Book of Mormon 121 Study Guide II PDF

Title Book of Mormon 121 Study Guide II
Author chloe blotter
Course The Book of Mormon
Institution Brigham Young University
Pages 11
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Book of Mormon 121 Study Guide II

2 Nephi 9 1. Does 2 Nephi 9 ( Jacob’s sermon) describe in depth the Fall and Atonement or does it take a more summary, affective approach? In depth 2. Name 5-6 of the O’s. Any wo’s included in the chapter? What is the point of these dramatic expressions? 39. O, my beloved brethren, remember the awfulness in transgressing against that Holy God 40. O, my beloved brethren, give ear to my words. 41. O then, my beloved brethren, come unto the Lord. 44. O, my beloved brethren, remember my words. 45. O, my beloved brethren, turn away from your sins; Wos to rich, spiritually dead, worship idols, don't overlook atonement 3. Is Jacob wanting to teach you intellectually or touch your heart with the marvelous nature of the atonement? Touch your heart with the marvelous nature of the atonement 4. What would have been our fate if Jesus had not performed his great mediation? We would be condemned to suffer for all of the sins we ever commit in life -ah! We'd also become subjects of the devil as our "corruption could not put on incorruption" (2 Nephi 9:7-9) 5. Is Jacob down on intellectualism? Would he get hired at BYU? What is his suggestion that combines intellectualism with another ingredient? Through the heart. Yes he would get hired to teach at BYU. "To be learned is good, if they hearken on the councils of God." Intellectualism hearkens unto the counsel of God. 7. When is the phrase infinite atonement first used, and what does it portend? 2 Nephi 9:7, "Wherefore, it must needs be an infinite atonement..." Because men are fallen and cut off from the presence of the Lord we must have the atonement or else we would remain in the "natural man" state. We'd also never rise again; death would be the end of our existence. Because men are fallen and cut off from the presence of the Lord we must have the atonement or else we would remain in the "natural man" state. We'd also never rise again.

2 Nephi 11 - 24

6. Know what the Savior said about studying Isaiah (3 Nephi 23). How forceful was He? "Search these things diligently; for great are the words of Isaiah"GREAT are the words of Isaiah and we are COMMANDED to search his words. 7. What was the historical significance of the time period of Isaiah’s ministry and his subsequent prophecies? (i.e. 722 B.C.) It was very recent for the Nephites. Also he was the last prophet while the tribes of Israel were still together. Despite the fact that Isaiah prophesied from 740-701 BC, many of Isaiah's prophecies applied to our day and to future days (BD Isaiah Isaiah was who opened dispensation- last prophet of combined israel 722 bc (Like Joseph Smith to us) 8. Was Isaiah difficult by design or was he just E. Maxwell in a different dispensation? See 2 Nep 15: 6-10 Intentionally difficult. Isaiah was instructed by the Lord to write his words with difficulty to understand. 9. Contrast Isaiah with Nephi. Nephi glories in plainness plainess vs complexity Isaiah was deliverately hard to understand, Nephi gloried and taught in plainess 11. There is a passage that refers to an ensign and also horse’s hooves etc. What is it talking about? 2nephi 15:26-30 latter-day missionary work/travel The plane- the roar of the lion. ensign-flag 12. [What are three good LDS commentaries on Isaiah?] If you have a specific verse which Isaiah commentary is the best quick reference guide?

Great are the words of Isaiah by Nyman 13. What were Nephi’s three suggestions for understanding Isaiah? (hint: 2 Nep 25) 1. Understanding manner of prophesying among the jews. 2. They're plain unto all those that are filled with the spirit of prophecy. 3. Live in the days when the prophecies shall be fulfilled

2 Nephi 25 - 30

14. Which verse in the Book of Mormon is the quintessential equation for grace and works? 2 Nephi 25:23 What does the phrase “after all we can do” mean? See Alma 24:11 the phrase "after all we can do" means being saved by the atonement after we have followed the commandments and kept covenants and have been truly converted. Also covers little children. all we can do-meaning to repent 15. What was the spark or impetus for Nephi’s map or detailed prophecies about the latter days in 2 Nephi 25 - 30?

