Prof Ed 106 ( School Culture and Organizational Leadership ) Let\'s Check your Understanding PDF

Title Prof Ed 106 ( School Culture and Organizational Leadership ) Let\'s Check your Understanding
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Assignment 4, 5, 6 – ProfEd 106 THE TEACHER AND THE COMMUNITY, SCHOOL CULTURE AND ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP ***(Deadline of Submission, June 14, 2021 (12:00 Midnight) – Send via MSTeams Total points 150 points Name: Year and Section:

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Assignment 4 – Application “Let’s Apply” (50 points) I – Application “Let’s Apply” 1. By means of an acrostic, give qualities or specific behaviors of good leaders. See example. L- Listener. A good leader is a good listener. He knows how to listen to others when his people share their own opinions and ideas. E- Energetic. He is able to emit positive energy and positive vibes in the group. Having a reserve of positive energy has a tremendous impact on your ability to navigate success with less stress. A- Approachable. An approachable leader makes people feel comfortable and at ease. They create an environment where people feel at ease so that they can work together, connect, and communicate without fear of retribution. D- Decisive. A decisive leader carefully weighs the potential effects of each option and chooses the opportunity that works best for his or her subordinates. E- Empower others. He is able to share his knowledge and set himself as a good example to the people he leads. R- Results Driven. A good leader is one that strives to make things happen and be able to demonstrate what it's like to get things done on time and on schedule. S –Strategic. He has the ability to think and plan possible strategies to meet the end goal. He is always ready on the possible problems may occur and think of possible ways to solve it. 2. You are assigned as a school head in a low-performing school. Students are poorly motivated, parents and community are not very cooperative, and teacher have low morale. As a leader, what should you do? Outline your steps. ANSWER: I.

As a leader, these are the possible solution I can make For poorly motivated students a) Encourage students in open communication so that they can interact with other students as well. b) Promote a child-friendly school environment c) Encourage them to actively participate in class discussion by providing some interactive activities that can boost their interest. d) Motivate them to work with a goal in mind e) Acknowledge and give reward for student’s accomplishment



f) Most importantly, as a teacher we should be enthusiastic and always recognized and value student’s work. For not very cooperative parents and community a) Make them feel that they are welcome into the school community and that they are part of it. b) As a leader, we should know how to communicate with them effectively specially about the students learning and progress. c) Continuously collaborate with the families and school staff to support student’s learning and healthy environment. d) Treat every individual in the school fairly and equally and that they all have access in every opportunity given to anyone. For low morale teachers a) Always reach out to them. Find out what they are struggling with and how can you help them. b) Involve in them in the curriculum planning or anything that needs decision making since they are the one to facilitate it. c) Show your support in any actions the teacher will do as long as the outcome is for the better good. d) Always celebrate the “World Teacher’s Day” in commemorating the hard work and sacrifices that all teachers have shown to give the learners the learnings they deserve. e) Empower teachers by involving them in all the schools activities be it inside or outside the school premise. f) We can also help them to find relevant courses, workshops, seminars or conferences to attend outside the school so that they can gain knowledge into it. g) It is also good to encourage them to speak up and make their voices heard because without them there is no learning that can be done.

3. You are introducing an innovation in school. Sociologically, Filipinos are known for the “ningas -cogon” mentality. How does this mentality affect school innovation? As a leader, how will you counteract it? ANSWER: The phrase “ningas cogon” is actually a Filipino idiom which describes someone who is only doing well, in whatever it is that they're doing, during the beginning. It shows an attitude when we start something with interest and enthusiasm, then after a very short time, we lose interest and stop whatever it is we are doing. Leaving things incomplete. Just like a wild fire burning out quickly. This Filipino traits affects school innovation in such a way that instead of doing our best and giving our own efforts to achieve something, we tend to procrastinate which results to laziness or lack of initiative to continue. So as a leader in a school premise, we should set ourself as an example for everyone to follow because the innovation we are doing is not for our own good but for the benefits and for the sake of everyone. If we as a leader will practiced that kind Filipino trait, then eventually our subordinates will imitate and also practiced doing it, we should be a good example for everyone. As a leader, you should have a strong will to meet the goals set out for that innovation, then after that plan for the things or make out a time table or schedule so that teacher or your subordinates will be inform on what should be done on this specific time and date and on what specific date should the innovation be done. If we as the leader show how determined we are in doing things, then other will see your determination and will act on their will because they see what kind of leader they have.

