Physiological Psychology Exam 1 Notes PDF

Title Physiological Psychology Exam 1 Notes
Author Morgan Sherbondy
Course Physiological Psych
Institution Clemson University
Pages 14
File Size 793.6 KB
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Physiological Psychology Exam 1 Notes Lecture 1 Physiological Psychology (biopsychology, psychobiology) 

The study of the process of the nervous system and how it is related to psychology (brain and behavior)

Branch of psychology that studies the relationship between behavior and body (brain)

Lecture 2 Neuroscience 

Multidisciplinary study of the nervous system (all aspects: anatomical, chemical, physiological, developmental, etc.)

Mind Brain Problem 

What is the nature of the mind and the brain?

What is the relationship between the mind and the brain? o Two philosophical views 

Dualism: 

Mind and brain belong to two separate worlds: non-physical vs. physical world)

 

The mind controls the brain by “interacting” with it


Mind and brain belong to the same world (physical world = materialism)

The mind is the “product” of physical processes in the brain

Rene Descartes 

17th century philosopher

Dualist: mind (non-physical)  body (physical)

Body of every organism (human too) is a machine o Can discover how the machine is built and how it works

In humans, the mind interacts with the body at a single point in the brain (pineal gland)

Put emphasis on the physical explanation of behavior

Provided a model of how the nervous system works

Descartes’ Hydraulic Model (incorrect) o Nerves are hollow tubes where a fluid (“animal spirit”) flows o Pineal gland pumps the fluid through brain and nerves o Mind (soul) tilts the pineal gland to direct fluid to specific nerves  specific muscles inflate (move) o Model can be tested, which is why it is important 

Galvani (1700s) & his frogs: nerves are like wires conducting electricity 

This proved Descartes wrong

Helmholtz (1800s): how come nerves conduction speed is only 90 Ft/sec 

This proves Galvani wrong

Model 

Proposed mechanism for how something works

Lecture 3 Nature & Nurture, Heredity & Environment, Innate & Learned 

Basic philosophical questions driving psychology (along with mind/body problems) o How much of brain and behavior is due to heredity? o How much of brain and behavior is due to environment? o How do heredity and environment interact?

Must understand basic genetics to study brain and behavior

Genetics 

Gene: unit of heredity o Found on chromosomes (inside the nucleus of each cell)

Humans have 46 chromosomes in 23 pairs

A gene is a portion of chromosomes

A chromosome is composed of DNA

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) o Double stranded chain of molecules (bases) o Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine

o The order in which T, A, C, G appear forms the code that carries all genetic information

Genes and their Effects 

Dominant: produces its effects regardless of whichc gene it is paired with

Recessive: produces its effects only when paired with the same recessive gene on the other chromosome

Heterozygous: different genes

Homozygous: identical genes

Microscopic Level 

Neurons: specialized cells that receive information and send it to other cells o Carry information within the brain and throughout the rest of the body o About 100 billion neurons in the brain

Glial cells: cells that provide structural and functional support for neurons

Motor neuron: receives information from other neurons, carries information to muscle or gland cells

Sensory neuron: receives a particular type of sensory info, carries information to other neurons

Lecture 4 

Interneuron: connect one neuron to another in a particular part of the central nervous system (CNS)

Glial Cells o Oligodendrocytes: build myelin around axons in brain and spinal cord o Schwann cells: build myelin around axons in the periphery

Neural Membrane: critical for the neuron’s ability to carry information o Phospholipid (fat derivatives) molecules 

Heads are attracted to water  orient toward it

Tails are repelled by water  orient away

o Protein molecules  

Channels and pumps

Polarization: difference in electrical charge (voltage) between the inside and outside of the cell

Resting potential: difference in electrical charge between the inside and outside of the membrane of a neuron at rest 

Unequal distribution of ions on the two sides of the membrane o Atoms or molecules that are + or – charged (lost or acquired electrons) o Organic anions (A-), Chloride anions (Cl-) o Sodium cations (NA+), Potassium cations (K+) o Membrane is selectively permeable  some chemicals can pass through more freely than others 

