PSYC 322 Questions AND Answers for tests. PDF

Title PSYC 322 Questions AND Answers for tests.
Course Applied Recreation Practice
Institution North-West University
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PSYC 322 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. Positive psychology pursues which of the following “legs” on which the field stands: A. Positive subjective experiences B. Positive individual traits C. Positive relationships D. All of the above 2. _________ is a social and intellectual movement within the discipline of psychology that focuses on human strengths and how people flourish and be successful A. Behaviorism B. Positive psychology C. Cognitive psychology D. Psychoanalysis 3. In positive psychology, the good life is seen as involving a combination of: A. connection to others B. positive individual traits C. positive subjective experience D. positive individual traits and / connection to others 4. Research has shown that higher levels of SWB are associated with several positive outcomes. Which answer below does NOT increase levels of SWB? A. Social relationships B. Work income C. intelligence D. Social benefits 5. In positive psychology we distinguish between “feeling good” and “functioning well” as two different manifestations of psychological well-being that: A. are related B. can influence each other C. can overlap in some instances D. All the options 6. Positive emotions studied in PERMA MODEL include all of the following EXCEPT A. jealousy B. curiosity

C. inspiration D. gratitude 7. Which of the following is/are NOT one of the components of well-being that are included in Seligman’s PERMA? A. Positive emotions B. Positive relationships C. Appreciation D. Motivation 8. Paul’s mother is relaxing on the beach and feeling contended. She is experiencing A. zeitgeist B. positive mood C. Positive emotion D. the negative emotion of worrying about things like skin cancer 9. SWB, as conceptualized within the hedonic perspective, is characterized by high levels of positive emotion, low levels of negative emotion, and A. wisdom B. happiness C. life satisfaction D. meaning 10. Positive psychology is regarded as a relatively new sub-field within psychology A. True B. False C. All of the above D. None of the above 11. Which of the following would you NOT consider a key feature of dependent personality disorder? A. Denial of own thoughts and feelings B. Indecisiveness C. Passivity D. Social Isolation 12. The symptoms that characterize paranoid personality disorder do NOT include A. extreme distrust and hypervigilance

B. hostility towards people C, extreme self-absorption D. the perception that others are hostile 13. Which of the following are false regarding the characteristics of Paul’s disorder A. His behavior is unpredictable B. Some of his symptoms can be seen in other personality disorder C. His thoughts and responses are inflexible D. He has problems in social relationships 14. 15. Which of the following characteristics are NOT present in the case study of Paul A. The common theme of withdrawal from others due to fear and anxiety of people B. He is very passive and indecisive regarding his life decisions C. Shared symptoms with schizophrenia, but without psychotic symptoms D. Schizophrenia spectrum disorder 16. 17. Which set of adjective pairs correctly describe the clusters into which DSM-5 personality disorders A. Odd/Eccentric B. Shy/withdrawn 18. The typical way in which a person thinks, feels, behaves and relates to the environment is known as______ A. organization B, personality disorder C. personality mechanisms D. adaptation E. personality traits 19. Taura is a 48 year old female and lives alone in her house. She rarely goes out and has no friends. She makes a living by reading people’s palms and predicting their futures. The other people In the street often gossip……. A. Paranoid personality disorder B. Schizophrenia C. Schizoid personality disorder

D. Schizotypal personality disorder 20.


andile always thinks that other people are trying to harm him. His view of the world as a threatening place has an impact on most of his life. Sandile would most likely be diagnosed with _____ personality disorder. / Sandile dink altyd dat ander mense hom leed probeer aandoen. Sy siening van die wêreld as ’n dreigende plek beïnvloed die meeste van sy lewe. Sandile sal waarskynlik met _____ persoonlikheidsversteuring gediagnoseer word.

A. avoidant / vermydende

B. schizoid / skisoïede

C. paranoid / paranoïede

D. antisocial / antisosiale

E. histrionic / histrioniese

Which one of the following characteristics are NOT present in the case study of Paul? / Watter een van die volgende kenmerke is NIE in die gevallestudie van Paul teenwoordig nie?

A. Shared symptoms with schizophrenia, but without psychotic symptoms / Gedeelde simptome met skisofrenie, maar sonder psigotiese simptome

B. Schizophrenia spectrum disorder / Skisofreniespektrumversteuring

C. The common theme of withdrawal from others due to fear and anxiety of people / Die algemene tema van onttrekking aan ander weens vrees en angs vir mense

D. He is very passive and indecisive regarding decisions in his life / Hy is baie passief en besluiteloos oor besluite in sy lewe

Which one of the following disorders can Paul most probably be diagnosed with? / Met watter een van die volgende versteurings kan Paul waarskynlik gediagnoseer word?

