Project 8 - The Dark Sideof Chocolate - Wk Sheet PDF

Title Project 8 - The Dark Sideof Chocolate - Wk Sheet
Course Principles of Sociology
Institution Grand Canyon University
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PROJECT 8 … Soc. 102 – The Darkside of Chocolate Megan Oester Thursday @1 Documentary: The Dark Side of Chocolate 1. Define Child Slave Labor Trafficking (this is your definition – not an online dictionary definition). Child Slave Labor Trafficking is when a child under 18 is forced to work with no pay. Before they are sent to work however, they are illegally smuggled across borders. This is called trafficking. The children have no choice and are slaves to the people who buy them from the traffickers. 2. List the countries that are part of the Global Route of Chocolate and its Child Slave Labor. A lot of the slave labor comes from Africa because this is where most of the coco plant is grown. There are many places the children can be taken from, but one of the most common was Mali because of how close it is. In the video they explained that most of the children are bussed to the border town Zegous. They are them smuggled across the boarder into the Ivory Coast. 3. What social institutions in the documentary are negatively impacted by Chocolate child slave labor? There are many social institutions that would be negatively impacted by the child slave labor. For example, all the countries that the children are taken from. Including Indonesia, Nigeria, Ghana, and the Ivory Coast. Also, the families that the children are taken from are negatively impacted because they may rely on them a lot to help with feeding and taking care of the rest of the family. 4. Who or What is Barry Callebaut? Barry Callebaut is one of the largest coco processors and chocolate manufacturers. They have their head offices in Africa. They denied an interview with the producers of the film along with other chocolate companies. Whether they decide to accept it or not, they are a leading cause of the child slave labor trafficking. 5. What Social Institutions support the Child Slave Labor in the documentary? – List and state how. Public transportation is one of the social institutions that are supporting child slave labor because they give aid to the traffickers picking them up and taking them across the border. The coco processing companies also support by giving the traffickers money for they children to work there. The children would not be trafficked if there was no one to buy them. Lastly, we as the consumer are knowingly or unknowingly supporting this because we are buying the chocolate from the companies that get the coco from the place’s children are slaves. 6. What surprised you the most or what do you want to know more about? I was very surprised when I saw that none of the chocolate companies would do an interview with the film makers. What can they really do to stop the child labor and trafficking? Do they

PROJECT 8 … Soc. 102 – The Darkside of Chocolate need to just stop buying from all together, will their business still thrive without them? Overall, I would just really like to know if they are ways they can stop this tragedy without stopping the production of chocolate altogether....

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