Pinoy Kimchi Thesis PDF

Title Pinoy Kimchi Thesis
Course BS Accountancy
Institution Saint Louis University Philippines
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A Research Study Presented to the Faculty of HONORATO C. PEREZ, SR. MEMORIAL SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion

Pinoy Kimchi

Jonard Jay S. Miranda March Joshea Venice D. Liwag Michaela T. Padua Angelo Alexi M. Pestaño Danica C. Po


March 31, 2020

i Acknowledgment The study, Pinoy Kimchi like this will never be possible without the work of anyone alone. The contribution of these following persons in their different ways, have made this study happen. The researchers would like to extend appreciation especially to the following: To the Alma Mater, Honorato C. Perez Sr. Memorial Science High School, for giving them the knowledge and other things that made this study possible. To the ever supportive School Principal, Ms. Leonora C. De Jesus,PhD and OIC Assistant SHS Principal, Ms. Lady Anne R. Bayan,PhD for their support and cooperation and counsel for the researchers. The researchers would like to thank their supportive class adviser, Ms. Gerrylyn S. Balanag, for his continuous support and assistance, in this research study. To Research Advisers, Mr. Menard F. Miguel and Mrs. Romizzelle G. Peñafiel, PhD for giving his advices, wisdom, kindness and support throughout the study. The researchers would also like to express their deepest gratitude to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Armando S. Pestaño, Mr. and Mrs. Ricky G. Miranda, Mr. and Mrs. Luisito B. Liwag, Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Padua, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Po, and, for helping them throughout the study. And Above all, we want to thank the Almighty God, who gave the researchers all the knowledge, wisdom, strength, and courage used to surpass all the trials that the researchers encountered, without the strength, wisdom and guidance to make this study possible. J.J.S.M A.A.M.P M.J.V.D.L. M.T.P D.C.P

ii Approval Sheet The Research Study entitled, “Pinoy Kimchi” Prepared and submitted by the researchers, Jonard Jay S. Miranda, Angelo Alexi M. Pestaño, March Joshea Venice D. Liwag, Michaela T. Padua, Danica C. Po, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the subject Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion has been examined and recommended for approval and acceptance.



Examining Committee

Examining Committee

Date Signed

Date Signed

GRACE DELA CRUZ, MSBA Examining Committee

Date Signed


Date Signed



OIC – SHS Assistant Principal

Examining Committee

Date Signed

Date Signed

iii Table of Contents Contents TITLE PAGE

Page 1







List of Figures


List of Tables






Statement of the Problem




Significance of the Study


Definition of Terms


Scope and Delimitation



8 13

Research Design


Conceptual Framework


General Procedure


Sampling Procedure


Data Collection Procedures


Data Analysis














v List of Figures Figure No.


1. Conceptual Framework for the Evaluation


2. General Procedure of the Study


vi List of Tables Table No.


1. Cost of Materials


2. Likerd’s Scale used for interpretation of


the evaluation of the respondents 3. Number of respondents who rated Pinoy Kimchi


in terms of Appearance and its weighted mean 4. Number of respondents who rated

Commercially Available


Kimchi in terms of Appearance and its weighted mean 5. Number of respondents who rated Pinoy Kimchi and the


in terms of Taste and its weighted mean 6. Number of respondents who rated Commercially Available


Kimchi in terms of Taste and its weighted mean 7. Number of respondents who rated Pinoy Kimchi and the in terms of Texture and its weighted mean


vii 8. Number of respondents who rated Commercially Available


Kimchi in terms of Texture and its weighted mean 9. Cost Analysis


10. Comparison of Pinoy Kimchi and Commercially Available Kimchi


11. T-Test result of the Pinoy Kimchi and the Commercially


Available Kimchi based on Appearance 12. T-Test result of the Pinoy Kimchi and the Commercially