A. Paranoid personality disorder / Paranoïede persoonlikheidsversteuring

B. Delusional disorder / Waansteuring

C. Antisocial personality disorder / Antisosiale persoonlikheidsversteuring

D. Schizophrenia / Skisofrenie

E. Narcissistic personality disorder / Narsissistiese persoonlikheidsversteurin

Taura is a 48-year-old female and lives alone in her house. She rarely goes out and has no friends. She makes a living by reading people’s palms and predicting their futures. The other people in the street often gossip about the strange things going on at Taura’s house and when they walk past and she sees them, she would pull a disgruntled face and quickly close the curtains. She wears strange clothes and would often come out at night to make an open fire where she burns sage leaves. When a neighbour once asked her if she hears voices, she said, “You stupid man, of course not! I wish I didn’t have to hear your voice!” With the limited information provided, what would be the most appropriate diagnosis for Taura? / Taura is ’n 48-jarige vrou en bly alleen in haar huis. Sy gaan selde uit en het geen vriende nie. Sy voer ’n bestaan deur mense se handpalms te lees en hulle toekoms te voorspel. Die ander mense in die straat skinder gereeld oor die vreemde goed wat by Taura se huis aangaan en wanneer sy hulle sien verbystap, trek sy haar gesig en maak die gordyne vinnig toe. Sy dra vreemde klere en kom gereeld in die aand uit om ’n vuur te maak waar sy dan salieblare brand. Toe ’n buurman haar eendag vra of sy stemme hoor, het sy gesê, “Jou simpel man, natuurlik nie! Ek wens ek hoef ook nie jou stem te hoor nie!” Met die beperkte inligting tot jou beskikking, wat sal die mees gepaste diagnose vir Taura wees?

A. Paranoid personality disorder / Paranoïede persoonlikheidsversteuring

B. Schizophrenia / Skisofrenie

C. Schizotypal personality disorder / Skisotipiese persoonlikheidsversteuring

D. Schizoid personality disorder / Skisoïede persoonlikheidsversteuring

Which of the following are false regarding the characteristics of Paul’s disorder? / Watter van die volgende is nie waar ten opsigte van die kenmerke van Paul se versteuring nie?

A. Some of his symptoms can be seen in other personality disorders / Sommige van sy simptome kan in ander persoonlikheidsversteurings gesien word

B. The most effective treatment for Paul will be medication / Die doeltreffendste behandeling vir Paul is medikasie

C. His thoughts and responses are inflexible / Sy gedagtes en reaksies is onbuigsaam

D. His behaviour is unpredictable / Sy gedrag is onvoorspelbaar

E. He has problems in social relationships / Hy het probleme in sosiale verhoudings

Which set of adjective pairs correctly describes the clusters into which DSM-5 personality disorders are grouped? / Watter stel byvoeglike naamwoorde beskryf die klusters waarvolgens die DSM-5-persoonlikheidsversteurings gegroepeer word korrek?

A. Odd/eccentric, dangerous/inconsistent and shy/withdrawn / Vreemd/eksentriek, gevaarlik/wisselvallig en skaam/teruggetrokke

B. Odd/eccentric, dramatic/emotional and anxious/fearful / Vreemd/eksentries, dramaties/emosioneel en angstig/bang

C. Shy/withdrawn, dramatic/emotional and bizarre/thought disordered / Skaam/teruggetrokke, dramaties/emosioneel en bisar/denkverward

D. Shy/withdrawn, anxious/fearful and dangerous/inconsistent / Skaam/teruggetrokke, angstig/bang en gevaarlik/wisselvallig

The personality disorder that is primarily characterised as being self-absorbed, cold, indifferent and aloof is known as _____. / Die persoonlikheidsversteuring wat primêr gekenmerk word as selfbehep, koud, ongeërg en afsydig staan bekend as _______.

A. schizoid personality disorder / skisoïede persoonlikheidsversteuring

B. schizotypal personality disorder / skisotipiese persoonlikheidsversteuring

C. schizophrenic personality disorder / skisofreniese persoonlikheidsversteuring

D. paranoid personality disorder / paranoïede persoonlikheidsversteuring

E. narcissistic personality disorder / narsissistiese persoonlikheidsversteuring

Which one of the following factors does NOT play a vital role in the development of personality disorders? / Watter een van die volgende faktore speel NIE ’n essensiële rol in die ontwikkeling van persoonlikheidsversteurings nie?

A. Ineffective parenting / Ondoeltreffende ouerskap

B. Physical abuse / Fisieke mishandeling

C. Emotional neglect / Emosionele mishandeling

D. Poor scholastic progress / Swak skolastiese vordering

E. Sexual abuse / Seksuele mishandeling

“Paul’s mother wants to encourage him to see a psychologist, but she is cautious about how to do that as she does not want him to read a hidden meaning into her good intentions.” The aforesaid is an example of which of the following? / “Paul se ma wil hom aanmoedig om ’n sielkundige te gaan sien, maar sy is versigtig oor hoe om dit te benader omdat sy nie wil hê dat hy moet dink dat daar ’n versteekte betekenis in haar goeie bedoelings is nie.” Die voorgenoemde is ’n voorbeeld van watter van die volgende?

A. His fear of making decisions for himself / Sy vrees om besluite vir homself te neem

B. His distancing in interpersonal relationships / Sy afstandskepping in interpersoonlike verhoudings

C. Suspicion even in innocent, positive acts of others / Agterdogtigheid oor selfs die onskuldige, positiewe dade van ander

D. His sensitivity to criticism / Sy gevoeligheid vir kritiek

Martin Seligman developed positive psychology/ Martin Seligman het positiewe sielkunde ontwikkel

A. to make the discipline of psychology more popular among the general public./ om die dissipline van sielkunde meer gewild te maak onder die algemene publiek.

B. as a counterweight to the discipline’s negatively oriented history. / as ʼn teengewig tot die dissipline se negatief georiënteerde geskiedenis.

C. as a political strategy designed to appease nonclinical psychologists. / as ʼn politieke strategie wat ontwerp is om nie-kliniese sielkundiges tevrede te stel.

D. in response to criticism from cognitive psychologists. / in reaksie op kritiek van kognitiewe sielkundiges....

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