PHI105 - worksheet PDF

Title PHI105 - worksheet
Author wendy henigan
Course 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 3
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Thinking and Language Reflection Worksheet Name: Wendy Henigan

Reflect on your understanding of the relationship between thinking and language. Answer the following questions in 100-200 words each: a) How do individuals acquire and develop language? As a baby we acquire and develop language by imitating our parents. Babbling, repeating words or mimicking speech. We also can develop by referring to objects. Children acquire the forms, meanings, and usage of words from interpretation with other people learning to communicate. In this sense, children can talk whether anybody tries to teach them. In theory developing thinking and learning is genetic. Each theory takes different approaches to language acquisition. Language acquisition is a process by which information are stored in the brain. Babies' and young children's language development is strongly influenced by the language they hear spoken around them and to them. The more babies are exposed to language, the more opportunities they will have to practice their developing communication skills ( 2020). Technology has enhanced our ability to communicate or learn language skills. Like a second language or explore different cultures. Research has shown that young children are better able to learn multiple languages or languages other than their family's primary language. Their growing brains enable them to learn a wide variety of meanings, words, and language structures. These days it is like children are born with a tablet. They learn language skills by using computers and television. b) How do you personally communicate your thoughts and how did you learn to do so? Two communication skills I possess or used more frequently over any other, which is oral, and digital. Orally I am a good speaker and clear as possible. My verbal speaking skills are strong because of the background I come from, with all the reading I have done over my life experience. Digital is my favorite and the one communication type which is my greatest strength with oral next. I am very effective with the digital type, whether it is emailing, instant messaging or just sending files across the internet. I have not always been technology advanced since I am an older adult student attending college has helped me develop better speaking, writing and critical thinking. I tend to really think before I write a paper or even a text. Posting in discussion is a big thing to me. I like to read others posts so I can see the flow of conversation. I would much rather be in person rather than chat online. Being from the south we are known for long conversation. One of my

personal weaknesses in communication is my short attention span. Focusing on one thing at a time usually helps me get things done better or ideas communicated clearer. c) Based on your own experiences, what are some symbols (e.g., letters of the alphabet) people use to communicate? This was in a discussion question. Today's society seems to agree with using Letter symbols as logos or brands. Like we agree to shorten Kentucky Fried Chicken as KFC. Colleges use letters like GCU to stand for or symbolize the name of the university name logo. To me, that is an expression of communication because I know that it means Grand Canyon University. In texting, KISS should mean to kiss on the lips, but it is a symbolic form of technology language to say Keep It Simple Stupid, in text language form. Makes you think about the message being expressed and how you interpret it. Symbols that express a form of communication can also be like wedding bands are a form of expression of love vows in a relationship. I personally have a collection of frogs. I have them all over my house. Not that I like frogs that are alive. They are a symbol of my motto I live by. F.R.O.G. Forever Rely on God. It is an expression of communication to me that With God everything is possible. Medical terminology uses letters to shorten words or phrases in medical shorthand. Like I suffer from PTSD. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. I had a very traumatic episode where I was held at gunpoint and the guy pulled the trigger at my head and the Gun jammed up. I believe God was laying on me when it happened because I just knew I was going to die. My frogs remind me that I am protected We all use our cell phones and I use emoji and GIF’s a lot. They are my shortcut when texting but can be misconstrued sometimes when someone does not know what the emoji or GIF means. They can be funny, sarcastic, rude, and degrading so I am very mindful to not use one that would be hurtful. I use the heart the most to express affection to the recipient.

d) Explain how you think these symbols are related to critical thinking? When it comes to critical thinking, I do not think it takes much to think about when I look at logos of schools, restaurants, letters of colleges etc. It is so embedded in our heads early in life these days if you do not know what KFC stands for or when you see an apple, what do you automatically think of, well of course, iPhone or iPad because of advertising. I noticed how young my kids were when they knew what a restaurant was and what they served simply from watching television advertising and seeing signs everywhere even before they could read. Today technology is inbred into these babies at birth from the get-go. As far as medical shorthand, I learned it when I was twelve simply from helping my mother studying for tests in nursing school. I mean, how many twelveyear old kids know when they see the letters PTSD, COPD, or a c with a hyphen over it means post-traumatic stress disorder, Cardio-obstructive pulmonary disorder, and the word with. They would probably have to ask what the letters meant because they do not know. I had to literally think about what they meant or stood for. My frogs. When my

friends come to my house, they ask me, after pondering a while, why I have so many frogs. When I tell them what the letters stood for, they have a a-ha moment and say wow that is amazing they never would have thought that. They automatic assume I have a thing for frogs. I still must analyze what GIFs, emojis and memes are trying to convey. Sometimes if I really cannot get it, I just ask. So, to me, critical thinking most of the time, means if I have to think about it and do not understand then I study it or ask a question because if you do not ask you do not know.

The assignment will be graded according to the following criteria: a) b) c) d)

Clarity: The intent of the writer is clear. Logic: The answer makes sense. Answers question: The questions are addressed fully. Mechanics: Answers contain proper punctuation and grammar....

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