PSC 170 Book of Joy Study Guide PDF

Title PSC 170 Book of Joy Study Guide
Course Psychology of Religion
Institution University of California Davis
Pages 7
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Answers for "The Book of Joy" study questions for midterm 1....


Study Questions, The Book of Joy pp. 1-24 

According to Archbishop Tutu, how do we discover the possibility of true joy? o We are fragile creatures; it is that weakness that makes us discover the possibility of true joy.

What is the connection between feeling joy and facing suffering? o It makes sadness easier

pp. 29-41 

Why does Archbishop Tutu say we really want joy, not happiness? o Happiness is seen to be dependent on an external circumstance, while joy is a state of mind and heart. o happiness is based on external factors but joy comes from within. Joy transcends situation and is a way of being, not just a temporary feeling

What is the contradiction the Dalai Lama speaks of, when discussing how to obtain inner peace? o To obtain inner peace, we need to focus on inner values and true humanity. Instead, we focus on external factors (cars, fame, money) and that is our problem.

What are at least 5 of the feelings that joy is associated with? o Pleasure, amusement, contentment, excitement, relief, wonder, ecstasy or bliss, exultation, radiant pride, unhealthy jubilation or schadenfreude, elevation, gratitude

According to Dalai Lama, how does joy differ from happiness? o Happiness depends on external circumstances, while joy does not, joy is much bigger than happiness

What is an example of examining an event from a wider perspective so that it reduces suffering?

o focusing on others' suffering, which reduces our own suffering o Giving birth is painful, but results in such joy when you have your baby. 

What are some of the reasons why the Dalai Lama prefers the refugee life? o More opportunities to meet new people. More opportunity to learn and experience life. o He had more opportunities as a refugee in Darussalam then he would have, had he remained in Tibet

7. What would be advice from the Dalai Lama on how to handle suffering and frustration? o Shifting perspectives, look at the same event from a wider perspective by uniting own situation with others, recognize the 'connection'. Don't try to escape the situation, accept it and think about how it can be viewed positively. o Nothing beautiful comes in the end without some pain and frustration

pp. 43---49 

Why does Tutu believe that trying to be joyful won’t work? o You’re going to end up turned in on ourselves. We really flourish from other people. o You open and blossom because of other people, so focusing inward doesn't help in that respect

What are some ways in which there can be value in suffering? o Suffering fosters compassion and willingness to listen to the other side. The way we face the negative things in life makes us the person we are. It is critical for self-development o Developing compassion

According to the Dalai Lama, what is the primary cause of human suffering? o Too much self-centered thinking 

A compassionate concern for others well-being is the source of happiness

What is lojong?

o Buddhist practice of mind training by looking away from one's self o The Buddhist practice of mind training. 

What is the goal of all Buddhist mind training practices? o Lessening one’s self-absorptions 

Becoming more compassionate, being present

What are two main beliefs that Buddhists hold concerning the nature of joy? o Joy is our original state of mind and our search for happiness is a way of rediscovering this state, experiencing joy is a skill that can be cultivated, so much depends on where we place our attention: on our own suffering, or that of others; on our own perceived separation, or our invisible connectedness. o Joy is the natural state but that the ability to experience joy can be cultivated as a skill.

What is happiness set point? o People have a pre-determined set point that determines their happiness over the course of their life. We get accustomed to positive and adverse outcomes and ultimately return to this set point.

What three factors have the greatest influence on our ability to increase our happiness? o Our Ability to reframe our situation more positively o Our Ability to experience gratitude o Our choice to be kind and generous

pp. 93-100 

According to the Archbishop, what are the functions of fear and anxiety? o Fear and anxiety are mechanisms that have helped us to survive. Without them we’d be fearless, therefore stupid and we wouldn’t survive. They allow us to be cautious and methodical in staying alive.

How does the Archbishop define courage? o Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. o Courage is the ability to act despite fear.

According to Jinpa (the Dalai Lama’s interpreter) what is the major cause of stress, worry, and anxiety in modern life? o Modern life properties independence so much that we are left on our own to manage things that are increasingly out of our control. Modern life is more frenzied and unfocused and there is a wisdom that has been lost.

