Quick guide to medical terminology words PDF

Title Quick guide to medical terminology words
Author samantha Stokes
Course Medical Terminology For Surgical Technologists
Institution Northwest Mississippi Community College
Pages 2
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condensed guide of many medical terminology words formated to fit on one paper...


The basic structural and functional unit of the kidney that removes waste products from the blood is the nephronIn the term rhonchus, the root rhonch means snore.Urine is secreted and travels through the following organs in which order?kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethraPus in the urine is called:pyuria.An instrument used to examine the larynx is called a laryngoscope.The two main branches of the trachea are the bronchi.In the term stricture, the root strict means to tighten or contraction.In the term lithotripsy, the suffix -tripsy means: crushing.Breathing food, fluid, or other substances into the nose, throat, or lungs is known as aspiration.In the term dysuria, the prefix dy means: difficult, painful.The medical term for whooping cough is pertussis.Pus in a body cavity, especially the pleural cavity, is called empyema.The suffix in the term thoracoplasty means surgical repairThe external opening of the urethra is the: meatus.The surgical puncture of the chest wall for removal of fluid is: thoracentesis.The internal portion of the nose is divided by a partition called a/an: septum.Which term is spelled correctly? HeimlichAll of the following terms refer to the process of emptying the bladder except urochromeHernia of the bladder that protrudes into the vagina is termed:cystocele.The normal specific gravity of urine is:1.003-1.030.A temporary cessatio of breathing is known as apnea.In the term hemodialysis, the prefix dia- means: through.All of the following are true of urinalysis except: The specimen must be refrigerated if the urinalysis cannot be performed within 3 hours.(it one hour)The process of urination is also known as micturitionWhat structure in men carries both urine and semen? urethraThe inner portion of the kidney is called the: medulla.A ________ is an instrument used to measure lun volume. spirometerin the term eupnea, the prefix eu- means: good or normal.The visual examination of the nasal passages is: rhinoscopy.A urine test performed to determine the presence of microorganisms is: urine culture.Th medical term for spitting up blood is: hemoptysis.Which of the following is an abnormal constituent of urine?glucose positiveA urine test performed to determine the glomerular filtration rate is:creatinine.A narrow slit at the opening between the true vocal folds is the: glottis.A chronically irritable and painful inflammation of the bladder wall is known as: interstitial cystitis.A flat-plate x-ray of the abdomen to indicate the size and position of the kidney ureters, and bladder is called: KUB.What is the term for imperfect dilation of the lungs or the collapse of part of or the entire lung? atelectasisSurgical repair of the ureter is termed:ureteroplasty.Another name for a (kidney) ston is:calculus.The root in the term extracorporeal means:body.Which root means dark blue?cyanThe presence of serum protein in the urine is termed: albuminuria.An acute respiratory infection characterized by a peculiar barking cough is:croup.Inflammation of the bladder is termed:cystitis.The suffix in nasopharyngitis means:inflammation.The inability to breathe unless in an upright position is: orthopnea.A high acidity in urine can signify fever or dehydration.An acute, contagious respiratory infection caused by a virus is: influenza.The maxillary and palatine bones separate the ________ from the ________.nasal cavity; mouth cavityA small, triangular area near the base of the bladder is the: trigone.In the term epinephrine, the prefix epi- means:upon.In the term narcolepsy, the suffix -lepsy means: seizure.A mineral that specifically aids in the development and functioning of the thyroid gland is:iodine. An artificially induced trance is known as:hypnosis.A deficiency in the secretion of adrenocortical hormones may result in: Addison disease. The x-ray of the spinal canal after the injection of a radiopaque dye is called: myelogram.The medical term for a headache is:cephalalgia. Which substance produces an anti-inflammatory effect?cortisolThe medulla oblongata regulates and controls all of the following except: temperature.The medical term for the loss of the ability to eat is: aphagia.The examination of spinal fluid for color, pressure, pH, and more is:cerebrospinal fluid analysis.A hormone made by the thyroid gland: influences bone and calcium metabolism.A cerebrovascular accident may be called all of the following except: sundowning.The ________ cranial nerve controls voice production, slowing of heartbeat, and acceleration of peristalsis. vagusA congenital deficiency in secretion of the thyroid hormone is called: cretinism.Temporary loss of consciousness caused by a head injury is called: concussion.Melatonin is secreted by the:pineal gland.Which of the following diagnostic tests may indicate diabetes mellitus fasting blood sugarUnilateral seizures can be characterized by electrical