Isaiah?? So that we may understand more completely 16. Who were his three groups and in what order did Nephi present them? 1. Jews (25:9-21) 2. Lehi's descendants(25:22-26) 3. Gentiles (26:12-27) first shall be last, last shall be first 17. Know the verse in 2 Nephi 26 that discusses ethnic, racial and sexual equity and that Pres Hunter used in a significant talk.

2 Nephi 26: 33 Race makes no difference; color makes no difference; nationality makes no difference. Talk title- "All are alike unto God." 18. [What was the image of temptation that Nephi said describes Satan’s tactics in the latter days? Was is forceful and blunt or subtle and strong?] (chap 26) The image was one of a flaxen cord that bound you up subtly, and almost unexpectedly. Just as Satan wins us over at first with small things, eventually those small things add up and cause us a lot of grief in the end.

20. How did the Isaiah 29 passage in 2 Nephi 27 influence Joseph Smith and the law of witnesses?

What role did each of the three witnesses play in assisting Joseph? Were they essential to his success or just helpful? David Whitmer: Provide Shelter Martin Harris: provided the expense costs Oliver Cowdry: Translator/scribe They were essential

23. What prophecy in Chap. 29 will you hear almost everyday of your mission (if it is to a Christian nation) as you approach other Christians with the Book of Mormon? They need no more bible..."a bible! A bible! We have got a bible and there cannot be any more." 24. 2 Nephi 26:33 says “All are alike unto God… black and white…”. Where can a good LDS student go for authoritative doctrinal statements about race and the priesthood, polygamy, etc.? Church Website. "Race and the Priesthood

2 Nephi 31 - 33

25. Know what the Doctrine of Christ refers to in 2 Nephi 31. Why did Nephi use his last lecture on something that was so common? What is the end goal of the Doctrine of Christ? The 4 Assignments/responsibilities -Faith in Jesus Christ -Be Baptized -Be Obedient -Set the example 2 Nephi 31:5-10 gospel of jesus christ includes enduring to the end 26. How does Christ’s mission differ from ours? We are responsible to -Repent (with faith) -Be baptized -Receive Holy Ghost -Follow Christ Christ sets the example

27. What does it mean to “endure to the end?” When making covenants, it is not only the act of making the covenant that saves us. It is acting in such a way throughout our whole life by taking Jesus' name upon us and enduring in our actions in such a way that takes us to the end and if we remade the covenant every day. Listen to the spirit 28. Does Nephi hint at what enduring might include? (2 Nephi 32:3 & 5) Listen to the Holy Ghost and feast upon the words of Christ (reading scriptures, revelation) 29. What does the phrase “Words of Christ” refer to? …tongue of angels? Scripture, words of prophets, revelation 30. Does the Holy Ghost weigh in on everything in your life? What about 32:5 and what does that realistically mean? The Holy Ghost will show us all the IMPORTANT things in life. 33. What verse in the Book of Mormon indicates that baptism is just the beginning? 2 Nephi 31:19 19 And now, my beloved brethren, after ye have gotten into this strait and narrow path, I would ask if all is done? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for ye have not come thus far save it were by the word of Christ with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save 34. When Joseph Smith appeared to a discouraged Brigham Young in a dream what did he tell Brigham to say to the Saints?