Available Kimchi based on Taste 13 T-Test result of the Pinoy Kimchi and the Commercially Available Kimchi based on Texture


viii Abstract Upo (lagenaria siceraria) is one of the easiest vegetable to cook it can only sauté with ground meet to make "ginisang upo". Upo (lagenaria siceraria) can be seen in farms but its mostly planted in the backyard. In this study entitled "Pinoy kimchi", the researcher used quantitative approach and descriptive survey design to determine if how the Pinoy kimchi will be differentiated with the commercially available kimchi in terms of taste, appearance and texture. In making the Pinoy kimchi the researchers gathered all the ingredients including the upo and mixed it until reaches the right taste. The researchers used survey in questionnaire form to gather the data. Based on the gathered result of the survey it is concluded that there is no significant difference between Pinoy kimchi and the commercially available kimchi in terms of taste, appearance and texture. In conclusion it was found out that the Pinoy kimchi is marketable in terms of price and marketable as an alternative to the commercial kimchi.

Keywords: sauté, upo, kimchi, taste, appearance, texture, marketable, alternative, backyard, commercial

2 Pinoy Kimchi Kimchi is a spicy fermented vegetable that is served with almost every traditional meal in South-Korea. The most famous kind of Kimchi is made from Chinese cabbage but there are other vegetables which are used to make kimchi as well. The researchers wanted to adapt the traditional kimchi as a localized product in the Philippines by utilizing the use of Upo instead of the regular Napa Cabbage. This side dish is perfect to give an understanding of how South-Korean foods developed over the centuries since the existence of kimchi is traceable all the way back to the first people that started using agriculture to sustain their selves (, n.d.). Bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria)

is commonly called ―upo‖ among the

Tagalog. It is locally known as ―Tabungaw‖ in Ilocano and ―Kandol‖ in Ibanag. This is a herbaceous, annual climbing plant with long strong tendrils and simple leaves. When the fruit matures, the rind is hard and durable. The juice from green upo fruits is good for the treatment of chest pains, stomach acidity, indigestion, ulcer, epilepsy, insanity and other nervous diseases (Department of Agriculture, 2016). Furthermore, it is also locally known in many places as bottle squash, white gourd, trumpet gourd, lauki, doodhi, ghia and calabash gourd. The bottle gourd can be eaten fresh. It can be grated and mixed with salad dressing or yoghurt to add nourishment to salads or sandwiches. It may also be pickled. Upo has many benefits to the health. It is a cheap but greatly underappreciated vegetable. Some of its amazing benefits; Improves digestion and prevents constipation, Acts as a diuretic, has a cooling effect, reduces risk of urinary infection and high blood

3 pressure, reduces blood sugar levels, reduces liver inflammation, contains vitamins and minerals that combat cancer, aids in weight loss because it has a low calorie count. Its young leaves have more vitamins and minerals than the fruit. Therefore, this study used the local upo, or bottle gourd, instead of creating kimchi in its traditional Korean style. According to food.nd the fat and cholesterol content of upo is extremely low. It consists of approximately 96% of water which is appropriate to use in kimchi as to enhance its’ watery feature. In addition to this, upo has the same property with napa cabbage which is used in traditional kimchi. The mentioned vegetables above are both high in dietary fiber, Vitamin C that help the human body scavenge harmful free radicals, which otherwise, labeled as one of the reasons for cancer development. The major purpose of Pinoy Styled Kimchi is to create a Philippine version of the popular Korean side dish, using the country's local resources to create a special and affordable item for the Filipinos. In addition, one of its objective is to satisfy the tastes of the people for kimchi compared to the original Korean kimchi. Statement of the Problem This study was designed ascertain the acceptability of Filipino style Kimchi. It also aimed to answer the following questions: 1. How may the Pinoy Kimchi be described in terms of: a. Appearance b. Taste c. Texture

