Bio 121 Lab One Quiz Study Guide PDF

Title Bio 121 Lab One Quiz Study Guide
Author Jenna St. Jacques
Course Biology
Institution University of Saskatchewan
Pages 5
File Size 66.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Bio 121 Lab One Study Guide Anabaena Domain: Bacteria Kingdom: Bacteria Phylum: Cyanobacteria Common name: Blue Green Algae Prokaryotic/Autotrophic/ Multicellular Habitat: Freshwater slough or lake Food and energy obtained: photosynthesis Sessile or Motile: Sessile Reproduction: reproduces asexually by fragmentation if filament is disrupted by wave Adaptations to mode of life/habitat: gelatinous sheath holds its cells together and protects them from predation and other harmful environment factors Bright Green which means they contain chlorophyll Friends with: Tolypothrix (branched and associated with heterocysts) and Oscillatoria (wider then they are long) Bifidobacterium Domain: Bacteria Kingdom: Bacteria Phylum: Actinobacteria Prokaryotic/Heterotrophic/Unicellular Habitat: Human intestine/ digestive tract Food and Energy Obtained: uses food material host has eaten as energy source Sessile or Motile: Sessile Reproduction: asexually by binary fission

Adaptions to mode of life/habitat: Thick capsule that coats their cell wall and protects them in digestive tract Friends: Streptococcus and Lactobacillus - Rod like shape - White like colony - Found in yogurt Halobacterium Domain: Archaea Kingdom: Euryarchaeota Phylum: Euryarchaoeta Common Name: “Dead Sea Bacterium” Prokaryotic/Heterotrophic/ Unicellular Habitat: Saline Water Food and Energy Obtained: Acquires nutrients and energy from organic compounds in its environment Sessile or Motile: Motile: produces gas vesicles that allow it to float on the surface of water Reproduction: Asexual by binary fission Adaptations to mode of life/habitat: - uses bacteriorhodopsin to convert sunlight to ATP - flagella allow them to move toward sunlight - prevents dehydration using unique protein called halohodospin Friends: Halococcus (round shape) and Methanomonas (uses methanol as energy source) - has flagella because they are motile Gram Positive Bacterium: thick layer of peptidoglycan stain purple Gram Negative Bacterium: thin layer of peptidoglycan stain pink

Name the components of a prokaryotic cell: - flagella - nucleoid - ribosome - cell membrane - cell wall - capsule - cytoplasm - pili Eurkarya: this domain contains all organisms including you which are composed of eukaryotic cells (with a true nucleus). - Larger and more complex cells - Membrane bound organelles: chloroplasts, mitochondria, vacuoles - Have cytoskeleton composed of microtubules and microfilaments Consists of 4 kingdoms: Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia Protista: these organisms are not necessarily related to each other and are very diverse. Common factor is that they are all unicellular. Phylum Amoebozoa - Animal like protists that move by lobe like extensions of their body called pseudopodia (amoebas ability to change body shape) - Includes several unicellular, animal like species - Live in fresh water, salt water, or inside animals Amoeba: Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Protista Phylum: Amoebozoa Genus: Amoeba Habitat: Freshwater Eukaryotic /Heterotrophic/ Unicellular

- Reproduces asexually by mitosis - Uses pseudopodia to engulf prey: grows around prey and then surroned by cell membrane bound food vacuole - Contractile vacuole functions in osmoregulation - Specialized regions of cytoplasm to carry out basic functions Paramecium

Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Protista Phylum: Cyclophoria Genus: paramecium Habitat: Freshwater Diet: - Eats bacteria and small protists - Eats Red stained yeast particles - Moved by beating of cilia into cell mouth Eukaryotic /Heterotrophic/ Unicellular - Motile Adaptions: - 2 types of nuclei: macronucleus (bean shaped) and micronucleus (smaller) - Micronucleus stores genetic materieral - Marconucleus store chromosones that undergo repeated duplications resulting in multiple copies of chromosones - This allows cell to produce lots of enzymes to control very active body

Micrasterias “Green algae” Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Protista Phylum: Chlorophyta

Genus: Micrasterias Habitat: Freshwater Obtains Energy through: Photosynthesis Eukaryotic /Autotrophic/ Unicellular - Motile (slow mover) Reproduction: - asexually by mitosis - Sexual by conjugation- zygote Adaptions: - Cell wall prevents it from bursting - Secretes mucilage from pores at apex of each of its semi cells Fucus “Brown Algae” Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Protista Phylum: Phaeophyta Genus: Fucus Habitat: High rocky marine shorelines Obtains Energy through: Photosynthesis Eukaryotic /Autotrophic/ Multicellular Reproduction: Sexual: swollen tips on cell receptacles on some branches - Inside each tiny bump is cave like cavity called conceptacle where male and female gametes are produced - Recessed conceptacle adaption to coastal habitat prevent sexual organs drying out at low tide - Tiny hairs block opening to each conceptacle...

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