Public Speaking, Study Case COM 165 PDF

Title Public Speaking, Study Case COM 165
Course Public Speaking
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
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FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESDIPLOMA IN(MC111)PUBLIC SPEAKING (COM165)Prepared by:Name ID Number ANIS SABRINA - 2020-NUR QAREERAH - 2020-Group: MMC111 1AVideo Title: The Secrets of Learning a New Language | Lýdia MachováSubmission date: 18th December 2020TABLE OF CONTENTNO CONTENT PAGE1...





Prepared by: Name

ID Number





Group: MMC111 1A Video Title: The Secrets of Learning a New Language | Lýdia Machová

Submission date: 18th December 2020










PAGE 2 3-4




















Our pair were assigned to evaluate a speech, therefore we picked a speech delivered by Lýdia Machová from the TED Conference that was recorded at TEDSalon. The presentation took place in October, 2018 and we took the footage of the speech from Youtube as a guide for our project. We can tell from the video that the speaker is making a motivational speech about the secrets of learning a new language. The reason is because the speaker has consistently been asked about why she is going through years attempting to learn even one language and they need to know the mystery of polyglots. The speaker responds to their frequently asked questions and from her own experiences, it can help the listener to understand and decide what they should do. The speaker, Lýdia Machová said that she loves learning foreign languages. In fact, she loves it so much that she likes to learn a new language every two years. She said that when people find out about it, they always ask her how and what is the secret but for many years she did not know how to answer it. Moreover, she said that she always responds that she loves learning new languages but people were never happy with the answer. They wanted to know why she spent years trying to learn even one language. The audience wanted to know the secret of polyglots, people who speak a lot of languages.


2. SUMMARY OF THE SPEECH The speaker is a polyglot, which means that she can speak multiple languages fluently. She started the speech by stating that she loves to learn new languages and this is already her eight one learning it. She said that people often asked her how she did that and what her secret was. The speaker wanted to see what is common in other polyglots around the world, which made it easier to understand the language more easily. Then, she went to polyglot gatherings, met with other polyglots, and learned about their way of studying a language. She pointed out that everyone had their own special way of learning a language. The speech continued as she told the story of a person named Benny. His method of learning new languages was to start speaking on day 1 and does not mind making 200 mistakes.

Then, there was Lucas which has interesting ways in practising Russian. He added a few random Russian strangers on Skype and started a simple conversation with two of them by copying the first person that replied to him and pasting the phrase to the other person on the chat window. With that, the two Russian speakers talked to each other with no clue and made him figure out how the conversation flows so he can learn from it. Some polyglots learn by imitating the sound of the language, others start by learning 500 most frequent words in that language and some others start learning grammar of the language. They all have their own ways but there is still something in common in every polyglot.

The first one is enjoyment. They love learning the language, they feel pleasant when they first interact with native speakers without any errors, they like the learning experience and they enjoy every step they take. If you want to learn a language, you have to enjoy the process instead of growing tired. The second is by the methods or ways of learning new languages. Use a certain tool for learning vocabulary or interacting with native speakers or for yourself (self-talk). If you do not think of any methods, just go to google and look for any polyglots to explain their methods and choose a method that you like and keep to. 3

Next, we can learn by using the system. Nowadays, we do not have enough time to waste in practising a foreign language, you have to make the best of your time and follow a schedule to practise it. We could add it in our daily lifestyles, like listening to podcasts when you are driving or doing some house chore, watching youtube videos when you are eating and having a conversation with your friends. Lastly, it is to be patient until you can speak it fluently, this is certainly going to take time to master a foreign language and you have to stick with your strategies without losing faith. It is possible to make a visible improvement within months, however time depends on you and how much you are given time to practise it. By that, she said do not lose your hope and always be patient. In the end, she said if you are having trouble convincing yourself that you have the talent to study new languages, maybe you are just a method way to learn the languages fluently.




A successful introduction will give your speech a good impact. In order to be more successful, attention should be paid to the subject, to the viewer, and to be presented with positive body language. The speaker, Lýdia Machová, gets the concentrate and curiosity of the audience by saying She loves to study new languages every two years, and this is already in her eight one. This makes the audience actually start to wonder how she is able to do this in a limited period of time. The presentation started with a clear introduction but she does not reveal the topic immediately in the first sentence of her speech. She stated that people keep asking her why she likes to spend her time learning new languages even though she does not achieve fluently which captures the audience's immediate focus easily. She wondered about how other polyglots learn new languages. The listeners were starting to be attentive and she continued to reveal her topic naturally. The credibility of the speaker is based on first-hand knowledge and experience, the speaker stated that there are several such polyglot events organized all around the world and she decided to go there to find out about it. She visited some of the experienced polyglots and asked for a procedure or technique to communicate fluently in a foreign language. Furthermore, as she was tuning in to these polyglots enlightening her concerning their methods and techniques, it out of nowhere occurred to her the one thing we all have in common is that we simply found ways how to enjoy the language learning process. The goodwill of the speaker was genuine regarding her motivations and clear objectives. She said that the polyglots were talking about language learning as if it was extraordinary fun, and each person had his or her own perception and technique. The speaker motivated the audience that we seemed to have a unique way of learning a language and yet we all come to the same result of speaking several languages fluently. 5