discharge confined predominantly to one of the two hemispheres of the brain.Nerve cells that transmit impulses to the CNS are called:sensory.The posterior portion of the pituitary gland secretes a hormone that: stimulates reabsorption of water by the renal tubules.All of the following statements are true of the nervous system except: The nervous system has two principal tissue types: neurons and neuroplagia.A test used in to diagnose adrenal tumors is called a: 17-KS test.In the term hypergonadism, the root gonad means:seed.The surgical excision of the thyroid gland is called:thyroidectomy.The surgical incision into the skull is:craniotomy.A chronic disease characterized by enlargement of the bones of the face, jaw, and extremities is called: acromegaly.A medical word that means paralysis of both legs and lower body is: paraplegia.The ________ is the primary link between the endocrine and nervous systems.hypothalamusWhich substance is essential for maintenance of a normal level of blood sugar?insulinWhich an abnormal condition of excessive hair growth, especially in women?hirsutismThe hypothalamus is the primary link between what system and the endocrine system to help maintain homeostasis?nervousThe progressive degeneration of brain tissue and the most common form of dementia is called:Alzheimer disease.Rapid, jerky, involuntary muscular movements of the limbs or face indicate:chorea.Which lobe contains centers for auditory and language input?temporalThe medical term for swelling of the optic disk is:papilledema.The process of using ultrasound to determine the presence of a centrally located mass in the brain is called: echoencephalography.Prolactin is secreted by the: anterior lobe of the pituitary.The suffix that means hormone is:-oneThe ovaries normally produce all of the following except: adrenaline.Paralysis that affects one side of the body is called:hemiplegia.The principal mineralocorticoid secreted by the adrenal cortex is: aldosterone.The term ________ refers to a substance that promotes the development of male characteristics. Androgen Which of the following is NOT a membrane that encloses the brain? oblongataThe anterior lobe of the pituitary gland secretes: luteinizing hormone.A blood sugar test that is performed at specified intervals after the patient has taken glucose is:glucose tolerance test.The brain's major motor area is located in the ________ lobe. frontalA condition in which there is a loss of memory is called: amnesia.The medical term for pertaining to drowsiness or sluggishness is: lethargic.What is an instrumen used to measure hearing called?audiometerA sensation of objects spinning around a person is:vertigo.The term for the surgical repair of the tympanic membrane is spelled: myringoplasty.The medical term for earache is:otalgia.The suffix in the term acoustic means: pertaining to.The beginning of the inner ear is marked by the: oval window.The procedure for replacing the innermost ossicle with a prosthesis is: stapedectomy.The substance secreted by the glands in the external auditory canal is: cerumen.In the term myringotomy, the suffix -tomy means:incision.The root in labyrinthitis means:maze.An instrument used for cutting the eardrum is:myringotome.Locate on the basilar membrane is the ________, containing hair cell sensory receptors for the sense of hearing.organ of CortiThe purpose of the ossicles is to ________ sound waves. transferA cochlear implant has all of the following parts except: otalgia translator.The term ossicle means:small bone.The visual examination of the external auditory canal and the tympanic membrane is: otoscopy.Which structure separates the external ear from the middle ear tympanic membraneIn the term fenestration, the root fenestrat means:window.Which structure of the external ear collects sound waves?auricleIn the term presbycusis, the root presby means:old. The ________ attaches to a thin membrane covering the oval window.tympanic membraneComplete or partial loss of the ability to hear is:deafness.Which structure contains the organ of Corti?cochleaThe middle of the three ossicles is called:malleus.Keflex is an example of an: antibiotic.All of the following make up the external structure of the eye except: uvea.Macular degeneration involves the macular area of the: retina.Lazy eye is also known as amblyopia. Surgical destruction and removal of the lens are termed: phacolysis.The measurement of the acuteness or sharpness of vision is: visual acuity.An agent that causes the pupil to contract is called: miotic.The medical term for farsightedness is: hyperopia.How many eye muscles control movement of the eye? sixA condition in which the pupils are unequal is termed: anisocoria.The roots in orthoptics mean: straight and eye.The term used to describe the condition of one or both eyes being turned inward is: esotropia.The medical term for night blindness is: nyctalopia.The measurement of the intraocular pressure of the eye is: tonometry.Cloudiness of the crystalline lens is called: cataract.Cycloplegia has what effect? paralyzes ciliary musclesConjunctivitis is often called: pinkeye.In the term trichiasis, the prefix trich- means: hair.In the term retrolental, the prefix retro- means: behind.In the term