Primary Source Project- Current Event Paper PDF

Title Primary Source Project- Current Event Paper
Course Research Practicum Ii
Institution Virginia Commonwealth University
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Jules Ferry: On French Colonial Expansion Europe, in the late 1800s, saw a renewed growth in material products. This era became known as the “age of progress”, marking the beginning of a second Industrial Revolution in Europe (Spielvogel, 686). With it came new industries, both new scientific and technological advancements, and new sources of energy (Spielvogel, 686). Consequently, the demand for new industries and sources of raw materials also rose. This industrial growth increased competition and nationalism between the European states leading to the “New Imperialism” (Spielvogel, 741). As competition for material growth and tensions between the nation-states intensified, so did their interest in acquiring colonies and new territories overseas in Africa and Asia (Spielvogel, 741). These colonies not only served as sources of new goods, but they also served as a source of “international prestige”; the failure to enter this race could prove detrimental to those who aspired to gain economic or political power (Spielvogel, 741). Jules Ferry, in a Speech Before the French Chamber of Deputies, on March 28, 1884, revealed his justifications for the French colonial expansion. He claims colonial expansion is based on both political and economic ideas and provides three main reasons: “economic ideas; the most far-reaching ideas of civilization; and ideas of a political and patriotic sort” (Jules Ferry). He explains that France’s growing industrial economy is in desperate need of “outlets [for exports]” (Jules Ferry). By expanding these outlets overseas, France can strengthen its economic position. He also points out that competition between European states and the rise in demand is a serious issue all “linked intimately to colonial policy” (Jules Ferry). The rising nationalism and patriotism, during this period, also put a false sense of superiority in the minds of Europeans (Spielvogel, 741-2). According to Ferry, Europeans have a duty to civilize the non-European races; “higher races have a right over the lower races… They have the duty to civilize the

inferior races” (Jules Ferry). The conquered territories of Africa and Asia not only experienced exploitation of their land and raw materials, but they were also met with ignorant Europeans who sought to “civilize” them (Spielvogel, 742). Although colonialism remains a thing of the past, some countries in Asia still serve as a source of cheap labor and raw material for other countries to capitalize on. One such occurrence was made evident with the recent tensions between China and the American clothing brand H&M. China revealed that they intend on boycotting H&M and other popular American clothing and footwear brands due to human rights accusations in the Xinjiang region of China (ABC News). According to ABC News, China has made claims of forced labor and confinement of workers in work camps. One of the main goals of European colonial expansion was economic; the availability of cheap labor and easily accessible raw materials severed beneficial for Europe’s growing industrial economy (Spielvogel, 741-2). This exploitation is still prevalent in today’s world where industrial nations like America continue to exploit countries like China for the mass production of material goods.

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