The purpose of this speech is to let the audience know about the secret of learning new languages. She mentioned the preview statements such as the polyglots called Benny and Lucas, about how they study foreign languages. These preview statements make it easier for the audience to understand what the main topic is. Through this, she was able to provide a smoother lead-in to the body of the speech.



It is observed that those who got to hear the well-organized speech felt that the speaker was far more professional and trustworthy than those who heard the complicated speech. The speaker arranges every speech into chronological order, just that the speaker may convey the speech more accurately. It is stated that there were four main points from the speech she delivered. For that the speaker begins the first point of the speech was when the speaker went to the polyglot events that were organized for people who love to learn new languages all around the world, she met Bernie from Ireland who told her that his method is to start speaking from day one. He takes in a couple of expressions from a movement phrasebook and goes to meet local speakers and starts having discussions with them immediately. He doesn't mind making even 200 mistakes per day since that is the manner by which he learns. Furthermore, the best thing is he doesn't have to travel a ton today since you can easily, effectively have discussions with local speakers from your living room using websites. Next, the speaker told the second main point by speaking about meeting another polyglot named Lucas from Brazil who had a really interesting method to learn Russian and he simply added 100 random Russian speakers on Skype as friends and then seriously he opened a chat window with one of them and wrote hi in Russian. Lucas copied this and put it into a text window with another person and in this way he had two strangers have a conversation with each other without knowing about it. And soon he would start typing himself because he had so many of these conversations that he figured out how the Russian conversation usually starts. It's actually an ingenious method to learn something new. Moreover, start by imitating sounds of the language and others who always learn the 500 most frequent words of the language. Lucas once said ‘If I asked 100 different polyglots, I heard 100 different approaches to learning languages’. Lýdia Machová concluded her third point by informing the crowd that while she was tuned in to this polyglot teaching her about their methods, the one thing that we basically share as a whole is that we have just found ways of understanding the language learning measure. She also addressed how the 7

polyglots' expressions were as they showed her their colourful grammar charts and their beautifully crafted flashcards and facts about vocabulary learning, using apps, or even how they enjoy cooking based on recipes in a foreign language. All of them use different methods, but they always make sure it is something that they personally enjoy. She realized that this is actually how she learned languages by herself when she was learning Spanish. The fourth point tells a story about the speaker, Lýdia Machová, is bored with spanish textbooks so she uses other alternative ways to learn a new language as she loves Harry Potter so she got the spanish translation of Harry Potter and started reading it. She said that she can not understand it in the beginning but she kept reading it and by the end of the book she was able to follow it without any problems. Same goes when she tries to learn German so that she decides to watch her favourite sitcom in German. She said that she didn't know where one word finished and another one started, but she kept on watching it every day.


3.3 THE CONCLUSION The speaker carefully let the audience know that the speech is almost over. It could seem straightforward that you are letting your audience know that you are trying to end the speech. However, Lýdia Machová concluded "Well, I see such miracles every single day," that to inform was indeed the end of her way of delivering her speech. The audience knew that the speech was closing because of the voice, tone, pacing, intonation and rhythm that she used. Here, the speaker is incorporating a dissolve ending in her conclusion where she mentioned instead of doubting yourself, people have their own methods of learning new languages. The phrases that she mentioned were bringing the speech to an emotional closing. It is providing a long-term memory of some effect to audiences that they can always recall and be able to inspire them in those moments.

In conclusion, the speaker has reinforced the central idea of the speech which she continued by saying that it does not require any talents to learn a foreign language instead it is just one enjoyable method away from learning that language fluently. Instead of using a quote, she made a dramatic statement in her conclusion to make her message more meaningful at the final sentence. As you can see, the crowd was attentive during the talk since the closing lines took the speech to a dramatic conclusion. The speaker made it even more powerful by pausing only a second just before the last words and by using her way of speaking to give them just the right impression.


3.4 DELIVERY METHOD The speech was delivered at the TED conference, which was attended by live audiences in the studio. The speakers made their speech without looking at the transcript, but they did so by memorizing their speech from memory. Needless to say, Lýdia Machová's speech was almost ten minutes out and she gave a speech with a full body stance without a stammer.