What is the source of stress and anxiety, according to the Dalai Lama? o The source of stress and anxiety are too much expectation and ambition. Not achieving our ambitions or expectations causes frustration. It is a self-centered, unrealistic attitude of our abilities and our reality.

What does he suggest as the solution to this stress? o We must be clear about our own capacities and be realistic about our efforts, which gives us a much better chance of achieving our own goals. Realistic thinking allows us to have a sense of inner peace, rather than chasing after our expectations and ambitions

What is the difference between a threat and a challenge? o “Threat Stress” is the perception that a stressful event is a threat that will harm us. o “Challenge Stress” is the perception that a stressful event is a challenge that will help us grow. We must develop stress resilience and turn threat stress into challenge stress.

What determines whether we see something or someone as a threat? o Whether or not we see ourselves as separate from others. If we see ourselves as special or not special enough, our stress and anxiety rise. o Thinking about others can help us feel as though we are part of a greater whole.

According to the Dalai Lama, what are the paths to joy and to sorrow? o The path to joy is connection 

If we see ourselves as connected to others, we can face challenges together.

o the path to sorrow is separation

When we see others as separate, they become a threat

pp. 145---168 

According to a Tibetan saying, adversities can turn into what? o Good opportunities

What is the seven---point mind training? o Three categories of people – identified as special objects because these are the most challenging: 

Family members, your teachers, and your enemies

o Usually interaction with these people – gives us rise to 3 poisons of: 

Attachment, Anger, and Delusion

o Through spiritual training we have the opportunity to transform our engagement with our family, teachers, and adversaries into – the three roots of virtue:  

Non-attachment, compassion, and wisdom

How can a person experience more joy in face of adversity than when life is easy? o They say you will be surprised by the joy the minute you stop being too selfregarding. Although, be a little self-regarding. love thy neighbor. love thyself. o Overcoming adversity is far more rewarding than coasting through life without challenge

Why does suffering make some people bitter and others better (or ennobled?)? o The ability to find meaning in our suffering is what determines whether or not we can become ennobled instead of bitter. "Find a shred of meaning or redemption our suffering" o Some people can find meaning in the suffering.

What is the meaning of the phrase, “passing through difficulties?” o We often feel that suffering will engulf us, or that the suffering will never end, but if we can realize that it too will pass or as the Buddhists say, that it is impermanent, we can survive more easily, and appreciate what we have to learn

from them, find the meaning in them so that we come out from the other side not embittered but ennobled. o By realizing that suffering is only temporary and will eventually pass, we can survive them more easily 

Why does suffering give rise to compassion? o Suffering gives us compassion for others who are also suffering. Our experience will cause us to avoid actions that will bring suffering to others. o We avoid actions that will bring suffering to others.

What is the difference between healing and curing? o Curing involves the resolution of illness but was not always possible. o Healing was coming to wholeness and could happen whether or not the illness was curable.

What is about death that makes it the greatest challenge to joy? o The fear of it approaching, of the suffering that will precede it. The fear of personhood and oblivion.

What is the Buddhist teaching of impermanence? o The nature of all things that come into existence must ultimately have an end

According to Tibetan belief, what is the best way to approach death? o by acknowledging that death will eventually come and accepting that , we have the opportunity to live a meaningful life while we still can, life is relatively short, so do not waste time doing things that are not meaningful o With joy. Second best, without fear, third is with at least not having regrets.

What is the big question that underlies our existence (Dalai Lama)? o To find happiness and avoid suffering

Where can we find happiness, according to the Dalai Lama? o Within us

What is the source of unhappiness and suffering (Dalai Lama)? o Us

What is the “sevenfold analysis?”

o A Buddhist contemplative practice in which one searches for the true nature of the self by analyzing the relationship between oneself and mental aspects of our body and mind. 

Why does the Dalai Lama mean so much to the Tibetan people? o He is the symbol of their national and political identity. Also, he is the embodiment of their spiritual aspirations....

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