cryosurgery, the combining form cry/o means: cold.An instrument used to measure intraocular pressure is: tonometer.A malignant tumor of the germ cell of the retina is: retinoblastoma.Obstruction of tear ducts resulting in tumor-like swelling is: dacryoma.In the term mydriatic, the root mydriat means: dilation, widen.In the term conjunctivitis, the root conjunctiv means: to join together.A lack of one or both testes is called: anorchism.The lubricating fluid secreted by the glands in the foreskin is called: smegma.A congenital defect in which the urethra opens on the ventral surface of the penis is: epispadias.Sexual intercourse between a man and a woman is called: coitus.Which of the following can be used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia? Cardura (doxazosin)The bulbourethral glands are also called: Cowper's glands.Sperm mature in the: epididymis.Surgical excision of a testicle is called: orchidectomy.Surgical excision of the prostate is called: prostatectomy.Which of the following is another name for the vas deferens? ductus deferens.In the term gonorrhea, the suffix -rrhea means: flow.The vaccine Gardasil protects against four ________ types. human papillomavirusFailure of one or both testes to descend into the scrotum is called: cryptorchidism.The term castrate means to: remove the testicles.Enlargement and twistin of the veins of the spermatic cord is known as: varicocele.A spermatozoon or ovum is called: gamete.All of the following sexually transmitted infections can be treated with antibiotics except: herpes genitalis.Which test may be used for the male to determine infertility? semenA painless swelling of the epididymis that contains spermatozoa is: spermatocele.Surgical process of removing the foreskin of the penis is: circumcision.In the term hydrocele, the suffix -cele means: hernia.Congenital defect in which the urethra opens on the dorsum of the penis is called: hypospadias.An accumulation of fluid in the scrotal sac is termed: hydrocele.The surgical tying and cutting of the vas deferens is called: vasectomy.In the term cryptorchidism, the root crypt means: hidden.Write the correct abbreviation for a total abdominal hysterectomy: TAH-BSOWrite the correct abbreviation for premenstrual syndrome: PMSWrite the correct abbreviation for dilation and curettage: D&C________ protects the developing fetus from injury.The APGAR score is taken at ________ and ________ minutes after birth. 1 5Write the correct abbreviation for hormone therapy: HTWrite the correct abbreviation for sexually transmitted infections: STIsWrite the correct abbreviation for pelvic inflammatory disease: PIDWrite the correct meaning for HT: hormone therapyWrite the correct abbreviation for dysfunctional uterine bleeding: DUBWrite the correct meaning for FHB: fetal heartbeatThe ________ is a muscular, hollow, pear-shaped organ that is approximately 8 cm long, 5 cm wide, and 2.5 cm thick. uterusThe descent of the fetus into the pelvis is called ________. lighteningThe surgical removal of the foreskin is ________. circumcision________ are two small pea-sized glands located below the prostate on either sid of the urethra. bulbourethral glands (/Bulbourethral glands or Cowper's glands/)The site of the development of spermatozoa is: seminiferous tubules.The surgical removal of the breast tissue and the underarm lymph nodes is called: mastectomy.An example of the minipill oral contraceptive is: Brevicon.In the term ejaculation, the root ejaculat means: to throw out.What goes through the prostate and opens into the prostatic portion of the urethra? ejaculatory ductSurgical repair of the breast is termed: mammoplasty.Surgical excision of an ovary is known as: oophorectomy.In the term eclampsia, the root lamp(s) means: to shine.Which is the misspelled word? orchdotomyAll of the following are identifiable areas of the uterus except: cortex.An example of a transdermal birth control patch is: Ortho Evra.Formation of spermatozoa is known as: spermatogenesis.A lack of sperm in the semen is termed: azoospermia.The first six weeks after childbirth is referred to as: postpartum.A Pap smear is a screening technique that specifically examines: cervical cells.All of the following are true of fertilization except: Fertilization cannot take place within the oviducts.The combining form in salpingo-oophorectomy means: fallopian tube.In the term circumcision, the word root cis means to: cut.The funnel-shaped end of the fallopian tube is known as the: infundibulum.An increased level of ________ indicates prostate disease or possibly prostate cancer. prostate-specific antigenThe head of the penis is known as the: glans penis.A venereal disease caused by Treponema pallidum is: syphilis.The amniotic sac can be surgically punctured to obtain a sample of amniotic fluid. The procedure is called: amniocentesis.An agent that kills sperm is a: spermicide.Surgical process of removing the foreskin of the penis is: circumcision.Inflammation of the glans penis is known as: balanitis.Menorrhagia is defined as: excessive bleeding during a period.is the branch of medicine that pertains to the care of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period is: obstetrics.The medical term for a difficult monthly