Jacob 1 - 3

35. Jacob teaches us that in life there are two ways in which we can fall down. One is going against God’s commandments. The second is . . . ? 2 ways of coming under condemnation: sin commision (blatantly being disobedient) sin of omission (unintentionally)

36. What was Pres Uchtdorf’s succinct statement about pride? [Define it in terms of man’s relationship with God.] Pride is a deadly cancer. It is a gateway sin that leads to a host of other human weaknesses. In fact, it could be said that every other sin is, in essence, a manifestation of pride

37. Jacob ripped the people for three sins. One was pride….the other two were?

Pride, riches, and chastity 38. What is Jacob’s timeless verse about money and motivation? (Chapter 2) Jacob 2:19 "And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them for the intent to do good—to clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted." Is it possible to be rich and spiritual? Yes, if it is done in righteous works and for the

benefit of serving others What is the sequence for the righteous to obtain riches?? 1. Seek the kingdom of God

2. Seek riches for the intent to do good 39. What BoM prophet is quoted more by other BoM prophets than any other? 40. In general, is the Book of Mormon negative, positive or neutral on the subject of plural marriage in David’s time? Negative 41. What was the classic talk given by Elder Holland on why we should remain morally clean? How does he use the term sacrament?

43. What is the Book of Mormon statement on plural marriage and when it will be commanded? When it is commanded from the Lord. Jacob 2:30 Raise up seed 43a. What was E. Brough’s statement about two testimonies in the context of “mine errand from the Lord?” "Two testimonies in Life: The church and its leaders The Divine nature of your own calling The lord needs you in your position"

Jacob 4 - 7

44. What are the two types of learning that Jacob mentions in chapter 4:3?

V. 3 "Learn with Joy and not with sorrow" "Receive them with thankful hearts" 44a. Did BoM prophets understand the Christian symbolism and the deeper meaning of Abraham’s attempt to sacrifice Isaac? Yes 44b.[Why was it that the Lord took away the plainness of the Gospel from the Jewish people?] 45. How many parables or allegories are original to the Book of Mormon? 3 (Jacob 5, 1 Nephi 8, Alma 32) 46. What did the symbol of the olive tree represent? TAME:The house of Israel, the Lord's covenant people WILD: Gentiles, or non-Israelites (later in the allegory the wild branches are apostate Israel)

47. Whom did the master of the vineyard represent? God 48. Which time period in the allegory receives the most press? The restoration to now period 5

49. [In verses 15 and 29 the phrase “a long time passed away” probably refers to which period in the earth’s history?] 50. In the last days a problem repeatedly surfaces that involves balance in the tree. What was it and what might it represent in the modern Church? "The tops will grow more than the roots" - We must never forget that spirituality (our roots) should never be taken as less important than our social or academic status (tops) ex: We go to church to partake of the sacrament and not just socialize 51. What is one truly consoling fact about dealing with loneliness (especially in missionary work) in the last days? (5:72) The Lord will be personally involved in the Latter Days. He will labor with you. 52. What was Jacob’s mood as he signed off in his book and closed his record? Reminiscent. "our lives passed away like as it were unto a dream." Melancholy, sad Melancholy, sad, depressed

Enos - Words of Mormon

53. Enos teaches us two great doctrinal lessons. They were . . .? Prayer and Forgiveness

54. Enos’ first big concern that drove him to pray was . . .? Needed forgiveness and remission of sins Wanted to know the words of his father, and if they were true.

56. Was background an issue for Enos? How about intensity? Did he vocalize his prayer? Know the five or six steps of Enos-like prayers. steps background/preparation 2. desire/intent 3. environment 4. forgiveness 5. faith in Christ 6. Praying through the Spirit

57. What is an evidence that Enos began to pray through the spirit or reach the deeper levels of prayer? "struggling through the spirit" He started praying for different things than what he originally went to pray for, also things he would not have naturally prayed for...i.e. the Lamanites, the records

58. What was Pres. Clark’s statement about prayer? "One thing we should most often pray for is to know what to pray for" 59. Was Abinadom (Omni 10) a slacker? He was a slacker in that he wrote no new revelations, yet all the prophets after him wrote new revelations and things. So yes in that sense he was a slacker. A coasting member of the church

60. Know the three civilizations within the Book of Mormon [who was the contact person for the earliest group that was mentioned in the Book of Omni.]