4 2. How may the potential marketability of the Pinoy Kimchi be described in terms of its acceptability? 3. Is there a significant difference between Pinoy Kimchi and Korean Kimchi in terms of: a. Appearance b. Taste c. Texture Hypotheses 1. There is no significant difference between Pinoy Kimchi and Korean Kimchi in terms of: a. Appearance b. Taste c. Texture Significance of the Study This study is entitled ―Pinoy Kimchi‖, aims to determine whether the product is more generally accepted through taste, appearance, and price than those available in the market. This study benefits the following: Vendors. This study helped them to introduce another variety of kimchi to the market instead of the ordinary one. Farmers. This helped them by providing more insight of what producers need in making a local kimchi

5 Researchers. This study helped them to be more aware of the positive alternative of making local kimchi. Parents. This study helped them to know the health benefits of an upo to the health that may able to help them to let their children eat vegetables. Public. This would be helpful in terms of being sold in the market places. Definition of Terms The following terms were defined in conceptual and operational manner: Bottle Gourd. Vegetable that is used as a substitute or alternative for Napa Cabbage in making Kimchi. Calorie. A unit that is used to measure energy (Reference. com). Constipation. Infrequent bowel movements or difficult passage of stools that persists for several weeks or longer ( Diuretic. A substance that causes an increase in the production of urine (Cambridge English Dictionary). Herbaceous. Having little or no woody tissue and persisting usually for a single growing season ( Inflammation. A localized physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot, and often painful, especially as a reaction to injury or infection (

6 Kimchi. Spicy fermented vegetable that is served with almost every traditional meal in South Korea. Minerals. Vitamins and nutrients readily available from vegetables. Nourishment. A process necessary for growth, health, and good condition. Tendril. A threadlike, leafless organ of climbing plants, often growing in spiral form, which attaches itself to or twines round some other body, so as to support the plant ( Ulcer. a break in the skin, or on the surface of an organ inside the body, that does not heal (Cambridge English Dictionary). Scope and Delimitation The general intent of this study was to explain on how to create a Filipino style Kimchi. The study was conducted at Honorato C. Perez, Sr. Memorial Science High School and Cabanatuan City Senior Science High School, located at Mabini Extension, and Sta. Arcadia, Cabanatuan City. The timeframe of the study was during November, 2019 to March, 2020. To limit the study of the said school, the respondents were the Senior High School students only. In gathering of data, the researchers used random sampling technique and interview method to describe the products in terms of taste, appearance, and price; moreover, if there was a significant difference between the Pinoy Kimchi and the common Korean Kimchi.

7 Review of Related Literature and Studies Kimchi is a traditional Korean food manufactured by fermenting vegetables with probiotic lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Many bacteria are involved in the fermentation of kimchi, but LAB become dominant while the putrefactive bacteria are suppressed during salting of baechu cabbage and the fermentation. Accordingly, kimchi can be considered a vegetable probiotic food that contributes health benefits in a similar manner as yogurt as a dairy probiotic food. Further, the major ingredients of kimchi are cruciferous vegetables; and other healthy functional foods such as garlic, ginger, red pepper powder, and so on are added to kimchi as sub ingredients (, 2013). Belonging to the Ural–Altaic group of languages, Korean is completely different from Chinese; however, Korea did not have its own characters until 1433 when King Sejong invented Hangeul—the Korean characters. Koreans used Chinese characters in writing while using the Korean language when speaking. Therefore, although we wrote jo (菹) when indicating Korea's unique and traditional fermented food, kimchi, it is completely different food from paochai (泡菜). Thus, it is quite incorrect to attempt to find the origin of Korean kimchi in Chinese paochai. In addition, discursion that kimchi was originally white but changed into red following the Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592, and the assertion that there was no cabbage kimchi 100 years ago, but only kimchi made of white radish, are incorrect, and without any scientific evidence (, 2015). In this mixed methods study, results showed the curriculum had impact and relevance for cognitive development of university students and food knowledge


