. While yes it’s true that hybrid cars are more expensive, investing in a hybrid car will actually save you money in the long run. 2. The money you spend on only gas will make up for the price difference of a gas powered car in only a couple of years. 1

Persuasive Speech

Hybrid Cars


3. According to MSN The average cost per gas on a hybrid vehicle is $725 a year,

about half of the price you will spend on a gas powered vehicle ( sp) 4. Not only will you save on gas but you will also save money on insurance a. According to Ezine Articles, insurance companies will even give you up to 10% off you standard rates, just because it’s a hybrid car. ( 5. If that’s not enough savings the IRS will actually give you a one-time “Clean Fuels” tax deduction up to $2,000. Transition: If these annual savings aren’t enough for you let’s talk about the advantages of energy saving. C. Energy Savings 1. According to Energy Efficiency is the amount of work you get with respect to how much energy was invested in the first place. 2. With this being said, you would think that all the gasoline in the car would be burning to directly help the car move forward, but this is far from the truth. 3. Most gasoline engines available today have a peak efficiency of about 30-35 percent. 4. This means you’re basically wasting most of your gas for nothing. 5. But in hybrid vehicles, they have electric motors, this can make them about 90% more energy efficient than gasoline powered vehicles ( Transition: Not only are hybrid vehicles energy saving but they also have maintenance advantages as well. D. Maintenance 1. People usually think there’s probably much more maintenance required for a hybrid vehicle because it is more high tech but this is not true at all. 2. Most hybrids don’t require any additional regular maintenance for the hybrid-specific components. 3. According to, it requires the standard oil change but doesn’t need it as recently as the regular gas powered vehicles need it. 4. One big advantage on the maintenance of a hybrid vehicle is the break pad.


Persuasive Speech

Hybrid Cars


5. Whereas on a regular gas powered cars you need to change your brakes

about every 15,000 miles on hybrid vehicles you don’t need to change them for 85,000 miles ( Transition: With all that being said I’m going to talk about one more topic about hybrid vehicles, and that is the environmental benefits. E. Environmental benefits 1. As everyone knows cars that run on gasoline emit a lot of chemical fumes, pollutants, and other harmful byproducts. 2. Well Hybrid cars are much more gentle on the environment due to the drastically less and cleaner emission being set off into the atmosphere. 3. This ensures lower pollution levels, something the environment really needs today. 4. According to, hybrid vehicles also help lower the noise pollution levels. 5. Where in gas powered vehicles, cars can be somewhat loud, but hybrid vehicles actually are almost silent. And who wouldn’t love a more silent smooth seeming car? ( Transition: The information I have provided you with today should have given you more of an inside on the advantages a hybrid vehicle has over a gas powered vehicle.


Conclusion: A. Restate Thesis: Hopefully after today you will at least try to consider purchasing a hybrid vehicle in the future. B. Review main points: I talked about how hybrid vehicles actually work, the cost and savings, energy efficiency, maintenance, and also the environmental benefits. C. Closer: So the next time you go look for a car, don’t let a couple of grand’s get in the way of you saving way more than that in the long run. The hybrid vehicle is something everyone should look at. not just for us but also for the earth we live in.


Persuasive Speech

Hybrid Cars


Works Cited “An introduction to Efficiency / Hybrid Cars.” New Hybrid Reviews, News & Hybrid Mileage (MPG) Info / Hybrid Cars. N.p., n.d. Wed. 7 July 2010 “How Much Does the Average American Spend on Gas Each Year? /” eHow / How To Do Just About Everything! / How To Videos & Articles. N.p., n.d. Wed. 7 July 2010. “Hybrid cars: Do they make sense for you? – MSN Money.” Personal Finance and InvestingMSN Money. N.p., n.d. Wed. 7 July 2010 “Hybrid Cars Vs Gas Cars – Pros and Cons.” Ezine Articles Submission – Submit Your Best Quality Original Articles For Massive Exposure, Ezine Publishers Get 25 Free Article Reprints. N.p., nd. Wed. 7 July 2010 GasCars---Pros-and-Cons&id=414266 “Hybrids Under the Hood.” Hybrid Center. N.p., n.d. Wed. 7 July 2010. Mello Email, Tara Baukus. “ Advice: The Real Cost of Owning a Hybrid Car.” New Cars, Car Reviews and Pricing – N.p., n.d. Wed. 7 July 2010. Tintin. “ Hybrid Cars and the Environment.” Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. N.p., n.d. Wed. 7 July 2010.


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