Lehites, Jaredites, Mulekites

60a. [The large plates of Nephi constitute what part of the BoM? The small plates of Nephi?} Large: Mosiah- end Small: 1 Nephi- Omni *Words of Mormon: Lost manuscripts

Mosiah 1 - 2

61. [Who is the main Book of Mormon editor from Mosiah Chap. 1 to the end of the Book of Mormon?] [Can you identify a change in style beginning with Mosiah?] The main editor from this point on is Mormon. Switches from 1st person to 3rd person when Mormon begins to narrate. 62. What are 3 - 5 functions of the scriptures that King Benjamin mentions to his sons? 1. Convey God's commandments 2. Teach them to children 3. Mysteries revealed to you 4. Knowing of surety 63. [What was the ancient equivalent for this event wherein King Benjamin called all of his people to hear him at the temple? Is there a latter day equivalent?] 64. What was the relationship between service and spirituality according to Pres. Kimball? "...We cannot have spirituality without service" 64a. How can you keep school from becoming a selfish pursuit as identified by Pres. Hinckley? 65. Does keeping the commandments bring spiritual or temporal blessings? Both 66. Are you blessed immediately in the Lord’s plan or is your reward down the road? What is a physical evidence for God that we discussed?

67. How highly is King Benjamin’s sermon regarded by LDS scholars who compare it to other scriptural sermons?


Mosiah 3 - 6

68. How did King Benjamin’s sermon or focus change after an angel came to him during the night? 69. What are the three groups of people that are included in the benefits of the atoning sacrifice? 1. those who die not knowing the will of God 2. little children through the blood of Christ 3. whosoever believes that Christ will come 70. What verse becomes the central idea for King Benjamin’s sermon about Christ’s centrality and the nature of man? What was Pres. McKay’s statement about helping mankind to improve from bad…? Mosiah 3: 19; Christ can change human nature 71. In what state does man enter this world? Can children under 8 make mistakes? Sins? Pure, yes. innocent 72. Why is it that man is of God yet the “natural man” is his enemy? The Natural Man doesn't yield to enticings of Holy Spirit, but God wants us to use atonement to become like Him 73. What is the pivotal door between a natural man and a saint? Separate ourselves from worldly content The Atonement 74. According to E. Bednar how do we transcend the natural man through the Atonement of Christ. It rescues/lifts us in two ways. What were they?

75. After the people accepted the Lord and his atonement what was the emphasis of King Benjamin in Chap 4? Is there a phrase that he repeats 3 times?” Service, impart of your substance, be diligent in keeping the commandments of God "Retain a remission of your sins"

77. [What was Pres. McKay’s statement about our dual natures?] 78. What is King Benjamin’s final warning about your thoughts leading to other sins?

79. What verse talks about the responsibility of parents to raise their children contention free? 80. Does King Benjamin speak to the issue of burning out, ie, over studying, living on energy drinks, pushing yourself to the brink of break downs? How about supersaint status? Mosiah 4:27- not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength 81. What does King Benjamin teach us about Gethsemane that the Bible only refers to with a metaphoric phrase? Christ bleeding from every pore The bleeding at the garden was a literal part of the atonement 82. [When you choose to follow Christ, according to Pres Benson, what will happen to you?] When you choose to follow Christ, you choose to be changed. Christ can change human nature.

Resource Materials: Where would you go for official church statements on historical or doctrinal hot button issues like blacks and the priesthood or plural marriage? [What is the principal focus of these books or journals? Doctinal Commentary on the BoM Book of Mormon Reference Companion Student Manual ] [Where would you go internet-wise to find thoughtful answers to anti materials on the BoM?] [Where would you go to find faithful discussions on BoM geography?]

[What were the three theories for the origin of the BoM that we discussed? Which one do scholars mostly espouse? Believers? Christian Fundamentalists? ] What is the Septuagint and how does it play into verse 16 of 2Nephi 12?...

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