Potential Interview Questions Primary, Infant, Junior School PDF

Title Potential Interview Questions Primary, Infant, Junior School
Course Primary education - educational theory (inclusivity)
Institution University of Winchester
Pages 5
File Size 144.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Potential Interview Questions Primary, Infant, Junior School...


This is a list of Interview Questions that I used as a Headteacher. They provide an example of the types of question that I asked within the Interview phase of a job application. These questions are a generic set for all age groups but would of course be adapted for an Early Years or a specific Key Stage. Questions may of course be worded in a different way. Schools may also have particular themes that they want to ask you about, a particular area of school improvement for example. Schools are obliged by law to ask about any child protection issues so do not be put off by this. The best responses are the ones where you are able to describe some of the theory and then back this up with a practical example which you can describe in some good detail. Use these questions to help you prepare for your interview. Start by brainstorming ideas and then work on developing the idea so that you are able to talk about it with confidence backed up by an example taken from your practice. Do think about any questions that you may want to ask about the school before you go for interview. As you approach the day of interview practise a positive mind-set. Imagine yourself walking in to the school positively. Remember that you have taken three/ four years of in-depth training on a degree course and that you have much to be proud of. Think carefully about what you are going to wear for interview in plenty of time. Dress smartly and appropriately for the occasion to match the professionalism that you will show.

These questions may also be useful for you as you begin to prepare a statement of application. You will not be able to include everything of course, but there may be some useful reminders here. I hope this is helpful in your preparations.

Matt Prince

Interview Question

Score 1 -5 (1 = weak 5 = excellent)

Questions arising from lesson demo  Can you tell us how you thought your lesson went  Having taught this lesson can you describe what went well?  Describe the progress that children made in the lesson  Is there anything that you would do differently?  What considerations took place when you planned this activity?  What assessment decisions did you take in relation to the pitch of the lesson?  What adjustments did you make during the lesson due to assessment?  What will the next steps of learning for the children you have worked with?

1. Can you begin the interview by telling us something about yourself 2. What made you decide to apply for the teaching position at XXXX? What did you learn from your tour of the school (if made)?

3. What are your motivations for being a teacher?

4. What grades have you received in recent lesson observations that have been undertaken? What has recent feedback indicated? What grades have you gained on each of your placements? How would you rate yourself as a teacher? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are your transition targets as you move in to your NQT year? the areas of teaching that you would need further support or training in

5. What particular strengths would you bring to? What have you done in

your current school that has brought something extra to it? What are

6. We also seek to make the experience for our pupils as challenging, interesting and stimulating as possible. Do you believe in this ethos and what have you done to promote this? Describe a lesson/series/ Topic which you have taught.

7. We hold regular Pupil progress meetings and set individual targets for each pupil. Have you participated in this or a similar process? 8. Describe a group of children who have made outstanding progress 9. How do you track pupil progress? What models of assessment have you used? 10. Describe how you have worked with a Planning partner in a Year Group – what are the strengths of working with a Year partner? Are there times when it might be difficult and how might you overcome this? 11. Describe the use of support staff in your current school and how you involve them in the learning in your class.

12. What curriculum strengths do you offer? 13. Our School Improvement Plan identifies (INSERT SUBJECT) as a target that we are working on. Describe your knowledge and teaching within this subject area.

14. XXXX is a Church of England school. How do you think this complements the development of our pupils? 15. Teaching is a very demanding job. What strategies do you use to relax?

16. Has there been a time when you have had to display resilience and perseverance?

17. Have you ever been on a placement and have dealt with some challenging behaviour? 18. Are there any child protection issues that you should make us aware of? 19. Have you faced disciplinary procedures at any stage of your teaching career/ practice? (MP)

20. What arrangements have you made/ will you make if you are successful in terms of where you live and or commuting?

21. We have a range of school events – school disco, Summer Fair and residentials. It is an expectation of school life to help out with these. Are you prepared to do this?

22. If you were appointed today, would you accept the post? 23. Which Year group would appeal most?

24. Are there any questions that you would like to ask any of us? 25. Is there anything more that you would like to tell us to support your application/ anything that you have not shared that you think would be useful for us in reaching a decision?

Do not score

Ask to see  CRB  Ask to see Degree/ Post Grad certs  GTC no  Passport  Proof of address Total Number of points =...

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