application across disciplines, including integration of cultural diversity education and incorporation of biochemical processes. The use of experiential learning in course design enabled students to construct new knowledge through integrating base knowledge from lecture, collective interaction with lab partners, and hands-on learning practices in this course. This food fermentation curriculum met academic demands, increased student understanding and confidence, and supported material development for outreach dissemination (, n.d). Four types of literatures (peer-reviewed journals, websites, books, and United States (US) University articles) were reviewed about kimchi. Prices of each type of kimchi were checked at four to five Asian markets in Tucson, Arizona for 2 years, and averaged. There were only few cents differences in 2 years. One family homestyle kimchi recipe and four ―cook-with-kimchi‖ recipes were introduced in this article ( The researchers recently identified Leuconostoc gelidum, a typical psychrophile, as a microbial component from kimchi that has been laboratory-prepared and fermented at 20°C. However, it has been shown that the growth of leuconostocs in food products is highly influenced by fermenting temperature. To determine the distribution of L. gelidum species in kimchi fermented at a lower temperature, 8°C., we characterized a total of 64 dextran-forming strains isolated from kimchi using a polyphasic method including 16S rDNA sequencing and DNA-DNA hybridization. The researchers found that 80% of the isolates were L. gelidum, which has been found mainly at chill-stored meat products. We also found that L. gelidum could be a dominant Leuconostoc species in so-called Kimjang kimchi, which is traditionally prepared at late fall to be preserved during winter in Korea.


These results suggest that L. gelidum can be a predominant species in kimchi especially when fermented at low temperature. Interestingly, to our knowledge L. gelidum has not been reported from kimchi or other vegetable products so far. This may be explained in two ways. First, L. gelidum isolates from kimchi might have been misclassified as L. mesenteroides, because discrimination of L. gelidum from L. mesenteroides is very difficult without a polyphasic method including 16S rDNA sequencing. In this study, however, our identification methods, namely PCR-based identification, phenotypic test hybridization and 16S rDNA sequencing were able to unequivocally discriminate L. gelidum among isolates from kimchi. Second, it is possible that most L. gelidum from kimchi did not survive during plating on MRS or sucrose plates at high temperatures, such as at 30 or 37°C, due to their psychrophilic characteristics. However, this possibility is not likely because nearly all L. gelidum strains isolated in this study did not grow at 37 °C, but most did grow at 30°C (, 2015). The purpose of the study is to investigate what complex biochemical changes occur depending on the environmental conditions before, during, and after fermentation. The most important characteristics are the compositional changes of sugars and vitamins (especially ascorbic acid), formation and accumulation of organic acids, and texture degradation and softening. Numerous physicochemical and biological factors influence the fermentation, growth, and sequential appearance of principal microorganisms involved in the fermentation (, 2010). The node number at first male flower, fruit length and average fruit weight showed high heritability coupled with high genetic advance. Correlation analysis revealed that fruit yield showed the high positive and significant correlation with days to


first male flower, fruit girth at both genotypic and phenotypic level, vine length, number of fruit per plant, average fruit weight and duration of crop at genotypic level only. The path analysis revealed that positive and direct effect of fruit yield on average fruit weight, node number at first female flower, days to first female flower, node number at first male flower, first fruit harvest and fruit girth. Fruit length, days to first male flower, number of branch, days to 50% flowering, duration of crop, number of fruit per plant and fruit length showed negative and direct effects on fruit yield. This analysis may help in obtaining higher fruit yield with growth and fruit characters of lead components in bottle gourd for Chhattisgarh plains. It may lead to development of varieties through crop improvement programme (, 2017). The seeds, which are given least importance, have prime role in our body. The seeds of bottle gourd, pumpkin and melons are encapsulated with innumerable phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals and amino acids along with essential fatty acids, omega fatty acids which are major components of the communicating membranes of the brain (, 2015). Kimchi (baechu kimchi) is a low-calorie food (18 kcal/100 g) and contains high levels of vitamins (vitamin C,b-carotene, vitamin B complex, etc.),...

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