Public Speaking 3-11 PDF

Title Public Speaking 3-11
Course Public Speaking
Institution University of Missouri
Pages 2
File Size 37.6 KB
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Public Speaking 3-11 1. Introduction a. Attention getter b. Credibility statement c. What is in it for the audience d. Thesis and preview of main points i. “we should do this” ii. Get rid of “I think” 2. Conclusion a. Clincher should include a clear and direct call to action, this is what you want people to do 3. Methods of persuasion- chapter 18 a. Introduction i. To influence your audiences attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors, you should focus on three persuasive tools in your presentation 1. Ethos- establishing credibility as a speaker 2. Logos- presenting sound reasoning behind your claims 3. Pathos- emotional appeals b. Ethos- your credibility as a speaker i. Credible and moral speakers win audience trust, as they are seen as 1. Knowledgeable 2. Honest 3. Genuinely interested in doing the right thing ii. Understanding the elements of credibility 1. Competence- practical wisdom derived from knowledge and experience with topic 2. Trustworthiness- virtue characterized by being honest and fair 3. Goodwill toward the audience- illustrating by empathizing with members’ views and putting their needs, feelings, and concerns first iii. Building your credibility 1. Share your qualifications to speak on the topic 2. Present strong evidence from reputable sources 3. Highlight common ground with the audience 4. Choose your words carefully 5. Show respect for conflicting opinions 6. Practice your speech until your delivery is fluent iv. Avoiding loss of your credibility 1. Get your facts right- factual errors diminish your competence 2. Pronounce words correctly- incorrect pronunciation undermines your experience 3. Acknowledge potential conflicts of interest- omitting information makes you seem unethical 4. Avoid stretching to find a connection with the audience- awkward use of slang, language, information sounds unnatural c. Logos- the evidence and reasoning behind your message i. Effective use of facts to back your claims and clearly show how those facts have led you to those claims

1. Includes use of evidence, or proof, of your claim 2. Avoids fallacious statements ii. Using evidence 1. Identify your sources and their qualifications 2. Give listeners new evidence to increase their perception of your credibility 3. Provide precise evidence 4. Look for compelling evidence a. Use concrete or detailed examples b. Help audience visualize your points and engage their senses iii. Avoiding logical fallacies 1. Faulty reasoning means the link between your claim and your supporting material is weak 2. Examples of logical fallacies include a. Hasty generalization- speaker bases a conclusion on limited or unrepresentative examples b. Causal reasoning errors i. Post hoc-because one event followed another the first event caused the second ii. Reversed causality- speakers miss the fact that the effect is actually the cause c. Ad populum- bandwagon- assuming a statement is true just because many people believe that it is d. Straw person- replacing your opponent’s real claim with a weaker claim you can easily refute e. Slippery slope- believing that one event or policy will tip us over an edge into a huge disaster f. False dilemma- arguing that only two solutions are possible, and that only one of those choices- the speaker’s solution is correct g. Appeal to tradition- arguing that an idea or policy is good because people have accepted or followed it for a long time d. Pathos- evoking your listener’s emotions i. Appealing to your audience’s emotions puts a human face on the problem that your speech is addressing, and can be a big motivator ii. Avoid using hasty generalizations or unethical appeals to stimulate listener’s emotions iii. Consider using a fear appeal in which your argument presents serious threat that audience members believe they have the power to remedy iv. Ensuring ethical use of pathos 1. Do not use emotional appeals to manipulate the audience 2. Make your appeal logical and ethical by creating a sound connection between your point and the emotion 3. Avoid unethical fear appeals, which are premised on false evidence 4. Avoid the loaded language fallacy, or using charged words to convey meaning that is unsupported by the facts...

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