PICO Hand hygiene paper c228 PDF

Title PICO Hand hygiene paper c228
Course Application of Community Health and Focused Nursing
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 6
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paper on hand hygiene education as primary problem...


C361 December 15, 2021 Hand Hygiene Education (A) The impact of inconsistent adherence to hand hygiene guidelines will impact patients by putting them at increased risk for infections, thus increasing the amount of care patients will need. This impacts an organization by causing them to have to use more money to educate staff. Also impacts length of stays in the hospital, which then decreases the number of beds available. (A1) P - (Population [key stakeholder] or problem) Nurses I - (Intervention/practice change) Implement education concerning importance of hand hygiene C - (Comparison) No education concerning hand hygiene O - (Outcome indicator) Decrease the spread of infections (A2) Are nurses who have education concerning importance of hand hygiene at decreased risk of spreading infection compared with those with no education concerning hand hygiene? (B) Research Article - Exploring determinants of hand hygiene among hospital nurses: a qualitative study. (B1) The purpose of this research article is to discover the factors that determine hand hygiene behaviors among hospital nurses. (B2)

The study was a qualitative study that used a content analysis approach. The study consisted of 16 nurses selected from various departments from the hospital using the convenience method. All the participants were voluntary participants. Each participant was interviewed and asked the same five questions. Prior to the interview each participant was given information about the study and verbally consented by proceeding to take the survey. Each interview was recorded and transcribed so that the responses could be analyzed. Each interview was conducted in a private convenient setting, and each interview lasted 25-35 minutes. (B3) The level of evidence in this article based on the JHNEBP model is level III, because of it was a qualitative study with analysis. (B4) The way the researchers analyzed the data through directed qualitative content analysis. By incorporating a systematic classification procedure, codes and themes were identified. This helped find patterns in the participants responses, and validate their theory. (B5) The ethical considerations that this study took were subjects’ informed consent, anonymity and confidentiality of data during analysis. There were a small number of participants that did not give consent for the interview to be recorded, so in place of that they took notes in real time. The study was confirmed by an ethics committee and approved as a research project by Environmental and Occupational Hazards Control Research Center in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (Ghaffari, 2020). (B6)

The quality rating of this research based article according to the JHNEBP model falls under B, good quality. (B7) In the end the article identifies factors and behaviors that contribute to proper hand hygiene. The article emphasizes on the importance of using behavior change theories and models in designing interventions with the aim of promoting the performance of hand hygiene behavior (Ghaffari, 2020). This supports the evidence based question because it displays the need for education on proper hand hygiene based of the behaviors studied in the article. (C) Non-Research Article - Hand Hygiene of Nurses and Patient Safety (C1) The non-research article purpose is to emphasis the importance for nurses to practice hand hygiene every day for the safety patients. (C2) The type of evidence for this non-research article is a practice recommendation article. (C3) According to the John Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model, the level of evidence for this research study was four because it was a practice recommendation article. (C4) The quality rating for the research study was a B because it is good quality. (C5) In the non-research article, it emphasizes how hand hygiene noncompliance is a major cause of infection, and how proper hand hygiene reduces and eliminates the spread

infections from patient to patient (Malliarou, 2017). This answers the EBP question because if we can educate nurses on proper hand hygiene, infections from nurse to patient will be decreased. (D) The practice change I recommend is to increase the education to nurses regarding hand hygiene to prevent the spread of infection. The research article explains that there are certain behaviors that cause nurses decision making on whether or not they are going to use proper hand hygiene. Therefore, if education and awareness of these behaviors are made aware to nursing staff members, then compliance with proper hand hygiene will increase and rates of infection will decrease. With the non-research based article it recommends that nurses should be using proper hand hygiene in order to prevent the spread of infection to patients. The article emphasizes that it is mandated by the Cent e r sf orDi s e a s eCont r ol andPr e ve nt i ont ha tal lhe a l t hc ar epe r s onne ls ha l lde c ont a mi na t et he i rha ndsast he y e nt e randl e a veapa t i e nt ’ sr oom.Bas e dofft hee mphas i sandi mpor t anc et ha tt henonr e s e ar c hbas e dar t i c l epr ovi de s ,i ti sc l e art ha tpr ovi di ngpr ope re duc a t i ononpr ope r handhygi e newi l lhe l ppr e ve ntt hes pr e adofi nf e c t i on. ( D1 ) Thr e es t ake hol de r sIwi l li nvol vei ns uppor t i ngt hepr a c t i c ec ha nge r e c omme nda t i onwoul dbet henur s e s ,hos pi t ale duc a t or s ,andphys i c i ans .Themos t i mpor t a nts t akehol de ri st henur s e sbe c aus et he yar et heone swhoar ec ons t ant l y i nt e r ac t i ngwi t hpa t i e nt sa ndt he ys houl dbeus i ngpr ope rhandhygi e ne .Thehos pi t a l e duc a t ori st hes e c ondmos ti mpor t ants t ake hol derbe c aus e ,t he yar et heone swhowi l l bee duc a t i ngt henur s e swi t ht hei nf or ma t i ona boutpr ope rhandhygi e ne .Phys i c i ans

ar et het hi r ds t a ke hol de rbe c aus et he yt ooar ef r e que nt l ys e e i ngandi nt e r a c t i ngwi t h pa t i e nt s ,s oi ti si mpor t a ntt he yar ee duc a t e dont hei mpor t anc eofpr ope rhand hygi e ne .Thes t e akhol de rwi l lha vemanda t or yme e t i ngswhe r et hehos pi t ale duc a t or s wi l lpr ovi dee duc a t i onande mphas i z et hei mpor t a nc eofpr ope rhandhygi e nei nt he he al t hc ar es pac e .Bydoi ngt hi si twi l lhe l pbr i ngc hanget ohow handhygi e nei s pe r f or me di nhe al t hc ar ea ndwi l lhe l pde c r e as et het r ans mi s s i onofdi s e as ef r om s t aff t opa t i e nt .

(D2) One barrier that could be encountered while trying to implement this practice could be the lack of resources needed to properly provide the education needed. Specifically updated material or funding from the organization. (D3) One strategy that can be used to overcome this barrier could be to present and collaborate with the organization. By doing this the organization will see the importance and need for the hand hygiene education. (D4) One outcome to measure the decrease of infection would be to monitor hand hygiene compliance. Have a members of the education team monitor the compliance rates before and after education has been implemented. This will help determine the effectiveness of the education and whether or not other changes need to be made.

References Ghaffari, M., Rakhshanderou, S., Safari-Moradabadi, A. et al. Exploring determinants of hand hygiene among hospital nurses: a qualitative study. BMC Nurs 19, 109 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-020-00505-y Malliarou M (2017) Hand Hygiene of Nurses and Patient Safety. Int J Nurs Clin Pract 4: 217. doi: https://doi.org/10.15344/2394-4978/2017/217...

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