Protein molecules embedded in the membrane 

-Na+ channels (closed at rest), K+ channels (slightly leaky at rest)

Na+/K+ pump: repeatedly moves 3 Na+ out of the neuron and 2 K+ inside the neuron at rest

K+ ions: attracted inside by electron gradient, outside by concentration gradient  for the K+ the two gradients are almost in balance

Na+ ions: attracted inside by both electrical gradient and concentration gradients

Na+ and K+ channels are voltage-activated  their permeability depends on the voltage (potential) across the membrane

Depolarization: decrease in polarization

Hyperpolarization: increase in polarization

Lecture 5 Action Potential 

Abrupt depolarization and slight reversal of the usual polarization of the membrane

Allows the neurons to send signals over long distances

No polarization

Occurs only in axons (not in dendrites or soma)

Its strength is independent of the intensity of the stimulus (all or none law)

It does not decay as it travels down an axon (nondetcremental)

o Phases:

Graded Potential 

Can occur in axon, dendrites, and soma

It strength depends on the intensity of the stimulus

It decays as it propagates (decremental)

Myelination and Conduction Speed of Action Potential 

Myelin produced by glial cells (oligodendrocytes and schwann) \

Lecture 6 Communication Between Neurons 

Electric current (until 1920s)

Chemical signals (1950s)

Chemical Synapses o Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP): partial depolarization (hypopolarization) of the postsynaptic membrane 

Makes an action potential more likely to occur

o Inhibitory post synaptic potential (IPSP): hyperpolarization of the postsynaptic membrane 

Makes an action potential less likely to occur in the post synaptic neuron

Lecture 7 Postsynaptic Integration

o A typical neuron receives EPSPs and IPSPs from = 1000 other neurons o EPSPs and IPSPs are combined at the axon hillock in 2 ways: o Temporal summation combines PSPs arriving a short time apart o Spatial summation combines PSPs arriving at the same time from different locations on dendrites and soma

What happens to the neurotransmitter left in the synaptic cleft? o Molecules are reabsorbed by the terminal and repackaged into vesicles (reuptake) o In some cases, they are first broken down into simpler components o Absorbed by glial cells

Synaptic Modulation: Adjustment of activity occurring at a synapse o Axosomatic synapse (presynaptic excitation/inhibition): between the terminal button of one neuron and soma of another neuron o Axodendritic synapse: between the terminal button of one neuron and dendrite of another neuron o Axoaxonic synapse: between the terminal button of one neuron and terminal button of another neuron o Increase in the relase of neurotransmitter by the presynaptic neuron = presunaptic excitation

o Decrease in the relase of nerotransmitter by the presynaptic neuron = presynaptic inhibiton o Autoreceptors: special protein in the presynaptic membrane – sense the amount of neurotransmitter in the cleft o Axoaxonic synapse and autoreceptors regulate the amount of transmitter in the cleft o Receptors in postsynaptic membrane – change in sensitivity or in numbers to compensate for unusual increases or decreases of neurotransmitter in the cleft

Neurotransmitters o The chemical signals that released by one neuron at the synapse and that affect another neuron

o Agonist: chemical that mimics or increases the effect of a neurotransmitter o Morphine activates the receptors for endorphins o Antagonist: a chemical that blocks the effect of a neurotransmitter o Curare block acetylcholine receptors at the muscles  paralysis

Lecture 8 Structure and Function of the Nervous System o Microscopic level o Basic structure/function of a single neuron and its interaction with another neuron o Macroscopic level o How billions of neurons are grouped into functional components that make up the nervous system

Terms of Anatomical Direction o Neuroaxis: an imaginary line drawn through the center of the CNS, from the bottom of the spinal cord to the front of the forebrain

Central Hemisphere

o Outer surface is the cortex – wrinkled with ridges and grooves o Ridges = gyrus o Groove = sulcus o Cortex mainly made of unmyelinated cell bodies o Gray matter (appears grayish in color) o In center of gyruses are myelinated axon pathways o White matter...

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