flow is: dysmenorrhea.A hernia of the bladder that protrudes into the vagina is: cystocele.Which of the following can be used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia? Cardura (doxazosin)In which condition does endometrial tissue occur in various sites in the abdominal or pelvic cavity? endometriosisThe ________ is/are also called the uterine tubes or oviducts. fallopian tubes Provera, norethindrone acetate, and Prometrium are examples of which type of drug? progestogens/progestins.Vesiculitis is a condition in which there is: inflammation of a seminal vesicle.Fibroids are ________ tumors. benign uterineTests performed on semen can determine all of the following except: cancer.A single male sex cell is called: spermatozoon.Trichomoniasis is caused by a/an: protozoa.A procedure that uses a laser to destroy the uterine lining is laser ________. ablationA condition of a lack of sperm is called: aspermia.Enlargement and twisting of the veins of the spermatic cord is known as: varicocele.X-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes after the injection of a radiopaque substance is called: hysterosalpingography.The normal term of pregnancy is ________ days. 280Menstruation marks the ________ phase. follicularThe external region between the vulva and the anus in the female is the: perineum.ortho- straight penia-lack deficient pnea breathing Arterial blood gasesare important in determining respiratory acidosis and/or alkalosis as well as metabolic acidosis and/or alkalosis.glottis-narrow slit in the opening of the vocal chordsThe combining form in tracheotomy means:windpipe coni-dustAn inherited disease that affects the entire body but especially the pancreas, respiratory system, and sweat glands is: cystic fibrosisThe visual examination of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi via a flexible scope is called:bronchoscopyAnthrac-coal or-mouth oropharynx located behind mouth_pulmonary function_______ is a series of tests performed to determine the diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide across the cell membrane in the lungs. Ectasis- dialation glomerul- little ballthyroid gland and hormones it secretes hypo and hyperthyroidism triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). hyper-excessive secretion of TH. hypo- inadequate amounts of thyroid hormoneCranial nerves. Simple definition of what each one does and is control of Olfactory- sense of smell Optic vision Oculomotor- motor impulses six external muscles of the eye trochlear - control superior oblique muscles of the eyeTrigeminal- sensory input from face nose mouthabducens- motor impulses from later rectusFacialmuscles of face and scalpVestibulocochlear- input for hearing equilibriumGlossopharyngeal- general sense of tasteVagus- controls pharynx, larynx. Thoracic, abdominal organsAccessory-control trapezius and strenocleidomastoid Hypoglossal- controls the tongue Hymenectomy- surgical removal of the hymnenWhat is the process of emptying the bladder- urination micturitionMalignant tumor of the retina- retinoblastomaDefinition of the root kal (potassium)Intolerance to light photophobiaRapid breathing- tachypneaBe familiar with the autonomic nervous system. Peripheral, sympathetic, central nervous systemSurgical excision of the tympanic membrane -tympanostomyWhat do we use to take our blood pressure. sphygomanometerWhat is normal BP rate 120\80Cushings disease-hypersection of cortisol Graves disease- antibodies produced by the immune system stimulate th thyroid to produce too much thyroxineDiabetes-general term used to describe diseases characterized by polyuria (excessive discharge of urine)Addisons disease-results in deficiency in secretion of adrenocortical hormonesAnatomy of the heart- atrium ventricles valves Another name for the pacemakers of the heart- sinoatrial nodeWhat is a vasectomy procedure-cut the vas deferensPancreas- beta cells insulin ilets insulin productionWhat should urine look like. What is normal color for urine. Yellow to amberGreenish or black- caused by bile pigments How do you treat a UTIUrinary tract antisepticsInflammation of the brain- encephalitis Surgical excision of an ovary -oophorectomyWhat tool we use to examine the ovaries and fallopian tubes. laparoscopySurgical excision of a fallopian tube-salpingectomyparkinson's disease-progressive neurological disorder caused by degeneration of nerve cellsAlzheimer's disease - progrressive degeneration of brain cells usually after age 60Als amytrophic lateral sclerosis -muscular weakness atropyAden- glandWhat is blood pressure definition-pressure exerted on the walls of the arteriesInflammation of the glans penis -balanitisSurgical incision into the skull-craniotomyDifficult monthly flow- dysmenorrheaIrritable or painful inflammation of the bladder-dysuriaExcessive amount of sugar in the blood-hyperglycemiacystic fibrosis-inherited disease that affects enire body. Causing progressive disability and often early deathMedical term for headache-cephalalgiaAuscultation -listening to the heart lungs or other organs Medical term for sperm- spermatazoonWhat is the study of the female reproductive system gynecologyWhat do the o...

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