4. Two of your teachers are doing very well. Four strongly resist Continuing Professional Development. Two are about to retire and are simply waiting to retire. To make your school perform, as a school head, what moves will you take? Explain. ANSWER: As a school head, to make my school perform well I will implement adaptability for introducing and sustaining change and innovation. Being adaptable in every situation is important because being able to rapidly learn new skills and behaviors in response to changing circumstances, as we all know change is inevitable and that we need some changes in order to create a more possible solution in any problem. Since, we have four teachers who strongly resist Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and as their school head I will become a transformational leader who ought to deal with resistance to change to succeed. Actually, we can consider that those four teachers are resistant to change, contented with the status qou and a threat for school innovation. So to ensure that they will abide by the change that I will implement, I will gather the support of my stakeholders and plan possible ways to encourage the teachers to actively participate in the CPD process because as a teacher it is an important aspect that we undergo on the CPD process because it will help us to be a better professionals in the field of teaching, and it will be a great help since our skills, knowledge will improve. I will encourage them to go out from their comfort zone and push them to their limit to develop their fullest potentials. One way to develop their fullest potential is to never stop learning. Even the two teachers who are about to retire and are simply waiting for their retirement should never stop learning and enhance their teaching profession. For that I will require them to participate for free in any educational conferences, workshops, or attend online seminars. Eventhough they are about to retire, they should always consider that learning never stops and so the knowledge we learn because as long as we are still alive there are things we need to learn in order to adapt change and innovate for the betterment. So as the school head, be an example for everyone that applying changes and getting cope up with it is important because without change we’ll be stock in that same situation and we will be if we don’t create possible solution and as teacher we should know our responsibilities because being a teacher is not just working within the four walls of the classroom, we are the voice and the passage way of learning so that we could deliver the learning each students’ deserves. 5. Here are various methods that leaders employ. a) Model the way. Set the example. SERVANT LEADERSHIP. As a servant leader, you're a "servant first" – you focus on the needs of others, especially team members, before you consider your own. You set yourself as an example t everyone because a leader people will always look at you with full respect so we should be someone that is a good example. You acknowledge other people's perspectives, give them the support they need to meet their work and personal goals, involve them in decisions where appropriate, and build a sense of community within your team. b) Share your vision. Enlist others. DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP. Democratic leaders are leader who are open to everyone. They seek feedback from the students, staff, administrators, and families before implementing some changes and policies in the school. It enlist others in a common vision by appealing to their values, interests, hopes and dreams. c) Challenge the process. Look for ways to grow. TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP. Transformational leaders provides it members a challenging opportunities to approach problems in a new perspective. They are the one who always look up for possible changes that will help the school community to grow. They search out

challenging opportunities to change, grow, innovate and improve. As they experiment, they take risks and learn from any mistakes. d) Enable others to act. Empower others. SERVANT LEADERSHIP. Servant leaders are committed to the personal and professional development of everyone on their teams. They are someone who inspire and encourage their members to be their best version of themselves. They strengthen people's ability by delegating power, developing their competence and offering visible support. e) Set goals. AUTOCRATIC LEADERSHIP. Autocratic leaders are focused on a resultsoriented approach. They provide clear expectations for what needs to be done, when it should be done, and how it should be done. f) Build trust. DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP. Democratic leaders tend to make followers feel like they are an important part of the team, which helps foster commitment to the goals of the group. It also promote genuine participation of the members in the organization which is in keeping with school's empowerment. g) Give the direction. DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP. Democratic leaders are someone who offers guide to group members, but they also participate but they always see to it that members are included. They improves every individual's strengths by giving them new tasks, conduct meetings to discuss issues and offer valuable constructive criticism. h) Encourage the heart. Give positive reinforcement. DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP. Since democratic leaders are open to everyone, group members feel engaged and that they are not left behind. To keep hope and determination alive, leaders recognize individual contributions to the success of the project and celebrate team accomplishments regularly. Identify the leadership style employed in each method. Explain your answer.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assignment 5 – Application and Reflection (50 points) Assignment 5 – Application and Reflection 1.

If you were to formulate a policy on food items sold at the Cooperative Store of your school, which would you do as a school head? Why? ANSWER: As a school head, if I were to formulate a policy on food items at the Cooperative Store of the school I will give emphasis on the HONESTY STORE POLICY, it may sound cliché since you are all familiar with this, but as a school head I want my co-members to appropriate honesty at all cost specifically in the student’s side. If I would be assigned as a school head in an elementary school, I want to open up and encourage our pupils to value the sense of being honest at all time with or without others seeing them. We could also help our pupils to practice honesty in such their young age because being honest is not just with this store policy but also inside the classroom. We all witnessed how our teachers design their classroom, we can see these words in a bigger size to give more emphasis on this

“HONESTY is the best POLICY” which is true at all cost. Being honest is like being true to yourself. If we are honest then we could be proud with ourselves. Many will say that being an honest person is such a hard work, well its indeed true because sometimes we lie or should I say most of the time, but let us not forget that honesty lies within ourselves. It is our choice when to be honest and when to be not. So as a person who have the responsibility to hold in our school, I will make any possible way to practice honesty with the pupils and the teachers as well by starting with this Honesty store. It’s just as the saying goes by “Train up a child in the way he should, so when he is old he will not depart from it”. 2.