She was giving a speech of her own experience and made some witty remarks without slipping out of her own concentration. Lýdia Machová was holding some sort of remote control with a screen to remind of her point for the next slide. The device also helps her not to awkwardly stand on the stage with nothing to hold on to. With that, she tried to be somewhat more concentrated to keep eye contact with the crowd so that she was able to convey a significant message to them.

Lýdia Machová has a very steady and soothing voice. She began her speech with a smooth conversation about her own interest in learning new languages. The tone of her voice was very calm or very pleasant to listen to. Having the right timing to take a breath or use the belly breathing, is important for accessing the most strong voice. It is the method that the speaker uses to make her speech sound powerful. It allows her to keep notes longer than usual when talking. On top of that, The speaker retained control of her voice throughout the speech. The speech was delivered in a clear voice in which she was retaining the volume of her voice, without making any shaky sound in her tone. For her to switch to a different slide or subject matter, she changes her pitch subtly to make sure the crowd remains focused. The speaker also spoke softly, but not too slowly, stopped between topics and even though she was a polyglot, the accent was not heavy and the pronunciation was easily recognizable. She continued her speech by making sure she had a confident stance on the stage. The language of the body she carried was to stand firm and steady without having trouble standing straight. The speaker plants her feet as she moves her weight from side to side because then that she can draw more attention to the 10

audience. Besides that, she often ensures that her motion or hand action is keeping her hands busy so that she can make an interaction with the audience. It would also ensure that the audience has a clear grasp of the subject she presented on stage.

Mostly from beginning to the ending, the speaker did not exhibit any symptoms of discomfort and had still kept eye contact with the camera and audience. From the perspective of a viewer, Lýdia Machová's speech was offered to make it appear as if the speaker was speaking specifically to you and that the audience would be more attentive in her voice.


4. DISCUSSION As we can see from the speech, it is evident that the speaker was very certain in her given topic and if you portray yourself confidently, it is easier to target attention to yourself and still get the attention of the crowd. What we appreciate the most about this speaker is that she uses a wide range of feelings in her speech. A talk like this which relies on experience, makes it easier for her to give her speech to the crowd where she can either read her speech or be spontaneous to her own case. This speaker was able to make it as entertaining, relaxing and amusing as possible. We realize that this would be the thing that lets the viewer invest the energy into the narrative and when they are invested in it, all the different thoughts that they have during the whole speech can portray for them to be motivated. The speaker, Lýdia Machová uses a suitable intonation and smooth body language. She maintains that her body language is straightforward to certify that the listener experiences the same feeling and that there are no obstacles between the presenter and the audience. Furthermore, she uses the English language and her pronunciation is understandable and it is easy for the audience to focus on her speech. Besides, the speaker uses a slide to show more about her speech content that includes the main point and her speech summary. This showed that she ease the audience to understand and to augment their interest in her speech. Through the beginning to the end of her speech, she appears to be wearing a proper and formal dress, but at the same time a modest attire. There are almost no imperfections or issues with the presentation of the speaker. She has an extremely positive and motivating aura, which is why she can speak fluently in other languages.


5. CONCLUSION Put it simply, we can see that the speaker is very stable and calm in delivering her speech. The speaker teaches on how to fluently speak in other languages and also gives a wholesome advice and tips to the audience. The speech gave great exercises and good lessons to us according to how to introduce in front of an audience just as the correct non-verbal communication needed in the realm of public speaking. The topic chosen was also relatable to students nowadays because we as a student should at least learn more than one language either for our educational purpose or goodness to ourselves for the future. This speech just helps us to increase our knowledge while enhancing the ability to multi-tasking. The speaker never wandered away from the theme despite the fact that her speech is brimming with stories however the speaker did not squander even a solitary second and all that ties up to the subject of the speech. Besides, having a chance to inspire and encourage others and to make the listener feel something from the words alone is not an easy thing to do. The speaker proved her importance and value only by giving a speech. The key points of the speech were exceptionally clear and easy to understand. This is a significant rule when it comes to narrating speeches on the grounds that the speaker needs plenty of insight to find out when to ensure that it is not too long and complicated. Whenever the speaker proceeds onward to her next point, she elaborates it with a smooth passage and an adjustment. Certainly, this is the best example and a valuable lecture for us to deliver our speech to the audience with confidence and great perception.


REFERENCES Lucas, S. E. (2020). The Art of Public Speaking (13th Edition ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Education. TED. (2019, January 24). The secrets of learning a new language | Lýdia Machová [Video]. YouTube.


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