Read April 11, 2018, DM 066, s. 2018 - 2018 Brigada Eskwela Implementing Guidelines. Individually, present a policy that you read in the DedEd Memorandum. Explain what the policy states and why this policy is necessary. ANSWER: In the DepEd Memorandum 066, s. 2018 - 2018 Brigada Eskwela Implementing Guidelines, it say there that (4) School heads (SHs) shall take the lead role in planning the activities geared on making schools ecologically conscious, resilient, clean and conducive to learning. Important reminders to SHs in the conduct of this activity are indicated in Enclosure No.1 and (6) All DepEd employees are encouraged to join the Brigada Eskwela activities by offering their skills, sharing their time or providing their assistance in-kind and support to public schools near their residence. Interested employees are given two days to do volunteer work on official time, provided that such work is approved by their heads of offices. It says in this policy that all schools heads are in charge in planning all the activities needs to be done in the Brigada Eskwela, and that all teachers and employees are encourage to participate in this activity. Brigada Eskwela is implemented by this DepEd Memorandum in order to make the learning environment of the learners conducive to everyone. Learners should feel safe and have organize and clean environment that is why Brigada Ekswela is done before the school years starts. So these policies are important because it pave its way to have UNITY in order to achieve these goals. If we tried to participate in this activity, we can see our teachers even the administrators helping in cleaning the school, some are in charge of repairing the chairs, others are making their classroom appealing and beautiful in the sight of the students and also the involvement of some barangay officials are present. These kind of scenario shows us how unity can be done in a school premise. Eventhough they may have different works to do still they’re doing their best to make the school a place where students feel at ease and enjoy life while learning.


Why are policies important in a school? ANSWER:

Policies are important because they help a school establish model operating procedures and create standards of quality for learning and safety, as well as expectations and accountability. Also Policies help schools keep students safe, enforce rules consistently, and provide the best possible education. It is fundamentally important for organizations to have implementable policies, as it forms a linking pin between the school management, teachers, students, parents, and the rule of law. An organization without policy is an organization without control. If there are no formal policies, then organization staff at any level would have no guidance on how to make right consistent decisions. In short, an absence of policy leads to inconsistency of decision making. Also students, teachers and staff members deserve to feel physically and psychologically secure in their environment. Policies influence how safe individuals are in school. In order to create this environment, guidelines need to be developed and reinstated that establish safety standards for the physical environment and mental state of students and staff. Disciplined rules have an effect on the safety of students and staff at school level, therefore, procedures should extend beyond the

classroom, frequency of fire drills, anti-bullying, and how staff should respond during a medical emergency. Policies is what makes us to keep in tract as to avoid some possibilities that may lead to misunderstanding and also by these policies will give us the practical implications on how to achieve the school’s vision and mission and the values integrated set by the schools. 4.

List down at least 2 school policies (one from Central Office and another from the school level). Explain the purpose behind the policy ANSWER:

• Policy from Central Office 1. Child Protection Policy Through the DepEd Order no. 40 s. 2012 this policy will provide special protection to children who are gravely threatened or endangered by circumstances which affect their normal development. It also promote a zero-tolerance policy for any act of child abuse, exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying and other related offenses. • Policy from School Level 2. Student dress code policy The purpose of Student Dress Code Policy is to clearly define acceptable student attire. The manner in which students dress for school influences behavior in learning. Students are expected to come to school dressed in a manner that assures adequate modesty. Student dress that causes disruption or leads to unsatisfactory behavior is inappropriate and is not to be worn. Violation of dress standards can result in a warning or suspension for willful defiance of authority. 5.

What is my attitude towards school policies? Do I welcome them? ANSWER: Policies are like laws in our country, without them there is no peace or harmony that is present. Same as in school, policies are the ones which make the school function well and serves as a guide in order for the students, teachers, faculties, administrators to follow. That is why I believed that policies are essentials and is needed for everyone. Policies helps us to do the things that are needed and to avoid doing something that is against the rules, without it is impossible to create a conducive and well-oriented school environment. Policies are made because there are many things that we need to consider in the school as well as in the classroom setting. That is why we always noticed that when the school year starts, there is an orientations that the school conducted in order for us to be aware of what should we do and what should not. Also, policies are present in a classroom, that is why before the start of the class, the teacher always see to it that he/she will mentioned the DO’s and DONT’s in the classroom so that the class will have a learning environment that is favorable and accepted for everyone. Policies are rules that are intended to help schools teach students efficiently, fairly and safely . These rules determine how students are taught, what they are taught, and how schools manage students and school personnel. Policies are the ones who organize the flow of transaction, and any other agenda in the school premise. That is why for me, policies are important and that everyone should keep it in their minds so that we could create a place with harmony and peace and that everyone is not prone to any accidents that may happened if well disregards these policies. We should be an obedient citizens of our schools because these laws are made for us to be safe and secure from all alarm.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assignment 6 – Application “Let’s Apply” (50 points)

Assignment 6 – Application “Let’s Apply” 1. By means of a Venn diagram...

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